
My PS4 Has Been Nothing But a Big Paperweight Since I Bought It

The author is frustrated with another day-one new console purchase, and regrets not waiting for at least a year.

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TheSuperior 3567d ago

Unfortunately so wish there was something to play...

CARROT1809943567d ago

There is loads of things to play, I have over 30 games.l

xer03567d ago (Edited 3567d ago )

Agreed - I have tonnes to get through myself.

I'm buying 2-3 games a month, and there's a lot I haven't begun to play.

xHeavYx3567d ago Show
Enemy3567d ago

Same, and I don't even have time to play everything I've already bought on PS4. Come fall, I'll have a massive backlog seeing the flood of new games in the next couple months.

I'm more curious by what it is he's playing on other platforms.

TitanFall, which apparently no one plays anymore?
Forza 5, which is already old?
Dead Rising 3, which is already old and disappointing as well?

What is he playing? What's left besides multiplatform games that run better on PS4?

Baka-akaB3567d ago (Edited 3567d ago )

Indeed , I can sympathise with someone that you bought the console without anything to play in mind .

If you are into Fifa , madden , NBA 2k , battlefield , FF14 , cod , killzone , titan Fall etc etc .... you were supposed to play it for months , not throw away games and purchase new ones every month .

And even with such a ludicrous outlook there was stuff to play

SoapShoes3567d ago

If you find the PS4 to be a paperweight, what do you play on other systems? X1 and 360 haven't had any exclusives since TitanFall. They still have the multiplatform games but that obviously isn't enough for the PS4 so it's not for those systems. PS3? It's had a few but not a significant many more than PS4. There's Drakengard 3 and Tales of Xillia 2 coming up soon. But again, if the PS4 isn't enough those two games wouldn't make it more than a paperweight. You have Nintendo which is finally getting great games but one game(Mario Kart 8) isn't enough for this person, he needs more! So gaming in general must be pretty sad for him lately.

imt5583567d ago

I played over 30 games since launch. And that's not all games since launch.



AngelicIceDiamond3567d ago (Edited 3567d ago )

Interesting the first thing people do is using X1 as a go to comparison I thought the PS4 was in a league of its own and has no comp?

There is absolutely no need to mention X1 especially considering he didn't even mention the X1 in the article.

All the PS4 games will get released this fall LBP, and DC (yes even the multiplats) the game season hasn't even started yet.

early next year looks fantastic as well. Bloodborne, The Order and hopefully No Man's Sky.

Patience is what people need to practice.

Specter2293567d ago

If your counting indie games, than yeah tons to play. I'm not a huge fan of indie titles so for me there's not much to play on either of my consoles.

DeadlyOreo3567d ago

You know what's crazy? How fast the PS4 is selling considering it's just and "expensive paperweight" to some of these people. Anyway, been loving my paperweight since launch.

Outside_ofthe_Box3567d ago

This "article" is just one person's opinion. The PS4 has been a "paperweight" to a few and a gaming machine to many others. Nothing to get worked up about.

Palitera3567d ago

Only a few of the great games I've played:
Don't Starve
Tomb Raider
Watch Dogs (kind of...)
Trine 2

I know they can be played on another platform as well, but this is not the point here. The point is what CAN be played on PS4.

2014 sucks? Yes, deeply. The year of the remake and the delay, but that doesn't mean nothing good to play.

XBLSkull3567d ago

Didn't read the article but I've found this to be accurate. Hadn't turned my PS4 on since February until last week when Last of Us Remastered came out. PS4 really needs its PS3 media functionality to return.

ABizzel13567d ago

Long story short, this is why most knowledgeable gamers (like myself) tell you guys to wait at least 1 full year before buying your console.

There are games to play on the PS4, however, there is a lack of variety in big buget AAA games for multiple genres when means for many traditional PS gamers who enjoy variety, it's simply not there yet.

This is always how it is at the beginning of every console generation. Launch is solid, then it's 2 - 3 different games per month, with hopefully 1 being worthwhile. Stop rushing out to buy consoles Day 1, if you can't deal with it, wait until the following year and get a deal on a console bundle (a free game, a free controller, free subscription, or possibly a price cut).

August has some good games coming.
September has some good games coming.
And from October until the end of the year there's a wave of games coming.

Tough it up, and wait, and next generation don't buy a new console until a year later, so you can enjoy a slight back catalog (plus those games should be cheaper), and always have something to play.

