
4 Games That Flopped Super Hard in 2015

2015 was a great year for games, but unfortunately some didn't quite live up to expectations. Here are 4 games that flopped in 2015.

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sammarshall1023099d ago (Edited 3099d ago )

Out of these games The Order 1886 had the most potential, if they would have made the gameplay more diverse/interesting, gave the player more freedom and made it longer it would've been something great

skcej3099d ago

I'm still hoping for a sequel because I think they've got something with the story. They just need to do a serious gameplay overhaul lol

FasterThanFTL13099d ago (Edited 3099d ago )

And make it at least 3-4 times bigger.

dirkdady3099d ago

hmm.. isnt there some other game that miserably failed to meet sales expectation?

Eidolon3099d ago

Can't wait for the sequel. I Gamefly'd the first, but it was an awesome rent, though I'd be pretty disastisfied if I paid $60 for it.

UltraNova3099d ago

I'm hopping for a sequel as well.

OT: So what metric did they use to decide the top losers of 2015? Sales?

Reviews? But it cant be reviews since Evolve scored abnormally high for what it was...

Based on VGCharts(yes I know but unless someone has a better source lets stick to what we have) The Order sold 1.27 million copies, not that many for a AAA game, admittedly. But I'd say that's pretty good for a new IP that got so much hate from everyone.

Rise of the Tomb Raider sold 0.5mil on both xb1 and 360, both! Ok its only been 3 weeks but we are talking about Tomb Raider here, a tried and tested 20+ year franchise with dozens of million spent on its marketing for the better part of the year and still failed to move units as excepted.

Does that ^^ make Tomb Raider a flop as well?

1.27 million gamers played the Order, just like I did, but if they are anything like me they'd think the that yes the game lacked in key areas but in the end it was ok for what it was and that they would support a sequel because its evident that the potential is there in spades, and that says a lot as to why this game should not be considered as a flop, because no one wants a sequel out of one.

ninsigma3099d ago

Not an overhaul. The tps mechanics were spot on one of the best implementations of it this gen. Length can be improved as well as the bosses and lycan fights. I have no problem with the long cutscenes though.

xPaYDaYx3098d ago

I disagree, I'm definitely in the minority when I say this but I think The Order 1886 was one of the best games of the year lol. It's such a underrated game, granted I bought it for 7$ not 60 like a lot of people. I feel that's why people were so harsh when it came to judging. I feel it definitely deserves a sequel.

WelkinCole3098d ago

So basically you guys want another gears or Uncharted but with vampires and wares in steampunk london?.

And here I thought people are sick of getting the same thing and want a different experience.

NewMonday3098d ago

the Order outsold all XBox1 exclusives this year with only Halo 5 barely ahead, if that is a flop then so is Forza 6 and Tomb Raider.

Picnic3098d ago (Edited 3098d ago )

I'm pleased to see the level of agrees. Truthfully, I've never played the game but sometimes attention to a concept and to visuals makes a game have some importance even if it is inspired some ways by other games and even if the gameplay is lacking.

Kingdomcome2473098d ago

@NewMonday-Halo 5 barely ahead? Lol. What would that have to do with quality anyhow? I liked The Order, but I just felt compelled to respond to your usual, "contribution."

freshslicepizza3098d ago

"the Order outsold all XBox1 exclusives this year with only Halo 5 barely ahead, if that is a flop then so is Forza 6 and Tomb Raider."

here we go again, instant defense mechanism in place. the article goes after a ps4 exclusive and his answer is to ALWAYS attack the competition.

from the aticle,
"None of these games are downright abominations that don’t deserve to be played (except maybe for one), but instead just didn’t quite hit the mark that was set for them by fans, critics, and developer ambitions."

this isn't about sales, so can you not just enjoy your ps4 without having to resort to the system wars ALL THE TIME?

kreate3098d ago

I dont mind newmonday's comment. Its actually informative for me as i didnt know tomb raider did that poorly.

Just a different perspective for the situation on hand.

Crimzon3098d ago

I think Evolve had the most potential out of all these games because it was the only one trying to do something that was genuinely new, and the idea of the video game equivalent of the movie Predator is excellent.

I only played the beta on PC but I remember the game being really fun, and I kinda regret not buying it and launch and enjoying it for two or three months while the community was active because it was a fun game, but the greedy DLC practices pretty much killed it. I wish that people were happy to boycott exclusives games that do the same thing as well.

