
Pokémon Trading Card Game Coming to iPad

At the Pokemon World Championships this weekend, an iPad build of the Trading Card Game is being shown off. No release date is known at this time.

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Codewow3582d ago

Whatttttt Pokemon on anything other than a Nintendo system!? Has it begun!? Microsoft goes PC, Nintendo goes mobile!? I mean it would be great for the people who don't have the money to buy a 3DS or something.

WeAreLegion3579d ago

It has been on PC for a long time now. This is The Pokemon Company, a separate entity from Nintendo.

ABizzel13579d ago

It's funny you said that, because I'm writing blogs about where the future of gaming should go for consoles (3 platform future). I already have Nintendo and MS up, and I said Nintendo should go mobile with a N-Fusion device (basically a high-end 4DS, that can connect to the charging cradle and through HDMI become a pseudo home console), and Xbox should go back to it's PC roots and become what Steam Machine tried to achieve (they'll succeed simply because they already have an audience of million of gamers).

I'm working on Sony right now, and why the 3 platform future is best for gaming.

Software_Lover3579d ago

No money for a 3ds but they have a more expensive Ipad?

pompombrum3579d ago

Lol is this the "shocking" announcement? Well that's one word to describe it.


If You Aren't Playing Pokémon Trading Card Game Online, You Should Be

The Pokémon Trading Card Game Online is everything you'd ever want a digital trading card game to be.

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PrinceOfMalta1615d ago

I'm getting tired of all these opinion pieces titled "You Should Do This", "You Shouldn't Do That".

I'll do whatever the f*** I want, thank you very much. :)

How about reporting on some actual news?

Toiletsteak1615d ago

"I'm getting tired of all these opinion pieces titled "You Should Do This", "You Shouldn't Do That".

I'll do whatever the f*** I want, thank you very much. :)"

Then goes on to tell THEM what to do haha!

PrinceOfMalta1615d ago

I said "how about", it's a suggestion, not an order.
And I'm a reader here, so I'm voicing my preferences to people who publish their articles here.
Totally different from some rando telling me what I should or shouldn't play/do in my free time.

Gigglefist1615d ago (Edited 1615d ago )

They're editorials my dude

DarkkMinion1615d ago

How about you just do that. Do whatever the f you want and be happy. See, I just told you what to do.

ShinRon1615d ago

play Hearthstone instead imo

ShockUltraslash1615d ago

How about no?
Its free to play on lower ranks but you need to pay for the good cards and top meta decks.
Also meta shifts every season so even if you grind 1000 hours to get the best cards, it will be outdated next season.


Which Pokemon mobile game fits your lifestyle

It is a brave new world for the Pokemon series. Thanks to the prevalence of mobile devices and lowering of walls, all sorts of spin-offs are showing up in new spaces. Android and iOS devices are getting their own kinds of games involving our favorite pocket monsters. None of them are traditional Pokemon titles, but that doesn't mean they don't have value or should be ignored. In fact, people probably should be trying out and experiencing some of the ones immediately available now. (Especially while waiting for the DeNA Pokemon Masters game and the sleep-tracking Pokemon Sleep application.) But, which ones should people consider playing?

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Pokemon Trading Card Game Online’s Guardians Rising Expansion

Josiah from Reboot Reload shares his favourite non-GX picks that will shake up the meta in the latest Pokemon Trading Card Game Online expansion.

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