
The Watch_Dogs Wii U Delay Demonstrates That Major Third-Parties Are Walking Away

Before the Wii U was launched Nintendo made the right noises about third-party support — here was a powerful system with backing from major players like EA, Activision and Ubisoft, we were told, and the innovative new controller would encourage unique, multi-screen experiences. Of course, everything is always amazing when pitched at E3, though the realities of the situation quickly dawned on us all and, actually, the perfect storm of Nintendo-exclusive content aligned with a packed third-party catalogue turned into a different kind of storm — of the public relations variety. The Wii U, throughout 2013, was caught in a maelstrom of negativity, some of it fair and based on fact but plenty that was undeserved.

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Locknuts3743d ago

*Reads title* You just got that? It's clearly up to Nintendo and indies now.

wonderfulmonkeyman3743d ago (Edited 3743d ago )

Correction; it's up to Nintendo, indies, a small selection of very competent third parties[Platinum, for one], and whoever Nintendo can convince to make a third party game using a license for one of their characters.[Hyrule Warriors is the first sign of this initiative.]

The Wii U[not Nintendo as a whole, though this is definitely affecting them big time], at this point, is now backed into a corner.
Their finances and the success of the 3DS will easily prevent them from having to resort to dropping out of the home console races in any way, shape, or form, but they've now got their backs to the wall.

They're the quintessential David against a Goliath made up of negative media[much of it unjustified] and two rivals that have made good names for themselves and who have taken to lashing out at each other rather than focusing on Nintendo alone.

I get the feeling that David isn't going to be kissing the dirt any time soon.[this is not the same as saying that they'll kill Sony or Microsoft, btw. Just saying they'll survive, if not thrive, in due time]

Nintendo has proven in the past that they pull out their most impressive turn-around stories when the poison mushrooms hit the Gusty's.
People who hate them, and people who want their games to jump ship and therefore doom Nintendo to a slow death, will shout to the heavens for Nintendo to call it quits and fold, but it's not going to happen that way.

Fortune favors the underdog, and right now, Nintendo is definitely the underdog.
All they need is a few bold strokes.

Viral advertisement, quick, sequential, high-profile game releases, strengthened ties with indies who are starting to emerge as stronger teams destined to become bigger third party players in the near future, and unexpected surprises like X and Bayonetta 2.[yes, Bay isn't a system seller, but it IS a surprise. Pull a few surprises in a row and heads will turn]

This is a Hero-Against-All-Odds story now, and if there's one thing Nintendo is good at, it's crafting stories where the hero conquers the odds, no matter how stacked against him they are.
And boy, do they have their fair share of heroes to save the day with...

LOL_WUT3743d ago (Edited 3743d ago )

At this point it wouldn't surprise me if the game gets cancelled for the WiiU ;)

Dannycr3743d ago

There is a problem with the "Hero-Against-All-Odds story" and that is if the Hero doesn't learn anything from it's predicament and keeps doing the same things again and again because they survived.

There are plenty of lessons to learn from this current situation. It's ok if Nintendo does not want to directly compete with Microsoft and Sony and they want to offer something else, however, they must, at least, provide their userbase with on-par services to XBLA, PSN or Steam.

WatDoesTheStarFoxSay3743d ago (Edited 3743d ago )

@ Wonder Whoa, if i wanted a novel i would have went to the library.

MrSwankSinatra3743d ago (Edited 3743d ago )

Competent third parties? lets be honest here platinum isn't even relevant, wonderful 101 was flop and bayonetta is not a system seller. the only relevant third parties still dumb enough to support wii u is Activision, Warner Bros. Interactive & Ubisoft and honestly the future of this continuing doesn't look all too bright. the only way nintendo is gonna get third party support is if they do exclusive deals like the ones they did with SEGA, Capcom or through indie support. an i hate to say that because i love my wii u.

AsimLeonheart3743d ago

Your passionate speech was very... moving. O_o Man Nintendo fans are really into Nintendo. It is like Nintendo is their love and life or something. Come on man it is just a games company; not your dearly beloved fighting for his life. No need to write whole essays in support over here.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3743d ago
showtimefolks3743d ago (Edited 3743d ago )

Nintendo never had a shot against ms or sony. Wii sold because of a Gimmick but you can't get lucky twice.

Nintendo were about 2 years to late to party with wiiu, they should have launched a wiiHD back in 2010 or 2011 but waited longer and paid the price. Also either call it wii2 or wiiHD etc, wiiu is just so Confusion to casuals

its amazing how ms did so well with xbox360 and now are struggling

Nintendo did so well with wii now they are also struggling

and a company like sony which people want you to believe is going out of business is kicking ass and taking names

I hope Nintendo can survive the disaster better known as wiiu. Next time Nintendo don't be a smart ass and get feedback from developers and publishers and make a console which isn't based on a gimmick like gamepad and actually has the tech to compete with sony and ms's offerings

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3743d ago

uh no. Nintendo console lifespan varies 5-6 years depending on initial success.

