
Microsoft Working On Improving CPU Performance On Xbox One & 360,Cloud Compute & Advanced Techniques

"When the Xbox One was first announced last year, Microsoft made it clear that the console will have a clock speed of 1.6ghz, however they managed to boost it to 1.75ghz. Now Microsoft is currently looking to optimize it even further."

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air13660d ago ShowReplies(15)
cfc783660d ago

Great news,should be some interesting comments on this 1,i wait to be amazed.

pixelsword3660d ago

That is good news, but to be honest, they should have worked on that before the console was released instead of putting it out early to keep up with the PS4.

cfc783660d ago

Im totally with you on that i'd rather of waited till this november for xb1 and had a better more complete console.

tbone5673660d ago

Can't wait to see MS take advantage of the power of Direct X12 and Azure technology. Greatness Awaits for Xbox One.

buffalo10663660d ago

microsoft made some of the mistakes sony did with the ps3. rushing things doesnt help all that much. the ps3 went on to do great but it was rushed, then again with the rrod failures you could say the 360 was rushed too. rushing is killing us these days

starchild3660d ago (Edited 3660d ago )

This is what I don't understand. Some of you act like they have done something horrible by releasing a weaker console than their competition. But there are always going to be stronger and weaker consoles each generation.

Did Sony screw up when the PS2 was much weaker than the Xbox? Is the PS4 a failure because it is weaker than a high end PC? Of course not. There are always going to be weaker and stronger gaming platforms at any given point in time.

I don't own an XB1 and I'm not really defending it, I'm just defending common sense and basically saying that there are always going to be stronger and weaker consoles. And consoles aren't gaming platforms for people that want the best graphics and performance. There are other reasons for owning a console and as we have seen in the past there are plenty of reasons to own the second and third most powerful consoles so long as they have other qualities that make them desirable gaming systems.

GameNameFame3660d ago

Two things.

1. Statement was towards windows platform in general. Nothing really specific.

2. This is not related to keeping up anything. PS4 will just get port of this boost multithreading.

Just like how OpengGL got port for tiled rendering.

Their architecture is almost identical that one gets boost another gets the boost.

So gap stays the same.

MazzingerZ3660d ago

They need to acquire more studios, create new franchises and become a real VG entity rather than rely on 3rd party deals A la COD, Titanfall or "exclusive" TV features

Exclusives games optimized to use their HW, that's the only way to compete and that's what customers want to see, no promises

jeromeface3660d ago

All the "cable box" features require system resources to run... especially considering the "OS hotswap" that allows you to jump between gaming and live tv. Those resources not being available is whats bogging down the machine. Funny... sony went for a gaming platform and not a media platform, yet everyone wonders why the ps4 performs so much better when it comes to games.

Azzanation3660d ago

Why would they wait? They have sold over 4 million consoles! if they waited then they would have sold 0 today. X1 is the best selling Xbox in its history and its not even fully functional yet. Its actually smarter releasing early to compete rather then have the competitors take the market share.

AsimLeonheart3660d ago

Man, people are so desperate for a positive Xbone news! They spin everything in to a positive Xbone development. It is just a job posting for a Senior Software Development engineer! It says nowhere that they are improving and optimizing the Xbone CPU. Gamingbolt just put their own interpretation and spin on the job vacancy to get some hits.

MonstaTruk3660d ago

@ starchild

I don't understand where you're coming from. Consumers buying habits can't be based off of a naive perspective of "who cares about specs, I just wanna buy systems and not judge anything!" Pfft...EVERYTHING/EVERYONE gets judged, whether we like it or not. The Xbox One's specs are WEAKER (fact), with a higher price tag (fact). No amount of smoke, mirrors, or analytical thinking can adjust such a value gap. Sometimes...better is just BETTER...

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XiSasukeUchiha3660d ago

Hmmm This could be good for Xbox but when action comes i will believe it.

3660d ago
Blaze9293660d ago

aint one the leading software companies for nothing.

Nivalis3660d ago

Indeed, pc hardware performance got better and better with each version of windows released!... wait..

incendy353660d ago

I would like to think all tech companies are searching for developer talent with those skill sets at all times : )

warczar3660d ago

Microsoft knows that there is someone out there who can make all there X1 dreams come true... they just have to hire him/her first.

cyhm31123660d ago

improving the cpu can only do so much, the GPU and Ram is a lot inferior to the PS4's, there is only so much pixels the inferior Xbone's GPU can display at a time, The PS4's will always display more, and so much better graphics. MS know this, and you know what, remember about the "best in class graphics"in the Gears of War job ad, the developers themselves know and admit that xbone and ps4 is in different class when it comes down to hardware power and so the in class mean in its own class not in PS4's.

nicksetzer13660d ago

That jumbled mess is barely even readable, that aside, how about we wait and see where these consoles go before blindly declaring a winner. (Or rather in this case the loser)

ramiuk13660d ago (Edited 3660d ago )

its not the fact people are pciking winners and losers, its the fact MS are constantly over promising things that are not possible,they havent shown anything and if i was MS and was getting so much stick i would of demonstrated it ages ago.
All of what MS shows on stage is Bull.

