
Review: Heroes of the Storm | The Toledo Blade

The Blade's Will Harrison: Blizzard has created a fun, easy to learn entry in the MOBA genre that has style and charm to spare. Heroes of the Storm makes excellent use of Blizzard’s most famous characters while providing a compelling competitive experience. Despite a few issues that will irk veterans of the genre, Heroes is already one of the best MOBAs available.

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WizzroSupreme3287d ago

Heroes of the Storm isn't my kind of game, but it sure looks impressive.

EyePawd3287d ago

I would wholeheartedly recommend trying the tutorial and some matches against the AI if you're on the fence, but like what you see.

A year ago, I was very much anti-MOBA. This game has won me over by doing everything correctly that the rest of the genre has taken for granted.

Thanks for reading!

3-4-53287d ago

* Dota2's gameplay didn't appeal to me and LoL, I got bored of that after like 2 months.

* Heroes on the other hand, has kept my interest almost daily since I bought into the Beta in January.

* I could NEVER go back to playing a MOBA that had it's games last more than 30 min.

With HOTS, they are between 12-28 minutes for most games and rarely goes over 30.

* It's not Perfect, but it includes characters I actually care about, and not some cheesy purple on purple on purple spirit monster I've never heard of.


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