
Naughty Dog, Santa Monica Studio and Media Molecule have unannounced projects for Ps4

Sony has announced that a trio of top PlayStation studios have big unannounced projects in the works.

Kingthrash3603917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

I need them to announce them......is what I need....im excited anyway. rapture looks interesting too.

Thatguy-3103917d ago

Need AAA announcements and reveals -_-

pompombrum3917d ago

And someone competent on the cameras.. this camera work is doing my head in.. changing cameras in the middle of videos then zooming out.. WTF?

JunioRS1013917d ago

Can't expect the big guns to come out right at launch!

They need to sell the SYSTEM, so that they have an audience to pitch their BIG GAMES to.

I think all those indies will definitely keep me busy til next fall rolls around!

And hey, we still have Infamous and The Order to look forward to until more big announcements!

Also TGS! Where they're holding yet another press conference!

FamilyGuy3917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

I agree, we got tooooons of indie games and a good number of free-2-play games too. It's a really big launch line up but I want to see more of the big budget titles coming out :/

3916d ago
Jrxbarrett3917d ago

We are waiting. I'm getting an Xbox but I want to at least think about not getting one.

Benjammin253917d ago

Get an Xbox then. But in five years when the Xbox exclusive well runs dry and Sony is still pumping them out like there's no tomorrow, your going to regret that purchase. The exact same thing happened this gen.

Jrxbarrett3917d ago

Then ill buy a ps4. After a price drop and free uncharted 4. Lol

ZBlacktt3917d ago

These stories today are like little posts of information. Not much detail at all.

DonFreezer3917d ago

More pr crap by Sony.Let us see the games to decide.

MasterCornholio3917d ago

And you believe that those studios are not making games for the PS4?

Motorola RAZR i

RandomDude6553917d ago

Sony first party devs decided not to make games for a sony console. Haven't you heard bro?

/s lol

The_Sneauxman3917d ago

Understandably you want a system-seller-like game but if you look at Sony's line-up, AAA studios and their consistent track record compared to the shotty unstable ground of MS ohh and HALO, really the decision isn't that difficult.

Killzoner993917d ago

Mindblown. Sony's pulling out it's big guns.

AngelicIceDiamond3917d ago

Surely you don't mean that. But then again we do have to wait and see what else Sony annoinces.

SpringHeeledJack3917d ago

So naughty dog and sony santa monica arnt big guns now, where have you been last few years. Dam xbox fanboys out in force on this site.

AngelicIceDiamond3917d ago

@Spring We know Naughty Dog and Sony Santa Monica are working on something. Im talking about what they showed at Gamescom wasn't anything big. Im talking behalf the conference. I agree Naughty Dog and Sony Santa Monica are the big guns and I can't wait to see what they've been working on.

Im not a fanboy thank you.

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Media Molecule’s Next Game is Going to be a New IP

A job listing published by the UK studio reveals that its next project will be another entirely new IP.

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Inverno14d ago

The only PlayStation dev I care about tbh.

Inverno14d ago

Dayum did I hit a nerve. Sorry for not liking most of this gens games coming from PS, not really doe.

Cacabunga14d ago

Hopefully doesn’t take them a complete gen to release it

TheColbertinator14d ago

Good. Something not boring, not one of those "make your own game" crap and also on Steam would be nice.

Stopac14d ago

I too like to look for things in the wrong places.


Sony Santa Monica Studio Seemingly Hiring for New God of War Game

As spotted by Portuguese site Geekinout, the PlayStation Studios developer is currently hiring for a number of key positions, including a lead audio designer, lead narrative animator, a systems design producer, a senior animation programmer, a senior character artist, a senior narrative designer, and, most notably in this case, a senior technical combat designer.

Read Full Story >>
ROCKY2831d ago

we want a new wipEout racing game !

StormSnooper31d ago (Edited 31d ago )

They are working on another project as well which is ahead of this. But I definitely don’t want it to be wipeout. I loved those but wipeout would not be a AAA. SSM is too talented not to make something epic.

purple10131d ago

who would downvote a new wipeout, - people these days, no respect

ROCKY2831d ago

must be lil kids that would downvote a new wipEout racing game as they only know Fortnite and COD 😂

Crows9031d ago

It's a younger audience on the web. Some may never have really played it...many in fact.

jznrpg31d ago

I’ll a take a new Wipeout. I wonder who they would have make it though if it did happen

banger8831d ago

Just don't hire Sweet Baby Inc like you did with Ragnarök. Who am I kidding, of course they will.

SimpleSlave31d ago

Of course they will. Why would they cater to White Supremacist sympathizers like you? Did they not teach you how Capitalism works, bud?


ravens5231d ago (Edited 31d ago )

White Supremacist*, Are you assuming banger88 is white? Or that only white people complain about SBI?

SimpleSlave31d ago

@ravens52 - White Supremacist is an ideology invented by white people, certainly, but it's practiced by the many different colors of the Rainbow. Take Kanye West for example, the guy is a White Supremacist and an focking idiot.

