
Mages' Xbox One Exclusives Cause Extremely Negative Reaction Among Japanese Viewers: 66% Displeased

Yesterday the prominent visual novel developers Mages. and 5pb. announced three Xbox One exclusive (at least for now) visual novels for the Japanese market during a livestream on the popular video portal Nico Nico, but the gamers watching the broadcast didn’t exactly appreciate what they saw.

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Charybdis3885d ago (Edited 3885d ago )

They really don't like that the xb1 has these games as exclusives. Didn't know these games or Dev but surprised that apparently it does seem to be a big deal in Japan. Assumed it just were some graphic novel kinda Japanese indie games or something

georgeenoob3885d ago

Time for y'all Japanese to get an X1.

Gazondaily3885d ago

I think this negative reaction has more to do with the stigma against the Xbox than the games themselves.

MS have such a tough fight against them in Japan. Its like David vs Goliath, except replace David with Stephan Hawking.

Ripsta7th3885d ago (Edited 3885d ago )

Septic: LMAO at your comparison

RockmanII73885d ago

Visual Novels are pretty big in Japan, here's a good blog from a while back describing them.


DVAcme3885d ago

Visual novels are HUGE business in Japan, with titles like the Fate and When they Cry series being classics with even anime adaptations. The outrage stems from it being a mostly PC genre and forcing Japanese gamers to not only have to get a console, but also a console that will underperform in Japan. They'd protest if the games were Sony or Nintendo exclusive too, but nowhere near as vocally or fiercely. To give you an idea, this would be similar to League Of Legends' sequel being announced as a console exclusive, it'd cause massive outrage.

Docknoss3885d ago

Does this remind anyone of Fukushima? Where no one wants radiation but in the end, it breaks down and everyone has it?

AndrewLB3885d ago

So let me get this straight. A room full of Sony fanboys were shown a game they believe should be a PS4 exclusive... and everyone is surprised when they get pi$$y?

Sometimes I just don't understand why people are so hell bent on hating another console that they'd spend time going to an event put on by that company just so they can be fanboys.

But i guess it's in their culture, kinda like how it's more honorable to kill yourself than surrender. (I know this will pi$$ people off, but as they say "the truth hurts")

Utalkin2me3885d ago


Games you say, roflmao. When it is graphic novels.

Bigpappy3885d ago

All the negative things please say about the U.S. Yet they never do stuff like this. If the games they want are on a system, they just buy that system.

I am sick of people here making excuses for that closed society which exist by selling there product to other countries.

styferion3885d ago

that's likely the case, because VNs usually made for PC or handheld(PSP/Vita), something many fans of the genre should already have, but now they have to invest $400 for these games. Not to mention if future VNs aren't exclusive anymore that'd piss them off..

Eonjay3885d ago


I think everyone may be reading to much into this. I don't think its about Jealousy at all. The article continue stating that the stream ended with "www" going across the screen... which is like lol or mocking. Maybe they were expecting something else because they get content like this on mobiles.

I think they may have been expecting something more.

DragonKnight3885d ago

@AndrewLB: My god I don't think I've ever read something as stupid as what you just wrote. I mean, I should tell you why you're wrong, but you wouldn't understand it. Your comment is just proof that there's no getting through that skull comprised of Microsoft console parts and pamphlets.

You do understand what Japan is don't you? From a gaming perspective, you at least understand that right? Wow, frickin' wow.

@Bigpappy: Yeah, Japan is the ONLY place that ever does something like this. Totally. /s


You might want to get yourself checked, your racism is showing.

sinspirit3884d ago

They hate that they try to move in on a territory where they aren't popular at all and pay off popular developers of their own region to make games for their console. It's just ridiculous. This probably will come back at the "Mages" as well.

Dir_en_grey3884d ago

Just like only in 'MuriKKKa where people like you will keep on supporting an inferior product just cause it's made by fellow 'MuriKKKans right? (when it's all made in China anyway)

How about NO, people wanting to support a better product with better quality is not a "culture", it's what sane human beings do you little racist prick.