Dee_913567d ago Show
andibandit3567d ago Show
NukaCola3567d ago

I'm playing Oddworld currently. It's incredible and brings me back to my childhood.

Drithe3567d ago

Out of those 30 games, not ONE is a must play. See the Wii U for great exclusive games.

guitarded773567d ago

Personally I love my PS4, but my PS3 is still head of the roost over all my other platforms. The PS4 will overtake it once some more games like Planetside2, Destiny, Uncharted, Bloodborne, LBP3, Gran Turismo, etc start coming out, but right now I mainly use it for Final Fantasy XIV.

But yeah... until then it's playing second, even third fiddle. Just need more games for me. I'm not the biggest FPS fan. I need action games, TPSs, racing, etc. will be the year the PS4 really takes off.

CuddlyREDRUM3567d ago

What PS4 only games are you playing?

TBONEJF3567d ago Show
ThanatosDMC3567d ago

He should gift it to a friend or family member who would actually use it.

bouzebbal3567d ago (Edited 3567d ago )

Tbh I don't play on PS4 tat much either since infamous but with oddworld and TLoU I'm gonna be using it much more.
I think the title of this article is garbage cause I don't understand why the console had been collecting dust since he bought it???? Why buy it in first place?

Visiblemarc3567d ago

Yeah, especially with multi-platform gaming, my backlog is... significant.

AceBlazer133566d ago

Let's list some of the stuff ps4 doesn't have to play.infamous, final fantasy, mlb 14, the last of us, don't starve, outlast and all the multiplats you are one poor bastard if you can't afford to buy at least 1 game for your console.

BattleAxe3566d ago

The vast majority of games on the PS4 are available on PS3, so there really wasn't a need for people to upgrade to a PS4 except for a couple of games like Infamous: Second Sun and Killzone: Shadow Fall, and for me, that's just not enough.

Phins0073566d ago

Agreed I'm loving my system, however I could see someone who's been on steam for the last few years being a little bored.

kreate3566d ago

what do u mean there's nothing to play?

diablo reaper of souls
plants vs zombies
warriors orochi 3
nhl 15
air conflicts vietnam
natural doctrine
fifa 15
shadow warrior
middle earth:shadow of mordor
next sherlock holmes
motoGP 14

is all coming out from now til september on the ps4. these are not counting PSN games.
i just did a simple search on google geez...

if u buy a system day 1. u should at least have a idea of what games are coming out on its first year.

Double Toasted3566d ago

Lol. I saw this coming a mile away, which is why I haven't bought one. I honestly don't see or haven't seen what game(s) people bought the PS4 for.

VforVideogames3566d ago

Non of those 30 games are even worth mentioning.

DragonKnight3566d ago (Edited 3566d ago )

I have been playing more PS3 than my PS4. I have maybe 6 games for my PS4, 2 of them are AAA games the rest are indie and I can't really get into the indie games.

See, there's this concept known as "taste" which is different for everyone.

If you love indie games, then the PS4 is doing great for you. If you love remastered games, then the PS4 is doing great for you. If you love AAA games then the PS4 has dabbled in pleasing you but has a lot more work to do.

Personally, I haven't cared for the indie games, and I don't buy remasters of games that are less than a year to a couple years old. I already own FF14 on my PS3, didn't find it different enough from other MMOs to continue a subscription to it. I already own Tomb Raider and The Last of Us for my PS3 and don't care about 60FPS or 1080p. If I can play a game, finish a game, have no problems with the game, and enjoy it then its resolution and framerate don't matter to me at all. So, I didn't buy the remasters because I'm not going to support laziness and filler material from companies who began a gen they weren't prepared to support out of the gate.

All that said, there would be WAY less for me on the Xbox One if I had any inclination to own one.

Face the facts that right now, what MOST of us game for is not in great abundance. That doesn't mean there's nothing to play, just that what there is available may not satisfy everyone and that's ok.

**EDIT** It is for precisely reasons like this that I will never sell, or trade, my older consoles and never suggest that anyone else do so.

rawz3566d ago

If you compare your next-gen system to a PC, I'll let one say they have no games. But it's not right to compare PS4 and X1 since PS4 has more games actually. It just comes down to the personal preference of which games are your cup of tea.

