
Activision: Success of PS4 & Xbox One why Microsoft & Sony focused only on games

In an exclusive interview with Examiner.com, Activision CEO Eric Hirshberg talked about the early success of the PS4 and Xbox One, and attributed the games-heavy press conferences at Gamescom and E3 to strong sales of both consoles

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BrandanT3576d ago

I don't think the Xbox One was entirely focused on games.

TFJWM3576d ago

They were at Gamescom and E3. If you wanted to dispute something I would say that Xbox1 hasn't had very strong sales since E3 thou.

SoapShoes3576d ago

Success isn't why they are taking more of a gaming focus, it's failure that did that so his statement still stands true and Activision's is off.

AngelicIceDiamond3576d ago

@Brandan If they weren't before they sure are now.

RosweeSon3576d ago

From day one definately not, they are getting there tho credit where it's due after the horror story of last year and me deciding day one before even seeing the ps4 that was the One! But E3 certainly was interesting who knows I may get one in a year or so once all these games are becoming available and the console is below £299 as it's stands I'll stick with my ps4 and prob will even if I do buy an xbox one but at least it was only what the xbox one costs now back on launch day add on 8/9 months of free games since day one I'm quids/dollars in good times, very rare you say you've saved money buying on day one. You won't get a better price for what I paid 9 months ago so yeah winner, xbox one was 100% focused on services and cloud servers and achievements for watching tv and exclusive tv content there was barely a game in sight and definately not one of any serious merit, sure that changed at e3 specially once they dropped the Lara bomb but she'll make her way back they always do, xbox is now focused on the games/gamers but only since they saw how well sony pulled it off and now they are literally saying the same thing ps4 was saying from day one, this is for gamers this is the gamer edition this is the best place to play games, Microsoft are now saying?? Hmmm yeah exactly the same tag lines.

pop_tarts3576d ago

I'm sure this is a fan boy thing to say but it has some truth to it: "The success of the PS4 made Microsoft focus only on games."

Sony had their message from the get go that they are about the games, Microsoft, thanks to the promotion of Phil, has started focusing on games.

SoapShoes3576d ago (Edited 3576d ago )

No... That's not why they are less about multimedia. It was just what they knew they had to do. They would have had someone with that persona regardless of who it was, they knew no one wanted it and they had a huge image problem. Phil was told to portray himself that way and people forget that he was a huge supporter of DRM and Xbox One's original vision.

christocolus3576d ago (Edited 3576d ago )

“Phil was told to portray himself that way
and people forget that he was a huge supporter of DRM
and Xbox One's original vision.”

Lmao. Where do you guys get this crap from? Who told him to do that? You? Bill gates? Nadella? Fbs? Lol. Don't know what you are trying to downplay here but Phil is actually a great exec. The gamers and devs alike applauded MS when they made him the head of xbox,some Bungie execs actually said he was one of the guys at MS who always encouraged them.. Truth is no one actually cares what you think aboout the guy. He is doing a great job. His focus on games can't be questioned at this point. They are investing big time into new ips, making third party deals and at the same time expanding and strengthening their 1st party efforts.just yesterday 5 new 1st party studios where revealed.

www.thesixthaxis.com/2014/08/ 21/new-microsoft-first-party-s tudios-outed/

I think Activisions statement is spot on.

SoapShoes3576d ago

Uh his tweets, comments, and other stuff is where we knew he was a big supporter of the original vision. He, afterwards, said that it hurt him to see it. Yeah right, if you don't like where your company is taking a product your move somewhere else in the company or find another job. At the very least, don't tell everyone you agree with the direction of the company. If he really didn't like it he would have stayed quiet to the public. He puts on a good act, and I'm sure he's a gamer, but it's just that a persona for PR.

ramiuk13575d ago

the thing is they said they are still on the same path and there original vision is there goal.
As u say there going about it in a way people forget and then it will come back im pretty sure of that.

