
Digital Foundry vs Everybody's Gone to the Rapture

Digital Foundry:

From its opening shot, Everybody's Gone to the Rapture shows precisely how its three-year development was spent. It's an absolutely gorgeous PlayStation 4 title that puts its bucolic visuals front and centre - where CryEngine is tasked to render a picturesque Shropshire village. Developer The Chinese Room uses the engine's superb lighting and post effects to ramp up the atmosphere. But with such a determined drive towards photo-realism, has its frame-rate been overlooked?

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bf0007779663320d ago

It's better to lock the frame rate to 30

MasterCornholio3320d ago

Even better allow gamers to choose between a locked framerate or a variable framerate.

SniperControl3320d ago

Strange, i have never experienced stutter on this game, played through twice now.

traumadisaster3320d ago (Edited 3320d ago )

STRANGER YET...that's because your ps4 has a better binned cpu and gfx card. You must have gotten lucky and received some of the overclocked memory units that were dev only editions.

There are a few others who also received this oc'ed version of the ps4, you'll know them when they mention how they "NEVER experienced stutter."

Lucky you! How much would you sell it for?

Obviously, Digital Foundry got a standard retail edition.

Lamboomington3320d ago

Don't know why people are disagreeing. With the Witcher 3, most PS4 owners agreed that locked 30 was better than 30-40 unstable.

The general consensus is that locked framerate is smoother.

IamTylerDurden13320d ago

Not true, many games look better when they are variable, the God of War games on the PS3 and inFAMOUS on PS4 for example.

IamTylerDurden13320d ago

Tell that to Second Son.

I'd rather have it running at 40fps most of the time with occasional dips than have it always 30. I used to play Bioshock unlocked and i preferred it that way.

All the propaganda in the world can't stop the PS4, nice article Genuine-user.

I like Rapture and i like how it runs, and it looks much smoother on my Sony tv than it does here, gorgeous game.

traumadisaster3320d ago (Edited 3320d ago )

It's so smooth, I know! If you add the motion actions in the Sony tv menu it makes it look so good, AND it improves lag!!! wow

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KR1ST0F3R3320d ago

You play a snail and you have to snail your way through an empty village, in slow motion.

Source: suffered this game personally

suicidalblues3320d ago

I've got to ask. Did you not know what kind of game it was before you got it? I mean, I'm not going to get it (it's not my cup of tea), but I'm not going to troll it for not being something it never tried to be either.

Don't worry though, I'm sure games like HALO and COD will make you happy soon enough.

InMyOpinion3320d ago (Edited 3320d ago )

I love games like Journey, Pneuma, Life is strange and soforth. Enjoy them very much actually. I never play COD or Halo.

I did not like EGTTR. The narrative was really weak, the characters mainly just nag on each other and it lacks any interesting build-up. After 5 minutes you get what's happened and after that they just repeat the same stuff for 6 hours until the game ends. Gameplay is tedious. It's like walking slowly through an audio book with pointless interaction. Open doors, click radios and turn your controller left or right to listen to invisible characters talking gibberish. No surprises, no incentive to move forward.

Imo it's a pretentious mess and I regret paying for it. Many of you seem to try hard to romanticize it into being some kind of intellectual, deep experience. It isn't. Most overrated game of the year.

KR1ST0F3R3320d ago

Yes suicidal blues, I did know what sort of game it was. I love variety, and unusual gaming experiences.

Your stereotyping that I must only play COD and halo could not be more wrong. I don't mind COD but have never played a halo game in my life.

In the last few weeks I have 100%ed temple of Osiris, soundshapes, infinity runner, monsterbag, mousecraft, valiant hearts,titan attacks, never alone, super exploding zoo, toren, counterspy, unfinished swan, piecefall, the witcher 3. A pretty varied collection and i enjoyed the hell out of all, well toren was OK I guess. (Thanks ps+ for most of them)

Also to add it that list is journey and the vanishing of Ethan Carter. Two other "walking simulators" that were absolutely superb.

Ethan Carter being the main reason I bought EGTTR as it looked so heavily inspired that it could almost be a sequel.

However what I did not know, was that EGTTR would be crippled by an unbearable character movement speed - designed to artificially elongate the game (and cover a few technical issues I guess).

Even with the hidden R2 to sprint function, the movement, combined with a world that cannot be interacted with, makes the game very very boring and a total let down.

Maybe they should sell the assets on though, as it would make for a superb COD map ;)

Taero3320d ago

On the other hand I happen to like it, haven't played too much of it yet as I've had limited time but it was my understanding that it was a playable mystery, where you explored environments to uncover what happened to the village, I wasn't planning on hunting for keys or solving puzzles to unlock boxes etc. just to meander my way through a pretty environment and enjoy the ride, for the $17 it cost me that's what I'm doing (20% off pre-order).

IamTylerDurden13320d ago

U platinumed/100%ed 14 games in 3 weeks? Damn, i'm slackin at level 20 then...

Journey and Ethan Carter are very similar games (structurally) so it's peculiar that u like them yet u dislike Rapture...

Rapture is about an 8/10 on meta, it's considered an excellent game by critics and fans. Also, u should've researched Dear Esther and Amnesia A Machine for Pigs (last 2 games by the developer) b4 purchasing. Did u like Gone Home?

KR1ST0F3R3320d ago

Haven't played the other games you mention, honestly it was the movement speed that really hampered my enjoyment of EGTTR.

Also it was more than 3 weeks I think lol. Just been hammering through ps+ back catalogue mostly :)

IamTylerDurden13320d ago (Edited 3320d ago )

It's more beautiful in person, especially with the lovely music and sound design. Rapture is like being lost in a gorgeous Netherland for 6-10 hrs and cleverly unravelling a fascinating sci fi/existential story along the way.

It took me 10hrs on my 1st go bc i couldn't help but take in the beauty, i did not want to speed through such a stunning environment and interesting narrative.

Everybody's Gone to the Rapture is an experience, it's really The Chinese Room's masterwork and it deserves to be explored.

asadachi3320d ago

wow, this game looks gorgeous


5 great video games set in the UK

David at SQUAD writes: "Over the past few months, I’ve found myself lost in a number of books set in my home-land of the United Kingdom. At first, it was by chance, but then I found myself seeking them out. Then I got some games in a few sales -- Assassins Creed: Syndicate and Vampyr, if you must know -- and realized I’d done it again. This got me thinking: does the video game industry do a good enough job of setting games in a diverse set of locations, and how many games are set in the UK anyway?"

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bunt-custardly1549d ago

Ubisoft's Zombi was set in London I believe.

geekmandem1549d ago

Yep, ZombiU was indeed. A game I actually saw recommended a few times. It's weird that it stuck with so many people.

1547d ago

Dying Light, Crysis 3, Battlefield 4 & Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture with Ray Tracing

DSOGaming writes: "These past few weeks we’ve been showcasing numerous games that were visually improved by Pascal Gilcher’s ray traced Global Illumination method/solution for ReShade. And today, since it’s a slow news day, we are bringing you four games that have been showcased with this alpha Reshade version. These games are Dying Light, Crysis 3, Battlefield 4 and Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture."

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1901d ago
isarai1900d ago

Again Reshade is not Raytracing, is a screen space post processing effect. Thats like calling SSAO "Global Illumination"


Sumo buys Everybody's Gone to the Rapture studio The Chinese Room

From Eurogamer: "The Crackdown 3 developer said it had acquired The Chinese Room, the studio behind Everybody's Gone to the Rapture and Dear Esther, from founders Dan Pinchbeck and Jessica Curry."

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