Seriously, stop being such a White Supremacy Pick-Me Simp and do learn how Capitalism works. Never go Full DeSantis is all I'm saying.

Now take you Dog Whistling SBI acronym and get lost, goofy.

Crows9031d ago


Don't bother with simple slave...the name says it all. Just send some squatters to his home while he's on vacation...I'm sure he'll love to show how virtuous he can be

SimpleSlave31d ago (Edited 31d ago )

@Crows90 - So you also hate homeless people. Shocking...but not really. I bet being homeless is wOke!! Reich? Yeah... I bet stealing land, defunding housing and education is the work of the Übermensch!!! and wholly Righteous, yeah? Of course.

Here's the thing, goof. I don't know what you were hoping or expecting here today, but exposing yourself like that? For what? You have nothing and you are nothing. You people shunned actual education for pure unadulterated hate and alternative facts.

But here, since you have such a fascination with squatting let me give you what you want; 🍑💩

There, you see? We Leftist can also reach across the isle just like Liberals love to do. Happy? Outstanding!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 31d ago
Redemption-6431d ago

Ragnarök is a very good game and they should hire whoever they want to make their game. If you don't like, don't buy. There are millions who will. I saw some snowflakes crying and claiming they will boycott any any company that works with SB. I asked if they will boycott Steam, since Valve has worked with SB?

Umb30d ago

Or any other group similar to that self righteous, gamer hating mob. Until the DEI/ESG money runs out I not holding my breath. Let developers make games and fullfil their vision and not cowered to a small minority, who cries the loudest, has freinds in high places that pushes a narrative.

I not white but somehow will be lumped together with white supremacists, Naz!!!s, because I do not subscribe to WOKE ideology. Case in point - SimpleSlave.

SimpleSlave30d ago

"Let developers make games and fullfil their vision and not cowered to a SMALL MINORITY, who cries the loudest, has freinds in high places that pushes a narrative." Yeah, about that. You might want to check the Popular Vote in the US...

Listen, screaming Woke while playing the Acronym game is White Supremacy Dog Whistling. The fact is that even if you don't consider yourself one, you're still a White Supremacist ally; You're still furthering their hate and propaganda. So it makes no difference.

Now, before you keep whining and moaning and melting like a whiteflake, how about you define this Woke ideology, bud? What does it mean to you and how does it differ from your normal? In fact, what IS this normal that you're missing in games or in life, for that matter? What's really bothering you, mhhh? Enlighten us.

Also, is it true that your type consider the female Characters in Mortal Kombat 9 sexier than in MK 11 and 1? And have you visited those MK9 3D models lately? Cuz I gotta tell you, you might be into what you hate. In fact, you might be hating yourself, which is even sadder.

This should be eye opening...

Umb30d ago

Popular vote?? From which source or echo chamber. Popular vote like Budlite.. popoluar vote like Suicide Squad. If you go be the metric of popular vote, see how that will fly in Asia, East Europe, Africa, Latin America, The Middle East...

Yeah its a small minority sitting in Western countries crying the loudest. So popular that developers will only push it western countries but will self censor in China and the middle east.

SimpleSlave30d ago

@Umb - Popular vote like Spider-Man. Popular vote like God of War Ragnarok. Popular Vote like Human Rights for woman. Popular Vote for Democrats Presidents. Yeah, the Popular Vote from the most powerful voices on this Earth. You don't like it? Move.

"If you go be the metric of popular vote, see how that will fly in Asia, East Europe, Africa, Latin America, The Middle East..."
Sweetie, beside your amazing ignorance of many of those countries and Continents, I'm in America, and this is where we change the world. Besides, just because a lot of other countries are lagging behind doesn't mean we have to follow suit. In fact, THEY are the ones following suit. They are the ones catching up to us. We are making them better by making ourselves better. And by your own argument, you even admit it. Did you see Saudi Arabia allowing Women in sports? WOKE!!! lol. Thanks America!

You really thought that was a good argument? Ffs...

"Yeah its a small minority sitting in Western countries crying the loudest."
It's the majority of the most powerful country on this Earth, son. Go whine and moan to China if you admire them so much. Let me know how it goes when you don't agree with the Winnie-the-Pooh dictator. In fact, go to China and call Xi, Winnie-the-Pooh. We'll never here from you again. Here? In the Land of the Free? Self Censoring Cowards like you can call the President Brandon and I'll still have to interact with you the next day. So be thankful for WOKE, you ingrate.

"So popular that developers will only push it western countries but will self censor in China and the middle east."
Yeah, it's call Capitalism. Have you actually heard of it? It's call making ALL the money. Again, finish school first before engaging in any serious conversation, bud. Cuz this was tragic.

Listen, you went full DeSantis. And that's on you.

MrVux00030d ago

I certainly will be more cautious with developers associated with bigoted/racist companies similar to SBI.

This includes Sony Santa Monica. Its a good thing we have SBI detected that is growing day after day by the thousands.

Worse case scenario, buy those games second hand if in any doubt... this way developers will get no money. Will it change much in short term? Nah, especially with that sweet sweet ESG funding and similar things. But long term? Heads will roll sooner or later.

