
Penello: Microsoft will talk about Xbox One's architecture "very soon"

Examiner: "While Sony has repeatedly shown of portions of the PlayStation 4's dashboard and architecture, Microsoft has refrained from doing so. However, according to Albert Penello, Senior Director of Product Management, that will soon change."

Mikelarry3880d ago

its almost here ms the time is now to show everything you have got for the console, you can hold on to your games and slowly release them not the consoles

Gamingcapacity3880d ago

It will be interesting what they have since Major Nelson said he can't wait for the truth to come out about specs.

Hopefully he wasn't getting excited over something small similar to "It comes with batteries" tweet.

iamnsuperman3880d ago

Like the time when he hyped the PAX event and it turned out to be two playable demos. Nelson needs to be careful to not turn into Geoff Keighley

OT: I really doubt we are going to get any surprises with the architecture but still good to know

P0werVR3880d ago

Oh yeah!

Love these presentations.

I'm just wondering, why haven't Sony showed us anything. They've been so vague aside from their specs.

JokesOnYou3880d ago

Nah, I think micro has said and shown plenty in regards to specs and the dashboard=the reveal, E3, Hot chips, IGN fan Q&A, Penello on neogaf, and tons of responses to the media about how current policies work.

Parapraxis3880d ago

" Penello on neogaf"
Penello got called out for his PR BS on GAF, it was painful to watch.

I'm betting JokesonYou just forgot about this:

shoddy3880d ago

Spec this spec that.
just give up and face it.

xbone is weaker and more expensive than ps4.
it's a bad combination

scott1823880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )

The thing I don't understand is why major Nelson got all worked up about Sony claiming it was the most powerful console. Sony said it, and of course they would say it, they want to sell their machine. They never claimed a power difference in percentage... If Major xbone wants to prove anything to someone he should be proving it to the devs! They are the ones that claimed a 30-50% difference in power. They are the ones who work with the machines and see the potential first hand, so prove it to them.

gaffyh3880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )

Honestly, I just want the full spec of both consoles out in the open once and for all. This assuming and guessing is getting a little annoying.

There is no smoke without fire, and the smoke says PS4 is up to 50% more powerful, now give us the facts (MS and Sony)(and we'll figure it out ourselves.

P0werVR3880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )


Come one?! Stop the BS.

You and I know very well who has been more transparent with their architecture.

No one sets a Hot Chips presentation if you don't have anything to show, especially in this case the most obvious.

If there was anything unique during those presentations, don't you think Sony would have been along side AMD and Microsoft at Hot Chips showcasing the new APUs (HSA designs)?


The_Fat_Boss3880d ago

@shoddy The combination of Kinect and Xbox One makes it more expensive than the PS4. I bet the console wouldn't be more expensive than the PS4 if it was sold without Kinect.

Hatsune-Miku3880d ago

Penello: Microsoft will tell more lies about the xbox one architecture very soon

Gamingcapacity3880d ago

I thought Sony we're open about their specs from the beginning. Cerny spoke a lot about the specs and did numerous presentations.

Either way the XBO will be a capable machine. It will have support for great games so in the end it really doesn't matter too much if games look a little bit lesser on it... unless you're a console-playing graphics-whore.

gaffyh3879d ago

@Power - Devs say it is 50% more powerful, that's the smoke. MS has still not released the full specs, Sony hasn't released much at all.

JokesOnYou3879d ago (Edited 3879d ago )

gaffyh, What devs? Who exactly?...do you happen to have a link with names? If so please provide ANY direct quote from a dev who is currently working on a X1/ps4 title that has said ps4 is 50% more powerful.

Here's a couple examples that dont seem to think so:

“It’s almost amazing how close they are in capabilities, how common they are,” Carmack said. “And that the capabilities that they give are essentially the same.” -John Carmack

“The specs on paper would favour the PS4 over the Xbox One in terms of raw power, but there are many other factors involved so we’ll just have to wait and see a bit longer before making that judgment.” - Avalanche’s chief technical officer Linus Blomberg

gaffyh3879d ago (Edited 3879d ago )

@JOY - Carmack said they are similar in terms of architecture, which they are. Your second quote proves what I said is true, PS4 is more powerful in terms of raw power. That's the whole argument. Games can be good regardless of power.

It still amazes me that people can't see that, it's not about optimization or the games. The argument is about the power. You have four or five Devs that have said PS4 is up to 50% powerful, and many others that have hinted at it, yet people seem to think these people are liars.