RosweeSon3576d ago

I think that's where it's started now Phil has jumped ship but spot on buddy Microsoft borrow the tag line from sony and now everyone's a nice friendly company, they seriously have changed or at least started to change their attitude tho Microsoft, I remember one of the comments regarding backwards compatability, yeah nice way to treat your customers you are all backwards, uh fuck you buddy, only paid for xbox live and multiple xbox 360's over 6/7 built up a vast digital library due to buying arcades games over those many years but im backwards if I want to take a few of the classics or a few things I haven't finished off whilst i wait for all the big guns to show up on next gen like we had to on 360 and ps3 i was happy to buy a ps4 on day one due to the free ps+ games and knowing I had a big enough backlog to keep me busy and build up a little selection on ps4 ready for the blow out come Christmas but yeah one thing you can't fault is Sony sticking to their guns and doing what they wanted because they wanted and luckily it was for us Gamers, Microsoft have done nothing but swift 180's since they started their initial reveal event and now it's for the gamers, pffft, where's my banana boat gone cos I must be a mug!

Godz Kastro3576d ago

X1 is a great system hands down. It doesn't take away from PS4 i just thoroughly enjoy my X1.

With the video codec support they are going to start offering this thing will be amazing! Possibly my favorite console of all time and we are just scratching the surface.

Good time to be a gamer!

RosweeSon3576d ago

I'm sure xbox is and will be a fantastic console but the fact in the UK alone it's already dropped £80 within the first 6 months and needs to drop another £50 to the magic £299 mark before I'll even consider it and until sunset overdrive, tomb raider which is way and will without a doubt jump ship for more sales, quantum outbreak and maybe halo collection if I did get an xbox one but as it's stands now it's a new? Forza dead rising 3 worthy of a whole new console, not a chance, dead rising has always had pretty serious issues with the majority of the games in the series, shocking save system on number 1 and annoying watch on number 2, it's good for a laugh but I wouldn't be laughing after 5-10 hours and forking out over £450 for the console and game to see both drop in price, yeah well impressed ;) it'll get there tho I'm by no means writing it off, I think they have a couple of £/$ in the bank, it's what I heard anyway, lend us a tenner bill!

cell9893576d ago

you lost me when you said 'favorite console of all time'
why would you claim that, when its been out less than a year and has very few games atm to even consider it better than NES,SNES,SEGA, DREAMCAST,SATURN,PSX,PS2,PS3,3 60. c'mon this isnt opinion, be realistic man, otherwise you cant be taken serious.

Godz Kastro3576d ago


Thats just how i fell. Ive head every gaming system since 2600. The 360 was my favorite and the X1 is heading in same direction. I really enjoy this thing. It is the center piece of my home theater. I dont even have a cable box...

RiPPn3576d ago

Article is trying to change the narrative by coupling the Xbox with the PS4's success. Microsoft wasn't focused on games and in 2014 the Xbox One is selling worse than the Wii U which is considered by most to be a flop.

cell9893576d ago

very good observation, I thought the same. classic case of "we're all winners" when really right now MS is playing catch up with PS4 with the "me too" mentality


"Best Three-Year Slate in Call of Duty History" Coming; Activision Talks COD by Treyarch and WWII

Activision expects Treyarch to create compelling digital offers for its next Call of Duty, claims to have the "best three-year slate" in the pipeline.

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Relientk772309d ago

Well the next CoD is by Treyarch so it'll probably be good.

I expect a Modern Warfare 2 remaster in 2019, like they did with MW1. Infinity Ward just aren't what they used to be, so they need an Incentive to buy the new game. It will probably be bundled with Infinity Ward's CoD 2019.

Parasyte2309d ago

Agreed. MW2 was probably the last solid game that IW made, and even that was riddled with bugs.

jc122308d ago

infinite warfare is actually an underrated game. its quite good.

ApexWolf222309d ago

Best 3 years? Ironically it has nothing to do with removing the booster jetpacks huh lol...worst thing to happen to COD was Advanced Warfare, it was downhill ever since...

SierraGuy2308d ago (Edited 2308d ago )

Please....advanced Warfare was done correctly...the maps we're insane...the maps need to match jetpack capability which they did well. If you ask me black ops 3 was junk. I have all of them. We took a step back after advanced Warfare but WW2 is sweet.

Nobody has bested advanced Warfare map design ever since. Not even WW2...yet.


Activision’s CEO Talks Call Of Duty, Crash, PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds

GI: "We spoke to Eric Hirshberg during our visit to Sledgehammer for our Call of Duty: WWII cover story."

