
Sony: We Were Consistent, Others Have Shifted Their Message

Sony continues to take jabs at Microsoft's Xbox One strategy.

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xHeavYx3918d ago

Funny thing is that, nothing that he said was fake

ZBlacktt3918d ago

You missed out on being first to post here..darn.

LostDjinn3918d ago (Edited 3918d ago )

True, but it was still an unnecessary dig.

I mean Sony just pummeled MS with games. To turn around and and hit them with this after the fact just strikes me as adding insult to injury.

Edit: My God the tears in here are hilarious.

Tony-A3918d ago (Edited 3918d ago )

Unexpected, but it was most definitely something that the media and everyone watching picked up right away.

Right now, they're looking like the sure and confident ones, which made that comment seem perfectly placed seeing as MS have been constantly changing their minds over almost every little detail.

Dee_913918d ago (Edited 3918d ago )


I actually agree with you septic.Not about the show being underwhelming, I was satisfied, maybe your expecting to much.

Gazondaily3918d ago

Yeah but it was such a cheap shot and reeked of a poor attempt to try and replicate the reaction they got at the end of E3. And his little smirk at the end of his statement....really?

It was such an underwhelming show, especially after all the hype that was generated for it.

I'm not starting anything here but you honestly, tell me, did you think the show was as good as you expected? Not for me at all.

JC_Denton3918d ago

I personally don't think the whole "Hey everyone, look at how great we are, BUT also look at how bad Microsoft is" message should have continued past E3. It was all in good fun then, but now it's bordering on childish and completely unprofessional.

This is coming from the guy who sees Microsoft as North Korea, and loses respect for people who are buying the Xbox One.

Pintheshadows3918d ago

Sony said they'd announce games and they did. Droves of them. What do some people on here want? MS did the same and got criticism for it as well.

MS and Sony: 'here are tons of games for you that we didn't have to make'.

Idiot N4G users: 'waaaah, these aren't the games I want. I'm going to throw my toys all over the floor'.

Salooh3918d ago (Edited 3918d ago )

MS have been doing it for a long time and now you complain , let them say whatever they want as long it's true. It won't harm anyone lol ...


PSVita3918d ago

@septic- "poor attempt"?

Judging from the crowds reaction it wasn't poor at all. In fact he didn't even mention MS so the fact that you, I, and the crowd KNEW who he was talking about speaks volumes.

WrAiTh Sp3cTr33918d ago

Doesn't make up for that weak conference I wasted my time watching.

mewhy323918d ago

LOL. Yeah micro$oft has done so many 180's that it's making me dizzy.

Gazondaily3918d ago


" In fact he didn't even mention MS so the fact that you, I, and the crowd KNEW who he was talking about speaks volumes."

Well who else were they supposed to be talking about? The only other big console player releasing a next-gen console is Microsoft. It doesn't speak volumes.

Disagree all you want but that moment was cringe-worthy, regardless of the fact that he was right. And he WAS right...I'm not saying that he wasn't but it just seemed desperate or a cheap shot.

Dee_913918d ago

Nobody said , what he said wasn't true, it was just unnecessary imo.All it does is cause drama.
I think the show would have been better if it had better camera angles.I want to see the trailers, not the crowd.Also no new trailer from drive club or The order 1886 is quite disappointing but over all it was decent because we still got alot of news.
Such as the RELEASE DATE!!!

abzdine3918d ago (Edited 3918d ago )

he's so right, now unleash the fanboys who will say opposite

why do people comment on the show itself instead of these words he said? does the truth hurt at this point?

3918d ago
HiddenMission3918d ago


Short answer hell yes! Price drops on Vita and PS3, PS4 launch day reveal and a shit ton of games!

MS still haven't dropped it's release date for the XBOXONE, they haven't shown a slew of new games and they haven't dropped price on existing hardware.

Try all you like but the reality is Sony is so far ahead in gamers eyes it's not even funny...I mean holy hell a million PS4's already sold...good luck XBOXONE...

Just saying :P

nukeitall3918d ago

So when is Sony going to sell the PS4 based on it's features, games, content and value?

Instead of measuring itself against the Xbox One constantly?

Seems to be a theme. Sony constantly takes a jab at MS and it started way back, when Ken Kutaragi talked smack about the Xbox 360, and followed with Kevin Butler and now this.

Stay classy Sony and sell your product based on the merit of it's value.

Blacktric3918d ago

"I was satisfied, maybe your expecting to much."

>Indies, indies, indies
>PC indies are now coming to PS4, Vita
>Measly 50 dollar price drop for Vita opposed to rumored 100
>Already announced games like GT6, InFamous: Second Son and Killzone: Shadow Fall
>No noteworthy announcement
>Unnecessary dig at Microsoft at the end that serves no purpose after they slapped them with PS4 reveal in February and pummelled them with E3 conference.

You're saying that you liked all this nonesense while telling him that he was expecting too much? Talk about having low expectations...

mandf3918d ago

@ wraith

How was Ms conference? I forgot you didn't have one so by default it was the best conference of gamescom.

Revolver_X_3918d ago

"unnecessary dig"

Sony is just trying to point out the facts. MS has significantly changed their model to replicate Sony's. As a business Sony has to seperate themselves to show the consumer they are the best choice. I dont see a problem with Sony pointing it out that they had this stance from the start, and didnt change it due to negative feedback, pre-order numbers, etc. It's all in good fun and they are competition. It's not like Sony went and put Destiny as a PS4 Exclusive or anything. See what I did there? It was a small jab. Calm down and untangle your panties.

xHeavYx3918d ago

Keep trying, the conference showed features, games, price reductions, stop hurting and get off Sony related news, it's gonna raise your blood pressure

AngelicIceDiamond3918d ago

Shifting there msg for the better. No DRM, Kinect optional, loads of games.