Anyone with an ounce of sense would at least wonder why the Devs are saying that? Maybe because it's true? Oh no, that would make too much sense

Bzone243879d ago

"You have four or five Devs that have said PS4 is up to 50% powerful"

Yet you didn't answer joy's question of who?

falviousuk3879d ago

Ill answer, one of those devs is Mr Blow, who said that the xbox one is not as fast, but then again he hates MS with a passion which was seen by his (innacurate) tweets during E3.

But the sony fanboys cling to it with a passion that only they know in their special sony fanboy world.

Both consoles will have amazing games. And both consoles will have poor games. Gaming is about gameplay not who has the biggest silicon hard on

P0werVR3879d ago (Edited 3879d ago )


"Devs say it is 50% more powerful, that's the smoke. MS has still not released the full specs, Sony hasn't released much at all."

Of course it's the smoke, and why you been "fogged" by that tid bit of info. And for you to go out your way and say it's NOT ABOUT optimization shows you know NOTHING.

Raw components mean nothing if you can't integrate them together and optimize it. That is why we are moving into an era of high optimizations and that is a great thing.


Wonder why Sony has been so vague on their design? Because of x86, equals ONLY 3.5 gigs for gaming....j/k!


Also, that is about the only notices of their design along with a very few that we've come across compared to Microsoft with it's architectural panel and Hot Chips presentations.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 3879d ago
christocolus3880d ago

Mr Penello nice dude...amd just announced their new gpu(hawaii )and gave some new info about its tech,so if there really was any nda between amd and ms then my guess is that after the amd announcement the nda may have been lifted and ms will now be able to discuss more on the xbox one gpu when giving details of the xbox one architecture.....(im just stating this based on info from what ive read online...i could be wrong.)

BallsEye3880d ago

They will most likely show off stereo drivers and hidden architecture (the unnamed chips in hotchip presentation) just as I was saying that it will happen by end of this month. XO is stronger than most of you think...NDA raising... I call it... 26th is coming

christocolus3879d ago

Let's keep our fingers crossed then..looking forward to it.

thisismyaccount3879d ago

25th of September 2013 :)

....according to those FCC reports.

Crazay3879d ago

I read somewhere that the reason they havent been able to divulge everything yet is because some NDAs are in place with AMD in reference to some of the unannounced tech in this box. I'm pretty intrigued to hear whatever they have to tell us.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3879d ago
Drewminati3880d ago

lets see what happens next week

OC_MurphysLaw3880d ago

at this point that is the best and honestly only option. We shall all see soon enough.

Thisisjuju3880d ago

I think it will go down like this...

Step 1: News release announced: Microsoft will talk about Xbox One's architecture "very soon"

Step 2: Microsoft talks about the system architecture

Step 3: Microsoft later retracts all statements and "clarifies" the issue

This seems to be pretty much rinse and repeat for every announcement.

tokugawa3880d ago

thursday the 26th perhaps??

Convas3880d ago

Heh Heh Heh.

I like the way you think.

lifeisgamesok3880d ago

Hehehe 9/26 or 9/30 I think we find out about the true power of Oban ;)

boneso823879d ago

You mean 26/9 or 30/9 yeah?

BallsEye3880d ago

the storm is coming. n4g will burn ;] predictions being true so far.

Sm00thNinja3880d ago

At this point I expect no suprised with the architecture. The PS4 is obviously the more powerful console. By how much is the question. Microsofts initial lineup is stronger IMO so following those up with more strong exclusives is key. Microsoft is more likely to see a launch hangover at this point than Sony. Lots of PS4 announced exclusives a few Xbone.

P0werVR3880d ago

Aside from specs since when, what have they really show us?! I guarantee you can't come up with anything.

Beside hUMA, which doesn't make sense since it hasn't been released yet, but either way both consoles use HSA naturally. I have not come across anything as of yet.

Which is very suspicious.

Gozer3880d ago

Its not obvious at all. Ryse and Forza 5 looks better than anything shown for ps4. If the ps4 is indeed more capable, they have yet to prove it. And if the ps4 is indeed more powerful, it certainly isn't 50% more powerful.

scott1823880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )

No game on the xb one has so much going on at one time that killzone sf does. Constant particle effects in battle, realistic explosions, dynamic lighting, fire, water, HUGE draw distance, amazing graphics and super smooth animation.