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VforVideogames3885d ago

If they don't like the ps4 why are they going to like xbox one?

GameDev13885d ago

They do like the PS4, Knack is only released there and it has actually gained some momentum, not as good momentum but shocking for a console with just one game and no Japanese exclusive

Hardware console sales generally just seem to be poor there, Xbox One seems like a no go now but Id rather wait to see until it releases there

Kribwalker3885d ago

Knack only got sales there because it was bundled with the first 350000 consoles sold in japan

choujij3885d ago

Anyone consider the possibility that maybe they just weren't particularly thrilled about the games shown, despite the platform?

Utalkin2me3885d ago

He said games, roflmao. These are not games.

Mystogan3885d ago

Where they mad because they were exclusive?

Magicite3885d ago

first step of x1 flopping in Japan.

UnHoly_One3885d ago

No, unfortunately the first step of XB1 flopping in Japan was taken 13 years ago when an American company decided to make a games console.

They've never had a chance over there.

XiSasukeUchiha3885d ago


You be displeased then bro!

medman3884d ago

The xbone has as much chance of selling well in Japan as does a store here in America that opens up shop trying to sell pre-worn, slightly stained underwear to the masses. It's simply an unappealing proposition.

3884d ago
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Mikelarry3885d ago (Edited 3885d ago )

MS clearly sees something we gamers are missing because I still don't understand why waste resources in a market that you know does not like your brand, it all good that you want to try and break into the market but i mean after two very disappointing attempts and the audience is more into mobile gaming why waste all that when you could put them to good use in other regions that would appreciate it but hey more power to them

OrangePowerz3885d ago

They would most likely lose support from Japanese 3rd party devs if they wouldn't launch in Japan. They would question why they should make games for it when the console isn't even released in their market. That's the only reason I see becaude Ms can't be that stupid to think to actually make an impact in Japan.

ToyboxDX3885d ago

@Mikelarry, the answer to your question is simply... M$'s arrogance.

Regardless of whether they actually sell anything, they just want to have a presence in Japan and not felt left out, even if it means losing money there (which they did for the xbox, xbox360 and now the xbone).

To not push their own product in a major country that will sell large quantities of their direct competitor's products is to loose face. And M$ being the arrogance they have always been, will never want that to happen.

So they will still push the xbone in Japan, even if it only sell a few units, even if they know they will loose lots of money (which ironically they have a lot from their OS and Office products), even if there is practically no hope at all.

Dehnus3885d ago

Okay from now on Sony is = $on¥ in my writing. Not because of money problem now, but how they money hatted in the past towards SEGA and Nintendo. They did not only start buying developers including some western ones that since then have been ruined (I still miss you Psygnosis!) they also sold hardware under the cost price, they where one of the firsts to start doing that.

So yeah... fuck $on¥.

-- Signed Nintendo Fanboy who is sick of Ponies

IcicleTrepan3884d ago

Maybe it's just that they feel like they need to compete on Sony's home territory to try and take market share from them. They didn't do a good job last time around though, who knows what will happen this time, probably won't work out too well for them.

mikel10153885d ago

Microsoft's got to have at least one more Japanese exclusive, maybe Platinum Games? This can't be all they got for Japan at E3

christocolus3885d ago (Edited 3885d ago )

This is definitly one out of many more games in the pipeline.this isn't even going to be a full priced game.I think this type of games will be used to fill the void between the major releases. MS released a list of of over 45 japanese developers who will be making games for their platform and they also have some exclusives in the pipeline from their japanese dev partners (according to phil). I guess they wanted this out of the way to make room for more announcements, remember Phil said they would have another show before the japanese launch. I'm guessing that show will have more japanese exclusive announcements.

I'm personally hoping for a new lost odysee, blinx and otogi

Spikes14713885d ago

They (well Phil Spencer) also said expect a big, "never before seen" exclusive. Possibly at E3. At with that January Leak. Possibly Platinum Games "Project Nagano"

Dewitt3885d ago

There were so many western viewers that this poll is really skewed.

