
GameStop Offer Reveals The Last of Us Remastered for $25 with Trade-in

Junkie Monkeys: An upcoming trade offer from GameStop recently leaked onto the web offering gamers $25 off The Last of Us Remastered when they trade in their old copy of The Last of Us for PlayStation 3!

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xHeavYx3714d ago

My Shiv is ready. Glad I still have the PS3 game

TomShoe3714d ago

Wow. I might do this and I don't even own a PS4. I'm getting one for Xmas though.

Jaqen_Hghar3713d ago

a man sold his copy for $100 on ebay (steelbook edition) so no regrets skipping on this lol

guitarded773713d ago (Edited 3713d ago )

I will definitely do this.

EDIT: One thing I'm curious about is how the offer runs from the 27th if the game doesn't release until the 29th. I'm wondering if they're just marking it as a week long promotion, or if they're gonna start selling TLoU on the 27th.

starchild3714d ago

I'm ready too. I already have it pre-ordered through newegg, but this is definitely a nice deal for those that have the PS3 copy and want to get the Remastered version on PS4.

Crazyglues3714d ago (Edited 3714d ago )

Now this is a Sweet upgrade for all the people who already bought the PS3 version of the game and wanted a sweet upgrade that was not full price...

-Really Nice Deal..

||.........___||............ ||

showtimefolks3714d ago

awesome deal for those looking to upgrade, this is what i always say wait and see approach. people were whining about the stuff there isn't any deal to upgrade towards ps4 version

we can expect the same for GTA5

i see TLOU doing greats numbers on ps4(do y'all think 2-3 million is achievable by end of 2014?)


another HD remake(GTA5) IMO will do 5-10 million

Jaqen_Hghar3713d ago

If this version hits 3m and it ends up at 10m lifetime that would be pretty crazy for a new IP

Xer0_SiN3714d ago

this is a legit deal. i went to my local gamestop and talked to my boy whos the manager. he looked up the promos and sure enough it was there. he told me its only a one week promo though. from sunday to sunday, running through the week that its released. if you think about it, its a heck of deal.

irokster3713d ago

Where are all the gamestop-hater articles now?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3713d ago
ForgottenProphecy3714d ago

Shit I should have kept my copy of The Last of Us.

BabyTownFrolics3714d ago

damn me too, i miss the multiplayer,

insomnium23713d ago

I've been playing the MP recently. It's the best game there is MP wise imo and ofc the single player is the best there is. Game of the century for me.

Anon19743714d ago

Doh! Traded it in a couple of weeks ago for $15 thinking that if I wanted too long everyone would be trading it in and then I wouldn't get anything.

ginsunuva3714d ago

Why would you ever part with TLOU unless someone robs you at gunpoint?

hardeepmeghera3713d ago

Yeah, stop hating on the poor dude. You'll probably miss him when he's gone or not. Entirely up to you. Lol

Software_Lover3714d ago

Damon. Didn't realize it was still worth that much

LAWSON723714d ago (Edited 3714d ago )

What are they desperate and can't move enough preorders? At least that is what PS fanboys say when Xbone gets promos at GS so it must be true. Right?

Anyways that is very solid promo and I don't know how it favors GS. Not only would they have a huge supply of TLOU on PS3 but the demand for that version will be much lower and they would need to sell it for more than $25 which lowers the demand even more. There is also a chance a PS3 version sees a price drop this holiday.

Edit: what's the matter PS fanboys. You don't recall this

Hypocrisy at its finest.

TheJacksonRGN3714d ago

No Genius, this is for those who owned the PS3 copy and want the PS4 version but not willing to pay $50.

LAWSON723714d ago (Edited 3714d ago )

But what about those last gen console owners who wanted to trade up to Xbone but not pay $400. Is that not the same thing? Genius?

I get it if it is a promo for PS4 it is to be generous but if it is Xbone it has to be out of desperation. Just like how Sony is rainbows and sunshine while MS is the devil.

xHeavYx3714d ago

Not as desperate as your sad attempt at trolling, go away and wait for your Master Chief collection

uptownsoul3714d ago


Wow, are you really conflating 2 different discounts…

1) How does a Gamestop deal prove Sony's desperation?

2) Microsoft themselves are the ones offering $100 deal if you trade in PS3 or Xbox 360 toward an Xbox One purchase &&& Microsoft themselves are the ones offering $75 gift cards to 360 owners who buy an Xbox One.