Gozer3880d ago

Youre blind. Killzone SF barely looks like a next-gen title. It looks cartoony. Ryse looks like near cgi, and Drive Club cant hold a candle to Forza 5.
Killzone SF

Not even close to looking as good as Ryse.

But I understand you are buying a ps4 only and you want to justify your purchase.

xKugo3880d ago Show
dantesparda3880d ago

So Gozer starts the trolling but its xKugo that's gets charged with trolling? Yeah, but all the mods are Sony fanboys right? This site is ran by nothing but Sony fanboys right?

Jeedai Infidel3880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )

@dantesparda, what most people on this site fail to realize is that if one butts in to other people's(in this case, an xbox article)conversation with asinine comments , then by most mature adult standards, they come out as the one who looks rude and immature. If one did this in the real world, then most people would understand when someone punched them in their shallow-stating mouth.

black0o3880d ago

LOL .. when IGN/GS..etc all agree that KZ:SF is show cast for the G-powers of the ps4 with soled gameply and looked at 1080p

and u want to spin thing and try to downply KZ by comparing it to ryse
#nice try

SonyAddict3880d ago

You sound like a 10 year old!.

boneso823879d ago

Lol you said "if" the ps3 is more powerful as if you don't know but then you state in a factual way that it is not 50% more powerful, you can't do both. And all of this is based on your opinion of 2 launch games, neither of which you have played yet, haha, you've done yourself proud!

DigitalRaptor3879d ago (Edited 3879d ago )

@ Gozer

You just exposed the truth using two video links.

You didn't even bother explaining why you believe Ryse is better looking but video footage says it all. Let's post some more video shall we?


KZ:SF - a game with more dynamic gameplay, hugely impressive particle and elemental effects, impressive draw distances, smooth animatiions, fluid and rapid gameplay, 1080/30fps going 60fps, all whilst still being in control of the game (unlike Ryse) . So you can say you believe Ryse is better looking, but it will never make it so.

And you're trying to tell me one game looks cartoony over the other? Look no further than Forza 5: http://fc04.deviantart.net/... The game looks beautiful, but it still cartoony to the power of cartoony. I'm half expecting that car to stop and a Pixar character to step out. Compare that to a realistic looking racer like this with actual dynamic non-baked lighting http://www.abload.de/img/dc... http://gamefont.files.wordp...

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3879d ago
n4rc3880d ago

There is NOTHING obvious except the wishful thinking...

Ps4 has advantages and disadvantages.. Gddr5 is great for GPU but bad for CPU tasks for example..

People that somehow think a slightly better gpu always forget the 360 had a more powerful gpu... It didnt make ps3 games look worse but it somehow means it will make thr x1 worse off..

dantesparda3880d ago

"Gddr5 is great for GPU but bad for CPU tasks for example.. "

Well then tell that to AMD (you know the obvious idiots that made the APU's for these systems) cuz they recommend that you couple your APU with GDDR5 for a lot better performance.

n4rc3880d ago

Link or It didn't happen.. I've never seen anything from amd stating that

black0o3880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )

GDDR its bad for apps and running heavy OS it's not bad for cpu whn it comes to games even lighter OS like android

GDDR its the ram that was build to run games with the best efficiency for both GPU and CPU

Ezz20133880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )

what disadvantages ps4 have ?!
it have nothing but advantages over xbox1

and lol at the "Slightly" better GPU
p4 GPU being 40-50% more powerful than xbox gpu is not "Slightly"...there is HUGE gap here

also this is far from being the same as xbox360/ps3 GPUs because both consoles GPUs were very close in power ...very close

i really don't know how it is possible to compare this gen with next gen when they share nothing in commen
ps3 had little weaker gpu and much powerful cpu and the same amount of ram as xbox360 but was split and at first was hard to work with

but this time ps4 have much stronger gpu and the same cpu with better/faster ram and use more for games as well and as easy to work with as xbox1 or even more

like i said this gen share nothing with next gen

EDIT: here is the link from AMD as of why GDDR5 Ram is better than DDR3 Ram

dantesparda3879d ago

There, did you see the link? So much for your "Link or it didnt happen" philosophy. Heck, AMD is claiming double the bandwidth and at least a 20% performance increase over DDR3 with half the amount of RAM. So how'ya like them apples.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3879d ago
BallsEye3880d ago

There has been too many clues left around so I can guarantee you MS will reveal somehting big. From hidden chips and their talk about mono drivers released so far (so there has to be stereo drivers), unnamed chips to power brick with basicly 2x more power in it (strong hardware need strong PSU. The games like ryse with cone raytracing and 140k polygon characters, forza with their super advanced lighting and quantum break claimed to be running real time, can not be handled by such a weak setup like so far revealed XO. There has to be something more to it.

