
Exclusive War: Xbox One Has 2014, But PS4 Has 2015 and Beyond

The author explains why Xbox One exclusive software has the edge this year but starting in 2015, it'll be all PlayStation.

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lifeisgamesok3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

Xbox HAS 2014 conquered and for 2015 and beyond it looks incredible too

Halo 5
Quantum Break
Fable Legends
Gears of War 4
Crackdown 3
Phantom Dust

Rare unannounced games
343 unannounced game
Lionhead unannounced game
LXP unannounced game
Platform Next unannounced game

2015 and beyond has no winner yet

NewMonday3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

well Sony has more exclusives released in 2014, and more exclusives yet to release in 2014.

and that is only counting retail games not just indies.

some exclusives will appeal more to some than others, but as far as quantity and variety Sony have the advantage.

AngelicIceDiamond3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

@Monday Show me the list and leave out the timed indies and F2P games.

No fantasy line ups or what you think is soon to come only announced AAA exclusives.

I'm curious to see.

Neonridr3612d ago

hasn't Sony only released 2 exclusives so far in 2014 for retail? (Infamous, MLB: The Show) vs 2 for the Xbox One (Kinect Sports Rivals, Titanfall).

NewMonday3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )


Samurai Warriors 4
Natural Doctrine
Guilty Gear Xrd Sign

time for your spin attempt AngelicIceDiamond

Neonridr3612d ago

@NewMonday, I'll take Driveclub and there will be a small niche market for LBP3, but how well do you expect those other 3 games to sell I will ask you?

Guilty Gear also has a placeholder release date of December 31st, so no guarantee that releases this year.

AngelicIceDiamond3612d ago

@Monday Why would I spin?

btw you forgot to add, UC4 remaster Bloodborne and UC4 so that's 8.

This year is Halo MCC, FH2 and SSOD, Project Spark full release

next year.

next year is. Halo 5, Fable Legends, Scale Bound, Phantom Dust and Quantum Break and Crack Down. Excluded Gears (even if we do know its coming.

So that's 10 I even excluded D4, Phantasia, and Dance Central and just focused on hardcore titles.

You said:

"well Sony has more exclusives released in 2014, and more exclusives yet to release in 2014."

unless you can fill me in on other AAA's Sony is releasing this year what you ultimately stated was wrong.

MS by a small margin MS has more even if you add in niche titles like Samurai Warriors and Guilty Gear.

No Spin just facts.

headblackman3612d ago

just because it's an exclusive, doesn't make it a a good game.

bouzebbal3612d ago

Last of Us

are all i need as exclusives!!!

The Last of Us is a big win for Sony because so many gamers who jumped ship from 360 to PS4 are willing to give it a try. no worry PS4 will have a very strong holiday, add to that a few extra games at Gamescom.

system223612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

A) more exclusives don't mean better exclusives

B) x1 has:

project spark
fable legends
quantum break
sunset overdrive
fantasia: music evolved
Halo collection
titanfall (already out)
Horizons 2

Those are or are going to be pretty strong titles to compete with, and i left out the indies - some of which are going to be amazing (ori especially)

ps4 certainly has some very impressive or beautiful titles coming out in 2015 but the xbox is bringing stuff that looks more fun/interesting/novel in my opinion and sooner.

S2Killinit3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

I Love it AngelicDiamond first sets the rules then claims victory. So, tell me, what exactly is an Indie? What do you consider AAA? You mention Scalebound and Phantom Dust as AAA, neither of which is AAA in my book. The only thing we saw was CGI and even that wasn't AAA quality, not by a long shot. Then you mention a game that has not even been announced (Gears of War 4), I mean come on man how biased can you get? By the way, Im just curious where you draw the line for "indie" exactly. I mean, is Helldivers an indie? because thats coming out this year. Then, you exclude Free to Play, and Im not sure why those can't be considered games, especially when they look as good as Deep Down, also coming this year. Planet side 2? not good enough huh, or is it because its also on PC? but I guess that would take a bunch of your games out as well now wouldn't it?
"FACT" is, Sony has more exclusives, more games, whether that be "indies" included, or not, and more AAA's announced, and more studio's with unannounced projects. That, is fact, if fact is really what you are after.

But why all the game naming? Don't take my word (or for that matter PR's word) go look it up yourself. Don't regurgitate what you were told by your favorite console maker, go check out a list of all games releasing. PS4 has more in every category. we are talking about not even close.

SoapShoes3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

@Angelicice oh how you are reaching and moving goal posts. Raeching by excluding f2p games which are great games and in Planetside 2s case better than p2p games. Now when you have the games presented to you, you move goal posts with AAA talk like these games somehow aren't good ... The fact is PS4 has more games to play this year than Xbox One, whether you think one or the other is better is sujective.

The Last of Us
Samurai Wariors 4
Guilty Gear Xrd Sign
Natural Doctrine
Planetside 2
Kingdom Under Fire II
Tropico 5

This isn't even all of them or including indies.

georgeenoob3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )


You THINK they have more games cause of all their indies and f2ps, but you forgot about ID@Xbox. You forgot about all the Japanese X1 exclusives too, yet mention the ones for PS4.

