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Xbox One early adopters getting shafted

GGG writes about why they believe Microsoft's efforts to show appreciation to Xbox One early adopters aren't good enough.

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Community3480d ago
NerdStar73480d ago ShowReplies(11)
Foehammer3480d ago (Edited 3480d ago )

So let me get this straight

For every product pl buy as early adopters the manufacturer should provide compensation?

Looks like Flat Screen Tv companies owe me big time

Diddo for the $600 PS3, after all, the X1 is exponentially more powerful than a PS3 and cost me $100 less, launch to launch.

Halo2ODST23480d ago

there should be a benifit to spending £400 for a new console while already having a x360, a year ago, what was the benifit to owning a x1 over the 360 ? none, the 360 had more games, better games, and actually has more features and is still easier to use, and is cost effective, they bulit the sales for the x1 with their blind ignorance, they should at least get something from wasting half a grand

DarthJay3479d ago (Edited 3479d ago )

The benefit is you got to play it for a year. DERP. No one forced anyone to buy at launch or in the year leading up to the price drops.

Hey guess what... pretty much every product ever has had price drops as they age. WHOA. What a news flash!

PS3Freak3479d ago

Our society is FAR too entitled. It's pathetic.

DarthJay hits the nail on the head. You buy a console(or anything really) early and at full price to use it right away. That is the benefit.

People don't deserve half the things they think they do.

user55757083479d ago

well nintendo rewarded 3ds early adopters when they dropped the price from $250 to $180 early on.

So why can't microsoft? Maybe reimburse people for the kinect that is now almost completely useless...

Kingthrash3603479d ago (Edited 3479d ago )

Thing is ms has made a more significant drop than the dropped what 150$ and a forced kinect + free games? Smh I think it should have launched at 349...that's what it worth...IMO at least
Dropping this much so soon is cool but only for this who's waited....Xbox ones most loyal customers were mostly day1 buyers and if I were one of them I'd feel jipped.

mikeslemonade3479d ago

I still look at it's still the same price since the Kinect is $150 standalone. So MS took out the camera but you are paying the saying price for the console without the camera. So I can look at it as if I payed $350 for the console and the extra $150 was for the camera

While you were waiting for a "price drop" I was able to download free games and play the current gen AAA games. You only live once.. so you can choose to be frugal and wait or take what life has to offer.

Alsybub3479d ago (Edited 3479d ago )


If we looked at it on that basis then we would still be playing on the NES and Master System. After all, when the SNES and Genesis came out there were far more games on the previous generation, why upgrade? I cannot even be bothered to answer that.

It's been the same on the ps4 and it's the same every generation.

Yetter3479d ago

wasting? My XB1 is on for 12 hours a day minimum.

frankiebeans3479d ago (Edited 3479d ago )

the price of a ps3 was justified buy the new tech it offered yes high but rightfully so. but xbox had no new tech just a camera nobody wanted.

also if you bought it at launch after all the backlash it got you weren't very smart, judging by the history of the console war everyone knew it was going to get a price drop after all the bad press and the mediocre launch (putting it nicely) it didn't take a expert to know that.

PONTIAC08G8GT3479d ago (Edited 3479d ago )

LOL these articles are ridiculous. Every product eventually gets a price cut. This black friday, the Samsung Galaxy S5 is on sale for $1 at Best Buy. If I bought it last week, it was $200. So should everyone who bought the phone in March/April now be asking Samsung for $199 credit on their phone bill? I bought the X1 Day One and it doesn't bother me one bit that the system is now $350. Eventually the PS4 will have a price cut too. I voluntarily purchased the system.

Did you ever think people LIKED the original plans of the X1? You say X1 owners weren't smart to buy the X1 day one, yet the original PS3 warranted it's ridiculous price tag hahaha, wow, YOU'RE "not very smart."

DeadRabbits3479d ago Show
TheBrit3479d ago

the XB1 plays blue ray movies, xbox 360 didnt a year ago :)

frankiebeans3479d ago

@PONTIAC08G8GT The new tech in the ps3 made it expensive and made it justifiable, a bluray player alone was 1k at the time so as high as the price was my point still stands. at the time the ps3 graphics were 2nd to none with everything they were promising times are different now and the jump to ps4/xbone isnt as amazing as the jump from ps2 to ps3. computers are a whole different anaimal now then they were last gen and thats a fact so take your fanboy nonsense someplace else

PONTIAC08G8GT3479d ago (Edited 3479d ago )


Do you know what a fanboy is? Name one thing in my statement that was fanboyish. Oh that's right, nothing. Come on, don't try to justify the price tag because of your love for Sony. I bought a Sony blu-ray player shortly after the PS3 launched and paid $299. You're defending the PS3 price tag because it had a blu-ray player, but didn't every Sony fan cry about how the X1 wasn't geared towards gamers because it wanted to be a media device? Didn't the PS3 want to do the same, internet and movies?