DigitalRaptor3879d ago

"forza with their super advanced lighting"

Sorry, I thought I almost died of laughter.

ThanatosDMC3879d ago

Really? Check out those gif links above to see how stupid Forza's lighting works compared to Drive Club's.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3879d ago
FrigidDARKNESS3880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )

HoPefully they will finally reveal the GPU and customized specil chips. Micron Technology is handling the DDR3 design want to know about that and if its stacked or not. I expect an xbox one tech engineer to explain the architecture not Penello this may happen on the 30th.

ShwankyShpanky3880d ago

Who needs engineers or Penello when we have MisterXmedia?

FrigidDARKNESS3880d ago

Lets see there are others in the mix B3D SeniAccurate and Anatech . These are awesome tech sites you may want to visit you'll learn somethung.

pedrof933880d ago

How do you know what they are going to reveal ?

rainslacker3880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )

He doesn't. This will be the third time(I think, may be more) that everything he claims MS will wow us with won't come to fruition.

He's taking the Patcher approach. Say a bunch of stuff, and eventually he's bound to be right at least one time. Patcher does it with more success though.

When you actually start talking technical, his sources flounder, and he can't really make any reasonable argument except to call the other person a fan boy or misinformed. He doesn't have a clue what he's talking about, and just clings to whatever positive thing some other smuck on the internet might say, again not even really understanding it.

It's kind of funny...in a very sad way.

MRMagoo1233880d ago

I cant wait ill the 30th so you can stfu about all this fake BS you keep spouting along with elite24retard. We all know it isnt true the devs know it isnt true MS know it isnt true, yet you still cling on to it like sh!t clings to a sheeps arse.

FrigidDARKNESS3880d ago

These type of comments are expected from you folks on the other side.

DigitalRaptor3879d ago

And credulousness is what is expected from MS supporters.

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Microsoft Survey Asks About Handheld

A new survey from Microsoft has further hinted at the possibility of an Xbox handheld being in development.

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EasilyTheBest5d ago

This is definitely happening, I just hope they have 2 versions one with a much bigger screen.

GamerRN5d ago

I'll be happy with this, and a PC console hybrid that rivals anything we have power wise

Number1TailzFan5d ago

The problem with bigger devices is playing them on your side in bed, Vita and before that was fine. Since the Switch you gotta have a gooseneck holder & controllers detached so you can lie down holding them, or your arm will quickly get tired.

1Victor4d ago

@thesofware: “A much bigger screen than what?”
A gaming laptop 🤷🏿🤣

Kosic4d ago

Than the screen originally planned...duh... :D

darthv724d ago

it kinda already did... https://www.xbox.com/en-US/...

They are just gauging interest in one of their own.

crazyCoconuts4d ago

A Xbox version of Logitech G-Cloud?
I mean, why bother? Not like the G cloud is flying off shelves and what would Xbox add to make it better?
They're surely not going to create bespoke architecture here and there are already a few Windows handhelds out there. I have little confidence in their ability to put together an attractive UI in the way Steam did. So I doubt anything will come from this.

KicksnSnares5d ago

Day One buy for me if they'll make a dedicated handheld device.

darthv725d ago

i have that logitech g-cloud. Its a sweet little piece of kit. I like that it can also install games from the play store unlike the other android based handheld.

mudakoshaka5d ago

It sure is! Don't understand why you get the down-votes. Whoever does not like the G Cloud must have been dropped down a well, head first, when they were of a younger age.

PassNextquestion5d ago

I wonder if Microsoft will perform better in Japan if they do actually make a handheld since everyone says handheld and mobile are king over there.

TiredGamer5d ago

This looks like the future of the game industry... all three platforms with a handheld option.

I wonder if the Playstation Portal is a technology test-bed/prototype for a future Playstation handheld?

rlow15d ago (Edited 5d ago )

It’s a possibility but I can’t help but think would that be the best way to go about it? Though it would give you data on how much it is used and game type. It’s still not a true portable device and so people approach it differently. I think that data on phones, tablets, and of course the competition would give a better indication.