MazzingerZ3566d ago

Does the PS3 or X360 have more games to offer to old owners? Haven't played anything on PS3 for a while but looking forward to play soon KIllzoneSF, Infamous SS, DriveClub, LBP3 and other nice MP

First year of a new console is always rather slow, no surpise here really

avengers19783566d ago

I guess it sucks to be so unwilling to play games. There are tons of great F2P games if you don't want to spend money PS+ has offered up a variety of solid indie games and there's been some good retail releases. I have probably played 30+ games on PS4 already. Been loving my day one purchase and using my PS4 on almost a daily basis.

Condemnedman3566d ago

@ enemy
You statement is complete utter crap
Titan fall loads of games to play

I'm still loving dead rising and to call it old
That means the last of us is old because that's older than all those games .

Really, just get over it .

wolfcreek3566d ago

lol yeah what except for a couple of games. they are all either last gen games already out or indie games or buy to play for free to play to buy for free to buy to play for free or nothing. . Indies are fine except I didnt get a ps4 to play games a gameboy could play. Games are coming out in the next 3 wweks to 3 months and then maybe ps4 will have games worth playing like plants warfare and destiny and lbp3

morganfell3566d ago


Enough Already. Here is an aricle about Microsoft's Press Conference and you bring up the great software on the PS3:


Pot meet kettle...

That is just one example I found and it was on the second page of your remarks I searched. I do not like MS, in fact I cannot stand Microsoft. But if you are going to attack someone's remarks do so without hypocrisy.

There are plenty of games on the PS4. Gameskinny has proven itself to be a vapid site that relies on controversial titles of hit pieces rather than insightful journalism to gewnerate hits. The best thing people can do is vote them down above and refuse to click to anymore of their articles.

Boody-Bandit3566d ago (Edited 3566d ago )

Best damn paperweight I've ever owned! Except mine doesn't have paper under it and if it did it would catch fire from the heat of my PS4 almost always being on.

Really wish N4G would enable an ignore option for sites. I'm beyond bored with trash like this.

Voting sites down don't do a damn thing on this site. N4G feeds off of trash like this. Take vgchartz for example.

morganfell3566d ago (Edited 3566d ago )


I know it doesn't do anything. That is why I said "The best thing people can do..." as in the only alternative we have...but not the preferable action. I know it is broken. Besides, N4G obviously takes payoffs from sites. vgchartz is an undeniable example. People on every side have been trying to get rid of that trash for years.

I contacted the mods over that very issue and was promised by Cat that a new setup was coming to allow users to better control what was published but that has turned out to be another case of mods stalling when confronted with the facts. I absolutely agree with you. I wish there was a site ignore button as vgchartz, gameskinny and polygon would be at the top of my list.

abstractel3566d ago

I see both sides. I've enjoyed Killzone (including the co-op addon), Infamous, and Watch Dogs + some indies (notably Abe's Oddesy remake)but too many triple A games have been delayed and that has made this year a bit disappointing for sure.

The thing is, even if I knew before I bought the PS4 that it'd turn out like this I would still have bought one.

Future is looking bright though.

walkincarpet3566d ago

Yes, there are loads of games to play but I think like many of us the author only wants to play GREAT GAMES.

That is why I went with the X1 first so I would have some great games to play in the first year - Titanfall being the first. I think Sunset Overdrive will be next. I'll definitely play Destiny, but don't doubt this will be overshadowed by the Master Chief Collection in December. Gaucamelee ended up being a great game as well and I'm sure all systems have there fair share of indie gems. But you don't purchase a new system for these small games. Titanfall by itself is unbelievably fun and the cloud server alone separates it head and shoulders from the COD games. For PS gamers they have Last of Us remake now and will have Bloodborne next which will be the first games I will buy for $20~30 when I buy the system for $200 years from now. In meantime, I'll continue to rock multiplayer on X1.

Anon19743566d ago

If you're PS4 is a paperweight, you're not a gamer. It's that simple.

Flamebait nonsense.

+ Show (39) more repliesLast reply 3566d ago
3567d ago Replies(3)
colonel1793567d ago

The same thing happened with the PS3. I remember that I started buying PS2 games because there weren't many games for the PS3 released yet. Great games take time to make, the only difference now, is that with the PS3, a lot of games were announce long time before they were released, so at least we knew what was coming.

LordMaim3567d ago

Heck, the same thing happened with the PS2 at launch. That took quite a while to ramp up too, but eventually it was a flood of content.

That's just what launch windows are like.

BlackTar1873567d ago

It is the same thing every single time yet people fail to ever remember.