3) To my knowledge Sony has offered NO discounts on it's PS4 console. Every discount I've seen has been a retail based discount (gamestop, Amazon, Best Buy, etc), not a Sony based discount.

PinkEye3714d ago

Sony should have gave a discount for owners of the ps3 DIGITAL version. Even gamestop knows that the price is a hinderance for those who already own the ps3 version; thus giving a discounted incentive. I will never buy another digital game from Sony again. You never know, they might drop the Remastered Plus Super Alpha Directors Cut edition in a few months after release. I'll buy the disc, USED.

Why o why3714d ago (Edited 3714d ago )

Yeah lawson. . .Sony are desperate to kick ms's ass in their own turf for 7 months straight. . . I mean, that's what the other side would say init. . . Smh

Good deal for those who can take advantage. It would be nice if sony offered a similar deal

kreate3714d ago

This is a gamestop promo.
Not a sony promo.

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DanielGearSolid3714d ago

To be fair Sony fans didn't say that after the first X1 promo

It was after a few consecutive X1 promos by GS

Kavorklestein3714d ago

Yoou ever think that gamestop has an agenda too? I'm sure GS wants to see both consoles thrive just like MS and Sony do. They see the importance or competition, and there's money to be made regardless of platform.

Everybody should just shut the fuck up and say:
'Oh wow! That's a pretty good deal for Xbox fans!'

And on the other side of the fence, say: Oh wow! that's a pretty good deal for Playstation fans!'

Why get all nitty gritty all the time with guess work about why or how these sale are implemented? WHY? It really doesn't affect your ability to pass a kidney stone does it?

Basically, unless it's gonna save you, or your friends and family some money, don't get mad about sales events. It just makes people look like they are concerned with a little healthy competition and see sales boosting incentives as a threat to the blissfully ignorant mindsets that so many fanboys on BOTH sides have.

MegaRay3714d ago

Haha, too true. I remember reading all those negative comments about XB1 deals :)

No_Limit3714d ago (Edited 3714d ago )

LOL, I just remember this recent article:
GameStop Hosting Xbox One Weekend: Pushing Microsoft’s Console Hard With Discounts and Deals

Some of the quotes from that article were just plain trollish, I might add:

"Or because the Xbox One price drop isn't selling as many units as they hoped... "

"This whole promotion with GameStop reeks of desperation. You know that used car salesman on TV so so so desperately trying to pan you his pathetic lot of cars. Well this is GameStop trying to sell you there lot of pathetic xbones. "

"Why aren't we seeing PS4 sales? Is Xbox really doing that badly that it needs all this pushing?? "

"So why haven't they had a push like this for the PS4 ? Because the PS4 doesn't need some lame sale. it laughs at the fool who thinks it does..... "

Anyway, I commented on that article and I got slaughtered for defending the Gamestop does this all the time for every console and if you look at my comment below, I am happy they are doing it again, this time for a PS4 product. I just can't stand the 2 face gamers and their hypocrisy.

starchild3714d ago

Yep, a lot of people on N4G truly are horribly hypocritical. One camp in particular.

GTgamer3713d ago

Sooooooo your saying that Gamestop promoting a trade in for PS4 owners who already own the last of US on PS3 to get discount to buy the PS4 version and you know the only reason GameStop is doing it is because they know people will do it like me but to you it equals Desperation from Sony and hypocrisy from Sony fans would you like me label the amout of promos Gamestop has had for the Xbox One ಠ_ಠ.

funkybudda3714d ago

just another frustrated Xbox fanboi...

LAWSON723714d ago (Edited 3714d ago )

Nope just another multi-console owner showing the bias of this site. Try again. I am annoyed I lost 2 bubbles once I put my fav character as my avatar and just because I don't kick Sony's ass and actually critique the things they do I lost them. This site's is messed up and I like to point it out

WeAreLegion3714d ago

@LAWSON72 - You're going to lose bubbles for criticizing, no matter what it is, dude. I've lost bubbles over criticizing Mario Kart 8, Sony's Music Unlimited service, and Halo 4.

You can't win with these people. If you're going to be even slightly critical, be prepared to lose bubbles. It's unfortunate, but true.

legionsoup3714d ago

Are you guys really this worked up about losing bubbles on an video game internet site? hahahahAHAHAHAHahahhaAAH!!!!

GamingSinceThe80s3714d ago

It's $25 store credit which is like maybe like $10 to GS.Plus you have to trade it for a new copy of the game which they pay $20 to $25 tops for.Then they sell your PS3 copy of The LOU for $35 to $40.They will make plenty of money on the deal.When I worked for GS I also learned they make thousands a month per store selling all the ad display in store space.And last time I checked the one by me had a ton of it for TLOUR.