There's no doubt X1 dominates 2014 and 2015 with AAAs, but these loyalists who claim PS4 has more games cause of the indies and obscure Japanese games need to get updated, cause now X1 dominates in ALL aspects of gaming, not just AAA.

AngelicIceDiamond3612d ago

TLOU Remasterd is what I mean't.

TomShoe3612d ago


People are forgetting that ALL of Sony's first party studios are making PS4 games.

I think PS4 will be fine.

bouzebbal3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

indie games that you are having fun about like Transistor trounces most games you are gonna buy this year.
if you only play AAA as you say then you must be really bored and closed minded.

MorePowerOfGreen3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

Not sure about the claims made in this article. MSFT has a history of revealing the year's lineup during and after each E3. Sony's claims are always fluffed due to them announcing games at E3 two to three years in advance(lots of cancellations and delays) Sony uses trickery to garner hype. Even the known games are bigger on Xb1.

Off topic... Are games starting to have PC-like options? http://www.reddit.com/r/xbo...

Wonder if PS4 will ever get that Bird dog dragon game back from the PS3 days a few years ago(white dog bird game).

I'd be surprised if half of PS4's supposed 2015 AAA releases make 2015

incredibleMULK3612d ago

where's my driveclub Mr. Public Relations?

Sabo3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )


free to play don't count as AAA now!!? lol nice goalpost move. Deep down and Planetside 2 just to name only two of them are some of the most anticipated, most fun looking and best looking.

I love how people try to win arguments on this site.

I love that no mans sky doesn't count either because it might be coming to X1 sooner or later, but plants vs zombies was ok to use as ammo in earlier games comparisons...

The way X1 fans win the games argument is by setting strict rules apparently...

NewMonday3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )


"leave out the timed indies and F2P games"

and then you mention Project Spark..


gotcha! setting up all the rules and you still fail

"Sony's claims are always fluffed due to them announcing games at E3 two to three years in advance"

like how Sony announced LBP3 @E3 and it will releas this year right? ..Right?!

GarrusVakarian3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )


"Sony's claims are always fluffed due to them announcing games at E3 two to three years in advance"

Really? Care to back up that claim of them ALWAYS doing that, and so far in advance? Or is this just another one of your attempts to spew absolutely false BS on this site hoping people believe it? Or by ALWAYS, do you actually mean The Last Guardian?

"Are games starting to have PC-like options?"

Wake up, Killzone SF and Infamous have already done that.

"Wonder if PS4 will ever get that Bird dog dragon game back from the PS3 days a few years ago(white dog bird game). 2

Lmao, you sound so petty and bitter, must be because of this from earlier today-


Followed by this-


"Sony uses trickery to garner hype"

Nope. But you sure use lies to garner hate. Stay salty MPOG, and carry on making up lies and conspiracy theories because you're too bitter and delusional to face facts.


"You forgot about all the Japanese X1 exclusives too"

" but these loyalists who claim PS4 has more games cause of the indies and obscure Japanese games"

Calling people out for not mentioning X1 Japanese games, but PS4 Japanese games are obscure and not worthy of being mentioned? Lmao. I commend you and MPOG for continuing to post on this site, you both have zero credibility (even less than zero after today's DX12 exposure), routinely get called out on displays of hypocrisy, delusion, contradiction, lies and trolling, yet continue to post. Keep up the good fight fellas!

Christopher3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

@AngelicIceDiamond: Wow, you really do have some strict limitations on what is what.

Do the games have to be bathed in recently blessed water under a blue moon as well?

***Btw indies weren't the topic of discussion back then especially on consoles. Console gamers such as us never cared for indies until over a year ago. ***

Interesting considering Indie games have been a big thing for ages and seeing them come to consoles somehow lessens them now?

I think anyone who discounts Indie games in general is attempting to change history as far as their place in the Industry. I mean, I guess VVVVVV and Machinarium of 2009 didn't win any Indie GotY awards or anything. I mean, why would they, no one cares about Indies.

***I never moved anything, nothing at all I just went by what this site originally considered a "win" Not me.***

Last I checked, more games = a win...

AngelicIceDiamond3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )


There is no goal post moving at all. Hasn't the talk always been AAA exclusives?

Back in 2011 and 2012 when MS was lacking AAA's or new ips they were always strong in the Arcade downloads thanks mainly to Summer Arcade. I remember ppl saying "don't count XBL arcade because those don't matter, its AAA that mattered" Despite the fact that XBL Arcade had strong downloads and was very successful. And were worthy of counting them as part of a great line up.

But most of you probably have amnesia and forgotten I sure as hell didn't.

So in terms of goals posting I never changed it, its this site. I tried adding in arcade a while back but nope apparently it wasn't "allowed" according to this site because they weren't true exclusives retail arcade didn't count. Funny enough they started counting as soon as The Journey was announced ironically enough. So now are we resting the goal post now?

Btw indies weren't the topic of discussion back then especially on consoles. Console gamers such as us never cared for indies until over a year ago.

I never moved anything, nothing at all I just went by what this site originally considered a "win" Not me.