You speak about non-sense, I doubt you even read what you originally posted. Do you know how much of a MS hater you sound?

"but xbox had no new tech just a camera nobody wanted."

"also if you bought it at launch after all the backlash it got you weren't very smart"

"the mediocre launch (putting it nicely) it didn't take a expert to know that."

I guess being the 2nd best console ever launched is mediocre. You basically call anyone who bought an X1 early not smart. And I guess you speak for everyone that the X1 has no new tech just a camera no one wants. Please explain the "new tech" that the PS4 brings to the table? Both systems brought more powerful hardware, that's about it.

Another Sony fanboy blinded by the greatness.

frankiebeans3479d ago

ummm no sorry bud keep lying to yourself if it makes you feel like a better man but the facts are out all you need to do is google it everything I say is true i haven't made not 1 false claim all the evidence to back me up on the internet. you just make yourself look like you don't know anything every other thing you type. its obvious youre a xbox fan me on the other hand i dont give a flying fuck because xbox and ps4 are shit to me right now because I will be playing ssb till something good is out on either system. also you and i both know you didnt buy no god damn bluray player you just want to have somthing to add to your argument.

Dee_913479d ago

i'm like %99.999 sure earlier adopters knew prices would drop eventually... sooo how are they getting shafted ?

frostypants3479d ago (Edited 3479d ago )

@Halo2ODST2: "there should be a benifit to spending £400 for a new console while already having a x360, a year ago, what was the benifit to owning a x1 over the 360 ?"

If you felt this way then WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU BUY IT?

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StrawberryDiesel4203480d ago

Such a well said comment, how do you only have one bubble? +Bubble Well Said, couldn't have used a better analogy myself.

user55757083479d ago

some trolls have a lot of wisdom however their wisdom is often wasted because they're busy trolling...

KiwiViper853479d ago

People who prefer Xbox aren't allowed bubbles.

solar3480d ago

ha! speaking of Flat Screen TV's, i bought my 42" a few months before the whole price gouging fiasco. paid $2000 and then they were cheap as hell. Samsung owes me some monies :P

PainandGain31023479d ago

jesus you spent 2000 for a 42 inch? what you buy an oled 4k with 3d and 240 hz?

Dee_913479d ago (Edited 3479d ago )

$2000 for a 42'? it better be able to cook breakfast and do laundry.Thats insane, even if it came with all the nic nacs. Payed 900 for my 50' with just about everything including 3 year warranty

Angeljuice3480d ago

"For every product pl buy as early adopters the manufacturer should provide compensation?"

If the consumer is lied to about the product requiring a peripheral (which adds to the cost), then when sales aren't good the manufacturers change their minds and admit that said peripheral isn't required at all, yes they deserve compensation.

antz11043480d ago

It was never a lie. Kinect came bundled, u always had the option to NOT use it but most did because it was the only bundle and enabled voice recognition.

Systems, bundles, technology will always be cheaper if you wait. The company doesn't owe you anything if you decide to be the first kid on your block with it.

rainslacker3479d ago

If they didn't want to pay the extra $100 for Kinect, they could have not brought the system. That is how consumerism works. They got what MS said would be in the box for the price, MS doesn't really owe them anything anymore than Sony owes its day one adopters of the PS4. Nintendo didn't even owe early adopters of the 3DS anything either after the price drop, but it was ncie that they compensated what is most likely their most loyal fan base. It's good PR, and people like getting stuff for free.