And the PR is much clearer. I dare anyone find an argument out of this.

tokugawa3918d ago

and the message has changed... for the better.

deal with it, and move along.

GraveLord3918d ago

You'd be surprised how many Xbox fanboys think Microsoft is somehow beating Sony. Last time I checked changing policies and pulling 180s all over the place isn't considering winning, its considering reacting.

FamilyGuy3918d ago

More importantly, "...with more than 1 million pre-orders already, worldwide"

1 MILLION pre-orders!
That's insane, last I read the vgcharts estimate was like 76,000 lol

Dee_913918d ago (Edited 3918d ago )

Yea I just
>Won $50million dollars
>Married some stupid super model
>solved world hunger
> cured countless of un-curable diseases
>brought upon world piece
No biggie
See I can make awesome things look like nothing too.
whats is this 5th grade?

Blacktric3918d ago (Edited 3918d ago )

"See I can make awesome things look like nothing too."

If you genuinely think any of those could be classified as awesome, then I do feel bad for you and your sense of standards. Being in this much denial takes its toll hard it seems.

It still doesn't change the fact that they obliterated Microsoft with their previous two conferences of course. But those also doesn't change the fact that this conference was lackluster at best.

"whats is this 5th grade?"

Judging by your punctuation, typos and passive agressive attitude, yes. For you at least.

Dee_913918d ago (Edited 3918d ago )

So not only are we bashing someone for having an opinion and taking personal digs, we are also being grammar nazis and passing opinions off as "facts "?
are you serious right now?

nveenio3918d ago


At this point, Sony is a lot of things, but desperate isn't one of them. They said what they said to prove a point. Their vision is to embrace gamers. Microsoft's vision was to keep gamers complacent. Sony just wants us to remember who has had our best interest in mind from the moment the PS4 began development.

thejigisup3918d ago

Sony in general seems to be pretty happy with their master plan for the ps4 and honestly if you were in charge of making sure your product was successful you would probably not necessarily take pride in taking a few jabs at the competition but take pride in reassuring your customers and potential customers that you are ready and willing and have been doing something right by them.

Anon19743918d ago

Funny to me how Aaron Greenberg from Microsoft is just slam after slam over the years and no one says boo. Sony mentions they've been consistent and on point, which they have been and suddenly it's a tasteless, unnecessary shot at the competition?

UnHoly_One3918d ago

If I wanted to play indie games I'd buy an Ouya.

Oh wait, I did. My kickstarter reward Ouya has been powered on for about 10 minutes total in the 3 months I've had it, and I haven't spent a dime on a game because they are all trash.

That's the Indie scene that we are all supposed to oooh and ahhh over.... Gimme a break, it's garbage.

I wish MS had stuck to their guns on not allowing self publishing, I don't need that crap cluttering up my XB1 marketplace when I'm looking to buy a real game.

Christopher3918d ago

@LostDjinn: I get what you're saying. But, I also feel it's important for Sony to remind the consumers that they have been listening to them all along, rather than reacting to them when people don't like a decision they've made. They just need to do it in a way that isn't coming off as petty.

DragonKnight3918d ago

@nukeitall: I bet you said that with a straight face too. Which makes it all the more hilarious. Apparently, all Sony did for those few hours was talk about how they aren't Microsoft and they didn't talk about games, features, and such right?


NewMonday3918d ago

After years of trolling by Greenberg MS have no right to complain.

Pintheshadows3918d ago

UnHoly_One. Haha. You purchased an Ouya for Indie games. Have you never used Steam? Honestly, if that is your view on Indie's you may be one of the most sadly misguided people on here.

Just a title for you. 'Sir, You are being Hunted'. More original, tense, and genuinely fantastic than most full price games. If you base your view of Indie games on what is available on Ouya then I pity you.

You haven't lived.

andrewsqual3918d ago

@Zachriel Eh no one of the biggest cheers was after the trailer for Murasaki Baby, an incredible title that looked something like Limbo, you know that critically acclaimed game?
And they showed at least 10 games and announced even more that were all like classic Limbo style genius games. What is wrong with that?
You obviously aren't a fan so why would you be waiting to see something like Uncharted 4 that would make you cry with envy?

1Victor3918d ago

at least Sony conference didn't look like it was shot in a basement other than that they both did good. soooo were's XB0ne release date could the rumors be true?

DAS6923918d ago

Although the show was VERY underwhelming a lot of the "Anticipation" was brought about from the community, not Sony. Also I agree with how cheap it felt... It was funny and I laughed, but I think it's important to remember that... What he said WAS the truth. Either way... MS has got a long way to go when it comes to recovery of their platform.

guitarded773917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

To those saying that it was low of Sony to do... try watching Microsoft's GamesCom presentation. Pay special attention during the first pre-recorded video where they DO THE SAME THING, but actually name "Sony". When finished, go back to burying your heads in the sane HYPOCRITES!!!


Ritsujun3917d ago

Shameless Xbone180 is ph-shameless.

papashango3917d ago

Sony announced games?

All I saw were crowd shots

CJDUNCAN3917d ago

Maybe true, but what bothers me about PS4 is how their "exclusive" games are fluffed with a lot of indie games that resemble arcade-ish quality.

SweetIvy3917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

Why shouldn't a company show its customer base that they can trust it?
That's how I read his comment.

Sony planned and made the big announcement.
Then MS did its, and after the backlash basically started copying Sony's stance.
Why isn't it fair to point it out?