ThatEnglishDude3714d ago (Edited 3714d ago )

That's right - generalize and accuse an entire community of people who own a piece of plastic to justify your argument on a completely unrelated topic with the sole reason being to cause bickering amongst a group of people behind a computer screen.

Good job!

Going back on topic - it's nice to see GameStop give people a cheaper alternative to play the TLOU:R.

legionsoup3714d ago

I should have read yours first before I posted mine. You said it much more succinctly.

starchild3714d ago

That would maybe apply if many of us didn't always see so many of the same exact people on this site acting hypocritical.

Kavorklestein3714d ago

Agreed. It is nice to see Gamestop give a discount or incentive, even tho if Sony was going to be honest, they should have informed people of their intention of releasing TLOU on PS4 a lot sooner, especially before they released Left Behind.

Rockstar should have been honest and up front too, especially with desperate PC gamers who wanted to know if they could expect a PC version of the game.

legionsoup3714d ago

First off, don't lump a vocal minority to a group of people. We're not all like that. I have all of the consoles, and I happen to enjoy my Sony consoles the best. Does it mean I hate my other consoles? Heck no! I wouldn't have bought them if I hated them.

Secondly, this is a deal for one game by one store. Independent of Sony. The Last of Us is still selling like crazy. It just reached 7 million, which is pretty impressive for a console exclusive. I don't think it needs help.

It's just a good deal. Why are we having this argument? Why not, you know, talk about the sweet deal, rather than kick up a flame war (for no reason whatsoever).

user74029313714d ago (Edited 3714d ago )


i truly feel so sorry for you that you didn't play this game. if you did you wouldn't have made such a stupid comment.

Ihatetrolls763713d ago

This coming for someone who makes stupid comments all the time. On another note I've heard from friends that are sony loyalist that it's a good game and even had a few say that naughty dog sucks. I for one think they make decent games and this is a great deal for fans and I'm happy for you guys. I just hope that gta gets discounted if not I won't buy it even though I didn't buy it on last gen console because I knew what rock star was going to do.

uptownsoul3714d ago (Edited 3714d ago )

This seems like a pretty good deal. I already traded my PS3 copy in…Well, can't wait till I get my hands on the PS4 version

3714d ago
JakemanPS319943714d ago

You know you shouldn't fight fanboyism with more fanboyism! It just makes you like a stubborn little troll that can't think for himself. Now i understand you dont like what those guys say but that doesn't mean we all do that so why come in here and annoy us with this immature drivel? All it does it stunt the conversation (see below) and cause flame wars. Just a heads up :)

Goku7813713d ago (Edited 3713d ago )

This is for a game that came out a year ago, not a system that came out 8 months that dropped 100 dollars, thats desperation.

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Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Drops To Best Price Yet Alongside More Great PS5 Game Deals

PlayStation's Back to School sale includes big discounts on a bunch of PS5 exclusives, including Marvel's Spider-Man 2.

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just_looken52d ago

spiderman 2 $40 from $70 so it's priced right now as a expansion pack like MM.,

andy8552d ago

Pretty decent expansion pack then saying i got 30-40 hours out if it.

just_looken52d ago

I can get 30hours out of a job outside does not mean it was good.

But i know no matter what i post or prove people love there nerfed spiderman or playing as a blind person for 5 hours then mary jane shehulk for another 12hours.

I am so glad today's "gamer" was not around for the ps3/360 era these new gamers are way to easy to please and have killed gaming.

andy8552d ago

It was good though. Are you actually saying it wasn't a good game? And blind? The person you play as was deaf and it was 10 mins not 5 hours. Doesn't seem like you've even played it by that comment. And MJ was...30 mins at most? Not sure how you get 40 mins into 17 hours exactly

CobraKai51d ago


I’ve been playing since the Sega Master System. I love Spiderman 2. There’s too much going for it to be a simple expansion pack. I felt Miles Morales could fall into the expansion pack range.

If you didn’t like it, it’s fine. That’s what’s great about opinions, there are no wrong ones, just different ones.

StormSnooper51d ago

You guys have to understand, they don’t have anything even close to it on his preferred system. There is a whole psychology behind his comment.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 51d ago
pwnmaster300052d ago (Edited 52d ago )

lol I was in the ps3/360 era and spider man 2 would of been a massive hit still.

