
#RyseFacts is trending on twitter, in a bad way

Gamerspective -

Crunching. If you know Video games, or worked on video games then you know what this is about. The end process of development where the team has to do lots of overtime and late nights in order for the game to hit the deadline and to be released. It’s a well established fact that most companies do this, and Crytek (the developer of Ryse tweeted about it on their Ryse twitter page)

But it didn’t end well.

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majiebeast3864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

Dat tweet backfire. Who was stupid enough at Crytek to post this as a fun Ryse fact.

I feel bad for the kids of these devs whose mom and dad were barely at home because months of crunch time. Its something that should change in the industry.

isarai3863d ago

wouldn't be so bad if they were compensated for "crunch time" IE overtime or something, but they aren't and it's wrong. i think publishers need to stop being such dicks, the main reasons crunch time even occurs is by trying to keep up with the demands of the publisher without some extra time to work on it. they just don't know how complicated these things can get and therefore they don't think it's necessary to give them more time. it is horrible, and it should change, but i don't think it ever will which is why the indie scene has exploded, people have had enough of their shit

majiebeast3863d ago

Devs should stand up i mean they dont even have a union i think thats crazy enough.

JokesOnYou3863d ago

Just sounds like they are making fun of the long hours....sucks but those checks usually make up for it.

torchic3863d ago Show
Godmars2903863d ago (Edited 3863d ago )

No. Sounds like the senior team members, guys who will get some actual benefit from putting out the game, are making jokes about it. Many of the grunt programmers will likely get laid off the day after.

Dude. Its not just MS. Everything or everything bad is not about MS. Get off that f**King horse already - that glue's been beaten into the ground by now.

georgeenoob3863d ago Show
rainslacker3863d ago (Edited 3863d ago )

Game testers actually make a crap ton of money during that time. All contract labor, but hell I was pulling in $1000/wk for almost a month straight. Not too shabby for a summer job based off my game design degree.

My quality of life sucked, and I can say I will never want to play that game, or any game in the series again, but I did get fed, had an occasional cot to sleep on. Otherwise, it was work and sleep. I was single at the time.

Otherwise, from my observations, short bursts of crunch time that last a week or so tended to have everyone motivated and focused. By the end of the month, I noticed most of the engineering team was burned out and just looked exhausted. Unfortunately, nowadays, once a game ships, it's not usually a break anymore. The time is spent fixing all the bugs or creating DLC for after the game goes gold.

memots3863d ago

i don't mind overtime. I had 2 on-call shift and got a bunch of overtime. This is basically paying for my ps4 + accessories and couple games.

So dig deep and make money Mr.Dev , that's your job.

pete0073863d ago

If à dev gets divorced due to his work, i think hes just found he was maried to the wrong person. We live hard times. My father worked 16h/ray. And my family is à strong one.

FamilyGuy3863d ago (Edited 3863d ago )

Wow, these guys ripped them apart!

Launching games on a newly launching system are hectic times. Hopefully they all get to relax and take some time off right after it goes gold/ships.

I'm sympathetic to them all as I'm sure all the dev teams working on launch games are "crunching" right now as well. Unless of course they've already finished their game which I'm sure a few have at this point.

Aggesan3863d ago (Edited 3863d ago )

Since Crytech is located in Germany, I wouldn't make the assumption they don't have any union just because the game industri employees don't have one in the US.
In Sweden the union we use for the game industry, and most other office based workplaces, is called Unionen.

Eonjay3863d ago

Sounds like they are doing overtime to try and get this game out. Release is in about a month after all.

JokesOnYou3863d ago (Edited 3863d ago )

Exactly, Eonjay....anynody with a decent job has experienced this themselves.

lol, I read all those comments....several about eating 11,500 pizzas, Ryse is 60% fiber, parents divorce leading to a life of crime. It all sounds no different than regular folks in a office making fun of a long workday the closest I saw to a serious tone was lonely wives and kids which again is a bye product of working hard at crunch time especially for launch games that had shorter dev time working on final dev kits/consoles, yeah that sucks for them but nothing new to game development or frankly everyday working class guys like me and a 150 million other people in the US, shiii probably 100 million would trade places with them in a second....nowhere did I say anything about micro above, no its all of the haters who seem to be looking for the boogeyman about coworkers blowing off steam. I have an awesome job I love yet Ive complained many times right here on n4g about my job, recently I missed San Diego ComicCon due to work and my promotion has lead to less gametime, more long hrs at work(sometimes) but hey all those vacation days are a nice benefit ssshhhh. lol

malokevi3863d ago

After reading the link.... what's the big deal? People working to get the game finished? I don't even understand what the problem is. When I have stuff to do, I work late. The joy's of working for a salary.