Also, it's not just gamers that listed to this conferences, it's also shareholders and whatnots, it's important to show this people a company is consistent and can be trusted.

nosferatuzodd3917d ago

people say this is not necessary Sony shouldn't take shots at Microsoft but when you see you're enemy on the ground you don't show any mercy Zodd shows no mercy you will kneel before Zodd or suffer

+ Show (44) more repliesLast reply 3917d ago
Insomnia_843918d ago

I was like "oooohhhh shhh!!!! T!!!" And then lold

PSVita3918d ago

I bet MS were shaking in they're boots when the 32 countries by holiday was announced. They are behind 20 COUNTRIES, that's just crazy.

To be fair though the ps3 launched a whole year/year and a half after the Xbox and still caught up and or surpassed it.

rainslacker3918d ago


And that should be a reminder to everyone that a lot can happen over the course of a console generation. Just think, if it weren't for Kinect, 360 gamers may still be playing awesome 1st party IP's.

On topic.

Sony could have said what they did without specifically calling out the competition. Saying they have stayed true to their vision is all that was needed. People would know what Sony was referring to, and the implication would remain. It's how they handled E3, and it was pretty masterful.

Otherwise, it's fun watching the big guys take pokes at each other. The people on here need to relax a little bit. He was much more polite than 99% of the posters on here. Guess that's the British for ya'.

Cueil3917d ago

@PSVita I'm sure Microsoft is shaking in their boots... their so afraid... their stock went down when they dropped from a forcasted 21 billion to 19.7 billion USD... they wont lose any sleep over a company on the edge of failure taking pot shots at one of the most stable companies in the world

showtimefolks3918d ago

and he is 110% correct

sony is owning the gaming world right now, damn those indie games so many.

free to play also a big advantage to sony

finally now we have a release date

BTW my favorite game coming few weeks later from pS4

December 6th for GT6

jackanderson19853918d ago

they way they worded it though was "exclusive at launch" which means at some point should they wish they'll appear on the xbox one... also aren't most of the indies announced on the pc already ?

cyril sneer3917d ago


I find it funny for years now console gamers have used free to play and indie games as ammunition against pc saying its all we have to play(even though that is not true)

But now sony has them it's the best thing since sliced bread.

Dunpeal3918d ago

Did MS announce a specific launch date? I don't see one. Should we expect theirs to be Nov 15 too now since they're obviously interested in jocking the PS4 :)?

IcicleTrepan3918d ago

Nah, the rumour is they'll announce the Xbox One release date at PAX Prime. with a rumoured release date of Nov 22nd.

_FantasmA_3918d ago

They will probably launch 2 hours before PS4. LOL I hope M$ dies of cancer. I know it sounds evil, but they are the cancer of the gaming industry. Games are turning into a product because of them.

MWong3918d ago

That was a serious slap to the face, from Sony.

I still can't believe XBone is only launching in 12 countries.

gamertk4213918d ago

Xbox One on 11/12/13, just for the ease of marketing.

saber000053917d ago

@_FantasmA_, Though I agree that I hope the Xbone fails, I do not hope Microsoft "dies of cancer". I love their operating system and I don't want to switch to Linux or a mac OS... O_o

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3917d ago
TomShoe3918d ago


Look me in the eye and tell me MS didn't deserve it.

Godz Kastro3918d ago

I agree Sony... Like charging your diehards $600 last gen and not thinking twice after the backlash... Oh, my bad they did respond. Get a 2nd job is what they said. Gt a second job!!!!

I wish Sony success, its the fanboys I target this to.

Seraphemz3918d ago (Edited 3918d ago )

How microsoft was when there was the DRM issue?

" dont like it...get a 360!"

Revolver_X_3918d ago

Yeah, good shot. A 7+ year old message from someone no longer running the show. You really got those Sony fanboys on that one! /s

SchwoererBear3918d ago

The blu ray player in the ps3 jacked the price up, Blu ray discs were almost unheard of when ps3 came out, now you can get a blu ray player for cheap, then not so much.

Drekken3918d ago

They dropped the price in the first 6 months. Selective memory is kicking in I see...

HammadTheBeast3918d ago

Just pointing out. In that time, Blu-ray players were about $800. So pretty fair price.

Not good, for a games console, but nothing to get butt-hurt over.

Oner3918d ago

Godz Kastro said ~

"Like charging......Oh, my bad they did respond. Get a 2nd job is what they said. Gt a second job!!!!"

Me ~ If you are going to use a quote, at least get the quote right. If not you are nothing but a troll who is trying to spread FUD and misinformation to suit your false agenda. Here is the actual quote ~

"During a recent interview with Japanese economic website Toyo Keizai, ever-charming Ken Kutaragi had this to say about Sony's goal for the PS3: "for consumers to think to themselves 'I will work more hours to buy one'. We want people to feel that they want it, irrespective of anything else.""

More hours does not equal a second job.

rainslacker3917d ago

PS3 also had a $500 model at launch. Funny how those like you who make this argument always neglect that fact. Were they were ridiculed for that? If so, are you saying that it's OK to ridicule MS now for their $500 price tag?

Either way, a system price is not really what MS is being given a hard time for. It seems high only in relation to the PS4, and people question why they have to buy the Kinect even if they don't want it. That's a wholly different scenario, as the $600 PS3 also had a larger hard drive so there was a discernible difference. That difference is laughable today, but it wasn't 7 years ago.

kenshiro1003917d ago

Is that the best you can do? Really? .__.