Hope for humanity is constantly smashed by these articles.

FayZ_3567d ago

tell me about it, i didn't pay £350 to play indie games, the so called AAA titles really suck too, enjoying last of us though, 1st good ps4 games and sadly it might be the best even though its a last gen title.

guyman3567d ago

TLOU remastered is the best game out between xbox one and ps4 currently. Infamous ss was fun but nothing exceptional as well (although i enjoyed it a lot)

BlackTar1873567d ago

i hope this was your first Generation release otherwise you deserve what you got.

GribbleGrunger3567d ago (Edited 3567d ago )

Fascinating, isn't it. Here we have a console with absolutely nothing on it to play and it's sitting at 9.3m sold, ahead of the console (with COUNTLESS AAA titles) by a whopping 4.3 million sales ... God only knows what will happen when people stop using it as a paperweight and start buying the games. Apart from TLOUR, Diablo 3, Infamous: First Light and Abe's Odyssey, I have absolutely zero games to play this month.

pyramidshead3567d ago

Opinions and fanboy lists happen. When you don't like a game it instantly disappears from reality as if it never existed.

cheetah3566d ago

"Countless AAA titles"

You are joking right?

Magicite3567d ago

Im gonna buy PS4 next year when my PS3 backlog will be empty (hopefully) and PS4 backlog have grown big enough. Also there might be some unofficial price cuts.

Cheapest PS4 Ive seen in shop recently is 347euro (in Latvia), which is already 50euro below retail price.

DigitalRaptor3567d ago

Boo hoo author, boo hoo.

Maybe next time you'll wait until you see a few games that you know will hold your attention before buying a console at launch. Or maybe try out more games cause it has plenty of good ones.

Rimeskeem3567d ago

Out of have 180+ games you couldn't find anything to play?

You either have no taste in games or don't actually have the console

frezhblunts3567d ago

Very true superior the only good few for me is infamous and last of us. I go back and forth with my wii u to keep me busy. I think two consoles is the way to go. Lmao 30 games? maybe if you like every ps3 to ps4 game and all the indie games. Some might already have all the same games on ps3.........

FanboyKilla3567d ago

i agree. the truth shall set you free. lmfao at you guys dc. he doesn't mean there arent games to play. he means none he cares to play. you guys will name games you dont even play or enjoy smh. list the games again fanboys, and i bet there are more games on it you dont play than there are those you do.

greenlantern28143566d ago

There are more games on every console that has ever been released that the people who own them don't play than the ones they do play.
I am sure you beloved XB1 has more games on it than you own. So just stop with your pointless Xbox fan boy B.S you constantly call people fanboys when you yourself are a huge Xbox fanboy.

CaptainObvious8783567d ago


And that list doesn't include tlou

If the author of the article is unstimulated by the PS4 games, then he/she must be down right bored to death of the xbone.

When are people going to stop looking like idiots? I keep correcting them, but they just keep spouting tht rhetoric. It's bordering on insane.

andibandit3566d ago

That list reeks of desperation when it lists

X1: Zumba World Party(is this even a game?)
PS4: That Trivia Game(zzZZZzzz)

spacedelete3567d ago

well i've been using my PS4 for illegal movie piracy. people don't realise the web browser has a built in MP4 player and HTML5.

3-4-53567d ago

The problem usually is, if your not into a certain game type at that moment, then those games won't appeal to you.

There really aren't that many great next gen games.

There are solid games, but I'm considering getting a BC PS3 and a ton of PS2/PS3 games for the next year or so and then get a PS4.

Fullmetalevolust3567d ago

Ugh to those who complain about having a ps4 and aren't playing games on it!
At least you can afford one, lol!
If anyone isn't playing their PS4, I'll take it off your hands.

Pogmathoin3567d ago Show
showtimefolks3567d ago

Yeh no games, please keep complaining, xbox one and ps4 have been the best supported consoles by 1st year comparison to other console launches

Games out already on ps4/xbox one:

Killzone shadow fall
forza 5
dead rising 3
infamous second son
tomb raider definitive edition
watch dogs
bound by flames
wolfenstien:the new order
need for speed rivals
nba 2k14
DC universe online
MGS:ground zeroes
call of duty Ghosts
don't starve
Trials fusion
TowerFall Ascension
child of light
Rayman Legends
AC:black flag
the last of us remastered

yeh to come:

