
Don’t read too much into the PS4’s million day-one sales

Friday was a banner day for Sony's video game division, with the company announcing over the weekend that it sold 1 million units of the newly launched PlayStation 4 in North America during its first 24 hours on store shelves.

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PSVita3820d ago

Damage control. They've only launched in NA and they still 30 more countries to release in including their home country of Japan. Also once people understand Remote Play/VitaTV more I expect to see those flying off shelves aswell.

xHeavYx3820d ago

Feelings were hurt by the early success of the PS4. Sales will keep going up and up, there is no doubt about it. I mean, who wouldn't want the most powerful gaming console for only $400?

GaminGuys3820d ago

I just bought 2 Xbox One's now I need to learn how to go busking lol £900. Would love to get a PS4 too early next year though. Both consoles will probably be awesome in different areas.

ABizzel13820d ago

The more I see from arstechnica, cnet, polygon, and others the more I'm starting to get annoyed.

Can you not give freaking congratulations when it's due. Is it so hard to say good job.

n4g please make a block website option.

SL1M DADDY3820d ago

I am convinced that the butt-hurt fanbots of yester-year are now working for CNet and Arstechnica and they are simply putting to pen their disdain for the Sony brand. Sad...

BitbyDeath3820d ago

Don't read too much into this site trolling for hits

asmith23063820d ago

I dont understand why people can even bash the PS4. Sony is all about the gamer, Xbox fans included.

dantesparda3820d ago (Edited 3820d ago )

Question, how often is Sony going to release more though, to be able to supply everyone that one with one? So they dont lose out any sales

thekhurg3820d ago

ArsTechnia is on serious damage control for Microsoft here lately.

When did they turn into such a terribly bias website?

morganfell3820d ago (Edited 3820d ago )

Ars is in the thick of it now. Neogaf is ripping them to pieces over this article. And its become a pattern with Ars and the PS4. Look at what Ars said about their readers, calling them consoletards:


By page 15 Gaf are in a full blown rip of Ars. It's only going to get worse. Didn't they learn anything from watching Adam Orth burn? Game journalists think they are celebrities and can crap on their fans and get away with it. No.


EDIT: Now Ars are now directly attacking fans that didn't like their opinion piece. I guess they can dish it out but can't take it.

DragonKnight3820d ago

Ok, what the hell has been up with arstechnica lately? They used to be a neutral tech site, but ever since the PS4 has been outputting 1080p games while the Xbox One can't, and now the 1 million consoles sold day one for the PS4, Ars has been trying to downplay everything related to PS4's success in PR and in numbers.

I know that the Xbox fanboys will call out the "tinfoil hat" B.S. on this but, are Arstechnica being paid by Microsoft or something? This is getting sad.

tiffac0083820d ago

I partially agree about having cautious optimism because it is a marathon and not a sprint. I mean the PS3 catching up on the 360 after being late a year is our best example but down playing the PS4 achievement, that's harsh.

I can't believe Ars did that.

XboxFun3820d ago (Edited 3820d ago )

"but ever since the PS4 has been outputting 1080p games while the Xbox One can't,"

"I know that the Xbox fanboys will call out the "tinfoil hat" B.S. on this but,"

Maybe a lot of other people just don't care about those things and are more concerned about the actual games and how they play. Maybe sales of a certain product doesn't mean the product is destined for godlike ascension.

Remember the motto on this site not too long ago...Sales don't matter...

I love that every site with just one little criticism about PS4 and they are automatically thrown into a "MS paid by" conspiracy.

dantesparda3820d ago

Yeah cuz DR is known to be such a great game (sarcasm). DR is almost pointless and its goofy and repetitive. Also a F2P fighting game from a franchise that really is not that big in the fighting world (it is nowhere near as big as SF or MK) and only runs at 720p on a next gen system. And what are you left with FZ5? I could care less, i find these wanna be racing simulators to be boring

DragonKnight3820d ago

@XboxFun: LMFAO! I don't think I've laughed so much at a comment in awhile.

You frickin' know that you and the rest of your Xbox fanboy brethren would be shouting it from the rooftops if the Xbox One had even a single mode of one game at 1080p and the PS4 had it at anything less than that. Oh, but when the Xbox One can't do something, it suddenly doesn't matter right?

