
Titanfall to feature 13 maps at launch? Names Revealed

GC -" It seems there may be 13 maps in all, as a NeoGAF member has discovered the maps using a Hex editor."

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ichdich3733d ago

Its 14 maps :

There are 14 in total, here are the names:
Angel City (in Beta)
Fracture (in Beta)
Smugglers Cove
Training Ground (in Beta)

Smurf13733d ago (Edited 3733d ago )

Training Ground? Don't think that could be counted.

ichdich3733d ago

why not? its will be a map.

JokesOnYou3733d ago

14 maps is awesome, been playing Titanfall alot since yesterday. I love it, if only 2 maps, limited modes and limited to 1 Titan is this much fun I can't wait until March 11th.

lsujester3733d ago

Decent total, although I'm more interested in weapons and Titan types myself. I want more variety in what I can do, not places to do it in.

ginsunuva3733d ago

Sound like CoD map names: vague single words.

nope1113733d ago

14 launch maps is really good, can't remember how many times i got bored of MP games because of lack of launch maps *COUGH* Halo 4 *COUGH*

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3733d ago
ManyFishToFry3733d ago

They should be adding future maps for free. That is how you warrant the $60 price and keep fans staying with your product since it is multi-player only.

mhunterjr3733d ago

I'd like it if anyone who purchase the game new get all maps for free. I think all publishers should do it that way.

Fireseed3733d ago

Because artists just work off magic and whimsy right?

VENOMACR12273733d ago

No one gives free dlc anymore. Story line or not. And if they are going to release new maps and titans, I doubt they will he free. Be nice though if they were.

Kingthrash3603733d ago

killzone, skullgirls (well "encore" is basically a dlc free for people who bought the original)...but sadly, thats all i could think of.
this game should have free maps but its ea we're talking about so doubtful. i smell a 49.99 season pass.

Majin-vegeta3733d ago

*No one gives free dlc anymore.*

Ahem KZ:SF would like to have a word worth you.

OT:14 map is good.

Immorals3733d ago

Gta V did. Not the best, but still free

SonyROXitoohya3733d ago

To hose saying ps4s killzone DLC is free, it's only that way because nobody would buy it as the multiplayer stinks and nobody plays it. I traded killzone in after 3 days, it was all looks and no substance, a horrible launch title.

nope1113733d ago

MassEffect 3 had a years worth of free MP DLC that was really good, classes, maps, weapons, and even a new enemy to fight.
That's how you do DLC right.

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Gazondaily3733d ago

Should single player only games also gave free DLC then? After all, there's more longevity in MP games.

AKissFromDaddy3733d ago

"Should single player only games also gave free DLC then?" Yeah. At least one. If you disagree, I understand.

Master-H3733d ago

Well paid DLC in MP games could divide up the community, you don't have to worry about that in SP games.

nohopeinc3733d ago

I don't see how if it had single player it would be worth $60. And no, maps should not just be free. I will say that these guys are IMO pretty cool devs, and I think we will see a few free maps here and there. But I would be willing to pay because they add value to the game for me.

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solar3733d ago

maps mean nothing when the gameplay isnt good. and the gameplay isnt that good. been playing the PC beta, it is CoD with Mechs.

mhunterjr3733d ago

To each his own.. I hate COD. I'm really enjoying Titan fall.. If the differences were as minimal as you suggest, I wouldn't be enjoying myself.

pompombrum3733d ago

Couldn't have said it better myself.. people calling it CoD with mechs are either playing it wrong or haven't played it at all. The metagame is completely different to CoD.

Sayai jin3733d ago

@MHunter- I agree, I am not a COD fan at all, but I really enjoy Titanfall. I really like how fluid the game moves. When I am on foot I feel like a lethal ninja able to take out people and even the Titans..and when I get into my Titan I feel like a beast and I bash, shoot, and even snatch other pilots out of their mechs...and even when I have to eject out of my Titan because it is damaged..I end of feeling like who am I going to mess up first. This game has, is and will continue to get rave reviews. Some people might not like it and that's ok. but the constant comparison..."COD with Mechs. We should use this with other games that are made by the same or similar devs. I got a huge list of these too.