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FallenAngel19842471d ago

Crash Bandicoot is the only thing that matters for me from Activision

naruga2471d ago

exactly and even with ready cooked food couldnt deliver a proper Remake ...unfortunately is too late for Sony to buy it after the explosive success of this mediocre remake

TheEnigma3132470d ago

Mediocre remake? You must not have played the originals. This is one of if not the most accurate remakes created.

neoandrew2470d ago

its a remaster, the dev said

Sherif1292470d ago

@TheEnigma313 he did the same with RE7, which was the most similar RE we had in years to the originals.

This remake is perfect.

FITgamer2470d ago

The game doesn't need a remake. It wouldn't be the same if they revamped the entire game. Vicarious Visions did a damn good job on the remaster.

BlaqMagiq12470d ago

This godlike remake you mean. Blows the originals out of the water.

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mwjw6962470d ago

Why do we care about his thoughts on PUBG again? Why are they gonna steal that idea too? Its like all originality was sucked out of Activision 20 years ago.

crazyclown2470d ago

Im sure we will see a ton of battle royale games of all sorts coming. I wouldn't be surprised. I just don't see how PUBG will work on consoles. I tried it with a controller on PC and the experience was terrible. However, if they can get it right with some sort of aim assist (very limited) then it will work.


Activision Has "Tremendous Confidence" in Destiny 2; Beta Feedback "Almost Universally Positive"

Destiny 2's recent beta appears to have boosted Activision's confidence in the future of the upcoming FPS by Bungie.

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Eonjay2498d ago

I have to agree here. People who actually play the game like it. For them, they aren't looking for approval from a website either.

thekhurg2498d ago

Peer to peer multiplayer is a failing on their part. It was acceptable for the 1st game because it wasn't a prove success. But there is no excuse to not provide dedicated servers for the sequel.

SirBradders2498d ago

It is a hybrid system and not peer to peer and at the same time not completed dedicated servers. Some stuff happens their end some ours.

thekhurg2498d ago

The lag is still 100% real and identical to the laggy peer to peer bullshit bungie had players deal with during the first game.

You can still manipulate latency to your advantage in this archaic system. It will continue to be exploited in competitive crucible just like it has been.

CaptainObvious8782497d ago

I didn't know there wasn't going to be dedicated servers. That's beyond a joke for a game like this.

No buy.

bluefox7552498d ago

Same deal with the first game. It got a lot of hate, but that didn't stop it from being massively popular.

Relientk772498d ago

Felt mostly like Destiny 1.5 to me.

Rude-ro2498d ago

This comment is so repetitively old with absolutely not one inch of facts to back up.
i get you may not like the game...
But can anyone with iq define what this means?!
Can someone point out huge drastic changes in sequels for other franchises?

Rippcity2498d ago

Well as someone who played D1 who didn't play the beta, when I hear the game is basically Destiny 1.5 makes me super hesitant. D1, to a lot of us, was a complete ripoff. Recycling the same content over and over, artificially lengthening the game by resetting gear and the utter lack of content overall. Hearing that D2 is very similar is all I need to decide not to pick it up. Completely valid comment.

Kokyu2498d ago (Edited 2498d ago )

The fact is little to almost nothing changed, D2 is following the activison COD model change very little call it new charge 60$. Unless the final game has more than a power rework, hud changes, reorganized weapon slots and slower movement speed this is in fact Destiny 1.5 and could easily been just another expansion. After playing the beta I cancelled my preorder and Ill be taking a wait an see approach to D2 like most of my clanmates. Im speaking as someone who is an original player from the first Alpha.

Also if you reply just know I dont read them or messages I come here to express my opinions not have a conversation.

Rude-ro2498d ago

Once again... I am not asking a question that leads to a game changing for those that were disappointed. Those players are not the millions that did like the game.
In fact, the game that everyone wanted in the comment sections still does not exist on consoles.
I am asking, what separates a sequel?
Halo was always halo.
Uncharted, gears of war, god of war, cod, battlefield, FIFA, the show, forza, crackdown, gran turismo...
Etc etc etc etc...
"1.5 sounds like THE most uneducated response ever when talking about games.

