
Is the Lack of Hype for Thief 4 Good or Bad?

Sean Halluday of Pixel Gate writes:

"There’s been a distinct lack of hype for the upcoming release of Thief 4 thus far, even more so given its release on both Xbox One and PS4. Sure, there are launch trailers popping up all over the internet, interviews with big sites and walkthroughs and so forth, yet there still seems to be a distinct lack of excitement or anticipation building up around the game. But is this advantageous or something to be concerned about?"

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TomShoe3861d ago

Meh, it's an alright game, but there's nothing much that gets me really excited about it. I've never played the original thief series.

BigFnHooters3861d ago

"Meh, it's an alright game"

Pretty much how I felt about the first game a long time ago. Was really surprised to see the new game getting so much hype.

abzdine3860d ago

and it took 10 years for it to be completed. another disaster financial year for SE.
Gameplay video that was released last week showed how average this game is. nothing for me... i'm waiting nicely for inFamous instead

Army_of_Darkness3860d ago

I'd definitely get Tomb raider: DE for PS4 over this game.

starchild3860d ago

The Thief games have all been fantastic. Some of my favorite games of all time.

I think the new one is going to be great. The only thing I don't like is that the rope arrow can only be used in certain places. I liked it more when you could use it on basically every wood surface.

But it looks like a true stealth game and that is right up my alley. You can't just run around and kill people real easy. Even games I really like such as Splinter Cell Blacklist or Dishonored are much more action oriented and you can go on a rampage and just kill things left and right. Thief makes you take a more thoughtful approach.

iistuii3860d ago

Yep, I'm with you. I have watched a lot of videos of it being played & cant see anything i don't like. Looking forward to it.

showtimefolks3860d ago

its sad how some of these once great series get new entries, now and just don't have that magic in them. I feel like the developers/publishers want to appeal to everyone, so the game looses most of that IT that made it special in the first place

iistuii3860d ago

I think it's the public & the new type of gamer that's the problem, & you'd right the dev's want to keep everyone happy. I read so many reviews where they complain you can't fight it out. Even on the original you were useless at anything physical, your a thief, not a assassin. It's about getting in unnoticed & out again without alerting anyone. I'm looking forward to my pre order on the videos I've seen of it being played & not the reviews.

Jdoki3860d ago

Finding a balance between hand-holding and hardcore is a really difficult job these days.

With games costing so much more money to produce, it's not surprising that publishers need games to appeal to the widest audience possible. Unfortunately that often ends up with mediocre end product.

It's lucky we still have games like Demon's / Dark Souls, but in general the one thing that has marked out the last two console generations is the move toward making games more accessible for casual gamers.

MrSwankSinatra3860d ago

Hey not every series can make a comback, tomb raider, deus ex & thief. Two of three is not bad

Meltic3860d ago

The stealth action in this game was good. But only Arrows and Close combat.. boring. They should have done just like dishonered. Then it would be very good.

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Bigpappy3861d ago

They need to show something that excites and capture gamers attention. Everything I have seen so far looks like something I have done before.

SynestheticRoar3861d ago (Edited 3860d ago )

Could of use a some of that titan fall hype. Just a little

djplonker3861d ago

I am not a huge fan of hype (he says ironically on a gaming website...) everytime I have been drawn in I have been let down in some respect like the battlefield 4 trailer that made it look like you could level huge buildings instead of it being a one building scrited affair it would have been alot less exciting if they just showed a mp match in full!

They spend millions on marketing (usually) when word of mouth gets the job done its not like we are all connected and this way it kinda forces them to make a fun game!

Ugh I am getting flashbacks now of watching the ff13 trailer thinking I cant wait :/

GamersHeaven3861d ago

Good not many people will be wasting 60$ on this turd.

starchild3860d ago (Edited 3860d ago )

The game is not a turd. Lots of reviewers thought it was great.





"this is probably my vote for game of the year...so far, I know it's just the second month of the year...but so far it takes the cake. This and the Last of Us Left Behind are both amazing games.
...so far I really can't find anything wrong with it though. Graphics, everything's top notch...gameplay is amazing. The story's really intriguing...I actually care what's happening."

These are all people that liked it a lot.

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Thief - Taken From Us Too Soon

The Thief game series has had many ups-and-downs, and 2014's reboot showed a great deal of promise nearly a decade ago.

Notellin419d ago

This would be such a great franchise to reboot. A darker game than Dishonored, but focused around stealth and large scale heists from an oppressive monarchy.

That's probably my dream game. I love immersive sims and stealth!

Noskypeno419d ago

People say they hate forced stealth sections in games. But a game focused on stealth with good mechanics and level design feels refreshing from the guns blazing games which I also enjoy. I really enjoyed playing Splinter cell, a game that not many try to mimic today. Not too many games let you shoot lights out, or throw cans or bottles to distract guards. Sure there are games with stealth options like the new Wolfenstein but it doesn't feel necessary to play it that way. Hitman might be the only game that has that feeling, except for that Korean game that may or may not ever come out.

isarai419d ago

You should try the Sniper Elite games, so good, especially with coop

Notellin418d ago

Same here. I'm glad there are some other people who enjoy these types of games!

@isarai I tried Sniper Elite 5 and ended up really enjoying that one. Went back and played 4 as well!.

ModsDoBetter419d ago (Edited 419d ago )

The last one was a trainwreck and has been in the bargain bin since just after launch. If they bring it back, they need a massive change in direction.

Inverno419d ago

only direction they should take is putting it in reverse and going back to what the originals did. I couldn't finish this game, and I made a choice to never play it again. I watched a video about the og Thief and Deus Ex games and the current AAA standard will forever hold back these games. These 2 games alone had already solved so many problems with modern gaming that I don't think they'll get a chance at something great unless they're made by a dev that actually give a damn.

monkey602419d ago

Jesus the last installment sells at about 2 euro and even that is over paying for it. Absolutely diabolical game

SimpleSlave419d ago

Ups and Down? More like Up, UP, Pot Hole, Free Fall into the Abyss...

Rutaprkl419d ago

Thief Deadly Shadows remaster would be awesome.


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