EA drops there passes for online,MS annouces DRM and with the fact they sleep in the same bed these days its the 1 and only reason EA said they was dropping them to also try and gain some support back.

people will still buy there products but not many people trust MS or EA,specially with Moore incharge.

i want MS to be a success,it needs to be its as simple as that,but they need less PR and more proof and facts that non MS compute specialists agree with

nicksetzer13660d ago (Edited 3660d ago )

Basically what you are saying is "MS needs to show what they say," yet "what they show on stage is bull" and doesn't count .... sounds fair.

Your constant need to ignore the "facts" being presented, or in some cases deny them totally doesn't mean they don't exist.

warczar3660d ago

You're right, we should wait to decide a winner, not like last gen when xbots declared the 360 the winner 4 years into the consoles life cycle. Alas, every day I turn on my computer and read a new article about how Microsoft is going to improve the X1's performance exponentially and make the PS4 a "niche" product. I would back off the Microsoft bashing a little if Microsoft would slow there PR train down just a bit but we all know that shit ain't happening.

jlo3660d ago ShowReplies(2)
hello123660d ago (Edited 3660d ago )

Playstation dev already let the cat out of the bag by saying Playstation 4 only uses 14 CU's for gaming, 2 for compute and 2 doing nothing at the moment. The PS4 GPU has 20 CU's, but 14 are been actively used. So the GPU in the PS4 is only slightly better than the xb1 GPU.

I told people here the PS4 was only using 14 CU's long before the PS4 dev told an interviewer this

So its really 14 CU's for Playstation and 12CU's for x box 1, but the higher clock speed for the GPU of the xb1 and CPU gives a 6% boost to the xb1 12 CU's.

The Biggest difference between both consoles that we know about is the RAM. GDDR5 is superior to DDR3 and ESRAM. GDDR5 is graphic memory (video mermory) so games should look better on the PS4, if used right.

There is some unknowns about the chips and 15 special processors fitted on the xb1 motherboard, that may yet improve performance on the xb1, when directx12 launches.

GamingBolt recently got in touch with Akihiro Suzuki, Producer of Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition. In our lengthy conversation with Akihiro, we spoke on various topics including Dynasty Warriors 8′s gameplay, its reception, and the reasons behind bringing the game to the PlayStation 4.

And finally he believes that the 18 compute units in the PS4 GPU is easy to set up and use. “The 14 + 4 unit set-up is easy to use. If the number of units increased, the possibilities of what we could do would increase as well.”

Its not hard to figure it out, if PS4 was using 18 CU's he would not not have said 14+4 wake up Sony fanboys.

After 14 cu's you get minor improvements, this has been know about since the early PC days. Sony doesn't want to tell their fans the truth, but if you had any intelligence at all you realise, the dev, is already telling you 14 CU's is been used. With 4 other CU's been potentially been used maybe?

iagainsti1203660d ago

Keep believing that pipe dream

DoesUs3660d ago

That is incorrect. I also think you need to look at the PS4 gpu specs, not just CU's...

People already know what the additional parts of the XB1 are for, and im sorry to say, they are not some magic sauce.

candy_mafia3660d ago (Edited 3660d ago )

That's an awesome impression of Mister X or whatever his (exaggerating lying butt) name is...

I'm actually surprised by you KNWS. I've read some awesome comments from you in the past, but this latest comment of yours nullifies most of them.

I love playing my Xbox One, but no way is MS holding some secret sauce. That's just plain ridiculous! Can't you just be happy with your Xbox One as it is now? Or is the pointless hope of these 'unknowns' (Area 51 has them) and secret chips waiting for MS to activate them?

The fact that tons of X1 owners are waiting on secret sauce/cloud compute is an actual admission that MS royally F***ed up designing the X1. It was always intended to be a super media player first, and gaming box second.

I've already come to terms with what my Xbox One is, others should too!

Jumper093660d ago

PS4 uses all 18CUs for gaming. Stop spreading this nonsense.

Xavy3660d ago

lol ok dreamer!

Just say X360 has better HW than PS4 and get it done with.

You are not fooling anyone. Well maybe desp X1 fans.

zerog3660d ago

So what the x1 doesn't use any of its 12 for compute? Last time I checked compute was pretty much a requirement. Its like saying an 18 cubic foot fridge has less fridge space then a 12 cubic foot one because the 18 has a freezer while failing to relize the 12 has a feeezer too.

imt5583660d ago (Edited 3660d ago )


Oooooo! You again with this CU bullshit! F****** MisterX follower!!!

Developers can use all 18 PS4's CU ( PS4 GPU has 20 CU's, 2 are locked because yield production ) for render or any ratio if they wish; they can even have the same CU/s doing both render and compute in parallel.
Cerny said that before.


nypifisel3660d ago (Edited 3660d ago )

What a lot of nonsense.

And bubble to Candy Mafia, very well said. Xbox Owners should stop looking for magic and be happy with what they got.

MightyNoX3660d ago

@candy: KNWS has always been on the fringe, he's just been bottling it up really well. Sift through the lines and you can see the cognitive dissonance.

Also, bubble for you, Candy.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3660d ago
turkish413660d ago

and more funny thing is always same site post this news...

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