
The Joker as playable character in Bloodborne

PSX-Sense writes: "One of our members successfully created The Joker from Batman in Bloodborne and the results are stunning. It shows the endless possibilities of the character creation options in Bloodborne."

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vishmarx3359d ago ShowReplies(5)
miyamoto3359d ago

I always thought of how a Medivial Batman would look like.

SP4CE_C4PT4IN3359d ago

Check this out. It's some different takes on Batman in different time periods. Medieval is one of them :)


SmielmaN3359d ago

Omg. I am going to try and do this!!! Great work by that person!

Deadlead3359d ago

Yeah that's impressive, thought the character creator was a little disappointing... But it was me:(

christian hour3359d ago

I've literally been avoiding all info on this game since the announce trailer. Had no idea there was an extensive character creation in it. At all! Less than 7 more hours to go for me :D

(I'm in Europe but sadly Ireland gets lumped in with UK release dates... Despite having spent hundreds of years getting out of the oppresive rule of the commonwealth... Kind of insulting, no? Although sometimes we do get stuff on the EU dates, I'd wish they'd make their minds up with these release dates.)

PudgeyBurrito3358d ago (Edited 3358d ago )

I made Keanu Reeves as a playable character in mine.


DarkOcelet3358d ago

Lol, that looks just like him in John Wick. Nice.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3358d ago
Gazondaily3359d ago

Very nice! I thought the editor was cack but clearly my skills were the problem! Might try and replicate this.

DragonKnight3359d ago

The editor is cack. I didn't even bother trying because I stopped caring about trying to make a decent looking character in a Souls or Souls like game. I just slapped on a dignified coif, Dudley'd up the facial hair, and named my character Papa Slim, the Pimp of Yharnam.

This user had to have spent hours trying to get this look.

Gazondaily3359d ago

Ah okay. Yeah had a look at it and the thing was really unwieldy. The game really does't want to explain its menus and stuff either.

I'm actually going to go back and make my character again because I didn't know you could pick your origin and mostly because my character looks like Michael Jackson suffering from jaundice.

DragonKnight3359d ago

The character editor in all the Souls games is terrible. It's probably the one thing about them all I don't like. It has the potential to be great, but From seems to get stuck on it and you can never make decent, or human, looking people.

Bloodborne's UI is also terrible in my opinion. It's overly simplistic to the point of offering almost nothing of value. When you look at the UI of all the other Souls games, they were absolutely fantastic. Beautifully designed, had all the information you could need, and they weren't hard to navigate in the first place. I don't know why Bloodborne did away with all that but I wish they'd patch in a better UI.

LOL that's probably an improvement over what Michael Jackson actually looked like. He looked like he could be in a Souls game.

christian hour3359d ago (Edited 3359d ago )


"you can never make decent, or human, looking people."

This is good news for me, I always make my characters horribly grotesque and deformed, my character in ESIV:oblivion had the biggest nose, a curly chin and the skinniest face, he kinda looked like ganondorf, and I used to love making an army of mutants in those ps1/ps2 smackdown games

This is bad news for anyone who likes to play as themselves.

DragonKnight3359d ago

@christian hour: Yeah a lot of people actually like making the worst looking characters possible so if that's you're thing, awesome. I just try to make someone that looks normal. Lol.

christian hour3359d ago


I'm gonna try and make a normal looking character at first, in your honour. I'll msg you the results :)

DragonKnight3359d ago

@christian hour: Good luck, and I'm honored. Lol.

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SpinalRemains1383359d ago

Well done!

That's gotta be the greatest use of imagination ever!


Gazondaily3359d ago

I think mankind has utilised its imagination to a greater extent mate but yeah, its well done xD

Ozmoses3359d ago (Edited 3359d ago )

Yeah it was imaginative for the person who thought of the Joker and originally created him.

This is just a fan inserting his favorite comic book villain into a game so he can play as him..

no imagination needed... just facial features and color schemes.

it's pretty cool nonetheless... but nothing over the top or super special.

I'm sure there are tons of crazy character creations.

Personally my dude looks like Charles Manson with a hint of Harry Potter (wearing glasses), with a "X" that goes across his face. So he is a little reminiscent of the guy in Full Metal Alchemist also.

psplova3359d ago

Very nice. Wish I woulda thought of that!

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10 Most Interesting Bloodborne Characters, Ranked

ScreenRant's Melissa Sarnowski writes, "The Hunter steps into a world full of blood, horror, and darkness in Bloodborne, but they also meet countless fascinating characters at the same time."

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25 Games We Want To See Get A Sequel

BLG writes, "Do you ever get that feeling after you’ve finished a game that you just wish there was more? Or do you spend years hoping and praying for a sequel that never comes?

This list compiles some of the top games we desperately want to get a sequel. Please give us more of our favorite games!"

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DefenderOfDoom26d ago

Would love to see a sequel to the 7th gen FPS campaign SINGULARITY from RAVEN Software..


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This list compiles the games we would want to be remastered."

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CrimsonWing696d ago

How about sequels instead of just replaying the same games with better performance and fidelity?

I would’ve taken a Dead Space 4 over Dead Space 1 Remake, especially knowing the sales on 1 Remake killed anything for the future.

xHeavYx5d ago

I agree, but there are some games that would really benefit from the new tech though, like the first 2 InFamous games. Some of the old Tenchu games (for us old people)

darthv726d ago

No remasters needed... things can be upgraded with post release patches and DLC. There should be more new games or at least sequels that people have been asking for. Give me Bloodborne 2 over a remaster any day.

anast6d ago

I agree. But, sadly, at this point, I would day 1 a Bloodborne remake or remaster.

neutralgamer19926d ago

There are many new games being released monthly so there is space for remakes and remasters

MinnesotaFatts6d ago

You say that, but the only way I can get 60fps on Bloodborne is with a cracked console.

D0nkeyBoi6d ago

This is the most boring console generation yet. I can only ever find new games on Steam. PS5 and especially Xbox are boring right now. Less more remakes please.

anast6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

I enjoy renting a new janky CRPGs on PC from time to time. But, I've been playing new games on the PS5 since it came out, and a lot of those games people want to come to PC because the game selection sucks over there.

Fishy Fingers6d ago

PC game selection sucks?

Come on bro, its cool to like your console but but no need for the obvious passive aggressive comments. PC and Nintendo are basically the only platforms with exclusives these days. PC is getting all the big console (PS5/XB) games sooner or later.

anast6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

All the CRPGs I care to play/rent have come to console for the most part. No need to use my gaming PC much these days. Now, those old games are severely overpriced on console which would be a point to argue.

slayernz5d ago

what you on about mate???? lol, i never said anything about AAA only being on console, i replied to original post from donkey saying heaps of games out there, ....just chill out bud

slayernz6d ago

think you should open your eyes mate, there are a ton of games to play, i havent played a so called 'AAA' game in about a year, been having way too much fun with indies

anast6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

I play Indies on console. My eyes are open. You might need the eye opening if you think only AAA games are on console.

Friendlygamer6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

Remasters are interesting for less accessible titles, things like silent hill 4 the room, alundra, viewtiful joe... remastering stuff that's already avaliable is a bit of a waste. I would love a kings field/shadow tower collection

truthBombs6d ago

A simple update or port on more powerful hardware is enough. Improve framerates to 60+ and that's good enough. I would love to play Bloodborne on Steam Deck.

anast6d ago

If they optimized Bloodborne like they did with Doom. I would have that game on every device in the house.

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