But I really think if Sony is considering a new PSP that could play ps5 games, now would be the time to dive in. Honestly, if they do this, it would be huge.

Traecy5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

Doubt if Sony PS wants to support a new handheld with first party games. Something they lacked with the Vita. What they should do is have a handheld that is like the PS Portal which can play all games but play those games on the go as well as at home. Something like that is a better investment.

TiredGamer5d ago

Agreed that you will probably never see a separate line of games specifically for the handheld (a la PSP or PSVita). The modern economics and expectations of game development make that cost prohibitive. What makes more sense is if the full-fat game on PS5 or PS6 has a special "handheld" profile that is automatically optimized for the lower spec handheld. There would be some significant compromises compared to the bigger console variant, but it would be the same game overall and would only require a single purchase.... somewhat what the Switch does with a lower resolution when playing handheld versus docked.

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Xbox Games Showcase Followed by [REDACTED] Direct Airs June 9

- Xbox Wire - Mark your calendars! The Xbox Games Showcase followed by [REDACTED] Direct airs June 9. More info inside.

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bionicstar5d ago

Will they show Fable 4, Stalker 2, GoW 6 & Perfect Dark?

PhillyDonJawn5d ago

Crossing fingers for Fable and perfect dark. And State of Decay 3

RaidenBlack5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

And maybe Clockwork Revolution, South of Midnight, Contraband, Project 007 & OD? lol
and whatever happened to Everwild ?
+ that rumored Wu Tang RPG

Sonic18815d ago (Edited 5d ago )

Will they have official release dates and gameplay?

anast5d ago

Another game pass event with their plans to go all streaming.

5d ago
Lightning775d ago

It's an Xbox showcase that they have every year.

Make smarter comments for once.

anast5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

Tell me what a smarter comment is.

If they don't sell game pass the entire time, then I will be wrong. All of this can be proven once the show gets underway. Let's wait and see.

InUrFoxHole4d ago

Anything you didn't type. Good day sir!

5d ago
5d ago
5d ago
5d ago Replies(1)
Lightning775d ago (Edited 5d ago )

Wow too easy.

You went from MS going all streaming to selling gamepass content in which we all know they are.

Which one is it?

Pretty clear you don't know what a smart comment is at least you admit you don't know.

5d ago
anast5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

"Another game pass event with their plans to go all streaming."

It's both. I would worry about your own intelligence at this point. It seems that there is not enough to go around for you to worry about how smart other people are.

Lightning775d ago

It's just a regular event announcing games. Nice one captain obvious they're gonna mention gp stuff like they do every year what else is new.

The all streaming part is just you, being you I guess. They have streaming options but going all streaming again is just you pulling stuff outta thin air.

anast5d ago

You don't know what a smart comment is or isn't. You're welcome for the help.

Lightning775d ago

No you said something dumb then you tried to back track and mention GP.

Again make smart comments for once.

anast4d ago

And we have broken record syndrome.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4d ago
darthv725d ago

Wonder if they will address the handheld rumors....?

jimb0j0nes5d ago

For a brief moment I thought we might get a whole Direct for Gears 6 - seems like it's COD though!

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Microsoft’s Surface and Xbox hardware revenues take a big hit in Q3

Microsoft just posted the third quarter of its 2024 fiscal financial results. The software maker made $61.9 billion in revenue and a net income of $21.9 billion during Q3. Revenue is up 17 percent, and net income has increased by 20 percent.

Read Full Story >>
darthv7210d ago

Xbox content + services up 62% while hardware down 31%... seems about right with the way they tout you don't need the hardware to play. People can play on their phones or smart tv or other means. I don't hardly play on my consoles directly since getting devices like the logitech g-cloud and ps portal. Which is to also say I have been playing more digital than physical because of these devices.

solideagle9d ago

you should apply in MS PR team buddy, I think you will do a great job in my humble opinion :)

Sonic18819d ago

I thought darthv72 and Obscure_Observer already work for Microsoft 🤔

dveio9d ago

MS: "Xbox services and content without AB up 1%, with AB up 62%. Hardware down 31%. In total a loss of 350 mill."

darthv72: "Seems about right."

MS: "Excuse m ..."

darthv72: "I don't hardly play on my consoles directly."


Lightning779d ago

What he said was facts. How he plays games is no concern of you. Don't get too mad about it.

Cacabunga9d ago

I can tell people like you are an absolute minority..