Droid Control3863d ago

Its not about the money, its about having time to spend with family.
We work so that we may live, not the other way round.

Ryto3863d ago

@majibeast I cannot understand why you have received disagrees with unionising the workers that create our games.

Crunch time is horrendous excuse for finishing a game, and as one tweeter wrote, I can't think of any other industry in the west that allows a practise such as this! What shocked me even more is that some publishers have this as un chargeable overtime. Vile!

The disagreers are probably children who don't need to work yet and don't realise the grueling effects both personally, emotionally and socially of working hours such as that.

SniperControl3863d ago

Back in my youth(a long time ago lol), i was offered a job with a major studio to work as a game tester, but i turned it down when i found out that i would have to work an extra 30 hours a week(on top of the 40 standard) unpaid!
I was told to get a sleeping bag and bring a change of cloths for a week.
Fcuk that!

insomnium23863d ago

So much talk because of JOY's comments. Why don't you people do like me and put him on your ignore-list? So much better not having to read that BS.

SuperBlur3863d ago

Who is really to blame here , the publisher who made them sign a deal that they had to finish and release by "X" date or guys in charge of the management at the studio in question?

kind of reminds me of R*San Diego , they had to put so much crunch time in RDR , employees did not blame R*Games the publisher but the management team at well R*San Diego.....

malokevi3863d ago (Edited 3863d ago )

When you have a strict deadline for a client like MS... YOU MEET IT. END OF STORY. I can't believe this is even a discussion topic. Have none of you ever worked in development/IT? Are you all 12 years old working at Tim Hortons?

Plenty of time to spend with your family once you get your job done. Jeesh. I know you're all a bunch of wackjobs who complain about anything and everything Microsoft... but this is just sad and pathetic.

I work in game development. I don't personally develop the games... but when we have a client who is expecting a site to be up and running complete with a suite of HTML5 games... you do it. regardless of "family time". what a ridiculous thing to say. Chances are they can be comped for excessive extra time, anyways.

kneon3863d ago

@majiebeast & Ryto

Well I disagreed because if I were in a union I'd be making much less money than I do now. I make over 50% more than is typical for someone of my experience and position and it's based on merit and skill. Most unions only reward seniority, which is just stupid.

What's the point in going the extra mile when others that don't work hard get the same compensation?

Also unions tend to restrict what you can work on, I work on whatever I want to and don't have to worry about some union telling me that's not my job.

isarai3863d ago

I don't think anyone read right, they DON'T get paid overtime, they don't even get paid for the extra hours they work during crunch time

Ju3863d ago

Not sure what changed or when, but I can't remember getting paid for OT or even getting comp...since the last 15 years. It's a shame and needs to stop. Pizza's are nice, and occasional OT is quite alright, but this industry is just ridiculously bad in this respect.

Kyur4ThePain3863d ago

In the real world, overtime pay is a rare thing. In any industry.

Ryto3863d ago

@kneon cheers for the reply. However there's just one thing, perhaps I'm wrong but I was always under the impression than a union is to protect the employees rights?

For example with teaching (uk) the teachers union offer legal protection against unwarranted dismissal, and other things. They also negotiate pay rises as a whole and other benefits such as pension benefits, and when they feel an employer is being unfair and not being justified in their actions that negatively effect an employee, they organise a legal strike in which employees cannot be fired. That's what I always thought.

With teachers unions you pay a yearly fee (I think it's around 80-100, I'm likely wrong) and its optional, however I think everyone takes it for its sheer benefits and job security. Surely a system such as that would be advantageous to game developers?

kneon3863d ago


Yes the role of unions was originally to protect workers rights, and 100 years ago that was certainly needed. But today there are enough laws in place to cover most situations.

I really don't like things like the union negotiating wages. What that means is that there is no point in working hard because the slackers will get the same raise as those who actually care about doing a good job. And that means that there will be plenty of people that do slack off because it doesn't matter.

There are similar issues when it comes to layoffs. They typically don't lay off the worst employees, they lay off the newest employees. Even if they eliminate an older worker's position they can usually bump someone with less seniority out of their job because of their seniority.

My dad and all my uncles were in unions and they didn't like the unions because once you're in the union even crappy employees get the same pay as good employees.

Here is a good example of the problem with unions. My Dad got in trouble for working too fast his first day at one job. He was making everyone else look bad because he finished his work in less than half the time of what was normal for the morons that worked there. So he was told to go away somewhere and come back at quitting time to make it look like he was a slow as the slackers.

malokevi3863d ago (Edited 3863d ago )

This has turned into a political circle jerk. You all need to go to the corner for a time out.

