
Advertising in Video Games - Believe the Hype or Derail the Hype Train?

Sometimes it's brought on by advertising and sometimes it's brought on by gamers excited about the game themselves but there's no denying that hype is a massive marketing tool. Do you buy into it? Have you ever been disappointed by an over-hyped product?

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Talgrath3493d ago

I've found that as I get older, I get less hyped up for new games, that's just the nature of experience. You realize that, if the game is good, you don't need to play it right away, it's not a must have anymore. I'm pretty hyped for the Witcher 3 and I do have it pre-ordered, but that has more to do with the fact that I love the series and I trust the publisher than a feeling that I absolutely must have this game. Sixteen year old me would be so super hyped right now though.


Mass Effect 3's Ending for Javik Misses the Forest for the Trees

Based on one narratively fitting ending in Mass Effect 3, Prothean squadmate Javik is highly unlikely to return in the next Mass Effect game.

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anast94d ago

He was one of my least favorite characters. I wish they would have done the Proths different.


Our Favorite Villains in Gaming - Roundtable

There have been plenty of great villains in video games over the years. Now it's time for the VGU crew to name a few of their favorites.


Five Games to Play While Waiting for Armored Core 6

The newest From Software game is just around the corner. These are five excellent games to play while waiting for Armored Core 6.

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Si-Fly299d ago

Can I suggest BG3 as a 6th? It’s helping me pass the time quite well.

anast299d ago

I'm still trying to finish WotR.

DivineHand125299d ago

With the release date being just a little over a week away, it may not be a good idea to burn yourself out on mech games until then.

RavenWolfx299d ago

i want a Chromehounds sequel so bad...

raWfodog299d ago (Edited 299d ago )

Surprised that the article didn’t mention Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries if we’re talking about mech-related games.

ZeekQuattro298d ago

It was an odd article imo. Like why are games that feature a handful of mech themed levels in there. When I think of mech games I don't think Halo and Wolfenstein no matter how fun those levels were.

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