Godz Kastro3917d ago


Oh, my bad, work more hours... Yeah that conveys a totally different message. It sounds so much more loving from father Kutari...more hours. You guys find nothing wrong with that?

Instead of showing why I should buy a ps4 they are trying to prove why I shouldn't buy an X1. Their best announcement at E3 was what? What games have been doing forever.... Using physical media you can trade/lend/sell. Ok, thanks for going out of your way to make that point. Because of that MS switched back to what they have always done as well; alowing consumers to sell/lend/trade.

If they would've stood shut and marketed their system with games /features MS would've continued on with policy and that could've possibly hurt themselves. Now, the playing field is level again. Everyone I know that was on the fence went right back to x1 after this. Why? Because MS has a sick line up... Sick!!!

They landed a game that will sell systems in Titanfall. Everyone I've shown that game to has been floored. That game alone will move units. Sony has tired KZ going up against Titanfall... Good luck.

The only game that looks good is second son, that's it... Indie games I can play on my ipad. That is not the reason I've been waiting for next gen.

Thank you Sony for the competition that has caused MS to raise its game. I now have a bunch of great free games on Xbox live due to your psn+. We need competition. But coming out and taking jabs again. They are looking desperate. A boxer stuck in a corner trying to swing his way out. Good luck, you will need it.

insomnium23917d ago


They said "for consumers to think to themselves 'I will work more hours to buy one'". Where is the part they ever said people WILL work more hours to afford a PS3? They wanted people to think that way. Only a blind fanboy wouldn't see a difference in those 2.

Further taking a 200+ dollar hit on every console sold sure is arrogant and not thinking about the diehards. Charging then 800 dollars would've been......oh wait...

saber000053917d ago

@rainslacker, lets look at the technology we had 8 years ago. The PS3 was one of the most powerful supper computers out during that time, for a cheap price. The $600 mark that was set for it, was CHEAPER than buying a computer with the same specs, for a lot more money. In fact, it was so impressive, even the military bought THOUSANDS of them. Now let's move forward to right now.

Due to the technology we have and how much we've advanced, we're able to create better, much more powerful, products for little costs. Thus, why Sony and Microsoft is able to cut the costs. However, Microsoft's specs for the Xbox One, is not up to par and shouldn't be $500. Nor should they try to nickel and dime you on their services. Thus why I pre-ordered a PS4.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3917d ago
Maddens Raiders3918d ago

I'm sure he won't be fired for anything he said today.

2cents3918d ago ShowReplies(3)
bronxsta3918d ago

Microsoft better...tread lightly

Silly gameAr3918d ago


I know right? It seems like all the xbox fans do is cry about other fanboys and defend MS in EVERY article huh? Oh wait...

DonFreezer3918d ago

PS trolls you never seize to amaze. You have witnessed the worst conference in the world. You have learned that out of your precious 30 exclusives the 20 are indie games and all you have to do is say damn right to Sony who is so desperate that they bad mouth Microsoft in every way they can? Shut your freaking mouth.Xbox One has crashed the PS4 and you better believe it before the reality hurts your butt that much.

GutZ313918d ago

How was the MS conference for gamescon this year?

Troll elsewhere.

HarryMasonHerpderp3918d ago

The Xbox One console reveal was the worst in the world. That or Sony's E3 in 2006.

karl3918d ago

i dont get it dude

u are supporting the one console that tries to deprive your fellow gamers from games..

who the heck supports third party exclusives?

this is crazy .. how can u call yourself a gamer while throwing money at the company that tries to rob u of the freedom to do what u want with your games and your console

Rainstorm813918d ago

Hmmm its obvious why you have 1 bubble

T23918d ago (Edited 3918d ago )

Oh ya rime, rapture nobody home , and shadow are all terrible but map packs for cod is where its at right? Wow wonder how u got one bubble

SIGNALS3918d ago


Dream on, with your............yes, that's what i mean.

Drekken3918d ago

Just as you don't CEASE to amaze me.

RavageX3918d ago

I think you are the first person I've seen with ONE bubble in a while, though I can kinda see why.

You, everyone in the known world and the aliens that spy on us from space knows that the worst conference ever was the reveal of the Xbox One.

That is fact. They'll probably have a world record for it.

You are in serious denial friend, it is sad to see a fellow gamer in a state of mind this far gone but we can help you if you let us.

BlaqMagiq243918d ago

Dam so much butthurt coming from your comment I could actually FEEL it. This is why you have bubble.

rainslacker3917d ago

How many exclusive indie games does MS have?

kenshiro1003917d ago

Cry me a riveeeeeer...
Cry me a riveeeeer yeah!

None of you 360 folks had anything to say when Microsoft was trashtalking Sony but when Sony mentions something that's 100% true, you scream trashtalk?

This is golden.

Rimeskeem3917d ago

Still better then the Xbox one announcement

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 3917d ago
quenomamen3918d ago

LMAOF @ this comment:

"Quick! Someone get the Xbox One to the burn unit! Call the ambulance!"

Wii U Wii U Wii U Wii U Wii U

ThatCanadianGuy5143918d ago

Yeah, it was funny the first time.Last year.

DevilishSix3918d ago

Some are saying Sony should not have done that and beat MS while their down and I say Why Not!?

MS has brought all this on themselves by being douches and trying to bully everyone like they do in other business segments. Look MS didn't even put on a presser at Gamecon and defend themselves.

After E3 xbox apologists have been going on about games and here Sony just showed like 14 new games. MS can't compete with Sony's exclusives they have never had the studios to do so and if it wasn't for Bungie and Epic they would have flopped hard last gen. Truths hurt.

cyguration3917d ago

They put on a presser all right... a sorry, pitiful excuse for one.