Copenhagen3479d ago (Edited 3479d ago )

EXACTLY....The xbox defense force will disagree even though it's normal reasoning to think this way. Microsoft absolutely lied even the diehards while not admitting it know it. The Kinect was nothing and is nothing more than an advertising tool for MS to data mine with and the fact it's been out across two generations now and to this day has no importance in gaming outside of dancing games and was given up on by MS themselves when the sales dictated the cost was too high. They told everyone it's "necessary" and we can't just turn a "switch" off to disable it and separate it from the xbox. Yeah what a load of BS that was yet he fanboys and media gave them a pass on it. They should be held accountable for lying to the masses in an attempt to sell boxes to people who took their word when they said it wasn't a gimmick but something necessary for the system to function so yeah they do owe early adopters something for being lied to and supporting them when the xbox was toxic to own.

user55757083479d ago


there was a period of time where the kinect needed to be plugged into the system or the console wouldn't work.

then after the backlash they changed it.

but their original intention/vision was for everyone to use kinect

great example of bad marketing...they assumed they knew what the consumer wanted

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FromTheAshes3480d ago (Edited 3479d ago )

The PS3 was the cheapest Blu-Ray player on the market in 2006 like the PS2 was the cheapest DVD player on the market in 2000...There is a reason why the PS3 was $600 to begin with.

You shouldn't use it as an example compared to Xbox One.

Wow a disagree over facts...

PONTIAC08G8GT3479d ago

So the PS3 warranted it's price tag because it had a blu-ray player, yet everyone yells, cries, and wet's themselves because the X1 had a tv tuner and wanted to be your "one" entertainment unit. My-oh-my aren't we being hypocritical. So if the blu-ray player justified the $600 PS3, then the Kinect justified the $500 X1. Everyone complained that Sony put gamers first and is all about games, yet you and the Sony brigade defend the PS3 because of a non-gaming function, a blu-ray player.

Yea, that makes a lot of sense.

DARK WITNESS3479d ago (Edited 3479d ago )


In all fairness, the ps3 caught just as much flack for trying to be bluray player that nobody wanted and at it's original price of $600 it sold horribly...

in fact if I remember right there was such a backlash that in Japan (sonyland) some retailers were refusing to stock it and even before the console actually launched sony had to announce a price drop.

Here we are slagging off the xbox for dropping it's price so soon but it's only because they are responding to market forces and make no mistake, when Sony made the same misguided F"^%T"k up, they got the pressure and had to respond in the same way to those market forces.

There were plenty of ps fans who did a lot of crying and wetting of their panties of the ps3's price, they didn't get away with it scott free.

If you ask me, that is why sony were able to get it so right with the ps4, because they had learned all these lessons through the ps3's launch.

Death3479d ago

Blu-ray players in 2006 were not sold for a loss like consoles which make their losses up with software. Sony Blu-ray players were also very expensive and made up the bulk of first gen players. You could buy a comparable HD-DVD player for half as much and at the time an arguably better player.

Hereiamhereibe23479d ago

@pontiac The bluray player was not beneficial to gaming? Since when? I bought a 360 over PS3 but i still was astounded by the beauty of the console and its software. Never regretted 360 until i realized just how annoying the player base was, you people literally ruined the console for me whether online in game or on these damned articles. I used to love xbox now i wish they would liquidate.

FATHASUN3477d ago


Wait, the XB1 has a TV Tuner?

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garrettbobbyferguson3479d ago

I have the 600 dollar 60 gigger Ps3. where's my free stuff?

GTgamer3479d ago (Edited 3479d ago )

PS3 was at high because of the blu ray player and cell and Sony didn't take that out so not really a good example Ms said the Xbox one and kinect are one making it 500 then MS took out the kinect and sold it for a $150 then has repedeatly drop the Xones in the first year since launch come on that is shaft to early adopters who some didn't want kinect but said hey screw it and bought it since MS they would never "SELL the Xone without Kinect" and MS totally abandoned the kinect right after so early adopters got the shaft big time.

garrettbobbyferguson3479d ago

No, that's pretty accurate. They removed a ton of things that my Ps3 had to make it cheaper, equivalent to how Microsoft removed something that made the xbox one cheaper.

If people didn't want kinect, they didn't have to buy it, the same way if I didn't want the 600 dollar Ps3, I didn't have to buy it.

Death3479d ago


Sony removed backwards compatibility, usb ports and memory card ports to make the system cheaper. You couldn't buy these things separately later on if you wanted to, they were simply gone. If you pick up a $349 Kinectless Xbox One today, you can go to the store later and pick up a Kinect for $149. Kinect wasn't "dropped", it was offered stand alone for those that weren't keen on the idea of being "forced" to buy Kinect with the $499 SKU. I do however agree support will be much more limited now that the attach rate is under 100%.

otherZinc3479d ago


Excellent post!

Also, my XBOX ONE $499 purchase was money well spent!

The tv functionality with HDMI in is great. Watching a ballgame in snap mode while playing Forza Motorsport 5 was terrific. Now I do the same with other games.

I've been playing Forza Motorsport 5 for a year, I'll bet Drive Club won't last that long.