Point is nobody knows what to count. Some count indies some don't, some count casual others don't. Everyone sets the goal post to suit them which makes the debate completely irrelevant and super subjective.

@Monday Not really because even then MS still has more AAA's, marginally.

Sabo3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

In regards to Free to Play, I still don't understand how major free to play games don't count according to you. I have never heard anyone argue against them being AAA until you have done on this post. So I would love to hear how Planetside 2 and Deep Down don't count... or other FTP games of high budget.

SilentNegotiator3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

I'd like to see a PS4 exclusives list without indies, f2p, racers, platformers, shooters, games made in the west, games made in the east, any games playable on PS4, or anything else that will stir up my insecurities in the system that I purchased instead of Ps4.


Pathetic fanboys.

Hardcore_gamerxbox3612d ago

Xbox one got more AAA exclusive ps4 got more indie exclusive i prefer more AAA exclusive

pornflakes3612d ago

Sony has only 3 good exclusives next year...

The order (no MP)
Uncharted 4
Bloodborne (what we saw right now doesnt look like a next gen title)

Xbox has:

Fable Legends
Phantom Dust
Quantum break

Most exclusives for PS4 will come in 2016... until this time gamers can enjoy more indigames and multiplatts with the inferior gamepad (8 hours battery life) + p2p multiplayer with lags i dont even mention that the PS4 is as lood as my microwave.

NewMonday3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )


"Not really because even then MS still has more AAA's, marginally"

nope! I clearly listed 5 retail exclusive games and you only listed 3 that qualify according to YOUR OWN RULES!


lol! bubbs for funny, sums them up



let me try on your hat for a second, XBone has only Halo in 2015 and no other exclusive until 2018
like I said in my first comment "some exclusives will appeal more to some than others"

what is "meh" to you is AAA to someone else and vice versa

ShinMaster3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

Sony definitely has 2015 and beyond. Even PS3 is getting Persona 5 (can't wait!).

And these are the games released to date:
Plus better software and hardware sales. I fail to see how Sony lost 2014.

And when it comes to PS4 only, well every single first-party AAA studio from Sony is currently working on at least one PS4 game and this scares the fanboys into denial.

GodGinrai3612d ago


No offence mate, but with the exception of DC, those games are not system sellers..

DC and guilty gear should be good..but the rest of your list is... meh.

Funantic13612d ago

Sony is releasing indies.

Why o why3612d ago

Lol, nice parry angelicicediamond...... smooth reversal.

Theres 3 ways to measure who has each year



Average score

Not sure which the author is using for 2014

fenome3612d ago

I'm not here to get into this pointless argument, play the games you wanna play.

However if people are going to include Titanfall, then there's absolutely no reason other people can't include Planetside 2 and vice versa.

ZodTheRipper3612d ago

Bloodborne will end this war next year.

Kayant3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )


Looool at Gears 4 a title in concept stages being 2015

Phantom Dust

You know MS said 2015 and beyond when they announced these titles but obviously you will leave that spoiler out.

Automatic793612d ago

@ newmonday

If you adding free to play then add Happy Wars to X1

Dee_913612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

AngelicIceDiamond has a point about the indies, back when Xbox had a lot of indies and little AAA titles people on here dismissed indies for what ever reason.But now that playstation jumped aboard the indie train, they matter..
I guess if you get enough people to say it never happened, you all will start to believe it. Thats called being delusional.

As for who has the most games.. i could really give a rats ass..

Sabo3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

At around the same time frame as arcade having good indies, PlayStation was also getting amazing indies. PS3 had such good indies many people gave them game of the year awards... I don't know of any exclusive XBL arcade games that got such attention and respect as PS3's indies.

Not all PS3 fans disregarded Indies, in fact, I am really skeptical that ANY ever have with how many award winning, quality indies the PS3 has had.

Sure, and there are a barrel full of free to play games besides the bigger budget Planetside 2 and Deep Down on PS4 to add as well.

Dee_913612d ago

Well as a PS fan I can honestly say I did disregard indies, not because xbox had a lot, but because I didn't know much about them and the ones I did play were cellphone quality games.I found myself agreeing with a lot of the playstation fans back when they disregarded them as shovel ware.But now I believe indies have been getting much better over the past few years.And I am just now getting into them.I'm not sure if thats whats making PS fan consider indies as I guess.. viable video games now.But there was a point in time when a lot of people here disregarded them. I want to say let the past be the past to angelicice but that will more than likely result in the word fanboy getting tossed around because theres a war going on and its an eye for an eye...So i'm over it..

lelo3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

exclusives... exclusives... exclusives.

Spotie3611d ago

@Angelic: If this were the World Cup, nobody would ever score a goal on you. The way you move the posts is world class!

lfc_4eva3611d ago

Maybe Sony has a few more exclusives, but are you really telling me you'll be buying them all?