It was like a guy with a flaccid schlong trying to impress pornstars at a party, where-as Sony showed up and flashed everybody a Ron Jeremy of indie games, AAA titles and everything else in between.

Big gaming schlongs for the win.

redwin3917d ago

Remember that Sony was arrogant with their PS3 and they said that people will be ok paying all that $ for their system. It took them a wile to change but they are better now, ms is changing things on the fly and we are here to rip the benefits on both. Game on brother, this is all heathly for the business.

Rimeskeem3918d ago

why did i read that in arnold voice

redwin3918d ago

Do yo really believe that? It was Sony who said that you don't need: a hard drive, online gaming, broad band connection, paid live subscription. Shall I go on ? Bigger remote, game achievement , a live console hub. My friend, everything that you like about Sony, it was spawn by Microsoft so don't drink their cool aid. If it was up to Sony you would be playing games in a Walkman. I love my ps3 but I gotta give MS credit. This time ill get them both on day one. I just gotta figure out what game to get for PS4 at launch time. I'm downloading all multiplayer games for the box because hey get the content first.

HugoDrax3918d ago

As if they have always been consistent hahaha...These corporations I tell you are full of sh*t at times. I remember when Sony said they would have a similar achievement system like Microsoft called Entitlements hahaha. I remember they showcased a boomerang controller, and went back to the dual shock after the criticism from fans. I guess that's staying consistent? I remember they said "We at Sony aren't focused on online gaming" then introduced a 56KB modem attachment because according to Sony fans "Who has high speed Internet?" I could go on and on, but I have to get back to playing Splinter Cell Blacklist.

papashango3917d ago

yet it's amazing how people on N4G think that suits that work for huge corporations are their friend.

miDnIghtEr20C_SfF3918d ago

So MS is like Sony this generation.

No rumble... whoops rumble.

No pay subscription... whoops psn+ (ya, it's good, still from nothing to pay for renting games)

No low price at launch... whoops let's price cut the earliest any console has had a price cut in history.

No achievements... whoops lets have trophies!

No party chat... whoops we can't have party chat but with ps4 we can!

The list goes on.

Companies screw up and they listen to their customer feedback to change.

krepler3918d ago

What console has ever had a price cut at launch?...and the list doesn't go on, it actually should back up a bit as most of those are not "changes" but "additions". PS+ is the only change but the value it carries renders the argument moot as it was widely accepted.

Take this analogy for example:
M&M's candies didn't take away the green colour and put in the blue ones, they just added the blue ones. See the difference?

The consoles had it right this gen as they always did by adding to what was already a working and accepted platform and MS went along and tried to "change" the way they want people to interact with the console but Sony and the public made it clear that that was not going to fly. MS is just lucky that the changes were possible to begin with since nothing was hardware related, otherwise, they would've been S.O.L. and it would have been bye bye XBOne!

The rumble is the only thing Sony tried to get away with this gen, but in the end everyone copies off each other in order to complete their package and compete with each other.

MS on the other hand is the one completely backtracking to fix all the bad choices they've made with the initial announcement of the XBOne. I personally have never seen or heard of a company flip on so many policies at this scale in my life.

The only thing I would really like to know though is what console has had a price cut at launch?? Or did you mean shortly after launch? That would be the 3DS when Nintendo realized everyone knew they were getting seriously ripped at $250.

strifeblade3918d ago

That's not classy and if sony's best moment is taking pot shots at microsoft then thats pretty weak. That conference sucked as well- bunch of indie timed exclusives and a couple of low end looking exclusives no AAA.

Remember when everyone was like "microsoft blew their load at e3 just wait till gamescom and what? Indy games galore and no concrete memorable game? A long overdue price cut for the vita and not much else. looks like sony blew the load at e3 judging by this gamescom as nothing was memorable. \

Xbox was not much better at gamescom but it was sony who had something to prove and they did not bring their guns

moparful993917d ago

Sony has 3 platforms to support a still thriving PS3, the Vita trying to gain traction, and the brand new PS4 trying to be successful while not stealing limelight from the other two platforms.. Microsoft has mentioned NOTHING in terms of exclusives for the 360.. They've all but abandoned the 360 crowd.. So from my perspective Sony is doing a masterful job of promoting 3 platforms!! Microsoft has all of their first party studios working on One titles yet they only have 2-3 Launch day exclusives worth talking about.. Those being Forza5, Dead rising 3, and Ryse.. I'm sorry but Sony is taking care of business.. If you aren't satisfied with the PS4 lineup then fine guess I wont see you online. Glad I don't let hater's like you make my decisions....

strifeblade3917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

I dont stand to make anyone's decision but i was addressing the crowd who acted like AAA titles galore was coming to ps4 for it's first year when infact they were all indies and sony showed all they had at e3 (not much). Microsoft in comparision has many more AAA titles coming out in the first year.

So the obvious reason for this is as you stated- sony is spporting 3 systems- I am sorry but sony is not supporting the vita- there is no AAA game coming to the vita mostly sidescroll games that can be done on 3ds in my oppinion.

As for ps3 i look at it from this perspective- Sony is not done making money on its 80 million user base so they are releasing games like gran turismo 6 because it will make more money on ps3 than ps4 plus the budget of the game will be lower since its on ps3- it is a win win. Look at forza it could be released on 360 and make msoft tons but they did not. As a ps4 gamer would you prefer gt6 on ps3 or ps4? i thought so but apparently gt6 port is in the making for ps4 set for release a year later lol

Now microsoft could release more stuff on 360 and make tons of money but they are catering to the hardcore early adopters of the xbox one (people like me) and will be making less money selling less games on xbox one than xbox 360 but i for one am glad because as a gamer i will have new experiences with more games on the nexgen console. Microsoft are trading sells and money to shift more xbox one units with a more attractive and abundant lineup.