On topic, 13 maps is a decent amount.

PsylentKiller3733d ago

Exactly, CoD with Mechs is minimalistic. Could say the same for anything. Infamous = Sly Cooper with a different skin, Battlefield = CoD with vehicles, Uncharted = Tomb Raider, Halo = Tribes, Baseball = Golf with a moving ball, Chicken Nuggets = Chicken in small pieces.

The hype is real for me. I can't wait till 3/11/14

VENOMACR12273733d ago

I hate cod too. Your rewarded in cod for camping to get your kills up to call in a chopper to dominate the battlefield. Here, everyone gets a titan and killing people just speeds it up a bit more. No stupid perks like dropping a grenade when you die. cod is very one or two level type of game meaning you can't get vertical. Addition of jet packs let's you go anywhere. And against titans, pilots have a fighting chance. Its really an addictive fun game.

solar3733d ago

i hate CoD myself Mr. mhunterjr but everything about Titanfall screams CoD. the gunplay, the movement. the game is fun but its a casual fun. jump in for a few and kill, then get out. no learning curve, no difficulty to the game.

ginsunuva3733d ago


Not really. The examples you name are way less similar than Titanfall is to CoD. But I mean it makes sense since it's the original devs.

Nocando3733d ago

Same here, cannot stand COD but love TF.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3733d ago
lsujester3733d ago

I like it myself. I'll admit that COD feel is definitely there, but it's much better than the camp- and knife-fest that the actual COD often degrades into.

FlameBaitGod3733d ago (Edited 3733d ago )

If they removed the AI(which is there to fill the map cus they are big) and replace em with real people + make it so that the TEAM(not every player) gets a titan drop every w/e minutes then that would make it a lot better.

mhunterjr3733d ago

Nah, the game is already hectic enough... not a second goes by where bullets aren't wizzing by your head or explosions happening near by...

Having more human players might make the game too intense. 6v6 is the sweet spot, and the bots don't hamper the game play...if you don't want to shoot at them, don't.. It changes nothing.

vinotauro3733d ago

Can definitely see where you're coming from. I think the problem is that there is no mode that defines Titanfall...playing Domination or TDM gets pretty boring after a bit.

mwjw6963733d ago (Edited 3733d ago )

Suggesting that Titanfall is COD with mechs is very lazy and stupid.

Yes it has an arcade feel, but a much deeper risk/reward system.

Yes it has guns, (Its a shooter!) but even the beta tells us there will be more variety of weapons.

That's where the comparison ends for COD sorry.

It has movement from Crysis 2/3 multiplayer, par core from brink, mechs from my dreams, burn cards from the heavens, and kit customization that is original yet familiar.

You can not take two things and call it a day. If anything its the infinitely better version of brink + mechs.

LogicStomper3733d ago

So does that conclude that it's a bad game? Or a bad game for you?

solar3733d ago

it is a fun game. but nothing about it makes me feel rewarded. it isnt difficult, it is just run around like a chicken with your head cut off. like...CoD. i will not be buying it for full price.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3733d ago
4ShotKing3733d ago

13 maps seems respectable enough, that's more than most AAA shooters these days at launch. I'm enjoying the game, looking forward to Titanfall.

AKissFromDaddy3733d ago

Modern Warfare 2(the best) launched with 16 maps; Battlefield 3 and 4 launched with 9 very large maps; Killzone Shadow Fall launched with 10 multiplayer maps; Call of Duty: Ghost launched with 13 maps, 14 with the preorder Free Fall map.

Personally, 14 maps, that are 6 vs. 6, is extremely underwhelming for $60,....for on online only. If there were co-op maps, like Pilots vs Titans, than I'd be like,"Yeeeeaaah".

I expected ,at least, 18 maps. I'm only able to play online.

Even The Last of Us launched with 7 maps, half of Titan Fall's, and that game focused heavily its story.

I need DLC for this game because the maps will become boring because it's only competitive. I want co-op too.