Didn't think so. If the last gen was anything to go buy with exclusives, PS3 owners did not support the exclusives for their system as well as 360 owners.

sonarus3611d ago

Lets not talk out of our asses. Setting parameters like indy or timed exclusive or console exclusive. At the end of the day exclusive or not it doesn't matter. Most especially to me that have already decided to purchase my console because regardless i will be playing the games that come out on that system and nothing else unless i own both. So exclusive or multiplatform it makes no difference to me

This is a list of Xbox One games currently planned for release either at retail or via download.
There are currently 219 games on this list.
Exclusive = 33
Microsoft exclusive = 14
Console exclusive or timed = 18/3
Multiplatform = 159
Playable = 45 available to purchase (9 of these are exclusive to Xbox One)

There are currently 268 games on this list (16 of which have been confirmed as free-to-play).
Exclusive = 26 (1 of these are free-to-play)
Sony Exclusive = 22
Console exclusive and/or timed = 76/3 (8 of these are free-to-play)
Multiplatform = 141 (3 of these are free-to-play)
Playable = 82 available to purchase (10 of these are exclusive to PS4)

xbox one does have more exclusives as we can see. 7 more to be exact. However Sony has by far more console exclusives

1Victor3611d ago

I Don't Get It Why Are You Arguing About AAA games Next Year When We All KnowLike It Or Not That Sony Game Machine Start Slow And Can't Be Stopped When Its At Full Speed Unlike Microsoft That Start Strong And Finish Without AAA Titles 2 Years Before They Announce Their Next System

DragonKnight3611d ago

7thLevel did a great video detailing the numbers.


Sony is in first, Nintendo second, and MS 3rd based on the numbers of total exclusives.

Dubaman3611d ago (Edited 3611d ago )

Xbox: http://postimg.org/image/u0...

PS4: http://postimg.org/image/5b...

WiiU: http://postimg.org/image/5p...

I'd also like to point out that a lot of "exclusives" are available on PC too so technically they're not actually exclusive.(duh)
Also, is nobody else pissed off that Sony are developing H1Z1 for PC before the PS4? I have never known that from them before.

airsick73611d ago


So Guilty Gear is a niche title, but Phantom Dust isn't... Lol ok

+ Show (43) more repliesLast reply 3611d ago
NextLevel3612d ago

"Xbox HAS 2014 conquered"

If conquered means less games, less hardware sales, less software sales, lower rated games and worse performing multiplatform titles, sure they conquered 2014.

Drekken3612d ago

I really have to disagree with this article. Sony is on fire and shows no signs of slowing down. If "owning" 2014 means selling less than half of your competitions total consoles, then yeah... it is owning. The only bright spot in One's 2014 upcoming games is Sunset overdrive. a remake of a 10yr old game just doesn't do it for me.

xx4xx3612d ago

I see what you did there.
You smart.

xx4xx3612d ago

I see what you did there.
You so smart.

Automatic793612d ago

@ Next level trolling hard aren't you. Lol

FriedGoat3611d ago

Since when did fact become trolling?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3611d ago
Kayant3612d ago

"LXP unannounced game
Platform Next unannounced game"

I Would not get too excited about those two as last time we heard about them they were kinect studios. Obviously with things now that could have changed.


StealthPandemic3612d ago

That was TWO (2) YEARS AGO. Black Tusk was originally a kinect studio, they had couple kinect projects. Know look what their doing (GEARS).

Kayant3612d ago


Which is why I said things could have changed as there is no new information suggesting such they are still kinect studios in the public domain until announced as not being such anymore.

iamnsuperman3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

"2015 and beyond has no winner yet"

Nor does 2014. We are only in June and we haven't exactly played the fall line up yet. Just saying

edit: To be honest the big and exciting games this fall seem to be coming from the third parties not the platform makers

KinjoTakemura3612d ago


"just because it's an exclusive, doesn't make it a a good game."

Bubble up for you dude. Short & sweet. Nothing more needs to be said.

pyramidshead3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

Japan Studio #1 - ? (PS4/Vita) (just released Knack for PS4 headed by Mark Cerny)
Japan Studio #2 - ? (PS4/Vita) (just released Puppeteer for PS3 headed by Gavin Moore)
Japan Studio #3 - rumoured JRPG (PS4)
Japan Studio #4 - Gravity Rush/Daze 2 (Vita)
Japan Studio #5 - The Last Guardian (PS4) (lol)

Marvelous AQL - Soul Sacrifice Delta (Vita; collaboration with Japan Studio)
Shift; Dimps - Freedom Wars (Vita; collaboration with Japan Studio)
Alfa System - Over My Dead Body 2 (Vita; collaboration with Japan Studio)

Polyphony Digital - GT (PS4) (just released GT6 for PS3)

Naughty Dog #1 - TLoU DLC (PS3) (just released TLoU for PS3 headed by Neil Druckmann and Bruce Straley)
Naughty Dog #2 - Uncharted (PS4) (headed by Amy Hennig)

Bend Studio - ? (PS4/Vita)

San Diego Studio - MLB 14: The Show (PS3/PS4/Vita)

Santa Monica Studio #2 - ? (PS4) (possibly headed by Cory Barlog) (just released GoW:A for PS3)

Ready at Dawn - The Order: 1886 (PS4; collaboration with Santa Monica Studio)

Sucker Punch Productions - Infamous: Second Son (PS4)