XisThatKid3098d ago

Throw in some 4p co-op I'm all the way in

rainslacker3098d ago

Gameplay itself was solid as a rock, and what it did, it did well, if not better than some other notable games in the genre.

What it needed was more variety to the tactics used, less time saying how bad something is but instead actually playing against those bad things, more variety in the enemies, and a much better boss battle thing....or even just a single boss battle would be nice. Lycan fights seemed unfinished upon release.

XanderZane3098d ago (Edited 3098d ago )

Don't think they are talking about sales. They are talking about how good the game played and was rated by critics. In this case, the list is just about right. Tony Hawk was complete garbage.

It's not about SALES. lol!! There are games that sold well under 1 million copies and have won awards. These games flopped because they weren't very good.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 3098d ago
coolbeans3099d ago

And actually made a decent story (at the least).

garrettbobbyferguson3098d ago

I dunno, your short review doesn't sound too favorable to the story.

coolbeans3098d ago (Edited 3098d ago )


I actually think it's fundamentally broken and unengaging. My intention was adding on to sammarshall102's list of stuff necessary that would've made 1886 something great, as he put it.

"if they would have made the gameplay more diverse/interesting, gave the player more freedom and made it longer..." then insert my extra thoughts.

Mr_Writer853099d ago (Edited 3099d ago )

Whilst not amazing I thought The Order was alright, however I only paid £10 for it which felt like a good price.

Had I paid £40-£50 launch price for it I would of been massively disappointed, sometimes how much you pay for a game and help you see past its flaws.

It could of been a lot better, but I did enjoy it, other than length my main criticism is the sections when you just walk, super boring. The gameplay wasn't that bad, and the guns where funky and I enjoyed trying different ones out.

I would take a huge hit on the graphics if it meant a slightly more open game, even if it was more like TLOU, not full blown open world but you don't have one set way.

Like the garden level, there is only really one path you can go, where as if they still had that area but you could still complete your objective without having to kill the guards in a certain order and at a certain point I would enjoy it more, oh and again less QTE.

Abracadabra3098d ago

Tearaway Unfolded flopped on the PS4, and previously on the Vita.

PhucSeeker3098d ago (Edited 3098d ago )

Nah, we didn't hear about its sales number is all. I'm sure it did great on Ps4 as it's not a big budget AAA game that got more money for marketing plan than making the game itself.

bf0007779663098d ago

so ROTR sold worse than The Order 1886 why not consider it a flop with its stupid exclusive deal?

Abracadabra3098d ago

Every 3rd party exclusive deal is stupid. 3rd party studios that make exclusive deals with Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo, deserve to have games that flop. Why limit yourself to one market when there are so many markets out there to make money.

donwel3098d ago

Because developers may enjoy working with one system or company more than the others. They may have more experience working with the PS4 than the Xbox One or vice versa and feel they can make a better game on that system. Hell there are developers who release some of their games exclusively for Vita, I highly doubt those are as part of an exclusivity deal.

spicelicka3098d ago

lol maybe because it wasn't a flop?

It's one of the best action games this year, and critically stood up to Fallout 4 after being released the same day.


^This is the opposite of flop. I really have no idea what you're talking about, nowhere in the article does it mention sales.

rdgneoz33098d ago

@donwel Enjoying one system or company more than another is different than taking a game that was multiplat and sold / looked better on one system, and the making the sequel a 1 year exclusive for the game that performed worse (sales and performance).

Crimzon3098d ago

We've no way of knowing if Rise of the Tomb Raider was a flop or not until we see how well the game has performed after it's launched on PC & PS4. Trying to call it now is a little pointless since it could be hugely successful when all is said and done. Some games fall flat on their faces at launch and that's it for them, but given how the ROTTR releases are staggered, it could end up having a long tail and being hugely profitable.

I'll definitely be checking the game out when it hits PC since the last one was a great game and general consensus seems to be that the new one is even better.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3098d ago
neoandrew3098d ago

I would say the keyword here is "had" sadly...

Multiplatguy3098d ago

A lot of people are not willing to give first chances, nevermind second chances which is a shame. The Order has crazy potential to be just about anything it wants to become.