Soc53862d ago

They don't get overtime? That's ridiculous.

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2pacalypsenow3863d ago

Please you act like Kids whos parents make games have it bad? try having your parent work graveyard shifts for years and still have nothing that's sad

Hicken3863d ago

What the hell does that have to do with anything?

2pacalypsenow3863d ago


That those kids have it good compared to other children

Crazay3863d ago

My buddy who was an environment artist made silly money at Rockstar and even though he didn't much like the crunch time, he always said the bonuses would make up for it. A sorry time after that game became a success he received a fat check and was more than pleased.

SilentNegotiator3863d ago (Edited 3863d ago )

And some people have to eat clay and drink stagnant water to survive.
So what?

Better =/= Good

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Chris123863d ago

@majiebeast you should feel sad for the problems in the third world. You should feel sad for the soldiers that protect your country that are away from their families for months on end. You really need to get your priorities in order.

limewax3863d ago

Hear that world? N4G user says drop everything, American soldiers are the new number 1 world priority.

Let's send these guys home so little Dave can see his dad, never mind the fact his dad probably killed 15 other peoples dads while out there.

Seriously you're gonna act like your the authority of what's a problem and what isn't? I wouldn't even dare, as you just saw there's always one above, someone can up mine easily too and so on.

A problem is a problem, full stop. Don't try to categorize based on your own opinion without an experience to speak from. I won't try and pretend I have the be all end all issue so stop acting like troops at war are. They kill too, get over it.

JokesOnYou3863d ago

limelax yes any problem is a problem but chris is right. Its called putting things into perspective or context. Here we have a few dev coworkers blowimg off steam and suddenly folks are on their soap box about Unions, and the plight of "grunt programmers". Yeah I can sympathize with ANY situation from the food service worker to the CEO everybody has a story to tell but theres
that and then theres grandstanding over little issues while there are far more tragic work place conditions, force labor etc that could benefit from our outcry.

btw he neither said or implied we should drop everything for American soldiers only that you should feel sad for them because like other decent soldiers from many other coutries sacrifice alot of time away from wife and kids for frankly alot more important things than videogames. YES he is damm right they are indeed truly worthy of respect for that. Your disdain for them shows a lack of understanding of what US and dignified soldiers around the world do. 99% of them do what they do for a great moral cause they believe in 》IF《 they killed it wasnt for fun it was because they were fighting for that cause, now you can of course debate whether that cause was right or not but these wars are not the fault of the soldiers on the ground that decision lay squarely at the feet of these flawed governments.

FunkMacNasty3863d ago

Yea, this is a videogames website, so If you ask me in the real world if I care about real world and social issues, I'll tell you "yes, i do". But If you start calling people out about "not caring enough about starving countries blah blah blah" on a videogames/entertainment website, I'll politely tell you to go _____ yourself.

If You wanna get all preachy and hippy about the burdens of the real world, poverty, war, etc, then go post it over at moveon.org, or somewhere they focus on that subject matter. We come here as an escape from that shit, not have it thrown on our faces through the self-righeous guilt-trip of some internet clown.

Chris123863d ago

@funkmacnasty. I accept your point, in which case why are nobs using this news to further their console wars? It's just another excuse to bash the Xbox for some, hence my post. It's all perspective.

Soc53862d ago

What are you talking about? They can't have Unions because there are worse problems in the world? Ok lets not complain about anything ever because in third world countries people are suffering. That is silly. Just because there are worse problems in the world doesn't mean that people should be taken advantage of. Come on, so if your boss took away your bonus or made you come in on weekends without pay you can't complain because children in Africa are starving? Apples to oranges

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infectedaztec3863d ago

OMG any pressure job requires 'crunch-time'. At least in the private industry you get paid overtime for staying in late - I'm doing a PhD so I get the same salary no matter what.

If you want a no-pressure job don't go into an industry that sets deadlines. I have no sympathy for this as its just part of some high-skilled positions. If they want fixed hours they can drive a day bus

steves11263863d ago

You have to imagine these people all love their job and are doing exactly what they want to be doing and are getting paid overtime for it... Don't feel bad for them. I'm jealous of them...

BX813863d ago

Pretty damn simple. If u dont like working in that type of environment get a new job. I dont feel bad for them working more hours at the end of a games dev.

syanara3863d ago

I think that something should be done about the extemeity of crunch time but we need to keep in mind that no matter what industry you work in there is at least some form of crunchtime if we consider moments when employees likely have to work overtime as crunchtime. Retail has crunch time during holiday and back-to-school seasons, Entertainment indstry is filled with moments of crunch time, There are always deadlines and always going to be some form of this.