What do you think? Am I unreasonable for thinking that 18 maps would have been normal?

mwjw6963733d ago

Its not that you are wrong its just that Activision, EA, and who ever threw KZ together are HUGE teams with TONS of fun bucks behind them.

Respawn is a small good team, they can make good content just not a lot of it. They just did not have the team or the money. Maybe for Titanfall 2.

No one plays TLoU like all Sony online titles, and they are ripped strait out of the single player anyway.

No co-op that's idiotic.

4ShotKing3733d ago

As long as the maps are top quality then I don't have an issue, remember Respawn are a small developer and Angel City is already a classic map IMO.

AKissFromDaddy3732d ago (Edited 3732d ago )

I jump INNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ITTT! Thank you so much. LMFAO, I'm so cheap, ahahaha. I'm so happy now. I love you man!

My brother just went half with me on this. I pay $21 for Titan Fall. That's a deal!

AKissFromDaddy3732d ago (Edited 3732d ago )


You're right that Respawn is small team in comparison to DICE's and Bungie's 350 employees. However, Respawn forgoes single player and co-op for only multiplayer.

Respawn has 69 members: 20 Artist including 2 VFX(Visual effects) & 1 UI(User Interface) Artists,
19 Game Designers, 13 Software Engineers, 3 Animators, 2 Sound Designers, 1 IT Manager, 1 Community Manager, 1 Mocap Technician, 1 HR/Recruiting Manager,
1 Character Technical Director, 1 QA Manager,
1 Associate Producer, 1 Producer, 1 Audio Director,
1 Technical Producer, 1 Game Director, and 1 CEO.
Source: http://www.respawn.com/comp...

37 of them developed Modern Warfare 2. I'm confident Vince knows they can deliver more. Its even rumored that Titanfall DLC is to release 45 days from release. Second DLC in 120 days from release.
Source: http://me.ign.com/en/news/1...

I'm feeling ripped off. Personally, I also feel that 69 employees is enough to add more maps because they're not launching with single player or co-op.

What number of employees do you personally feel is the right size for Respawn to deliver more content than they're offering? It's just maps.

OT: I still play The Last of US Online. I love it and I'm somebody :-(, lol.

@4ShotKing Understood. I just want more bangs for my bucks. Now I want co-op if Titan Fall only launches with 14 maps. Additionally, I don't think there's enough weapons to keep my attention. Personally, I can't justify paying $60, if I believe the weapon selection(s) and maps are too small. However, I understand we don't feel the same way.

I just don't want to pay more money for DLC. Maybe,...I'm after the Premium/GOTY edition of Titan Fall, like I'm for Battlefield. I hate paying for multiplayer DLC. Single player is non-issue for me.

Personally, I cancelled Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes because I read it was only 2 hours. For Titan Fall: Only 14 maps. Only 3 Titans. Only online. Only competitive. $60. I don't know if I'm cheap or justified in feeling ripped off with Titan Fall. What do you think?

4ShotKing3732d ago

It's $40 on PC, to me, that's a justifiable price IMO, but do agree with you.

AKissFromDaddy3732d ago

I meant to reply to you but I replied to myself because I was too excited, lol, Thanks man.

I jumped INNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ITTT! Thank you so much. LMFAO, I'm so cheap, ahahaha. I'm so happy now.

My brother just went half with me on this game. I payed $21 for Titan Fall. That's a deal!

4ShotKing3732d ago

Hahaha no worries mate, glad to help out. You should bookmark that website, I always buy my games on PC there at launch. There usually 30 - 75% off at launch.

Pascalini3733d ago

They are not charging 60 pound are they for this without a sp? I mean most cod games have that many maps anyhow

ShadowL93733d ago (Edited 3733d ago )

I laugh at the fanboys who are disagreeing with you.

BF4 launched with ten maps, and these maps are GIANT compared to Titanfall maps, probably four + times their size.

Ghosts launched with 14 maps and 1 preorder map.

Killzone launched with ten maps and all future maps will be free, including two coming out this March.

