
ArabicGamers - Publisher interview - DAO Games

Middle East gaming is becoming big business, with publishers now looking to localise more AAA titles into Arabic as well as show a presence in the region. But what about actual publishers and developers based in the Middle East? Are they trying to help promote the region by producing content in Arabic for the Arabic audience, or is it too much competition for them to handle the titans of the games publishing and developing world?

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pierce4093d ago

The Lost Titans looks like it could be a pretty fun game.

ZainabSaccal4092d ago

I agree with the above comment.I believe games that have original Arabic language will be at an advantage, the Arabic market is huge and needs to be penetrated.

Tapewurm4092d ago

The Arabic market would be a touchy area for game developers....one "wrong" or misinterpreted message could and most likely would offend some extremist somewhere and a totally meaningless, truly unoffensive, and harmless game would become the target of some fatwa and the developer would be in danger...in the name of religion.....just silly really.