From what I hear, a lot has changed but the formula is core... but we have no clue because we have not played it.

PurpsMaSquirt2498d ago

I put over 200 hours into D1. Played a few hours of the D2 beta. I can agree that this feels more like 1.5 than a completely new approach.

The inventory UI is literally the same. The skill trees look a little different, but they feel smaller and more limited despite adding another ability to keep active. The enemy models looked and acted the same. Bosses are still bullet sponges and unremarkable. They promised a better campaign. The one mission was certainly better than the majority of D1, but it still felt like the D1 formula just with more one-liner dialogue rather than a meaty setup to a solid campaign. In fact, the biggest improvement I saw was the graphics and level design. Beautiful map showings, and it seemed like in the Strike they are bringing the Raid platforming mechanics in, which I think is a good call.

I agree with you that what a sequel looks like is different per game, entertainment genre, etc. It's all based on expectations. The loyal core fanbase of D1 should be more than happy with D2. But for those like me, who enjoyed D1 but were hoping for more of a completely new approach (new classes, completely revamped skill tree setup and inventory system, etc.) -- like we saw with Dead Space 2 vs. Dead Space 1 or the Uncharted series progression -- will feel this looks more like a large expansion content set rather than a full-on sequel.

Rude-ro2498d ago

I feel like the beginning of d2 was better than the end of d1.
New abilities will come over time I would expect. We do not know.
The pve patrol has been completely revamped with finding new things to do. Their weekly "nightfall" is no longer a strike, but a scavenging of the planets which is very cool.
Treasure maps, dungeons like areas, and npc driven missions. All things that have to be looked for and done vs bounties. This is a huge upgrade over d1.
Weapons will have build options that go further than d1. Instead of hunting for god rolls, you will modify your weapons to your liking. Something that was not in the beta.
I also feel like bungie is leaning harder on the player for your load outs per armor and weapons to increase your damage output.
The bosses are always sponges. In every game that is like this. The point of these games is to level up to not make bosses sponges. That's the point.
I will not judge pvp but changes have happened there as well.

Sequels are always improvements or not...
You mentioned deadspace...there, the formula did take a sharper turn... and the series failed. Good or bad is up to success, not opinions.
Uncharted changed nothing, they just did it better with better timing, better set pieces, and amazing story. Something destiny can easily do... we just have to wait and see.
My judgement will all come down to the first raid. If it is poorly executed, then every single person in here saying their concerns will be proven right... but if they knock it out of the park... then we will be on the right path.

Yo Mama2497d ago (Edited 2497d ago )

A "sequel" that didn't/couldn't even add a new guardian class. A "sequel" that actually took away abilities instead of just adding to what was already there, thus giving us more options. A "sequel" that didn't give us what we have begged for for over 2 years, true raid matchmaking & seperate PvE/PvP weapons so the inevitable nerfs don't mess with us who don't care for the Crucible. They could have given us everything they've shown us so far in DLC for Destiny 1. So yes, Destiny 1.5 is very justified.

Rude-ro2497d ago

@ya mama
Every game has a reset.
You literally just defined every franchise.
Yes... a reset to rebuild.
My argument is not to convince people to like the game if they do not...
But for this brand new complaint that is only being used on this game is beyond strange.
Anyone saying this about crackdown 3?
Anyone saying this about splatoon? No
Etc etc
Destiny 2 is more destiny with changes added.

PurpsMaSquirt2497d ago


Fair points. A lot of the newer info I must admit I wasn't aware of. I definitely wish Bungie the best of luck, but I'll definitely be holding off until reviews or Redbox before diving in myself.

TheSaint2497d ago

Can you decry it with intellect instead of just "waah, this isn't right"?

2497d ago
2497d ago
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MrFisher212498d ago

I know I want be buying it after playing the beta. Was really unimpressed with the visuals. Just not my game I guess.

Thunder_G0d_Bane2498d ago

yep I've locked in my pre order on the PC version, The beta was super fun on PS4 and I cant wait for the PC beta in a few weeks to play at uncapped frames! :D

TheRealHeisenberg2498d ago

Speaking for myself, I'm positive that I'm not buying this at full price.

narsaku2498d ago

Say it like it should be brother.

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