Call of duty advanced warfare
dragon age
middle earth
sunset overdrive(xbox one)
forza horizon 2(xbox one)
drive club
farcry 4
Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition
madden 15
nba 2k15
wwe 2k15
Alien: Isolation
the evil within
the crew
The Elder Scrolls: Online
Guilty Gear Xrd Sign

yeh so no games. SMH

look at the damn wii-u still not having games 2 years after launch. Ps4/xbox one have very good games already out. Now people expected some of the best games to be available at launch, but if you been gaming for more than 10 years, than you know new console launches usually don't bring with them a lot of software support for first 12-18 months

yet ps4 and xbox one have both done well

ZombieKiller3567d ago (Edited 3567d ago )

There are alot of cheaper paper weights out there. Maybe you check the local game store and see that PlayStation has plenty to play right now.

Doesn't PS+ give out free games almost every Tuesday around 5:30PM? Yeah no games..../s

Gaming journalism AT IT'S BEST!

kamisama3567d ago

I don't know why people are still complaining about having no games that's your own damn fault because I haven plenty of games to still go through

vork773567d ago

there is more ps4 games to buy now like odd world new and tasty

XxExacutionerxX3566d ago

I felt that way and then I sold the Ps4....well that dumb stupid game came out "Last of Us Remastered" Had to buy the Ps4 again. The Xbox 360 had to be sacrifice, I will miss you. I really hate sony fanboys and I really love microsoft but I will always have a soft spot for playstation. Same thing happened when I had the Ps3, it just had to be there and Metal Gear Solid 4. I love the Ps4, or the Playstation brand.

user3672723566d ago

Sold my PS4 2 weeks ago. Sticking to one console only this generation. Games are similar but I just love MS exclusives like Halo and Gears more. No need for 2 systems taking up valuable space in my entertainment unit.

Fanci3566d ago

There has been a lack of any consistency concerning the launch of AAA games which is definitely holding it back, the PS4 seem's to be a bit behind for post launch games for sure. This should change around October though.

3566d ago
saber000053566d ago

It all depends on what type of gamer you are. I have 9 games so far. However if you don't like FPS, MMOs, or whatever, I can see how one would have nothing to play. 1st world problems rofl..

Tzuno3566d ago

When the console will be re-released in the slim version only then ps4 will have some games to play until then fanboys will keep whining and praise the sun.

assdan3566d ago

I've already put tons of hours into my ps4. I've bought 4 games so far, and I've already used it for a couple hundred hours. I knew this would start out slow, but if this is a paperweight to you, you probably shouldn't have bought it. If you aren't using your ps4 at this point, you aren't even trying to use it.

ramiuk13566d ago

i didnt get the games coming to ps4 on last gen.
BF4,ghosts,fifa,ac4 but there is plenty of games out for it anyway.
there have been more games on next gen than there was aroudn the same time year before on old gen

+ Show (24) more repliesLast reply 3566d ago
Pozzle3567d ago

I never understand why people buy consoles on day-one if they aren't interested in any of the launch games. I only buy consoles once I feel there is a decent library of games that will make the purchase worth it.

Bonkerz3567d ago

I am gonna be 100% honest with you. Myself i am planning to buy a PS4 soon, but this is definitely not the launch window anymore. I mean X1 has had pretty good releases since launch and at launch. The pS4 is definitely not offering the same game library (AS OF NOW). At launch X1 had a decent library, and since they did release one of the most anticipated FPS for quite some time. Sunset Overdrive is coming soon, as well as FH2.

Like i said im not trying to start anything, but if you are considering now "launch window" you are wrong.

KwietStorm_BLM3567d ago (Edited 3567d ago )

I am gonna be honest with you. This mentality that Xbox has some amazing library AS OF RIGHT NOW, in comparison to PS4, is really tired. Neither console has a multitude of games to choose from, and there are clearly a good amount of games on PS4 that you can't play on Xbox either. It's so funny how last gen, certain people stood by their quality over quantity talk when PS3 was getting a new exclusive every other month. Now Xbox had a few at release, and all of a sudden PS4 has no games. lol..

MarcoGT3567d ago

I'm gonna be honest, I got ps4 but the lack of racing games is grim, forza 5 and horizon alone make me wish I got an xbodge instead but I might get one for christmas then have both to enjoy all exclusives.

