
PS4 global sales update

Andrew House writes: "In what is shaping up to be a historic year for gamers, I’m delighted to share an important new milestone with you. PS4′s North American debut on 15th November was PlayStation’s largest ever, with more than one million gamers picking up a PS4 in just 24 hours. Now, with PS4′s global launch expanding to a total of 32 countries worldwide, including Europe and Latin America, I’m proud to announce that more than 2.1 million PS4s have been sold."

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wotta3834d ago


Well Done Sony, that's impressive figures.

majiebeast3834d ago

They could have easily done more if they had more supply. Ive seen them go on ebay in Germany for 620euro's or higher.

LOL_WUT3834d ago (Edited 3834d ago )

People were quick to point out that it got outsold on Black Friday by the competition but little did they know this console was pulling in the numbers in another region. 2.1 million as of Dec 1st how does that feel? ;)

Congrats to Sony!

KUV19773834d ago

At the launch-event in Berlin they could have easily sold 4 times as many as they had in stock. 1.200 consoles for 5.000 people (guestimates).

Why o why3834d ago (Edited 3834d ago )

Asda in the uk by me are saying they aren't getting new stock until january. They sold out pretty swiftly. Hopefully they'll get more in before that. Sony aren't meeting the initial demand. They must be both pissed and pleased

MeknSence3834d ago Show
Enemy3834d ago

So they sold a million more than Xbone (even with low stock), and only just a few days ago launching in Europe? They haven't even launched in Asia yet.

Sony destroying the competition already.

shivvy243834d ago

i still dont have my console yet, waiting for the pre-christmas one

davekaos3834d ago

This is nothing short of phenomenal for sony. With the demand so high if sony had the supply I would guess that figure could easily be 4 million

It shows how hot the product is when stores such as CEX are buying the console for £400 which is £50 more than retail

Freedomland3834d ago

Shaka laka boom boom!
Congrats to Sony fanboys and Sony.

Hydrolex3834d ago (Edited 3834d ago )

Christmas is not even here yet

NatureOfLogic3834d ago (Edited 3834d ago )

WOW! Looks like I picked a winner. Loving my PS4. PS2 vibes all over again.

Flawless victory for Sony. 6 million easily by March.

nukeitall3834d ago

If think both MS and Sony could have sold more if they had more supply.

Demand outstrips supply right now for everyone.

johndoe112113834d ago

You're right I think the biggest issue for sony right now is supply. I think this momentum is going to continue well into the first quarter of next year.

Congrats to sony! After everything they've been through with the ps3 and showing that they've learned from their mistakes, I think they deserve it.

Maybe you're right but based on the reports I've seen it's still very possible to walk into a lot of stores worldwide and pick up an xbox one off the shelf, the same cannot be said for the ps4.

SolidStoner3834d ago

Considering that Japan will get PS4 only in 22 feb 2014, aslo similar to many other countries... including mine.. so count me in later! +1 :D

Flutterby3834d ago


You wish MS was sold out lol , I can 100% confirm there are still day one editions available world wide lol Xbone isn't doing as well as you would like to pretend, ps4 on the other hand is actually sold out.

mikeslemonade3834d ago

Based on the sample size in Berlin. 5,000 people in line with only 1,200 PS4s. So PS4 will sell around 7.5 million before they can actually meet the demand. Only then you can walk into the store at any given moment and buy a PS4.

karl3834d ago Show
wooferine3834d ago

@karl That $100 price difference is really having an impact on the Xbox One's sales. Sony read the target market better than Microsoft this generation and is following a very effective pricing strategy.

u got owned3834d ago

Great sales! Congrats to Sony, although Vita sold 2.1 units during that same time frame.

b163o13834d ago (Edited 3834d ago )

In my best Mortal Kombat voice "Finish him"...
Congrats Sony, started with PS1 and haven't looked back

cleft53834d ago

There it is, 2 to 1 for Sony versus Microsoft and this is only the start. Microsoft has to do something and soon.

karl3834d ago

Almost no dissagrees but my comment is mark as trollling and i loose another bubble? Weird

UltimateMaster3834d ago

Over 2 Million sold.
5 Million, can they make that many from now to march? It will sell but only if there's that many available.

+ Show (21) more repliesLast reply 3834d ago
johndoe112113834d ago

That made me laugh a lot more than it should have.

pyramidshead3834d ago

Fantastic news indeed. And this is only the beginning :)

S2Killinit3834d ago (Edited 3834d ago )

this is a victory through sticking it out and not abandoning the principals that made gaming what it is today. this didn't happen overnight. people are just realizing that Playstation stayed true to gamers throughout last generation, and the generations before that. This was long time coming...