They would have all the ground work and feedback to turn The Order:1887 into something truly amazing.

showtimefolks3098d ago

I recently picked up the order 1886 for 15 and it was well worth the price. At full price I really do understand why people complained

But if we are not looking at the price than the order 1886 is a very good game. also it sold over a million copies

Spoiler alert

The way story ended don't really need to make a sequel. Maybe give it to ND or sicker punch

Mad max was a hard flip for me along with just cause 3. Avalanche studios Now have a history of releasing games that over promised aND under delivered imo

rainslacker3098d ago

Sequel isn't absolutely required, as the game story itself was pretty self-contained, but there were a lot of things opened up with the story which were never resolved, which were there either because they ran out of time to put it in, or were going for a sequel. Plus the ending scene pretty much shows they intended to make it into a series.

hankmoody3098d ago

The Order had many, many apologists claiming it was an incredible experience. Many of them right here on N4G!

u4one3098d ago

I certainly remember that. Some still defend it.

ShottyGibs3098d ago

Did it ever. Sadly deep down they all knew the g̶a̶m̶e̶ glorified demo sucked balls. N4G is a breeding ground for alot of blind loyalty.

gangsta_red3098d ago (Edited 3098d ago )

Exactly, and if you left any sort of opinion that wasn't gracious or forgiving of The Order you get accused of never playing it.

The apologists are still here, look at how they all question The Order's "flopped" status but no other game on that list.

Ark_3098d ago

True. Same goes for Dragon Age Inquisition ...

Crimzon3098d ago

I'm still confused that a certain website that was running a heavy PR campaign for the game on this site was insisting that the criminally short length of the game was somehow a speedrun. I remember seeing the video in question and the person was just playing through normally (not rushing, let alone coming anywhere close to what's considered a speedrun) and yet we had people losing their minds over it and insisting it was some kind of conspiracy and that everyone who reviewed the game was speedrunning?

Logic just flies right out the window for some people when they're defending their precious exclusives, it's sad to see.

cheameup3098d ago

hey ,that bit where you had to walk the long way around the round table was awesome

so was that bit where you walked down that hallway

It was a hour game I couldnt even be btoehred finsihing

worst game of the year I bought

rainslacker3098d ago


and if you left any opinion of it that it didn't suck completely, you were called an apologist or fan boy.

I gave what I considered fair assessment of it. I liked it, but saw it's faults, and people still wanted to tell me I was wrong...so much so that they would even say it and not just hit the disagree button like with most of these kinds of things where you're taking a middle of the road approach.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3098d ago
u4one3098d ago

Agreed. I didn't hate the order but I definitely didn't love it either. The gameplay itself often times felt like an afterthought after a bunch of cutscenes. I'm still hopeful they'll take feedback from the first one and make a much better sequel.

Orionsangel3098d ago

The Order is the Ralph Bakshi, Animated Lord of the Rings of Video Games. It literally feels like they ran out of money and abruptly ended the game. So many things were left unresolved. It easily needed 5 more hours. It should have been a 10 hour game at the least.

Christopher3098d ago

I would say The Order was a huge disappointment, but I don't think you can say it flopped based on sales.

jznrpg3098d ago

I enjoyed it , shooters that are too long I lose interest in so it was decent length to me , maybe just a little longer would have been good. For a new I.P I thought it was pretty good . I will take a look at a sequel if they decide to make one.

jerethdagryphon3098d ago

Order didnt flop falling just short of targets and its intended audience doesnt mean its a flop gameplay while basic was solid its a shooter thats it mp wasnt needed and it didnt need any rpg esque elements

jakmckratos3098d ago

Glad to see so many other people found something good from The Order. THey have to streamline the story, add a little more diversity to the enemies(VAMPIRES!), make the characters a little more personable and add co-op.Would love some horde mode! The weapons were a lot of fun , the graphics are insane and story really does have a lot of meat that it would be fun to delve into.

kaizokuspy3098d ago

There's a lot of good in that game. Hopefully they expand on it for length and replay ability in the sequel. I love the setting and characters.

Muzikguy3098d ago

I'm glad Need for Speed and Tony Hawk are on that list. NFS is going in the wrong direction and they definitely need a wake up call. No matter what these companies think, always online is NOT the answer. They think by doing that people will buy more of their games, yet people are being smart and not buying them at all! I didn't play Tony Hawk but with a "review" like that I won't even bother. All the power of today's consoles and we got that...... 👎🏻

the_mack_attack33098d ago

Agree completely, was such a let down after the hype it had.

Realms3098d ago (Edited 3098d ago )

Tomb Raider should definitely be on this list sales wise it flopped.

rainslacker3098d ago

It really felt like one of those games where the publisher just said, "It's been long enough, you have X amount of time to get what you have done and get it released." So many things just looked like they weren't implemented, and a few things seemed like they were supposed to be more than they were.