Evolution Studios - DriveClub (PS4)

Guerrilla Games #1 - ? (PS4) (just released Killzone SF for PS4)
Guerrilla Games #2 - New IP (PS4)
Guerilla Cambridge - ? (PS4/Vita) (just released Killzone Mercenary for Vita)

Media Molecule #1 - ? (PS4/Vita) (just released Tearaway for Vita ; very small team)
Media Molecule #2 - TBA (PS4)

London Studio #1 - ? (possibly SingStar for PS4)
London Studio #2 - ? (possibly PS Camera stuff for PS4)
London Studio #3 - rumoured AAA New IP (PS4)

Sony Online Entertainment #1 - PlanetSide 2 (PS4)
Sony Online Entertainment #2 - Everquest Next (PC/PS4?)

Supermassive Games - Until Dawn (PS4?)

Quantic Dream #1 - Beyond: Two Souls (PS4 ; info by famousmortimer) (just released Beyond for PS3 headed by David Cage)
Quantic Dream #2 - Singularity (PS4) (co-written by two new writers)

Housemarque #1 - ? (just released Resogun for PS4)
Housemarque #2 - New IP (PS4) (possibly Dead Nation 2 for PS4)

Tequila Works - Rime (PS4)

The Chinese Room - Everybody's Gone to the Rapture (PS4)

Heavy Spectrum Entertainment - Shadow of the Beast (PS4)

Capcom - Deep Down (PS4)

Honey Slug - Hohokum (PS3/PS4/Vita)

Ovosonico - Murasaki Baby (Vita)

Grasshopper Manufacture (Suda51) - Lily Bergamo (PS4 ; not 100% confirmed as exclusive)

Atlus - Persona 5 (PS3)

Namco Bandai - Tales of Zestiria (PS3)

Giant Sparrow - Edith Finch (PS4 ; not officially announced)

Sanzaru Games - ? (PS4)

Idea Factory - ? (PS4)

Zindagi Games - ? (PS4)

Insomniac Games - ? (possibly Ratchet & Clank for PS4) (just released Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus for PS3)

Clap Hanz - ?

Novarama - ?

Queasy Games - ?

Very old list but this puts into perspective how much MS is going to have to keep bringing those big guns to keep up. List is mainly because you included unannounced games. Note that devs with either PS3 games from last year and launch games are all either now working on DLC for existing games and/or now working on PS4. Also helps if you own a PS4 & Vita to appreciate this list to the fullest.

That's before all the indies PS4 is getting from third party indie devs and free2plays.

TheFanboySlayer3612d ago

way to go bud I didnt wanna put a list but you sir are crazy for typing that much lol

pyramidshead3612d ago

It's a copy and paste job, sir. :P. No way was I about to waste my time on n4g typing all that lot out!

kingdom183611d ago

Damn... That's a impressive list. Of course we won't see all anytime soon. Maybe a third of them, as they have to cycle out games so there are some new exclusives every year.

CervantesPR3612d ago

LBP3 will sell decently unless its sales are greatly affected by multiplats, little big planet 1 sold 5+ million
and little big planet 2 sold 3+ million, its safe to say little big planet 3 will sell decently or heck it might turn out to be the best selling LBP to date.

theres no garrantee or confirmation that scalebound,crackdown or phantom dust will release in 2015, all they showed was cgi trailers.

SpideySpeakz3612d ago

And we've only seen actual gameplay from 2 of those games.
There's really no telling any of those games with be good.
Plus, we have to put in the consideration that most of games will be downgraded sub 1080p below 30f because of the Bone's inferior specs, and those inferior specs can compromise gameplay most likely.

Jaqen_Hghar3612d ago

2014 is a dead heat. We've had Infamous and Titanfall cancel out and LoU remastered and Halo collection balance out. LBP3 and Sunset balance. Driveclub and Forza cancel out. the tiebreaker then goes to 3rd party or indies and PS4 has the advantage on both of those unless you REALLY need that month early COD content lol. A man doesn't forget Planetside 2 either though he's sure you don't count indies or think 720p is the same as 1080p or a more stable framerate isn't noticeable or something to try to even it out.

As for 2015 there's already the Order, Bloodborne, Uncharted, Deep Down, Uncharted, Ratchet and Grim remastered, Magicka 2, Let it Die, and many more unannounced ones (remember they just surprised us with a november LBP at E3 so they've shown they can announce and release less than a year away)

Again 3rd party games (whether through content or stability and resolution), indies, and given away games all favor PS4 as well.

Majin Uchiha3612d ago

Lol Titanfall is a much better game than Infamous, no way they cancel each other out.

Jaqen_Hghar3611d ago

A man happens to like Infamous more. A man enjoys SP more than MP and only keeps a game if it has a great SP which he can go back and enjoy. MP always fizzles out in enjoyment and it never really gets fun again.

StreelyBoy3611d ago

Ok there is no way that LoU and Hal: The Master Chief Collection is going to balance out. LoU is one game and the Master Chief Collection is four games, and also the Halo games are better.

Trekster_Gamer3611d ago


FriedGoat3611d ago

The last of us is one of the best games I've played in a long time. It may not balance out because it is better.