What do all these games have in common? They have a MP and a SP and in the case of Ghosts, they even have more maps than Titanfall. If you can SOMEHOW justify less maps and content than competitors' games, please someone do so.

Bolts-N-Rays11093733d ago

You want me to justify it for you?

It's fun.

Take my money, Respawn.

FlameBaitGod3733d ago

This is their first game as a company so.....you really expect them to have huge budgets too ?

PsylentKiller3733d ago

Team Fortress 2 is free and played by more people than Killzone and probably CoD. It's MP only as well. Why pay anything for Ghosts or Killzone?

Titanfall is fun that's why I'll pay $60 for it. If it used the free to play model, I would purchase items for it. The reason it's $60 is only because it is using the tradition method of selling games. This game could have easily went free to play but they prefer a different method. How is that different from any other type of game? How is it different from a SP only game?

JokesOnYou3733d ago (Edited 3733d ago )

lol, @shadowL9 absolutely worst way to measure value of a game, especially a multiplayer game based on just raw # count of content/maps, sure content is important but that's a secondary consideration AFTER gameplay= Free maps for a boring game is just more boring gameplay in different locations, not a compelling reason to justify $60 over a fun game with less maps.

If I enjoy game A with 6 maps alot more than game B with 12 maps, game B still is NOT twice as much fun, NO its just a game that I don't like much with more maps. I'm still going to play game A more, just wish it had more maps, no different than a SP game you wish lasted longer, a longer SP game isn't automatically better if the game itself sucks.

14 maps is awesome, been playing Titanfall alot since yesterday. I'm hooked, if only 2 maps, limited modes and limited to 1 Titan is this much fun I can't wait Until March 11th, plus the game is no Ryse but looks very good on X1.

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Sayai jin3733d ago

It's more pf a complement to Respawn that all these other games are being compared to TitanFall. You guys are so funny.

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Jiub606d ago

Although the late 2000s Turok wasn't my favorite, I would love a new entry. Open world survival with shotguns and dinosaurs. Not sure how we'd get the fusion cannon, but that would be pretty sweet too.

MadLad606d ago


All of these games are pretty much universally praised. Outside of Timeshift I literally own all of these.

Venoxn4g605d ago (Edited 605d ago )

XIII, The Darkness 2, Far Cry: Blood Dragon, Timesplitters: future perfect, Bulletstorm are awesome games

gurp6d ago

I played them all, they are all good in their own way
I used to be obsessed with FPS games


An ode to Titanfall: The last twitch shooter I'll probably ever enjoy

Windows Central: "Titanfall 1 is being sunset, taken off storefronts by EA. While the servers remain live for now, one has to wonder just how much time it has left. I look back and pay tribute to the last "twitch"-styled shooter I ever truly loved."

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Respawn Entertainment is Discontinuing Sales of Original Titanfall

Sales for the original Titanfall are being discontinued.
It will be pulled from subscription services on March 1, 2022.

Ethereal887d ago

Physical media. Unfortunately the way games are going these days game servers will eventually be shut down and you can stare at the menu and wish you could play the game again.

littletad886d ago

This is why reading is so important. Nothing to do with digital or physical media. The game, which is online only, is being delisted because of DDOS and other hacker attacks. The case got so bad that only six players in the world log on. For PC. Rather than fix it, they continued to sell the game, broken as it is, and only now just decided to call it quits. But please, go on thinking what you will.

Ethereal884d ago

I'm aware of the DDOS attacks and that this case is not typical. This game would eventually have it's servers shutdown regardless of the current situation so that is a moot point. My comment was in a general sense and that there are instances in which games can be preserved physically when official support ends.

Let's recap your first sentence. I said, "the way GAMES are going these days" indicating a broader stroke than just this game. I agree, reading IS important. I was simply stating the obvious downsides of the digital marketplaces and online only trends in games these days. I could even make the argument that the online only offering which has allowed hacker manipulation has impacted the preservation of this great game. My comment is valid in the general sense and thank you for your permission to continue to think what I will.