StoutBEER3918d ago

Buuut if they hadnt changed it they'd still get shit. Don't give me you're self righteous BS either about they shouldnt have done it in the first place. The only truly wierd thing was having Kinect plugged in all the time. They saw a future that most people didn't see with them, so they went back to what people are familiar and comfortable with.

krepler3918d ago

Absolutely. Microsoft has been doing it to Sony for 10 years or so. Now that Sony has legitimate grounds to fire back... I just find it funny to see so many people give Sony backlash for this comment.

The crowd at the show says it all though. If you listen closely, they first OOOOOOHHH'ed, as if they thought the comment was in bad taste but then quickly started clapping because they knew it's true and completely agreed.

What's finally put the nail in the XBOne's coffin for me personally is the fact that they're trying to sugar coat the sale of the console with a free game. It just looks like MS doesn't believe in their console enough anymore and keep trying to add incentive to buy the XBO.

strifeblade3918d ago

Actually i heard the booh but your logic that these people changed their mind was wrong- its the clapping and the fact they stopped boohing that overpowered them- although it was done in bad taste- E3 jabs were more tasfully done but what he said was pathetic- I really see that both sony conferences were about pr mostly. This gamescom by sony was not good however and dissapointing at:

THE FACT THAT 15 OF THE 20 EXCLUSIVES ARE INDIE... nothing to brag about atleast i am glad i wont be seeing "but sony has 20 exclusives in the first year" because that looked horrible when comparing what msoft has lined up in the first year

moparful993917d ago

@Strife seriously Microsoft has been making tongue in cheek comments for years now and never once have I seen the backlash over their distasteful comments as Sony is receiving over their comment despite how legitimate it really is.. Secondly when the 360 was the Indie destination for a good part of the previous gen it was awesome but now that Sony has claimed that crown it's sad? All of you anti Sony clowns are getting annoying.. Nothing Sony ever does is deserving of credit.. You all are always finding some way to make a stab at it or undermine its impact on the gaming world.. You fault Sony for having so many indie games while completely ignoring the fact that Sony is actively trying to support 3 platforms concurrently! Microsoft has basically turned its back on the 360 allowing them to put their entire development team behind the ONE yet they still only have 3 launch exclusives worth talking about.. That's what is more sad to me..

Godz Kastro3917d ago


Every console maker should try to add value to their systems. Anything else would be bad business.

AbortMission3917d ago

Lmao at the butthurt comments over this.

Not once did I hear a direct insult other than the statement that they (MS) flipflopped on their policies of feck-you-up-the-asse DRM.

It's not a ploy to insult MS, it's simply saying "Hey, those guys over there tried to feck you over. If you buy from us, you'll get better treatment and we'll be more consistent." That's all. Wipe your tears away children and blame MS for being such a fail in PR.

kenshiro1003917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

@ Septic, ZBlacktt

If it was Microsoft, they wouldn't have missed out on a 'jab' like that. What Sony said was pretty much on the money. They have been consistent and I look forward to getting my hands on a PS4.

And UnHoly_One, that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. It's one thing to dislike indie games. It's another to immediately dismiss them even though they are counted as games as well.

JunioRS1013917d ago

*grabs crotch*, *drops mic*

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 3917d ago
Sizzon3918d ago

Fired shots again lulz xD

Rimeskeem3918d ago

LOL hit right in the face MS

joe903918d ago

Whats with all the Sony teet suckling today?

KillrateOmega3918d ago

Oh, I don't know, maybe because many of us just recently finished watching their Gamescom presentation?

Just a thought...

xhi43918d ago

It's because they came out and just announced game after game and gave a shower about gamers, showed off all the awesome little guys (indie devs), dropped prices here, there and everywhere and even gave a scheme for if you bought the same game on PS3 it'll be a ton less expensive, free PS plus with the PS4 for 14 days, twitch, UI/music and the list goes on and on AND release date.

It was a display of love and care for us gamers. And what did Microsoft show? No live stream, no conference, just Fable, some exclusive dlc and then bam they're off. They haven't learnt their lesson.

jackanderson19853918d ago


you get one month free of XBL Gold when you set up a new account on the xbox so using xbox home, as they're calling it, set up a new profile and you will theoretically have free gold forever

they announced alot of indie games that have already been released on the PC or are "exclusive at launch" which points to timed exclusivity which fits in with their little bit on "indies are free to choose whatever platform they wish"

gamestop and amazon already have a similar deal set up for the 360>>>xbox one games so nothing new there

personally for me it was a great conference for the Vita, felt that got alotta love and i'm now fully happy i have one

can't say the same about the PS4 though, infamous and KZ have been shown numerous times... best thing about the conference for the PS4 was the release dates being confirmed

garos823918d ago

im certainly not gonna suckle on microsoft's teet with their lack of appearance at gdc. they deemed a lack of press conference a good business move just a couple of months before the release of the xbox1.
what does that tell you in confidence in what they are about to unleash on the market.

also indie love!ill suck on that teet for years to come!

quenomamen3918d ago

What would you prefer bro, Sony teets or MS deeks ? I'll take the first choice. Thust just me though, i'm crazy like that.