Spotie3885d ago

Doubtful. Unless you mean the negativity should be higher. Pretty certain fans of the companies involved weren't looking forward to needing an Xbox anything to play these games.

After all, it's not like the brand has much in the way of a fanbase or positive image in Japan.

Dewitt3885d ago (Edited 3885d ago )

All of GAF, reddit, and destructoid were watching the stream. So yeah...

Prime1573885d ago (Edited 3885d ago )

I browse gaf and reddit and I wasn't watching the stream.

Generalize much? How many western hemisphere Japanese speaking trolls do you think there are?

Spotie3885d ago

That's hyperbole, first and foremost. And it still didn't disprove what I said. Xbox is not popular in Japan, and I can't imagine why VN fans would be pleased to see these games on Xbox, rather than on a Nintendo or Playstation console.

With that in mind, you can't say which direction the number would be skewed in. However, given the dislike of Xbox in general, it's possible the number would be even higher WITHOUT the western audience.

Dewitt3885d ago

Since these are JP releases only I can't see how your response makes any sense whatsoever.

GameDev13885d ago

But then isn't there the likely chance some of those Western viewers might have raised the vote up in favour of the Xbox and the poll would have actually been worse if they weren't there??

rainslacker3884d ago

I'd imagine IF there were a ton of western viewers, it was probably the Otaku types who know who these companies are. I doubt most western gamers on there on this site had even heard of 5pb or Mages. That being said, I can see why those western viewers may be upset, because the XBox brand isn't really huge on games for the Otaku.

There may have been some wanting to see what exclusives there would be for the X1, but you'd assume that they were mostly X1 owners looking to see what was coming.

You make it seem like Sony fans have some sort of agenda to sabotage any news for MS at every turn and devote their life to that end.

In any case, it would appear, based on your argument, that Xbox just isn't popular in the west anymore. Why do you think that is?

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Report: Assassin's Creed Black Flag Remake Will Be More Than a Visual Upgrade, New Systems Mentioned

Assassin's Creed Black Flag Remake looks to be all but confirmed, with some first official details being shared online.

-Foxtrot16h ago

Black Flags is great and all but they really should have remade the first game.

Like I said Black Flags is a fantastic pirate game but it's where, for me anyway, it started to drift away from it's Assassin roots and felt like a new IP they were too scared to do without something attached. It's funny because they could have called this Skull and Bones back then or just "Black Flags and it would have done well enough to start a new IP for them. Sometimes I felt Black Flags was held back in some places because it was attached to AC lore, if it was a new IP it would have been fun to continue Edwards adventures in multiple games as he was a really good characters.

RaidenBlack10h ago

Altair's AC1 deserves more of a reimagining than a straight remake ... The game's got pacing issue and is comparatively barren especially since the parkour ability surprise has worn of.

VenomUK26m ago

I loved Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag and so did many millions of other people. Ubisoft intentionally reduced the AC element so it was mostly a pirate game that had the broadest appeal.

Ubisoft should not have wasted time making the online Skull & Bones or this remake - it should’ve just made a new standalone single player pirate game that could become a franchise.

Knightofelemia11h ago

I like Black Flag but I also liked Rogue too bad it's not a two for one deal.

RaidenBlack10h ago(Edited 10h ago)

Wish they remade ACII before Black Flag ... or even re-imagined AC1

ReidoN71h ago

I never put anywhere near enough into Black Flag when it first launched.

Looking forward to giving it another go when the remake launches.

blackblades48m ago

They milking the F outta this franchise


LUNAR Remastered Collection launches April 18

LUNAR Remastered Collection will launch for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC via Steam on April 18. The physical editions will feature reversible covers showcasing two new key arts for LUNAR: Silver Star Story Complete and LUNAR 2: Eternal Blue Complete, both illustrated exclusively for the LUNAR Remastered Collection by Toshiyuki Kubooka.

darthv7214h ago

I havent played a Lunar game since the Sega CD days. This has been re-released multiple times over the years and sadly has never really gotten additional entries like the Y's series has.


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