By law overtime work must be aid for with time and a half too so its not like the work is going unrewarded either. The fact does remain that in the video game industry this is taken to an extreme that needs to be adjusted.

FunkMacNasty3863d ago

Okay, so once again the community of internet gamers presents a catch-22 for itself.

When games come out with a bugs or glitches, or a sequel comes out that plays and looks too much like the previous game, N4G be like "derp stooopit layZee Developerrrrzzz"

But when faced with the possibility that developers and testers might actually be working TOO hard, N4G be like "woah. these devs are working way to hard. Things need to change in the industry, maaaaan"


Soc53862d ago

To both your posts:

MrCrimson3863d ago

Most jobs have deadlines and whenever there is a deadline there is going to be an increased amount of work required to meet that deadline.

BoriboyShoGUN3863d ago

How in the world are u XBOX guys not concerned about the Xbox One????

Hitman07693863d ago

Salary Slavery is something that should change about the planet, not just the industry. I completely agree with @majiebeast

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grassyknoll3864d ago

Crunch time is the bane of the AAA games industry, it burns developers out & has the best talent leave the industry to do something else. This is a major reason for the growth of indie developers.

Jazz41083863d ago

Wow people seem surprised by this. All you have to do is not be a noob and go no further then team bondi on la noir. That is true developmental hell.

isarai3863d ago

Um, why are they talking about "crunch" as if it were a badge of honor? it's poor business practice, any other industry and they would be ashamed to be calling out crunch time, not sure who decided to tweet this but it wasn't smart

dethpuck3863d ago

Well most n4g kids don't have jobs. When you work out in the real world you have deadlines and things you have to get done. It's called work that's why they pay you.

strickers3863d ago

Most people have to do " Crunch time" at some point. I do more that average hours most of the time. Deal with it! :-)

isarai3863d ago (Edited 3863d ago )

but crunch time is forced on them by publishers who fucked up the scheduled in the first place, they have no choice in the matter. Pretty damn sure if your boss told you to say clean a room, then came back and said paint the walls, change the bulbs, and draw me on the dryboard only to come back several hours later and tell you to redo the walls in a different color, order new chairs and install them, and replace the projector, then at the last moment when you think you're done and your shift is almost over he rushes in and says "don't forget to install the crown molding and tiles, also you also have to buy the crown molding and tiles" then forced yo to stay there till it was done without being payed for the extra time that went into it you wouldn't just sit there and take it when it's something that happens often. now let this process become something that happens to entire offices across multiple corporations, you think everyone thinks that's just dandy? just "another day at work"? bullshit

rainslacker3863d ago (Edited 3863d ago )

Crytek is the kind of developer who tells the publisher how long it will take them to develop the game. The publisher agrees to finance the project and expects the results in the allotted time. Crytek is not some po-dunk fledgling contract developer who can be bullied by a big publisher.

Crunch time in this case is caused by poor planning, general mismanagement, overly complex bureaucracy, and possibly over-ambitions on the part of the design team.

It's possible to develop a AAA game without having crunch time. Just have to set realistic goals and have good planning and management along with reasonable milestones. There may be some crunch here or there, but months? That's just top people not knowing their limits.

In the real world, if your employees are forced to meet deadlines that are made without an inkling of thought into the quality of life for their employees, you soon find you don't have good employees anymore, because someone else will offer your good employees something better.

Godmars2903863d ago (Edited 3863d ago )

Lots of N4G "kids" also have to deal with the results of rushed games. Games which have been tailored to react to Metacritic scores rather than overall enjoyment.

Games now are made more with company stock holders in mind rather those who buy the product. Gamers.

memots3863d ago

Yup, It does seem that gamers right now are more worried about how many polygons, Fps , Native resolution than actually enjoying games.

This whole "elite" thing that will only play what other plays and check the scores on metacritic and read what others have to say about a game instead of playing the damn game, its a very sad state of affair.

Godmars2903863d ago

Not what I meant.

Was talking about how games like Rome Total War turn glitchy and unplayable after a few hours. That they were designed specifically towards reviewers who don't have the time to properly invest in games like it, so it winds up getting a higher score than it deserves.

There's really no consideration for gamers who buy the game, only effort which gets them to buy it. Nevermind that it might be broken.

infectedaztec3863d ago

You will get down voted for that comment but as an adult with a job and responsibility this is normal.

This boo crunch time attitude belongs to children and communists

bring on the disagrees but I promise you I'm not trolling

BattleTorn3863d ago


Even my job has an Inventory done once a year, and things always get hectic.

But it's just the way it's always been. There's no avoiding the crunch

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