Paytaa3917d ago

@xhi4 If you actually think Sony "loves and cares about us gamers" you are mistaken. Both Sony and Microsoft just want your money, money, and more money. They're a business, Sony's "We are for the gamers" marketing is just that, marketing and everyone's buying it. I love what they have to offer and they are doing really well with marketing as well. Microsoft just needs to learn to market better.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3917d ago
Cmk01213918d ago

and we now have minecraft like those inconsistent fellas, party chat, music in background, twitch cause ustream doesnt cut it.hmmmmmm and 15 of our 25 exclsuives are indies LOL i was like really? i bought a ps4 for them to not even mention the word gaikai and try to act like the remote play isnt what wii u has??? come on folks defend it i love it

ABeastNamedTariq3918d ago

Are you mad? Lol, sounds like you're a little butthurt!


BlackTar1873918d ago

So CMK are you saying that if they didn't include all this stuff you wouldn't have bashed that?

Give me a break. Most of what Sony is doing is adding onto the commitment they have had for 20yrs now of games first.

I bet you won't see sony pretending like they invented or were the first to offer such services or ideas like you see MS do on a # of occasions.

HarryMasonHerpderp3918d ago

Yeah I've noticed people slag Sony off for silly reasons when they have supported their consoles with exclusives way after their new system is out.
Just look at the PS1-PS2 and PS3's library of games for proof of this. What other company has done this?

garos823918d ago

cant wait for november 29th now! also loving the vita love with borderlands 2 and all the remote play goodness!

andibandit3918d ago

Was kinda hopinh for a vita AAA game, not rehash of current games

moparful993917d ago

Batman: Black gate doesn't count? Killzone: Mercenary? Hmm you have very high standards then...

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Sony Patents To Prevent You From In-Game Harassment By Reading Your Emotions

A new patent recently published by Sony wants to gather biometric data of gamers to track whether one is being harassed using AI tools.

Profchaos17d ago (Edited 17d ago )

I hope this is one of those patents that never comes to fruition.

I already dislike the fact you can pay a significant amount for a online service buy associated games and content on said service and get banned from that service over potentially a misunderstanding the bans are already handed out for flimsy reasons

I'd rather see money invested in a ban that simply removes the offensive players ability to communicate with unknown players allow them to continue party chats with friends but not with Joe blow on cod.

exputers17d ago

Agreed. Blizzard recently banned a college Overwatch 2 player who's dependent for saying "shit." Pretty harsh.

Profchaos16d ago (Edited 16d ago )

How rediculas really. You can't say a word that's allowed in most PG films and prime time TV but the game is based around killing the enemy team using guns, explosives etc.

It's just backwards.

just_looken16d ago

What your talking about is called block list

In 2006 a spaceship dropped of the playstation 3/xbox 360 i say that that generation was the last great gen with game functions/tech that has yet to comeback

Anyhow the playstation 3 if you block listed a id they could not talk to you in chatroom with either text or voice. But that was pre mind fucked 2018 when people were more human than sheep.

But hey gta 6 is coming out billion dollar budget without a single player custom character creator and without singeplayer coop off/online something saints row 1-3 had on the xbox 360.

z2g17d ago

Take my social security and bank account numbers too! Here’s a picture of my wife and our address.

phoenixwing17d ago

Cmon where's the pictures of your children. Don't hold out on them.

H917d ago

At this rate I feel Sony will eventually sell a room to play games in it where they can monitor your every breath

jambola17d ago

I genuinely get a bit worried sometimes when a friend says something that could be offensive In a party
Because I have no trouble believing some bans would happen when in a private party for saying something wrong

SegaSaturn66917d ago

I want them to censor erotic content by measuring my groin temperature so i dont get too distracted while playing black ops 2.

Popsicle17d ago

Terrible idea. Not only do I not consent to providing my biometric data, the potential for mishandling biometric data is almost a certainty. Positive stress and negative stress can produce similar changes in biometrics. Interpreting the precise emotion a person is feeling is not only invasive but could be easily misconstrued. I hope this never comes to fruition.

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Sony Could Increase Your Game's Difficulty If It Sees You Complain About It

Sony has recently published a new patent that wants to dynamically handle the games' difficulty and gameplay based on the player's emotions.

jznrpg17d ago

This is something I might use. Sometimes I play some good games but they don’t have difficulty option and are a little too easy.

Profchaos17d ago

Souls games will be like that players struggling make it harder

PassNextquestion17d ago (Edited 17d ago )

I think if used correctly it could work well

jambola17d ago

cool idea
cool idea for horror games especially
the way it's explained here sounds like it could never be forced hopefully, so that's ok with me

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Sony Taps Bungie's Head of Revenue to Lead Live-Service Games

Sony has recruited Bungie's head of revenue Jaremy Rich to head up its live-service gaming division, Rich has announced on social media.

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ChasterMies38d ago

Please do not put Destiny’s monetization into Sony’s first party games. The monetization is what’s driving players away from Destiny.

just_looken38d ago

The new temp boss is the sony cfo bean counter so i can see this being a thing get every penny.

Cacabunga38d ago

PlayStation officially losing it.. fans will never support gaas games

just_looken38d ago


The new boss did a interview in japan he wants to tap into the mobile market like nintendio so he give 0 fucks about gamers/fans


Redemption-6437d ago

You only speak for you and those who think like you, but most fans will support what they want. Playstation and PC fans are literally supporting Helldivers 2 and that is a gaas. Maybe you wouldn't, but many more would if they like it.

Huey_My_D_Long37d ago

Look, Im not making any judgement calls about this guy, but I will say that Helldivers 2 GaaS model is unique to Helldivers, and legit the only other game I can think of thats similiar was the Avengers game except HD2 pass is still better.
The fact that you can earn in game currency in a way that doesnt make you feel like you have to grind forever, as well you being able work on that pass that you bought...on your own time without a time limit...that right there is fucking huge to me, and I can't name any game other than avengers that avoided trapping players with FOMO logic...I think GaaS on HD2 shouldn't be compared to the rest of the industry...it should be copied.