PSNrandom153834d ago Show
hulk_bash19873834d ago

Great start for a great system. Congrats to Sony and the Playstation Brand on a successful North American and European Launch.

B1663r3834d ago ShowReplies(4)
MrDreadnought3834d ago

Good heavens this has to be the fastest selling console in gaming history :o

Sarcasm3834d ago

It doesn't have to be, it is the fastest selling console in history.

3834d ago
kenshiro1003834d ago

That's nothing short of amazing. Well played Sony.

GirlOnFire3834d ago

The fun doesn't stop there. Japan has yet to release PS4 also! If I was them I would be crying by now. ^~^

Crystallis3834d ago

add another million to that number when its released in Japan. so you looking at close to 3.5 million in feb.

Christopher3834d ago

I'm not sure they will do 1m in Japan at release. Maybe half that. Consoles in general have been a diminishing market in Japan with handheld devices taking over.

We'll see, though.

Sevir3834d ago

I doubt it'll sell a million that fast in Japan, the Vita launched in Japan and couldn't even break a million in the first month. In fact, it sold 300k units in week one and dropped to less than 10 thousand units the following week. The 3DS didn't sell well till the price dropped over there.

It'll have a big opening, and then drop.

Tetsujin3834d ago

And I'm a part of that 2.1 million.

Bathyj3834d ago

2 million in 2 weeks?

So 52 million in the first year?

UncleGermrod3834d ago

is this where i line up to blow them? seems like it.

lpc3834d ago

Ps4 best ha aur bara fit sell kia ha .... GAND phar di ha sub kutton ki

3834d ago
reaperofsouls3834d ago

tesco and game have both run out of PS4 but you can still go in and buy xbones

Ps4Console3833d ago

We are the World Record Breakers .

triforce793833d ago (Edited 3833d ago )

Well it's to be expected with the way Sony hyped the ps4 up,when in relaity I'm reading lots of articles/reviews where people sold the ps4 and got a wiiu on Amazon UK and say wiiu is more impressive go read them that's the reality ?? sales mean jack it's quality and as critics say wiiu is the nextgen console to own at the moment because it has the most impressive games and features that work.......

Knack stand alone is at 99 in sales charts on Amazon UK,Mario 3D World is at 17 work it out and 3D world has been at 17/18/19 in the sales charts for the last week and a half,Knack was at like 169 last week,so stand alone versions in Uk it looks like 3D world is in much higher demand......

2.1 million ps4's sold i'll say after around 3 million are sold it will drop off considerably,plus wiiu sits at around 4.1 million so still a while to go yet Sony.......

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 3833d ago
asmith23063834d ago

And it hasn't even released in Japan. I'm sure the Japanese will be lapping it up after how well it went down everywhere else.

3834d ago
Malice-Flare3834d ago

and, we're off. next gen is in full swing...

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shinoff21832d ago

Tell my wallet that, I've bought so many games in the last 2 months. Microtransactions, and dlc not so much

Cacabunga7h ago(Edited 7h ago)

I bought the third party exclusives and not a single multiplateforme game..

maybe Sony comparing with PS4 at the same period, where many more 1st party games were out now
And no, no DLC. Micro transactions never bought never will

purple1012d ago

careful, they are comparing It to ps4, showing 12% decline in games for ps5 console at this point in its life.

problem, ps5 is couple million down in sales, (citing this as evidence: https://www.vgchartz.com/ar... due to people not upgrading from ps4 yet, shortages, expenses, whatever, so maybe they are buying the exact same amount of games per console, but just there 2 million less consoles in general. sony themselves said they are 4 million down on expected consoles sold.

indeed, if ps5 was 5 million down, that would be 10 per cent less consoles, easy maths, but okay lets make a calculated guys, this 12% decline, is in reality a 6% decline because there are just less consoles at this point in its life vs ps4

ALSO: game content add-ons, 175% increase, who the hell is buying outfits fore the charters and stuff, waste of money, kids these days , pfft

XiNatsuDragnel2d ago

That sucks I hope we can more games soon

CobraKai4h ago

I was hoping to see more games to get excited about during State of Play. Love Astro Bot, but that’s it.

FinalFantasyFanatic8h ago

If they put out more games, I'm sure the figures would be a bit different, the PS4 had more exclusives games at this point in both console's life cycles. So I guess that just leaves people to spend more on the games they do have to play.

VersusDMC5h ago

There are 5 exclusive games out so far this year. Concord, Astrobot and Silent Hill 2 left and could be more.

I don't know if they had more exclusives on the PS4 at year 4 but 8 exclusives is a good number.

Ironmike1h ago

I not to optimistic about silent Hill but my favourite game this yr rise of ronin

anast7h ago

. There will always be more DLC and micros than games.

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