What does the PS4 have to offer from a year ago with exclusives? Knack! GTFOOH! There's still no good PS4 Exclusives you can play for any length of time. PS4 owners got shafted with that $400 price tag.

GTgamer3479d ago

That went from zero to trolling real quick.

PONTIAC08G8GT3479d ago

I'm not a fan of the PS4, but the X1 didn't exactly warrant a day one purchase either. I bought my X1 on day one but for a while there I was basically just playing Forza and BF. I don't think either system really warranted a purchase until this time of year. I'm not sure the PS4 has even warranted it's $400 price tag yet as there haven't been any "must have/wow" titles except for a remastered PS3 game. I don't think Sunset Overdrive warrants an X1 purchase either, but at least now you can grab Titanfall for $20, Forza Horizon 2, and the Halo collection.

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen3479d ago

More like Zero to drooling, bath salt sniffing, dumbass...

Death3479d ago

Buying launch consoles isn't for everyone. The price point/value formula is different for everybody. What is see as a good value isn't necessarily the same as what you see. Driveclub was the game that I seen that made me decide the PS4 was a good value before picking one up. I am very happy with the decision I made. I had no problem picking up an Xbox One at launch, but it's my friends that made the system a good value on day one. Knowing we would be spending time on the new console was all I needed. I picked up another over the weekend for my daughter. We traded in my launch 360 for a $100 credit and grabbed the Assassins Creed bundle for $249. That's a hard deal to pass up.

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hkgamer3479d ago

agreed with what you said until the last sentence. previous prices of console launch especially from a different generation should not matter at all.

i am going to play the devils advocate though and explain the difference between a tv and a games console.

tv needs to make money at all times otherwise there is no point in selling the product. games consoles however has been making a loss or almost nothing (at launch) for quite a long time.

i know tv was just an analogy but thought it didnt really explain it properly.

games consoles can do this due to licensing etc... where they let devs/pubs release games and take a cut from that. but i guess you knew that already.

games consoles are normally for the long run which is why they need to show confidence to their customers and keep brand loyalty. limbo for free is kinda lackluster compared to what 3ds did.

ramiuk13479d ago (Edited 3479d ago )

i think the problem is thats annoying is The early adopters paid alot of money and now u can get the console for £150 less in UK and u get 5 games with it,compared to zero games at £200 more.

the pricedrops started after 3 months so it has been a bit harsh on folk imo.
its rare for a consoel to be so discounted after such a short time and i think that is the iossue people have.

although with all the issues and lies im suprised anyone even paid the crazy £439 in UK for it.

jrshankill3479d ago (Edited 3479d ago )


What has Sony gave early adapters?

If this is in regards to the price drop and early adapters feeling shafted... that is life. It happens with all electronics eventually. You would have to be extremely hard-up and childish to complain about this. Every game, DVD, HD TV, dvd player, blu-ray player, washing machine.. they all drop in price eventually.

Xb1ps43479d ago (Edited 3479d ago )

Wow.... It's amazing on how some ppl just can't be pleased at all no matter what you do.. I will bet anyone that the writer doesn't have or didn't get a xb1 on or close to launch so what gives him the right to write some bs article on early adapters? Damn near everyone that got a xb1 has been happy with and the ones with both ps4 and xb1 prefer the xb1 like I do..

I got my free code for limbo last night as I was playing halo and that just put a smile on my face as it was yet another free game.. Why are a lot of gamers so damn bitter? And feel so damn entitled to everything? Shit is ridiculous already, you have 2 choices you buy the console or you don't we all know what all consoles are fully capable of already so jump in or just stfu already with all these bs articles.

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen3479d ago


This is one of the few times you have actually made sense. Anyone who thinks that they deserve a refund on the Xbox One because it's 150 dollars cheaper than when they first bought is a moron.

If this were to happen where would these refunds end?

I bought Infamous Second Son when it was $60 now it's available for less than 30 bucks, should I get a refund?

Seriously, where are all of these idiots with these silly ideas coming from? My guess is that many of these "entitled" gamers huff paint, sniff bath salts and cinnamon then they come up with these stupid ideas.

If I buy a soda for 2 bucks, drink half of it, then go back to the same store and see the same soda for 90 cents a few days later do I deserve a refund?

Many of these " entitled gamers" really need to wake up from what ever dream world they are living in.

I would love to do this to everyone who thinks they deserve something for nothing.

evilunklebud3479d ago

This site's anti-MS tripe makes my head spin.....