Halo 3 though, I do love halo 3.....

Jaqen_Hghar3611d ago

To all of you disagreeing about LoU being less value than MCC. Let's not forget that a lot of those games are REALLY old. Sony has done 3 game collections for $40 (Jak and Ratchet and Sly). They were ALL 1080p 60fps. Same thing with MCC except they're charging $60 so basically $20 for the Halo 4 in addition to the really old games just like Sony's collections on PS3. LoU is more recent. The game itself is still $30. The SP DLC alone is $15. So that's already $45 of content in a $50 package. You're paying $5 for 1080p, 60fps, better controller, and a more enjoyable online experience. Again look at the PS3 collections. They're ALL 1080p 60fps and have 2 or 3 games in them for $40.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3611d ago
djplonker3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

The ps4 is killing the xbone in sale and it has more AAA and indie games on the way!

Also project spark is not an exclusive its on pc.... just like dead rising 3 and titanfall XD

lelo3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

Just like most (or almost all) of PS4's "exclusive" indies and F2P games are on the PC.
... and two of the biggest PS4 "exclusives" for this year, TLOU and LBP3, are (or will be) on the PS3.

I think both Microsoft and Sony have a solid line-up for 2014 (slight edge to Microsoft), but fanboys should be careful in what they claim to be their console of choice exclusive. To be a exclusive, it means it can only be played on one gaming platform.

FriedGoat3611d ago

Nobody is bragging about indie games.

I think he is just saying if you exclude the stuff on PC, the xbox has very little....

Magicite3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

Sales wise PS4 wins starting day 1.
Xbox has a trend to sell worse than original xbox.
Now tell me who wins what.
Also You forgot Sony still supports 4 platforms (I know PSP is about to expire), while MS got 2 and probably gonna abandon x360 next year.

IrishSt0ner3611d ago

"Xbox has a trend to sell worse than original xbox." X1 is selling at rate 50% faster than that of the Xbox 360 (which in turn sold faster than OG Xbox). You forgot xbox supports windows phone, tablet, PC, 360 in their ecosystem. It amazes me how misinformed people are.

FriedGoat3611d ago (Edited 3611d ago )

Wow, way to believe PR IrishSt0ner.
You sir are misinformed.

If you actually look at the time of year they are comparing the sales to...

for instance. April 2014 Xbox One's 115,000 monthly sales is lower than any April performance by the 360.

That means, the Xbox hasn't sold that bad since the Original Xbox was on sale.

Ashunderfire863612d ago

2015 is looking good for both consoles, and will get the Xbox 1 Kinectless sometime before the end of the year. That Halo Master Chief Collection with the Halo 5 beta and show, really got to me lol! That is the best game collection since The Orange Box! Quantum Break and Phantom Dust I am looking forward to as well.

PS4 ya already know! Uncharted 4, Bloodborne, The Order 1886, and more. But what I really want is Battlefront PS4 version!

amazinglover3612d ago

I think both Sony and Xbox have solid exclusives this year, I give the sleight edge to MS mainly for Sunset Overdrive and Halo MCC. I think MS decided to focus on this years games more to help gain the ground they lost on Sony this year in sales and Sony choose to focus on 2015 since they are ahead and can afford to focus on the future since they are number 1 right now.

wsoutlaw873612d ago

come on guys none of the exclusives are really that interesting this year. The best two exclusives infamous and titan fall are already out. The only things im really looking at are the remastered last of us but not sure id rebuy it, and deep down. Id like to see h1z1 out this year but doesnt look likely. Theres some great multiplats and at the start of next year we get witcher, bloodborne, and the order so it will be great.

larrysdirtydrawss3611d ago

halo/gears are made by dif ppl now,their only the same in name

FanboyKilla3611d ago

Lmfao sony fans. This is just the begining its gonna get worse. Ok ok, we dont care about the number of exclusives we care about the number of exclusives we actually want to play. I see someone posted dynasty warriors 4 as an exclusive, it may be. But its dynasty warriors or sum shi* who cares. No one. People with a ps4 myself included wont play that crap till its free on plus. Lol if your exclusives majority are indies you need to shhhhhhhh. When its fall and im playing forza horizon 2, sunset od, smash brothers, hyrule warriors (killing that dynasty shi*),bayonetta 2, i could go on. What will you be doing on ps4 i cant do somewhere else? And who is this guy that can predict the future? Really? I would have liked it if he would have used his power to tell me at the ps4 reveal that it was going to suck for two years.

Azzanation3611d ago

Yeah I think MS has 2015 in its bag as well. I mean your talking about there biggest franchises coming out in 2015 in Halo 5 and Gears 4 and history shows those games are unmatched compared to its opposition. Sony already used 3 of there stable franchises in Killzone, Infamous and GT where as MS used 1 in Forza.

Sony better have something big on its way apart from Uncharted because MS are bringing 4 stable franchises in 2015.

JMyers3611d ago (Edited 3611d ago )

People seem to forget that there are two other BIG shows this year... Yes Gamescom and TGS, where Sony also make announcments. Seems like everyone is doing List Wars... Here are the games that you can only find on Sony's Console...