Please don’t try to represent us gamers from that time. You are not a good example, always complaining and being negative lol.

CobraKai51d ago

I mean, it’s New York. You can’t exactly change the map.

It sounds like you’re hard to please vs gamers being easy to please. You mentioned great games. Games whose sequels had very similar gameplay with each other with very minimal changes or upgrades.

Im with pwnmaster. Don’t speak for us. It sounds like probably only started gaming from PS360 era.

Rebel_Scum52d ago

Peter Parker lives in New York, where else do you expect the map to be?

Using the same map/location is not a problem.

On topic: In my region the base game is $80. Still not low enough for me to dive in. Not that Im in a rush. Havent even finished the 1st one’s dlc yet.

just_looken52d ago

The map still has asset's buildings the the first game its like madden yeah same stadium but can you change that madden 14 logo?

Not to mention they never added shield basses basically unique interiors you can explore off missions or add in jersey.

pwnmaster300051d ago

Sony pony??
Are you a child? Lmao

Just stop man. It’s embarrassing.
We can like games and not be a fanboy.
Gaming shouldn’t be taken this serious. Relax lol

just_looken51d ago (Edited 51d ago )

"lol I was in the ps3/360 era and spider man 2 would of been a massive hit still.

Please don’t try to represent us gamers from that time. You are not a good example, always complaining and being negative lol. "

You come at me calling me a bad example talking like this game is gods gift to us and on any sony article you defend them no matter what.

But now i am a child? what because i used logic again this site you throw facts at people they cry to the admins to get me off here again or play the victim card.

pwnmaster300051d ago (Edited 51d ago )

Lmao gods gift to us what. I said it would have been a massive hit not a perfect game. It’s a good game get over it.

And this is why I said what I said.
“ But i know no matter what i post or prove people love there nerfed spiderman or playing as a blind person for 5 hours then mary jane shehulk for another 12hours.”

And you’re still proving me right. God forbid people like a certain game.
And BS about me on every sony article defending them. I like games and praised every games I

“ But now i am a child? what because i used logic again this site you throw facts at people they cry to the admins to get me off here again or play the victim card.”

Your opinions are not facts and the fact you think they are is sad. Step off video games for awhile.

just_looken51d ago

Na its fine you go ahead belive 200 million dollars makes sense for 1 game when 80 created a trilogy on 360.

I live without blinders unlike others.

pwnmaster300051d ago (Edited 51d ago )

“I live without blinders unlike others.“
🤣😂🤣 thanks for the laugh. Have a good night brother. Fight that good fight your fighting.

repsahj51d ago

Saddest Xbox loyalist on N4G. XD

StormSnooper51d ago (Edited 51d ago )

He is a duplicate account. He changes names to get a new lease on life and people would respond to him. Sad indeed.

MetroidFREAK2151d ago

Definitely more than an expansion pack... the Miles Morales game from 2020 is that... ya silly goose

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Neil Druckmann: Philosopher gamer behind 'The Last of Us'

who is now the sole leader of Naughty Dog, “I promise you, we will not be ‘The Last of Us’ studio forever.” Numerous games, he said, are in the works, including “multiple single-player projects.

Lightning77109d ago

I know he has a celebrity like status but unless he's announcing his game soon idc what he has to say from this point on.

We need announcement something from him.

Crows90107d ago

The dude is a nobody. He's also wrong. Naughty dog is the uncharted and Jak daxter studio.

They only made one universally praised last of us game. They're not know as "the last of us studio" but they are currently known as the "remake" studio.

Lightning77107d ago

I like his games tbh I'm just more upset at the fact that he's been talking and talking and not showing anything. I'm an actual fan of his work, don't cars if that's that's a popular take or not.

If he has nothing to show or talk about. I don't care about his interviews, his red carpet appearances or what's next for last Of Us 2 TV, leave that to Hollywood. You don't see SP, Bend, or any other studio doing what he's doing. They're remaining quiet and focused as most PS studios do. He should do the same. The next thing I wanna hear him say is "now heres our game" we know that probably won't be for another year or so, so he needs to remain silent and stay out of the limelight for awhile.