Einhander197237d ago


Helldivers 2...


In Europe it's a 60 40 split favoring PC.
In the US its a 60 40 split favoring PS5.

So PlayStation owners supported the game just fine, it's not getting carried by PC or anything like that.

FinalFantasyFanatic37d ago

I'm perfectly fine with the way Nintendo entered the mobile market, I never touched their mobile games, meanwhile, the console/handheld stayed the way it is. As for being a bean counter, he's probably going to reel in these massive budgets that Sony's studios have had lately, I haven't played Spiderman 2, but I cannot see how they almost tripled the budget for that game.

That's an exception to the rule, I'm expecting a lot of these GAAS games from Sony to fail, to be fair, they only need a few to succeed, but I would have preferred that they put more of their resources into other types of games.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 37d ago
DivineHand12538d ago

True their monetization is driving players away and at the same time, their decision to chop out content and convoluted systems is keeping new players away from the game.

Joe91338d ago

I don't think that will happen based on how things worked out at Naughty Dog now that we know what we do, seems they had the option to fully commit to live service games or stay making single player experences so they gave up on their live service game. We are not sure how things came about with Bend making a live service game but I hope that was not a forced situation. Sony doesnt seem like they are forcing studios to switch up but we will see, Sony's bread and butter is single player games it is how they dominated the console market.

Obscure_Observer38d ago

Yeah, I though Sony learned something from all their failures in the LS segment under Bungie´s disastrous leadership and supervision which led to games been cancelled, studios closed and all the people laid off.

Looks like Bungie still plays a major role in Sony´s LS initiative and Sony is not backtracking on their GaaS plans.

S2Killinit37d ago (Edited 37d ago )

Are we forgetting that Destiny is also a highly successful franchise? I feel like that definitely deserves mention here.

Besides, there is no reason why a person cant learn from past experiences.

Joe91337d ago

I agree, people act as if Destiny flopped when it came out lol it took 9 to 10 years for the numbers to fall yet people are still playing it add the success of Helldivers 2 no wonder Sony is going forward down this path.

S2Killinit37d ago

Personally, I see no problem with Sony also having service games as long as they make good ones, and more importantly they deliver the AAA story driven games that they are known for. So yeah, I agree 100% with you.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 37d ago
Christopher38d ago

I mean, this person made some pretty bad decisions at Bungie. I hope they've learned from them because I definitely don't see those type of ideas as good for PlaySation in general.

CrimsonWing6937d ago (Edited 37d ago )

Honestly, what’s to learn from? How to make people happily continuously dump money into a single game over its life-time? Buy season passes continuously for several years with a smile on our faces?

GaaS is a design decision that is everything wrong with this industry. The fact that Helldivers 2 did so well and people defend the monetization because it was $40 and is a fun game, scares the sh*t out of me to see that the door is open and all shift will probably be to replicate that in future games. We already know the ROI for traditional game dev cost isn’t doing it for them.

I thought with Jimbo leaving we’d see a change for the better… I’m not so sure now.

S2Killinit37d ago

Service games are being offered by everyone. Sony cannot afford to only create single player AAA games. No one can. They already said they will be doing both.

Abnor_Mal38d ago (Edited 38d ago )

Ps5 gamers in 2023 seemed to play more live service types of games, so regardless to how people feel about them, numbers don’t lie and Sony is going where the money is. I mean look at the excitement around Helldivers2, people are showing that they want live service games.

Christopher38d ago

They play long-time existing live service games like CoD, Fortnite, Apex Legends, Destiny 2, and the like. Mass majority of new live service games are considered failures and aren't moving gamers away from older games.

just_looken38d ago

Yep the huge issue with live service is they need paid players along with a reason to play them.

You forgot mobile market that also taps into that player base as well as the eve online style games there is only a certain amount of krakens/whales blind supporters compared to the amount of live service games we have its not sustainable math wise.

700 restaurants making food for every seat for 1000-3000 eaters just does not work out

Einhander197237d ago (Edited 37d ago )


I am not a big live service fan and literally own zero of the games you listed, but that is not true, unless you call games that aren't the top games to be failures.

There are tons of live service games that are profitable.

Games don't have to be the biggest game ever they just need to make more than they cost.

I challenge you to show professionally prepared data that shows that more live service games fail than make enough to keep going.

Because all the data that I have seen shows that live service is less of a gamble than making a big AAA budget game which needs to survive off retail sales.

FinalFantasyFanatic37d ago

I sometimes wonder if we're at saturation point, where it's hard for a new game to join those ranks unless it's particularly exceptional, people only have so much time and money to devote to these types of games.

romulus2338d ago

Correction, they have no issue playing good live service games

shinoff218337d ago

Lol it's not even a quarter of the ps5s sold. Helldivers may have been a hit but let's not say most are enjoying it because truth is most(the real most ) don't care about it.

S2Killinit37d ago (Edited 37d ago )

I play what is fun. If a live service game is good I’ll play it as long as its not a money scheme which Helldivers is not.

And Im a single player gamer.

mastershredder38d ago

How do you kill a franchise that already been killed?
Destiny’s grind, cash-in-on-playbass-cha-Ching, and pop-culture-insertion mainstream-me-too bs totally killed any rep Bungie had. Sony/Bungie, if you are doing this to ward-off players, it’s already working.

crazyCoconuts38d ago

Headline truncated:
"... off a cliff"

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