Killzone: SF
Infamous: SS
Little Big Planet 3
Drive Club
MLB the Show

2015 and Beyond:
The Order 1886
Shadow of the Beast
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
Without Memory

Bend IP
Quantic Dream New IP

That's from the ones I remember... How has MS got more games incoming? No third exclusives, F2P or small Indies in that list. Some PC games yes... but you people are counting Titan Fall.

In terms of GAMES... which Indies are, and many top quality... Don't Starve, Transistor, No Man's Sky, Velocity 2X, Resogun and SO MUCH more.

miyamoto3611d ago

Counting eggs before they hatch,eh?

XiSasukeUchiha3611d ago


I think dude your crazy bro:-)

SPARTAN33611d ago

I don't think 343 has a unannounced game. 2014 all the halos 2015 halo 5 2018 halo 6

bez873611d ago

Fable legends looks so bad as a fable game,

Crackdown 3 all I can say is Crackdown 2 was bad

Phantom Dust cult classic to about 4 people not even half the critics even remember that game.

Scalebound CGI trailer doesn't give much away.

Halo 5 even the creators jumped ship, and 4 didn't do to well and maybe it will be a good game.

Quantum Break looks good but don't bet on it coming out next year, it took them years to get Alan wake out the door.

Gears Of War will be 2015/2016 release they've been working on it for just over 3months so they won't even be out of story boards yet.

there isn't much coming for Xbox One either so don't know what your talking about.

Sony have

Japan Studio's working on a game

Polphony Digital working on GT7

Naughty Dog have Uncharted and an Unannounced game

Sony Santa Monica are still to announce anything

Sony Bend are working on a big title

Sucker Punch will be working on a new game

Guerrilla games have a new ip

Media Molecule are yet to show there game

Quantic Dream are doing something big,

I mean honestly Sony do have the better variety in first party games, and I don't see how Xbox One has won 2014, for 1 it isn't over yet, and 2 they haven't even got that great games anyway, it's about a draw this year, PS4 has just got plants vs zombies garden warefare and that was mean to be an exclusive to X1

Hayabusa 1173611d ago

Crackdown 1 was awesome. As long as Crackdown 3 is closer to the first one and not the second, then it'll be fun, and it IS being made by the guys who did Crackdown 1 so I'm choosing to have faith.

VforVideogames3611d ago

All I need for 2014 and 2015 is HALO MCC you keep your LBP and Driveclubs and indies whatever ps4 is offering , Im not going to miss anything.

Hayabusa 1173611d ago

The Halo MCC wins it hands down for me this year, but I can understand that some people just don't care about Halo.

Of course the Xbox One also has Titanfall, I think it's pretty strong for the Xbox this year in terms of exclusives: even though Titanfall is tab disappointing for me and Halo MCC IS technically a remake.

Infamous Second Son doesn't count to me 'cose it poo, and The Last of Us remastered doesn't interest me either: if I'm gona play a remake, I'd rather play the 10 year old remake than the one that came out last year and still looks freakin' gorgeous anyway. BUT PS4 still has LBP3 and Drive Club.

Not interested in Drive Club myself, but I guess I'm gona have to be objective and say LBP3, Drive Club and TLOU Remastered vs Halo MCC and Titanfall: yep, pS4 wins from a consumer standpoint (unless LBP3 turns out to be poo as well). But from a personal prespective I'm still giving it to XBox One for the MCC.

Yes, Halo is burned out at this point, which is why I'd rather have updated versions of the original classics than a new Halo game.

Thankfully I own both consoles, so I guess I win the "console war" :D

airsick73611d ago

I think the last of us remake is more for people who missed it on ps3. In that regard, it'll be one of the better experiences you can have this fall. Incredible game that I know I'll remember for decades.

danny8183611d ago

gears will not release in 2015

DA_SHREDDER3611d ago

I have both systems since launch so um, i win, hahaha

HonestDragon3611d ago (Edited 3611d ago )

Here are a couple of lists that show a list of games that are and will be available on both Xbox One and Playstation 4. To make it simple, look at the chart and see where it sees Exclusive. If the game reads "console", then that means it will be available on the console only and other platforms like PC. If the game reads "Yes", then it is a pure exclusive on the console only. If it reads "Sony" or "Microsoft", then the game is available on their platforms only. For the naysayers of it being a Wikipedia page, this isn't high school where your teacher can dismiss Wikipedia as a source. There are collective sources at the bottom of both pages to show that the games will be or are available for the consoles. Calculate them yourselves and see what's there.



iHazelwood3611d ago

Considering Gears Of War 4 wasn't announced at this year's E3 its highly unlikely that it's going to be out in 2015.

3611d ago
+ Show (27) more repliesLast reply 3611d ago
NYC_Gamer3612d ago

Have all the exclusives for 2015 and beyond been announced for either console?