Does this apply to people who buy new cars as well?

VegasDawg3479d ago

This just in giving away free stuff is a rip off, don't fall for it. Good lord, how did this get approved?

bumnut3479d ago

I bought the original Xbox at launch, it dropped in price by £100 shortly after. MS gave me 2 games and a controller as compensation.

u4one3479d ago

agreed. i bought both the x1 and the ps4 at launch. I am by definition an early adopter. I do the same thing with smartphones and various other types of electronics. i don't by any means feel shafted because as an early adopter you kind of assume that things will get cheaper or that deals will come along as the technology ages or becomes more mainstream. i don't mind because I am paying to have my experience sooner rather than later. Now if I bought an x1 and the very next day or even next week it dropped price a bit i might care a little more.

dumahim3479d ago

Just another article from someone with a strong sense of entitlement. Not surprising coming from a site called gimmegimmegames

nowitzki20043479d ago

The PS3 was $600. but the cheapes Blu-Ray player around that time was $1000. so it was a steal at 600 with maybe the best blu ray player out of all of them.

MazzingerZ3479d ago

The PS3 was a Bluray player and a powerful gaming console, a Bluray player-only device by that time costed more than the PS3.

X360 (399 USD) + HD DVD ext unit (199 USD) was 600 as well, difference is that HD DVD lost the battle and PS3 was still playing BR and games after several years while the X360 didn't and if you were luck (no RROD) would still play games.

I think early adopters of X1 got that, be early adopters, it's a pleasure and need for many, besides they got the camera as well, they can sell it and get money back, I don't see the problem.

ITPython3479d ago (Edited 3479d ago )

Early XB1 adopters went into this gen knowing what MS had planned to do with the XB1, yet they still foolishly bought one. So they shouldn't be surprised when MS repeatedly screws them over. It is their own fault for supporting MS this gen when the anti-gaming and anti-consumer giant should have been kicked to the curb and ostracized from the gaming industry permanently.

It's only going to get worse when MS releases another console in 2016/2017 and completely abandons the XB1.

raptorjacob3479d ago

Everything gets a price cut eventually. The thing that would bother me if i bought the xbox at launch is it didnt even take a year for a $100 price cut.

Muzikguy3479d ago

If people weren't so entitled this wouldn't even be an issue. Companies need to stop catering to the ones that think they deserve anything and everything for next to nothing

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DEEBO3480d ago (Edited 3480d ago )

Yeah 500 was too much but i luck up and got my 1st one 300 on new years eve,then i pick up 2nd one for my kids brithday for 350.
So for 650 i got two xbox one's, a kinect and AC unity/ black flag.
Not to bad.

4logpc3480d ago

Um what? This is the first time I can remember any gaming company specifically calling out early adopters and giving them something free...


mrbojingles3480d ago

You don't remember the 3DS then do you?

Dudebro903480d ago

That was different. They got shafted with the outrageous price tag. Which was cut.

Microsoft simply offered another sky without Kinect.

Huge difference.

-Foxtrot3480d ago

But if you buy it day one then it's your own fault

The same would apply for the PS4 or the Nintendo Wii U

These things happen and it's a risk you have to take if you want a new console at launch.

Nirvana315913480d ago

The PS4 didn't drop $200 in price. Try again

NuggetsOfGod3480d ago (Edited 3480d ago )

I think u are thinking of ps3?

antz11043480d ago

No but the PS3 did.

Kettle. Pot. Black.

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10 Best Co-Op Games, Ranked

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PS5 Outsells Xbox One

Sony's latest video game console, the PlayStation 5,which is part of the ninth generation of video game consoles, has outsold the lifetime sales of the Xbox One, according to VGChartz estimates.

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anast2h ago

The Xbox lady sees this and there goes Ninja Theory.

JackBNimble6m ago(Edited 1m ago)

Xbox leadership sucks, which is killing xbox. By the way , console players need
a strong xbox competition to keep Sony honest.

This is what happens when you start putting exclusives on the competition's platform, and we know MS isn't done giving the ps5 xbox games. So why would anyone buy an xbox at this point?

CrimsonWing692h ago

I mean, that’s like the equivalent of bragging about beating up a special needs kid.

MajorLazer2h ago

Series S/X may not even outsell the X1 🤣

Unknown_Gamer57945m ago(Edited 5m ago)

A special needs kid with rich parents.* That clearly only goes so far though.

Xeofate2h ago

Something Xbox Series X will never do.

MrNinosan1h ago

It won't, not even with S included in the mix.

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