
Square-Enix dev talks about the reinvention of Thief

When Square-Enix puts out a new Thief game in 2014, they're not looking to release another sequel in a franchise that's been around for roughly 15 years. Much like what the company did with Tomb Raider earlier this year, they're looking to reinvent the brand and begin anew.


Where Have All The Stealth Games Gone?

Stealth games as a genre starting picking up pace in the late 90s and early 2000s, but today the genre seems to be fading away. Games where the primary focus is avoiding direct conflict can be a tense and thrilling experience, so where do we need to go to find it?

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Relientk771774d ago

A Plague Tale: Innocence just came out a couple months ago and it's fantasic.

robtion1773d ago

Great game, loved it.

Alien isolation was another great stealth game this gen.

rorolezabo1772d ago

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nitus101772d ago

Actually "A Plague Tale" is on my to-do list but currently, I am playing Horizon Zero Dawn on the hardest difficulty. Yes, you can fight humans and weak robots using your spear (still risky though) but it is so much more satisfying setting traps and/or choosing the appropriate bow and ammunition (shadow weapons are the best but at the highest difficulty they are very expensive).

BTW. Setting up for double and triple arrow shots does help but on the hardest difficulty, you also get quite a lot of roving bandits and in certain areas "sunbirds" (gint hawks are annoying but theses are deadly).

SegaGamer1774d ago

Play the Styx games, I thought they were great stealth games.

robtion1773d ago

Tenchu really needs to make a comeback. It could be amazing with current technology.

nitus101772d ago (Edited 1772d ago )

IMHO the only way to play Styx is on the hardest setting. Sure you almost get "one-hit killed" if you are discovered especially if there are two or more protagonists, so you are basically forced to use your sneak and assassination skills. In the rare instances, you have to fight it is usually one on one combat which if you have been paying attention in the first 20 minutes of the game is not that difficult.

Bourne4141773d ago

Would love a new splinter cell with ironside again. Back it its roots. And SegaGamer said styx. It's the closest thing to old school splinter cell.

NecrumOddBoy1773d ago

Just not the "Oh you just knocked a cup over. Mission Failed!" level of stealth that Pandora Tomorrow had. The new ones' Batman-style of stealth felt to action. I really would love a reboot of the original.

Also agree A Plague's Tale is great. Hitman also is a good series and Days Gone has a bunch of fun stealth in it.

robtion1773d ago

Also the dishonored games one of my favourite series ever.

DaDrunkenJester1773d ago

I also hate the streamlined stealth in games now where simply crouching in tall grass hides you from an enemy that is two feet from you. The true stealth genre needs to come back and I'd love to see Splinter Cell make its comeback as well as a proper Thief game.

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Metal Gear Solid: The Only Stealth Series

Stealth is a genre that needs some more love. Here is a guided rant about issues that it's had so far and why Metal Gear Solid is the only game that really accomplishes what it sets out to.

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Stevefantisy3028d ago

I really liked Tenchu back in the day.

Kyosuke_Sanada3028d ago

Underrated series which I still play to this day (currently finishing the second installment.)

It's a shame we haven't had a console release since Tenchu 4 for the Wii which was amazing stealth wise but fell short in actual combat and I was bothered that the open-world aspect was removed.

AdamHarris3028d ago

98 was a heavy year for stealth. Tenchu, the original Thief, and MGS all came out. Still, Metal Gear is the only one I consider to be truly about stealth.

Benchm4rk3028d ago

Splinter Cell Chaos Theory is the best stealth game. I loved MGS but would hardly even consider it a stealth game.


Free Games in December 2015 - Which Platform is Best? | COG

COG writes: Every month, two armies stand in a field and stare at each other in an intimidating manner. A battle royale ensues. Sony and Microsoft stand at arm's length from each other, slapping each other with white gloves in a distinguished fashion. Actually, they just give away free games. Which lineup rules the roost in December 2015? Let's turn to the tale of the tape.

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Cdn_Seahawks_Fan3102d ago

I am thinking EVERYONE wins. Whether the games are great or mediocre, they are downloadable with your console online service of choice and give you some value, and even more gameplay time. YAY to games.

MzDino3102d ago

As long as there's free games, I'm happy.

retrogamer093102d ago

Both of the lineups are crap, although I'm enjoying Van Helsing so far.

MikleDemi3102d ago

Van Helsing and Sacred are better than anything the PS4 is getting.
Lol Sony is giving us an episode of a game (something that Telltale routinley gives out for free), and a game that has been part of a $3 bundle on the PC.

Having said that, I expected more from both as a Christmas present.
Still, Gold takes it hands down seeing as how all Gold games can now be played on the XBONE.

Ginpachi-sama3102d ago

Lol freedom wars alone is better than everything xbox one is offering this month

MikleDemi3101d ago (Edited 3101d ago )

I agree with you, BUT I can't play Freedom Wars on my PS4 now can I? I have played the heck out of it on my Vita and love having a digital copy now...

Having said this, the Xbox One got MUCH more and better games than the PS4. PS4 owners petty much got kicked in the balls this time around.

medman3101d ago (Edited 3101d ago )

LOL at the guy trying to justify to himself why his decision to buy an xbox one was worth it. If you like the xbox, fine....enjoy. But don't come here trying to make it sound like the xbox is "winning" something. You sound silly.

MikleDemi3100d ago

I have all 3 consoles and a PC. I'm a gamer and not a fanboy like most people here seem to be.
Just calling things as I see them.

medman3099d ago

Stop your nonsense son. Not even your mama believes you.