Kayant3612d ago

Of course not ;) But we have a general idea of how things could be given MS even showed possible 2016 titles at this year's E3. That's based on ntrkl's leaks on crackdown and scalebound.

christocolus3612d ago

What possible 2016 titles? Gears was never even shown.MS focus at E3 was on the 2014 titles besides phil says he is already playing scalebound and we know crackdown was used in a cloud tech demo some months ago,which means both games could already be far into development. They could be 2015 titles. Phil never gave a release time frame and see what was done with forza horizon2, that game is going to launch just 5 months after it was officially revealed and don't be too quick to shove lXp&platform next aside,they are new studios who have been hiring a lot of late. no one knows what they are working on,Phil is the new boss&there is less focus on kinect games now.

Truth is we have no idea what the entire lineup of games will be next year. MS deliberately focused on their line up fopr this year at E3. Sony might have a lot planned for next year but so does MS.

Kayant3612d ago

"What possible 2016 titles?" The ones I mentioned.Crackdown and Scalebound
Seeing how ntrkl leaks were spot on for Forza Horizon 2 and Sunset Overdrive, Halo MCC although Quantum break was wrong but he got more things right than wrong when it comes to game announcements. MS also said the showcase was for 2015 titles and beyond.


" he is already playing scalebound" - So that isn't really an indicator for how close it is to being finished apart from saying it's in playable form of some kind. If it was close to ready the we would have seen gameplay.

NextLevel3612d ago

The PS4 has 2 GOTY winning franchises releasing this year. The Last Of Us and LBP3. Not to mention that PS4 games on average have been rated higher for 2014.


I'm not sure where all this killer line up for the Xbox One talk is coming from. It's good, not great like PS4's line up. 2015 could be a different story.

Bundi3612d ago

The last of us was released last year and lbp 3 is not being made by the award winning team.

AngelicIceDiamond3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

"The PS4 has 2 GOTY winning franchises releasing this year. The Last Of Us and LBP3."

That's great Xbox has Halo MCC, and the full release of Project Spark. So they both have 1 remake and one editor game.

But its all subjective.

Btw that article was talking about indies. Sony had higher rated indies than MS. Which is nice but nothing truly beats out AAA high rated games. That's what the masses pay attention to the most.

The Killer line ups are SSOD and FH2 and the other 2 games I mentioned. So yes MS does have some killer line ups to look forward to this holiday.

You need to get off that fanboy Koolaid.

NextLevel3612d ago

"That's what the masses pay attention to the most"

Must be why the Xbox One is leading hardware and software sales.

I'm sorry but Sunset Overdrive is being completely overhyped. Insomniac's last 2 games have been average as it gets.



Let's keep things in perspective, you're expecting alot from a studio that's last 2 games average rating is in the 60s.

AngelicIceDiamond3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

@Next "That's what the masses pay attention to the most"

Must be why the Xbox One is leading hardware and software sales."

That's why there's a Kinectless bundle to make the system cheaper now so we'll see what happens.

Fuse? oh you mean that EA game that's right. I missed that colorful CG trailer that was Overstrike until EA ruined the crap out of it.


A little history lesson.

Wow you'll go as far as show metacritic scores of Ratchet a Clank a well acclaimed games in all to discredit Insomniac's talents?

How much of a fanboy can you be? Insomniac Never lost anything they just suffered bad buissness that's all.

SSOD looks like a game they've been wanting to make a loong time and it looks promising.

nthstew3612d ago Show
3612d ago Replies(1)
KinjoTakemura3612d ago

To date Xbox One only has one more exclusive than PS4. This comparison is pointless.

Show all comments (217)

Just Where is Project Awakening?

After years of development, Project Awakening is still nowhere to be seen. What exactly is going on?

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ApocalypseShadow9h ago(Edited 9h ago)

I was impressed with the trailer and hoped to find out more and then it fell off the map with no new information. Not sure if it's vaporware or not but I stopped thinking about it and moved on. Maybe it was moved to a new and improved engine, moved to PS5 development and suffers the long Dev times that many games had/have suffered from lately. Who knows. But we'll see.

As for gaming bolt, that video was trash. A long winded video that says nothing for 7 minutes going back and forth on it may or may not still exist and just kept going and going and going trying to produce an informative video with barely any information. Like an article with a word quota that's just paragraphs of nothing. Showing me that they haven't gotten any better at game journalism. If we can even call it that.

XiNatsuDragnel7h ago

I'm interested in project awakening still

lodossrage3h ago

One of the directors for the game already said that game was still being worked on just last month....


DOMination-35m ago

It's coming out next year with Deep Down, Agent and Pragmata!

Christopher31m ago

It's trying to not go woke. Okay, I'll see myself out.

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Boycott EA trends on X as community savages FC 24

EA has come under fire for making unexpected changes to its FC 24 Team of the Season unlocks.

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anast1h ago

It's like boycotting 'your' local crack dealer. I'm sure it will change everything...

Xzila1146m ago

they manipulated the pack weight and admitting it on twitter

Kaozz19795m ago(Edited 4m ago)

Stop buying the fucking game! It is no secret that the game is based around opening packs that need to be bought with real money if you want to be competitive. Yes I know, you have the chance to get the cards without investing real money, but that is a real grind and you still may never get the cards you want. This is not new and it will not change if people keep buying the game/packs.