Magicite3743d ago

Oh well, I guess it will be a tough generation for a WiiU.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3743d ago

Nope Sega, Capcom, Disney, Namco, Atlus and Tecmo KOEI still has work on Wii U.

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blastergun3743d ago

it only show us how incompetent and lazy those third party developers are. They simply can't program or code efficiently. I think a lot of games on ps4 or xbone will be games with poor and inefficient coding. Wii u console are getting better quality games from developer who inturn need put in more effort and thought into making game to utlise gamepad..and not relying on hardware strength.

Timesplitter143743d ago (Edited 3743d ago )

Excuse me but I think you don't know anything about AAA game programming, or the tight schedules devs are given, or the decision-making process that a company like Ubi goes through in order to decide what has to be delayed.

If devs are putting the Wii U last, it's because Wii U games don't sell nearly as much as on other consoles

showtimefolks3743d ago

yeh let's blame the 3rd parties its not like nintendo consoles are historically known for not selling 3rd party games. Its 110% Nintendo's fault

they could have really stolen a huge part of the market from sony and ms yet they were lazy and thought just because wii sold that wiiu will automatically sell

where are the damn games? how could you launch a console and next have games for it going into year 2?

but let's blame 3rd party publishers for not wanting to take huge risk because the reward is so low

BosSSyndrome3743d ago

Yeah no kidding sherlock. If devs want to stick their greedy wangs up consumers sphincters and give the middle finger to Wii U owners with delayed, lazy, old, mediocre ports.. then im not supporting them anymore.
Watch Dogs couldve been fantastic on Wii U. But screw innovative and immersive controls, we just care about the moo-lah.

Dannycr3743d ago

And what about the sheer amount of great 3rd party games that these so calls Nintendo gamers NEVER buy? This is your fault for not buying the games, but it is easier to blame "lazy, old, mediocre devs"


Sin & Punishment.
Tatsunoko Vs Capcom.
Lost Winds.
Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barabros
Monster Hunter Tri

Just to name a few.

ZainreFang3743d ago

I own all of those except for Lost Winds + the sequel to Rayman Origins and the Monster Hunter Tri HD remake

madjedi3743d ago

And yet nintendo released the 3ds at 250, because of the positive reception in got at e3.

Stfu with this childish nonsense every company involved in the gaming industry is here to do one thing make money. It's the reason most of the adult world goes to work, got bills need money.

And ps3/360 never got subpar ports or delayed games lol, that persecution complex the entire industry is solely out to get nintendo.

Perfect example as to why nintendo will always get shitty 3rd party support.

ape0073743d ago

i love the wiiu but the truth has to be said, if i were a 3rd party developer, i'd absolutely dread the wiiu, i mean even if i put time and effort programming for its architecture, i'll still be waaay behind the games built on ps4 and Xbox one and with abysmal sales, it's a Lose-Lose situation

ghosts on wiiu selling less than 1% of total sales

splinter cell blacklist wiiu(best console version) : only 50K sold

need for speed U : selling only 70K and the team dropped support because they lost money and time developing for that version

PS4isKing_823743d ago

This is crazy. Even GameCube had better third party support than this. Looks like it's going to be anther n64 era where most of the games are Nintendo made and that isn't necessarily a bad thing. I would gladly take a next gen Mario tennis, Mario party, or even wave race or pilotwings.

ape0073743d ago (Edited 3743d ago )

N64 had good third party support man, u forgot all the turoks, duke nukems, quakes, dooms, sport games, WWF games, star wars games, mortal combats, rayman, acclaim games, DMA design games(body harvest, space station etc.), etc...

plus N64 had RARE WARE develop for it, they gave some of the best games of all time(goldeneye, banjo 1 and 2, DK64,perfect dark, diddy kong racing, jet force, blast corpse) , plus it was very powerful at the time and pushed for 4 player multiplayer which was cutting edge back then, the N64 was a legendary system, don't mention it in the same sentence with the wii or wiiu

PS4isKing_823743d ago

I'm not trying to discredit the n64. I loved it a lot. But most of the third party games it had weren't all that great plus sport games are a given. But I agree about Turok and the wrestling games. And the star wars games were also great as was beetle adventure racing. But really big third party games it lacked. As a multiplayer console tho, it was incredible.

And slightly off topic, I recently acquired a light clear blue funtastic n64 console with star fox 64 and rumble pack.

Stick893743d ago

Jet Force...brb gotta go strap some remote mines to a Tribals head.

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The entire WatchDogs series is 87% off and it's not even Black Friday

If you are looking for a bargain, check out the huge discounts across the entire WatchDogs series on Steam.

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Watch Dogs Deserves A Remake, More Than Ever

With the world of information and technology, privacy and security growing every day, Watch Dogs deserves another chance in the spotlight, now more than ever.

RaidenBlack1020d ago

The only Ubi title that deserves a faithful remake right now is Splinter Cell 1.
All 2014+ Ubi titles are just underwhelming. Especially ones from 2016+ are just cancer.

LucasRuinedChildhood1020d ago (Edited 1020d ago )

Seriously, are we so far removed from Ubisoft actually making good games that people now praise Watch_Dogs in retrospect?