Baka-akaB3567d ago (Edited 3567d ago )

Honestly you dont have any less stuff on ps4 . A better wording would be that you prefer the xb1 upcoming library , wich would be a fine argument

Neonridr3567d ago

yep, I bought one a few days after launch. Wasn't planning on getting one right away, but I had a bunch of gift cards, and lucked out finding one, so I figured what the heck...

that being said, I do have a fair amount of games for it (8 currently), so I am enjoying it a fair bit. Especially now since I am playing through TLOU for the first time.

Gh05t3567d ago

How about understanding that some people buy a console day one hoping that the games that do come out will last us longer than they have been.

I bought an X1 and I feel the same way this author feels. I rarely touch it.

I bought battlefield 4 which was such a disaster at launch and hard to play in parties that I eventually just gave up on it. (I played BF3 for over a year)

I bough Titanfall hoping it would be a COD replacement as I have vowed to not buy anymore of those. It lasted three weeks before the gameplay became stale and nothing special about it.

I bought Watch Dogs hoping I could play it like I played other open world games like GTA and Saints Row. I was done and bored with that after one week.

There are plenty of games but none of them have grabbed me personally as I was hoping they would. I don't know if I am just getting older (tastes changing) or games are truly getting so repetitive its boring.

So anyways I had planned on the games lasting longer than one month each which NONE have for me.

I also tried getting the powershots golf as I used to play Hot Shots golf 2 and 4 for months. It was retarded with no multiplayer and a severe cliff (imo) in difficulty.

I got Trials fusion which also lasted a whole two weeks as they decided to not release multiplayer with the game. Which I didnt know until after I bought it (My fault I know, I assumed and I'm the ass) but that didn't make it last any longer.

So to sum it up I was interested in plenty of games but none of them lasted as long as I was hoping which leaves my console sitting on my desk unused as I play my PC until something comes out that I want on X1 (Im looking at you Destiny, Sunset overdrive, and MCC).

strangeaeon3566d ago

Agreed, I feel the same way, totally let down so far on all current gen offerings on all platforms.If current gen were all embodied in one console, I wouldn't use it as a paperweight, I'd use it as an anchor.

Mkai283567d ago (Edited 3567d ago )

Because you gotta have it before


ChickenOfTheCaveMan3567d ago

But then why do have to be all-in?

I recently bought my PS4, played Second Son and now TLOU:R, but Dragon's Crown was just made available on PS+, so I'll jump back on my PS3 for sure. Then NHL15 will come and I'll play on my PS4.

They'll co-exist for a while and at some point I'll forgot about my PS3 because the games library on PS4 will grow...

XxExacutionerxX3566d ago

I buy consoles on day one because the memory of when I got the console will always stay with me. This is one reason why consoles are better than pc.

Condemnedman3566d ago

?????? I have a memory of passing my driving test, getting a job and having a child but remembering a console launch/purchase ? That's sad .

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3566d ago
vega2753567d ago

I guess this is the other part of "why I want to trade my x1 for a ps4"

I agree my ps4 has become a paperweight. I haven't played it in months. I have most of the indie games for it on pc and I got bored of infamous awhile ago and I refuse to rebuy the last of us since I have it for ps3. I'm not buying destiny this year cause I'm buying other games that got my interest. So yeah it's a paperweight this year

SaveFerris3567d ago

That's one very expensive paperweight, huh?

vega2753567d ago

At this point yeah it kind of is. Maybe next year

DigitalRaptor3567d ago (Edited 3567d ago )

Why would you get a PS4 when you clearly have no interest in its lineup, obviously knew a great deal of the Indies were playable on your PC and when you spent last gen trolling PS3, with a penchant for doing the same for the next Sony console?

Vega75 was it?

vega2753567d ago (Edited 3567d ago )

I brought the ps4 for deep down. Which I have said many time on here and you talk about someone trolling last gen. Check your own history. At least I can say I own the system to make a judgement regardless of my feeling towards a company. Can you say the same cause all you do is bash ms. I never heard you say you own the console when you decide to pass judgement. I can honestly say I played the game and didn't like it. I may also rent the game later or get it from my friend when he's done. Can you say the same?

So before you jump on my comment. Maybe you should stop trying to point me out and look at yourself.

P.s. yes my name was vega75 when I joined in 2005 til last year when my account got hacked so i had to start a new one and have been using the same one since. Anything else

MRMagoo1233567d ago (Edited 3567d ago )

Maybe because digital raptor isn't stupid enough to buy a console he doesn't want, you don't need to get an xbone to KNOW it's not as good as the ps4 , I myself left that to other people and checked it out via friends which all that did was re affirm why I didn't want one anyway.