AsunaYuukiTheFlash107d ago

You are wrong. LOU2 won a lot of GOTY and was highly rated. It's okay to dislike the game but saying that ND just made one critical acclaimed LOU game is just hating at this point.

rippermcrip108d ago

Kind of a weird interview. No substance, hardly any questions. It's almost like they forgot to post the whole thing or something.

neomahi108d ago

Oh brother...... It's like a balloon filling with helium. He's got nothing new to say. Naughty Dog went from being a studio of numerous developers to being about him and what HE does. Bruce Straley was the co-creator of The Last of Us, and he left--I think for the same reason Christophe Balestra left and since then, Naughty Dog haven't been the same. PlayStation is incredibly woke, as all businesses seem to be these days, ignorant to what's really going on sacrificing the greater for peanuts, but I think they left because of the uprising political atmosphere. They knew there was nothing they could do about it and an attempt to try and combat it, in today's society would end them up in legal trouble so, they just left, what else can you do when the opposition behaves like a child, screams and yells louder than you want to in raged fits, and will throw lawsuits at you at whatever chance they can, but you don't play that way, so they left. And Naughty Dog hasn't been the same since.

Naughty Dog was huge at one time! They were the underdog that became the top dog but, the direction it's fine, just watch and wait. It's ego, and Druckmanns ego of thinking they're untouchable and can just coast along, will drop them rock bottom, in due time, they could see the same fate as Xbox's teams met. Fans will turn on Naughty Dog because A) Naughty Dog aren't producing, they're not what they once were.
B) Gamers ARE growing tired of the woke culture overtaking their lifetime hobby. They're just more silent about it, it's the quiet cool

anast108d ago

Non of this makes sense. I would like to think you didn't spend too much time writing it.

Crows90107d ago

I hope you didn't spend much time reading..it...cuz obviously you didnt understand it. But that's okay. There's many other comments to read...

MIDGETonSTILTS17108d ago

You project your own views on the world, and that is a mistake.

Crows90107d ago

Um...so you project someone else view on the world? What are you talking about?! We all project our view on the world lol...smh

anast107d ago

It's called perspective. I understand that. But I don't understand the poster.

smashman98108d ago

you know it's not his fault that people are interested in what he says, right?

Also, Naughty Dog is bigger than ever.

Crows90107d ago

Smaller....where's their last big game? Yeah...I remember when they were actually releasing heavy hitters.

smashman98106d ago

@Crows90 It was in 2020 and despite what a vocal minority says it was critically acclaimed and the 2020 game of the year. Not only that but The Last of Us is also a critically acclaimed television series and PlayStation's most successful foray into Film and TV yet.

So yes, Naughty Dog is bigger than ever, and just because you don't vibe with them or whatever does not change that fact.

anast108d ago

He's a solid theatre arts person, but he's not a philosopher. Being good at one thing doesn't mean he's Descartes.

DarXyde108d ago

I believe that philosophers are more principled than Druckmann, to be honest. It's fascinating that The Last of Us Part II was literally inspired by the Israel-Palestine conflict and was a needed commentary on humanity and ending the cycle of violence, only to have some questionable commentary after 7 October.

I don't hate the guy as some others seem to. He's been a big part of some great games, but I'll never understand the obsession with hanging on all of his statements.

Chard108d ago (Edited 108d ago )

That's a good point in relation to 7 Oct - a far more important issue where valid criticisms could have been made of this guy, but most here seem thoroughly distracted by trivial issues

anast107d ago


Like all artists he has a signature. People that have an agenda will try to look for that signature and use it. This is why a lot of "journalist/game influencers" hang on every word. Most of us just enjoy his work and get hyped when he mentions something about a possible new game.

"a far more important issue where valid criticisms could have been made of this guy"

Which is?

MIDGETonSTILTS17108d ago

Sony should try and stay radio silence outside of hard reveals.

It’s painful to wait for any info at all, but it’s less painful than skimming an interview that avoids all details whatsoever.

Commit to radio silence, Sony. You can afford to leverage the trust in gaming output that you’ve cultivated.

anast107d ago

That wouldn't be a smart decision. There must be a constant stream of connection in today's world.

MIDGETonSTILTS17105d ago

When a constant stream of connection delays a game 1-2 years, and said games take 5 years to make anyways…. Sony fans are better off trusting Sony to deliver than expecting frequent confirmation.

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The Sounds of the Fireflies ("The Last of Us") concert kicks-off on April 28th, 2024

"The Game Music Foundation are today very proud and pleased to announce an additional concert, circling back to the roots of Game Muisic Festival in Poland. On April 28th, 2024, the National Forum of Music in Wroclaw will once again become a place to celebrate the art of video game music, featuring scores from The Last of Us and The Last of Us Part II." - The Game Music Foundation.