"Watch_Dogs has remained one of my favourite games of the last ten years." Jesus Christ.

HankHill1020d ago

I remember being so disappointed in Watch Dogs when I played it at release. It was alright, but I think I fell for the hype and I needed a game to play on my new PS4.

obidanshinobi1020d ago

This is what happens when mediocrity gets praised as good.
Standards are slipping across the whole entertainment industry.
What was once considering rubbish is now considered as OK, what once was OK is now being praised as good etc etc.

LamerTamer1019d ago

Everyone has their own likes. I liked it a lot myself. I played through it twice and liked the car chases and the open world with fairly decent environments and missions. It suffered from the whole downgrade thing where they showed graphics that weren't actually there. No game will appeal to everyone but it was still ambitious for it's time.

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gantarat1020d ago

assassin's creed 1 should get a remake.

ExBee1020d ago

For certain! AC1 was brilliant at the time but with new graphics and gameplay it would be amazing! Do you prefer old combat or new though?

RaidenBlack1020d ago

I'd say a reimagining of AC1.
I direct AC1 remake would be a bad idea. It'll need better story pacing and significant better world building.

BlaqMagiq11019d ago

Old. Let it play like how it did with AC2-Syndicate style gameplay but refine the setting and story.

Profchaos1020d ago

It would need a lot changed for it to be enjoyable again as even back in 2007 on launch we were all complaining about it's repetitive gameplay go here perform one of three side quests repeat then assassination now do it over and over until a big battle with a unforgiving checkpoint system.

BlaqMagiq11019d ago

Absolutely. It needs it. The only AC I truly didn't enjoy.

chicken_in_the_corn1019d ago

I'd prefer it didn't. Ubisoft would make it so bloated, it wouldn't be anywhere near the original

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smolinsk1020d ago (Edited 1020d ago )

Absolutely, this watch dogs legion was terrible boring.

Profchaos1020d ago (Edited 1020d ago )

As a fan of the franchise legion was garbage and I regretted my purchase for the first time in the franchise the entire thing felt like an experiment in NPC behaviour and released without the writers input on what makes a good story.

I don't think I'm alone in that feeling though as wrench and Aiden are brought back and the campaign was rewritten to fit them.

I am tempted to buy the season pass to play it again with Aiden but fool me twice shame on me I'm waiting for a deep sale

camel_toad1020d ago

Agreed. Despite the annoying hipness of the characters in part 2 I thought it was a really fun game. I was extremely disappointed and surprised at how many steps back they took with Legion. You'd think it was made by an entirely different team. Or was it?

It was just so devoid of fun.

LamerTamer1019d ago

Honestly one of my biggest annoyances with Legion is that they took out the camera views for the driving. I mean the behind the car view that they stuck us with is near unplayable. I always used a first person driving view. After two releases why did they take OUT features? I don't get it.

TheSinsibleOne1020d ago

The fist watchdog game was the best by far
After that they weren't weird and annoying with that hipster stuff. Aiden was a badass.

LamerTamer1019d ago

I thought so at first too. I got used to it and it ended up being good after some play time. I just had to give it a chance.

TheEnigma3131020d ago

Remake the PoP series from xbox/ps2/gc era

RaidenBlack1020d ago

They are remaking Sands of Time.

TheEnigma3131020d ago

That's good news. Hopefully it's done right.

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Inside the Driver game that died so that Watch Dogs could live

From VG247: "When cars slide, they leave tyre marks. In a game like Driver, they’re an aesthetic touch, part of the inherent cool of a handbrake turn. But those dark shadows in the road also tell a story. From tyre marks, you can determine the speed of a vehicle, when it started to skid, and its ultimate direction of travel – long after the car itself has vanished into the distance."

vallencer1084d ago

Different spellings in different parts of the world friend. Tyre is a correct way to spell it.

Pridefall1084d ago

Dunno why you got downvpted when tyre is correct in Australia.

mikefizzled11084d ago

The mystery that is En Fore Gee

neutralgamer19921084d ago

Give us driver San Francisco remastered

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen1084d ago

Why did they stop making some of the best games ever? Driver was one of them.

Gameseeker_Frampt1084d ago

Assassins Creed 2 showed Ubisoft how to make money and Far Cry 2 showed them that gamers don't like complex ideas. Now Ubisoft just turns out games that are just variations of the same thing.

WeAreLegion1084d ago

Best driving mechanics ever made. Nothing has come close.

Gardenia1084d ago

A story driven game with pure driving gameplay. I'd love to see a new Driver game or a remake of the first one.

ApocalypseShadow1084d ago

Yes. This one. A definite remake of the first without adding any ridiculous fluff. The first game had great physics and sound for its time. The start of the car in the beginning cinema I watched constantly. My father and uncles were big muscle and classic car freaks. Only thing crazy about the game was the relentless cops in the last level. Insane the way those police cars were and launched at you.

Bleemcast made it look better just like PC emulators. But would definitely take a remake.

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