People saying they don't want indies because they are on pc already should have a minute of silence for the xbone because it doesn't even have exclusives that aren't on pc or coming to pc soon without even mentioning indies.

Half of you xbone fanboys pretend they have a ps4 then later get caught out about it, most couldn't tell the truth if their life depended on it, case in point the comments from bonkerz further up the thread, he doesn't even know what console he is meant to own because of all his bs. It was just xbone then it was ps4 then it was ps4 and xbone and now he is getting a ps4 soon lol. You are all just a bunch of hypocrites.

vega2753567d ago (Edited 3566d ago )


or maybe he just a hater spreading his hate for a system like yourself. I don't let friends dictate what i like or buy. my opinions are based off playing the game or system to determine which one is better for me and right now the x1 is that system for me.

"People saying they don't want indies because they are on pc"

funny i never said i didn't like indies. maybe you need to check my history to see i never made that statement.

" should have a minute of silence for the xbone because it doesn't even have exclusives that aren't on pc or coming to pc soon without even mentioning indies"

funny i can say the very same thing about the ps4. planetside 2,dc universe,warframe, H1Z1 zombie surviveal,ect should i go on. that's also not including indies.

"Half of you xbone fanboys pretend they have a ps4 then later get caught out about it"

anytime you want proof of my ps4/ps3 ownership just ask. I don't need to lie about what i own or what i got.

"You are all just a bunch of hypocrites"

only one's i see is you and him followed by a few others. cause i just laugh when i see sonyfanboys tell someone on here they should try a game before judging yet turn around and say i don't need to play a x1/360 game to make a decision or why would anyone want to play an inferior port. but funny ps3 had many inferior ports last gen....how did that work out for you all of last gen.

yeah but we are the hypocrites.....go figure

tgunzz3567d ago

Articles like this only states the obvious. There is never a large crop of games at launch for new consoles (thats why bc was always good), it allowed you to reduce the cost of upgrade by trading up your console, and continue playing last gens awesome line up to hold you over (on one console). All in all, just get the new consoles a yr after launch if you don't want to paper weights (you are your own problem). Between working, spending time with family/friends, there is enough content on my xb/ps4/wiiu combined to hold me over without droughts... Game on.

Meltic3567d ago

Mine was dust until TLOU was released on the ps4. Did play infamous second son for fun sometimes. Cant wait until the end of this year with all good releases.

polow got sol3567d ago

I agree, too bad it doesnt grill chicken like the ps3 did.

DeadlyOreo3567d ago

I found this way too hilarious. But I disagreed. I hope you understand.

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Just Where is Project Awakening?

After years of development, Project Awakening is still nowhere to be seen. What exactly is going on?

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ApocalypseShadow9h ago(Edited 9h ago)

I was impressed with the trailer and hoped to find out more and then it fell off the map with no new information. Not sure if it's vaporware or not but I stopped thinking about it and moved on. Maybe it was moved to a new and improved engine, moved to PS5 development and suffers the long Dev times that many games had/have suffered from lately. Who knows. But we'll see.

As for gaming bolt, that video was trash. A long winded video that says nothing for 7 minutes going back and forth on it may or may not still exist and just kept going and going and going trying to produce an informative video with barely any information. Like an article with a word quota that's just paragraphs of nothing. Showing me that they haven't gotten any better at game journalism. If we can even call it that.

XiNatsuDragnel7h ago

I'm interested in project awakening still

lodossrage3h ago

One of the directors for the game already said that game was still being worked on just last month....


DOMination-34m ago

It's coming out next year with Deep Down, Agent and Pragmata!

Christopher31m ago

It's trying to not go woke. Okay, I'll see myself out.

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Boycott EA trends on X as community savages FC 24

EA has come under fire for making unexpected changes to its FC 24 Team of the Season unlocks.

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anast1h ago

It's like boycotting 'your' local crack dealer. I'm sure it will change everything...

Xzila1145m ago

they manipulated the pack weight and admitting it on twitter

Kaozz19794m ago(Edited 3m ago)

Stop buying the fucking game! It is no secret that the game is based around opening packs that need to be bought with real money if you want to be competitive. Yes I know, you have the chance to get the cards without investing real money, but that is a real grind and you still may never get the cards you want. This is not new and it will not change if people keep buying the game/packs.