
Fighter Within Review: A Useless, Broken Experience | GameInformer

GI - "I’ve had a chance to review many games over the years that were varying shades of broken. I’ve encountered countless freezes, buggy updates, and mindless AI. As unforgivably awful as some of these games have been, at least I can say that I’ve always been able to accurately make menu selections in them. Your greatest opponent in Fighter Within is the Kinect motion recognition, which makes a task as simple as choosing “continue” or “quit” an ordeal."

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Pintheshadows3806d ago

Ha! This review is a real mauling of this game.

princejb1343805d ago

seems like kinect will keep on failing
hopefully a few years from now they'll make a game thats worth using the kinect on

3805d ago
rainslacker3805d ago


You don't have to trust the review, but you should at least read it. The menu wasn't his major beef with the game, although it didn't help matters. Here's some interesting snippets that verify that this game is exactly what I said to you it would be months ago.

" It fails to operate on any level, and the content isn’t deep enough to be fun even if everything worked". I said it looks like a mediocre game with bad game mechanics.

" it’s a whole lot of flailing at your television as you watch your character perform approximately zero of the things you want him to"...pretty much told you this same thing. It's not 1 to 1 motion gaming as you often suggested.

"At one point, I stopped flailing mid-match in order to take some notes. As I stood perfectly still and typed on my phone about how awful this game is, my character continued to attack my opponent without any intended input from me"

Have to admit, I didn't call this one. Apparently it calls on the Drivatar method of just playing the game for you.

"Your greatest opponent in Fighter Within is the Kinect motion recognition, which makes a task as simple as choosing “continue” or “quit” an ordeal"...I said that Kinect doesn't really enhance gaming because devs aren't fussed enough to even try.

Anyhow, this insistance of yours to just blame the person who "doesn't know how to use Kinect" is flawed in every way possible. Kinect is supposed to make gaming easier and enhance the experience. That is what MS has been selling it as from day one. But in this case it does the complete opposite, and you can't honestly say that a reviewer from Game Informer(You know the GameStop monthly publication) doesn't understand game mechanics enough to figure out what is supposed to be simple.

Anyhow, your reason for not getting the game is valid enough. However, that doesn't mean you have to excuse all the other flaws with the game to try and justify Kinect.

Oh. And I told you so.

rainslacker3805d ago (Edited 3805d ago )

Where's edonus? I'm sure he'll explain how the reviewer isn't an expert on Kinect and that's why he found the game unplayable.

Plus I want to tell him "I told you so", in reference to this game is going to be shovelware of the worst possible kind.

This can't even be chalked up to a trolling review. This is game informer. They give crappy games good ratings all the time.

Volkama3805d ago

The sad thing is I'm not sure the menu problems are the dev's fault. I haven't played fighter within, but it sounds like it uses the same navigation gestures as the One OS, and frankly it is absolutely terrible.

Kinect can do great tracking, but the whole 'push your palm forward to press button' scheme simply does not work.

I think MS struggle to get an intuitive gesture interface because the Kinect doesn't know where the TV is. It could see a person pointing, but it doesn't have a clue what they're pointing at.

The current gestures seem rushed in, I assume there were some last minute problems with the swiping that was used in their demonstrations.

Voice and controller navigation are thankfully good, but it'd be nice if they sort the gesture stuff too.

None of that excuses the rest of the gameplay, but I'm sure the menus don't help with the initial impressions.

bradleejones3805d ago

Ok, thats pretty funny.... :)

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney3805d ago (Edited 3805d ago )

This the reason to pay $100 more? Kinect will always suk for real games. Makes a good mic though.


WHen did they every advertise kinect being good for games? Mostly for voice commands and heart rate.

GrandpaSnake3806d ago

My x1 seems weird i love every inch of that thing but im starting to feel jacked, why are the kinect games so bad? why are some of the most anticipated tittles for x1 not include kinect integration? wtf

Pintheshadows3806d ago

I think part of the problem is at the moment no developer is sitting down and truly discussing how they could utilise the Kinect 2.0 at the development stage. I got that impression with the first iteration. All of its intergration into games feels like an afterthought.

The Kinect games themselves, I am not sure, but they have to get better at some point. They have to. Otherwise, bar being a novel way to get round menus the Kinect is a good piece of tech in entirely the wrong place.

I don't think motion controls are the future of gaming. I just hope MS realises that quickly and removes it. If they do that and sell the console at a lower price, I would honestly buy one in a heartbeat. I really want to see what Quantum Break is all about.

TheDarpaChief3806d ago

quantum break does look very well done in all honesty. Graphics are....oddly unique if that makes sense

NatureOfLogic3806d ago (Edited 3805d ago )

Ouch! The game is a disaster. Give me knack please.

I really doubt It deserved a 1/10 though. Maybe that's pushing it a bit, even for a half way broken game.

Ashunderfire863805d ago

dude its seriously that bad! The worst reviewed game in years! It actually almost beat Superman 64 for being the worst game ever made on metacritic, which is 25 out of 100.


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McMahonme72031d ago

Fifa Road To World Cup 2006 might of been crap, but it had some bangin easy achievements

RealOldGamer2031d ago

Night Trap was awesome, cheesy, and terrible all in one. It's a game everyone has to play.

I also loved Street Fighter The Movie, and Street Fighter: The Movie - the game.
Kylie Minogue, Ming-Na Wen and The Muscles From Brussels all in one movie/game? Yeah its already awesome.


Top 10 Worst Kinect Games

Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "A few days ago, Microsoft announced that they were officially discontinuing their Kinect motion-sensing accessory. What was once considered a chief-rival to Nintendo’s Wii revolution and an integral part of the Xbox One’s launch has come to an end, and we here at Link-Cable… couldn’t be happier. The Kinect, while sporting impressive technology never managed to live up to its full potential and most of the games released for the device either had shoe-horned in support or barely functioned as intentioned, in part because of the device’s very specific ideal conditions. So as the Kinect sails off into sunset, we’ve decided to remember the worst of times and look back at the Top 10 Worst Kinect games."

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RyanDJ2371d ago

Kinect, for me, is easily worth owning for two things: Dance Central for me acting like an idiot and having fun, and Kinect Party for my kids when they want to have easy-access stupid fun at like a kid's party. Those were the only games I have enjoyed on it, and they couldn't be done any other way (well, I guess that KP is EyeToy-level work). But my hope is that when motion control falls away, we'll get a proper DDR again.

andrewsquall2370d ago (Edited 2370d ago )

Yet for 150 quid it is and was most certainly not worth owning for solely those 2 games, that you have to pay money for also.

Now far be it from me to tell you what is worth it or not worth it to you. But if that is what is worth it to you, I don't want to know what ISN'T worth it lol.

RyanDJ2369d ago

It was worth it to buy one used for half price and get one of those two games for free. ;)

datriax2370d ago

All of them are tied for 1st place.

darthv722370d ago

Star wars wouldnt be so bad if it didnt have.... the dancing. Ughhh that dancing.

They should do a list of 10 best kinect games as well. I'm sure fruit ninja and gun stringer would be on there. Those are actually fun to play.


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