Have you looked at the Playstation brand of consoles? Failure isn't something that occurs for Playstation home consoles (though it does with their handhelds). The fact that the PS4 is cheaper and has broke sellthrough records on its first day means that, yeah, it is destined for godlike ascension. Downplay it all you want though, it still won't help the Xbox One in any way.

ArsTechnica didn't have "just one little criticism" of the PS4. They've been consistent in their downplay of anything PS4 related that's superior to the Xbox One, but I bet they'll laud Smartglass or Kinect without even using it one time.

Ps4Console3820d ago (Edited 3820d ago )

Good Luck Sony .

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 3820d ago
AngelicIceDiamond3820d ago (Edited 3820d ago )

Are we really gonna downplay facts and sales now?? Really?


Its sold 1 mill in 24 hours just deal with it. Its apparent everyone wanted a PS4 since E3. All the chanting at Sony's conference wasn't just for show afterall.

Grats Sony on a historical launch.

President3820d ago

Arsetechnica just shitting on positive PS4 news:
-720p vs 1080p: resolution doesn't matter
-record breaking launch doesn't matter

Im not sure what they're trying to tell us here? That PS4 will not sell 1 million consoles each day?

XB1_PS43820d ago (Edited 3820d ago )

Damage control? They were just stating that all consoles sell well first day; and by selling 1 million consoles Sony has met the demand better than ever before.

This ^ is a good thing. Sony did a good job...

@disagrees You're a stubborn bunch, I'm not even bad talking the PS4. I love mine... You just have to have an open mind, instead of have your brand allegiance.

Saigon3820d ago

Only problem with your statement and their article is that the PS4 was only one Area of the content while the others were sold in multiple areas. They didn't cover the other 33 areas yet. If NA and parts of SA was able to sell 1million in 24hrs, what can we expect for the other areas. Also Sony only stated 1 day. what about the entire weekend. So sorry your comment is getting disagrees, I understand what you are saying, but you can't compare numbers of world releases to a single area and say that its not a big deal.

XB1_PS43820d ago

Saigon. While I do agree with you, I never said it wasn't a big deal.

Mostly every console that comes out, sells out. Sony has provided more stock than any console release in history. That is a huge deal.

n4rc3820d ago (Edited 3820d ago )

I've already said this to a wave of disagrees...

Its a misleading number.. Nobody preordered consoles a year early before this gen etc.. They banked consoles and saved customers from having to hunt for a unit for 6 months..

They are selling great.. No question whatsoever... But if people waited 7 years for a ps2 and could preorder and get it day one.. Their first day sales would equal their first 6 months...

No system has ever launched in this manner... Its pointless to compare it to previous launches because its not the same thing .. If anything the ps4 just became the new standard.. But you can't compare numbers and think well if this sold this much, then the ps4 will sell 800 million units

joab7773820d ago

Don't read too much into the fastest selling console ever. Dont get me wrong...the xbone will do great too and when its all said and done, even if sony sells more consoles, MS gets just what they want...an entertainment hub in the homes of millions. I love my ps4 but I do believe the xbone could become like the new iphone or ipad for the TV.

OrangePowerz3820d ago

If it doesn't MS has problems because they bet the farm on it.

JamieL3820d ago (Edited 3820d ago )

@ Orange
Not as big as Sony home boy. MS as a business is doing great, Sony as a business, not so much, so I'm just saying Sony has more riding on this gen than MS does. MS made money this gen, Sony never made back the PS3 investment. They just started making a profit 1 or 2 years ago. I think the One could fail completely and MS would be ok, not good by any means but I think they could keep it going better than Sony if the PS4 failed, so I think it's Sony betting the farm if anyone.

sincitysir13820d ago

And yet which company makes great games? Sony isn't money money just like Microsoft. Microsoft would never publish games like puppeteer and so on and so forth

scott1823820d ago

I choose to read very much into it and say it will continue to do amazingly well through it's life cycle...

allformats3820d ago (Edited 3820d ago )

Wow. This article. This website, all the salt. I'd filter this trash.

Couldn't they just congratulate Sony?

Boy, I'm telling you, the new console launches are really showing true colors of these websites. Wow. I see green all over the place. For shame.