I'll give R@D props for not releasing a broken game though. What was there worked without problems, and the game play seemed like it was well polished..except for the lack of it, and not being terribly compelling due to the repetitiveness of the scenarios offered.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 3098d ago
PerfidiousSinn3099d ago

I wonder if Tony Hawk sold well. People got pretty excited that the series was coming back.

Orejillz3099d ago

I think everyone knew it was gonna be bad when the first previews were shown. Also that whole sudden change of graphics right before it came out was a huge warning sign.

DixieNormus3099d ago

As was robomoto developing it. Hard to believe Activision kept them after the skateboard controllers the last ones they made.

u4one3098d ago

the first time i saw it, i literally thought it was some weird pre-alpha leak or something. when I realized thats what it was going to look like, i was completely surprised.

TXIDarkAvenger3099d ago

Doubt it. It didn't look very promising from the start.

Relientk773099d ago

Good, I'm glad Evolve flopped. They are never getting my money for that DLC fest

kaizokuspy3099d ago

Also their new 1.07 patch buffed the monsters by a lot and nerfed the hunters. The game is unplayable unless everyone on your team has a degree in dark souls game theory.

jerethdagryphon3098d ago

Polishes all souls plats. You mean you dont have a dks game theory degree

kaizokuspy3098d ago

You're a god among men sir. I have a mighty need for souls plats, but not the mettle to see them through.

TXIDarkAvenger3099d ago

Pretty sad about Need for Speed. It was shaping up to be a true successor to the Underground series.

Retroman3098d ago (Edited 3098d ago )

@ Txidark

Nah, that rebirth hardly qualify as a Underground series . more like a sequel to criterion mostwanted.
we all know how that crapfest turned out

Ghost games problem i fine they to much like criterion games "need for burnout speed" format still pleaguing them. drifting, to many corners shape like U's also ghost games has a habit of mixing and combining previous nfs titles into one game which is a bad thing, rebooting a dying series . i would perfer built from scratch 2 player offline/online service , hub selection of cars as Hotpursuit 2 have, hub selection of tracks to choose as Hotpursuit 2 have. not this crapfest anyone able jump in your personal race.

Austin483099d ago

Why ain't starwars battlefront in this it was a flop

Swiggins3099d ago

It was a big commercial success....

3099d ago Replies(2)
EverydayJoe3099d ago (Edited 3099d ago )

It's Star Wars, it will never meet expectations when something is on that level.

Also, who's expectations are we talking about? I'm sure the casual gamers will enjoy it very much.

I still think it's a very fun, easy to pick up and play game. What it lacks in content it makes up for in fun. Fighter Squadron is one of my favorites.

3098d ago
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All 18 Tony Hawk Games Ranked

Discover the best and worst of Tony Hawk Games with our comprehensive ranking of all 18 titles in the legendary skateboarding series.

Stuart5756342d ago

The past 15 years have been awful for TH games, Skate took over.

gaffyh342d ago

There's been 18 games??? Damn.

purple101342d ago



Five Game Products Rushed Too Quickly

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shinoff2183518d ago

Sega Saturn made it but not the 360. Don't remember Saturn having a horrid rrod rate. Absolutely horrid

RetroCaptainSteve516d ago

The launch games were all right, but look at how Virtua Fighter and Daytona USA compared to their re-releases.


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andy851281d ago (Edited 1281d ago )

As if you put My name is Mayo in the list. It has cult status!

TeamIcoFan1281d ago

Surprised TLOU2 isn't up there!

TheProfessional1281d ago (Edited 1281d ago )

Last guardian was simplistic, overhyped trash. And I liked Ico and Shadow of the Colossus. The level design was bad and the controls weren't even responsive, it was terrible. Took them sooo long to release it too which is why that guy hasn't made another game since.

1281d ago
1281d ago Replies(2)
chicken_in_the_corn1281d ago

Hello Neighbor and The Last of Us Part 2

1281d ago
1281d ago
GamerBeast19821281d ago

There are a lot of man babies on this site saying the last of us 2 . Just accept it the last of us 2 is probs this gens masterpiece . And save you man child tears for when it cleans up all awards next week at the game awards . PlayStation is an unstoppable powerhouse that keeps pumping out gems after gems.

Neonridr1281d ago

I agree with you regarding the quality of the game. But man, stop drinking the koolaid.

1281d ago
snoopgg1281d ago

Homefront was the worst game I bought

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