If service is up means their fans and fanboys accepted this model and subscribed to it. The near future you will see a big decline because the service is saturated.

darthv729d ago

to you it may seem like the minority... but your bubble is shrinking because more and more are following suit. convenience is a hell of a drug and its also why physical sales only amount to 30% of overall game sales. times are changing, you either get with them or you get left behind.

neutralgamer19929d ago


30% physical sales: yet Phil and xbox division are in a rush go give up on that 30%. they don't have any right to give up any piece of the pie since the control such a little of the pie to begin with

also, the market is clearly speaking that the model Xbox is pushing isn't working right now the keyword being right now. you are right about freedom to play anywhere so i hope they put their games on steam

shinoff21839d ago

But that's been ms for years. When things aren't going their way they try to change the way things are said. For instance console sales are down, they stop telling how many sold instead telling us how many hours spent in halo or headshots. So it makes sense console sales down just say people are playing on more devices then previous. What they won't say is how many xbox players jumped ship to ps5.

Cacabunga9d ago

Hardware sales are so bad that Sony and Nintendo are blowing the sales off the water with their hardware.

If Xbox are losers, others aren’t..
Xbox already tried everything with Xbox live then subscriptions went down so much that they had to find something else. Their fans subscribed then reached saturation rather quickly.

Hardware and exclusive games is where it’s at! Keep gamers excited, announce decent software and people will support you

itsmebryan9d ago

Well keep it simple Sony 's operating income is down 26% and Microsoft's is up 32%. No MS spin there, just facts. 😉

S2Killinit9d ago

MS is after diminishing consoles as a medium. They want to destroy this market because they couldnt win. MS’s vision is to dissolve console gaming.

romulus239d ago

Odd that a company that touts you dont need the hardware to play is already touting another console in the works.

darthv729d ago

They are not reliant on the HW but still want to maintain a presence (no matter how small) is a good thing. It shows commitment to the craft. It reminds me of SNK and how they made games for their own hardware (Neo Geo) while also making them for others because they knew there was a market to do so. They knew they would sell more to others but also sell to their own niche fan base.

TheEroica9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

Perfectly reasonable post down voted by insecure corporation friendly folk.... But not gamers. Real gamer want accessibility and ease of acquisition for all.... Company shills are the only ones still telling us that hardware locking people from games is good for us.

Chevalier9d ago


You should stop parroting metrics like an idiot without context.

"Xbox content and services revenue grew 62% in Q3 from a year earlier, “driven by 61 points of net impact” from the purchase of the third-party video game giant, Microsoft said."

61 of the 62% was from their merger so net increase is ONLY 1%


itsmebryan8d ago


It looks like made a great purchase. Much better then Sony buying Bungie. 😉

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 8d ago
purple1019d ago

Xbox hardware revenue tanks to lowest point of Xbox Series generation

Profchaos9d ago

I'm not surprised surface is struggling they aren't relevant anymore

DOMination-9d ago

In the last two years they've started exiting the consumer market altogether. All of the newest Surface products are business models only. They can't seem to work out what they want to do with it.

XBManiac9d ago

Too expensive hardware when others offer the same or more for less? Good work, Green Team.

SimpleDad9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

"Despite some early successes for Xbox games on rival platforms, Xbox hardware is down by a massive 31 percent this quarter."
"Without Activision Blizzard, Microsoft’s overall gaming revenue would have actually declined this quarter."
"Xbox content and services would have only been up a single percent without Activision Blizzard..."
"It looks like next quarter is going to be a similar story for gaming at Microsoft, too."

That is crazy... so A/B/K is carrying the whole Xbox gaming.
Oh and Microsoft will be fine. Windows, Office and Cloud are growing with each pc purchase.

purple1019d ago

Activision: "we gonna need a bigger rucksack/backpack please"

Microsoft: "why's that"

Activision: "to carry yo' weak ass'

Profchaos9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

Top brass have also wanted to start seeing returns on the 100 billion they have put into various Xbox related moves so seeing more multiplatform games is highly likely especially from abk

It's basically saying that PlayStation is the reason Xbox is afloat right now thinks to Ps5 versions of COD

Kornholic9d ago

So basically PS and PC gamers' money is keeping Xbox on life support.

MrDead9d ago

The only growth MS will get out of the console industry is if it supports it's rivals platforms. Xbox is a pointless machine now. I can see them on a big push for live next, and they won't give up on trying to buy Steam.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 9d ago
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