Sarcasm3820d ago

Yup, I bet if the Xbone was the one to hit this milestone, we'll never ever stop hearing how much praise it will get from websites like these guys. Arthur Gies, Ben Kuchera, and the entire crew of Polygon.

TheGrimReaper00113820d ago

Funny you say that, cause PlayStation sells the best in Europe :p
Just wait when it releases here

6YardsOut3820d ago

As soon as I have got the PS4 and then a gaming PC, my next purchase will be a Vita.

HighResHero3820d ago

Good choice. I picked up a Vita recently and haven't regretted it.
PS4, Vita, and a nice multi-purpose gaming laptop are a great combo for me. See you on PSN

3820d ago
Belking3820d ago

"Also once people understand Remote Play/VitaTV more I expect to see those flying off shelves aswell".

Yea, that's the same thing they said when uncharted was released for it. It didn't happen.No one is gonna buy a vita for remote play.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3820d ago
GaminGuys3820d ago

Dr Evil said 1 billion dollars lol not a million but it's nice to see him still doing the rounds ;)

Snookies123820d ago (Edited 3820d ago )

To be fair, he did say one million dollars at first lol.

GaminGuys3820d ago

yeah lol I forgot about that haha

jackanderson19853820d ago

in Austin Powers 2? maybe 3 (pretty sure it's 2 though) doesn't he revert back to the 1 million after he goes back in time and steal's Austin's mojo after the world leaders laugh at him for requesting one billion?

Neonridr3820d ago

It's only natural that more consoles sell. The same reason why movies today do more opening weekend sales than 10 years ago. More people are playing games, so there is more demand for these consoles.

Still, it's a great number for Sony to pull right out of the starting gates. The real question is once all the initial demand is satisfied, how will the console sell?

With some solid titles still yet to be released for the 360 and PS3, will everyone be as quick to jump into the next gen as the early adopters? Or will it be more of a snowball effect over the next year or so??

Qrphe3820d ago

Ars Technica
>dont read too much into launch sales
>dont read too much into 720p vs 1080p


AllroundGamer3820d ago

dont read too much into we're getting some $$$ love from MS.

Blackdeath_6633820d ago

i hate how some people make it seem like there are more to things than there really is.

Xsilver3820d ago

this site is showing its true color which might be green.

MorePowerOfGreen3820d ago (Edited 3820d ago )

Yeah but those came after

>dont read too much into Blue Light Of Death
>dont read too much into XB1 games looking better despite res
>dont read too much into XB1 exclusive being graphically unmatched
>dont read too much into the PS4 having the weaker lineup
>dont read too much into XB1 being a much better multi media device
>dont read too much into PS4 gaming being hyped as 1080p when they were not before patch
>dont read too much into huge multi platform games not running on par with the XB1 versions(frame rate)
>dont read too much into PS fans claiming victory when the other console has not even launched.
>dont read too much into XB1 having 300,000 cloud compute servers for dedicated server gaming.


You say something about 1080p? I can't remember...

Angels37853820d ago

Your decision grows greater by the day........

OsirisBlack3820d ago

I'm not sure if you are serious but even as I sit here waiting to pick up my XB1 I am not blind to the fact that all multiplats look better on PS4. Its the same thing PS3 players had to deal with during the XB360 era.

Also the only reason for the patch is Microsofts rules. You know the one... All games have to have parity when released or we don't want them on our console. The only good thing is that Devs found a way around Microsofts controlling ways.

I hate their policies and most of their regulations and still fear they may force all of their DRM and everything else upon us in a future patch. I am giving them a SHOT to prove me wrong and only because I want KI and Titanfall.

Sarcasm3820d ago

Don't read into this 12 year old who is living in his own delusional world

solidjun53820d ago

"Your desperation grows greater by the day......"


Freedomland3820d ago (Edited 3820d ago )

Truly delusional Fanboy of the year award goes to MorePowerOfGreen.

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MRMagoo1233820d ago

kek ? are you a dirty horde ?

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thomasmiller3820d ago

I totally agree with this, the next gen war has just started, the ps4 could win, but wii u and x box one could, nothing is for certain, while i hope it is nintendo, Number one is not important to me, it's the fun I have out of the system.

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