Umb30d ago

Bravo, (slow clap).
You Sir, understands the situation and even have a short term solution.


SimpleSlave30d ago

You certainly should be extra cautious. Especially when you think that this lame white supremacist gaslighting technique is actually going to work. "Oh, we're not the bigot/racist ones! They are! The ones that like Diversity. That's white Oppression, don't you know?" Just another Dog Whistle to add to the pile of stupid.

But my advice to you is simple; Run.

This society is going fully WOKE and there will be no space for the likes of you. Diversity and Representation will continue to permeate Entertainment so you might as well call it quits.

Besides, even if you buy a game used, you'll still get indoctrinated by our WOKE Ideologies, so don't be so stupid.

Fly, you fools...

MrVux00030d ago (Edited 30d ago )


Your indirect racism/bigotry and threats aside...

I will just tell you this, outside of the internet and the digital world (the real world) ... there are far more normal people like me than people like you. And that will remain the case for many centuries to come.

And you just reminded me why i don't entertain places like N4g or internet in general as much as i used to. But thankfully, things are changing for the better already around the world and people are really "waking up".

SimpleSlave30d ago

@MrVux000 - "Your indirect racism/bigotry and threats aside..."
Again, not gonna work, bud. The bigotry and racism comes from the side that's whining and moaning about Diversity and Representation. You know, your side. So stop melting, whiteflake.

"I will just tell you this, outside of the internet and the digital world (the real world) ... there are far more normal people like me than people like you. And that will remain the case for many centuries to come."
Patently untrue. I know you love to think that, but that's not even close to reality. That's an Alternative Fact mentality just so you can feel justified in your bigotry and racism. You're going full DeSantis, pal. So sad.

There's a reason Republicans are known to do everything in their power to disenfranchise voters, push for gerrymandering, and perpetuate the State Rights mentality; They know they are in the minority. They don't have the votes. If the Presidential elections where to change to the Popular Vote, they would lose and lose and lose and then lose some more. Ditto if there were terms for their appointed judges in the supreme court and in congress.

"And you just reminded me why i don't entertain places like N4g or internet in general as much as i used to."
That's because 4chan is not spelled N4g, goof. Plenty of other hate filled bubbles for your bigotry and racism. So do go find a circle jerk to cry about it. But this ain't it.

Still, pretty ironic that it is now your side who can't stand the heat and are getting triggered by WOKE. You took us by surprise, sure, but we adapt far better than you people. Your minority is hateful and loud and do have friends in very high places, but we'll keep pushing on and keep pushing you people out. It helps that we value education and empathy while you people don't. At least not for the vast majority, just for the ones in power.

"But thankfully, things are changing for the better already around the world and people are really "waking up"."
You're right. People around the world are finally finding out what happened when you stay complacent and let literal Nazis take over your country. We understand it's time to actually do something about it and send that pest back to the holes they crawled out of. Thankfully, many are doing something about it. We are WOKE...without the quotation marks, cuz we're not cowards. We own that word and we own what it represent.

And we'll get there for sure. Even extreme countries are actually allowing women to take part in sports and even drive. So even if it takes us another Thousand years, we'll get there. We'll even use Capitalism to do it for us... How poetic.

My advice to you? Move to Russia and have fun. See how it goes when you decide to come up with some clever "Let's go Brandon" slogan to describe the Putin. Make sure to make a video while you're getting disappeared.

Good luck.

MrVux00030d ago


1) Again, another racist remark.
2) Who the hell is DeSantes?
3) Oh you are American. That explains the obsession with extremist behavior of the left and the right. Dont involve me in that nonsense. I have my fill of people like yourself and politicians in general.
4) I was the one who supported the woke movement when it started. I sure as shit dont like what certain groups of people turned that word into today.
5) Speaks of Nazi... ironically acts like a Nazi. Bravo, you and your peers certainly are doing well to maintain the slandered reputation of the word "woke".
6) I lived in Russia and i am proud Slav in general. That does not mean my culture does not have its share off problems (re-read point 3).

7) We also allowed men into female sports. Good for us.

Like i said, this is the internet ... and words are wind. Back to the normal world.

SimpleSlave30d ago (Edited 30d ago )


1) And again we'll continue to push you people aside because of your racism and bigotry. Yes.
2) DeSantis. He's who represents your type of ideology. The Anti-Woke. In fact, he's your future. Fun.
3) "Dont involve me in that nonsense." Yet here you are whining and moaning and towing the White Supremacist flag of hate. How about that? A hypocrite and a coward.
4) Oh? You were there during the Segregation era in the US? Interesting. How old are you again? Suspect.
5) Yes, because Nazis love Diversity, Representation and love to help Immigrants. Seriously, you should ask for your money back, cuz that education of yours was a joke.
6) Ah, Russia. Not a single Woke in that country... Wait, what happens again when you go out into the streets and march against the Putin? Nothing, reich? Nothing at all. Unlike in the US, where we make people disappear just for hating on Brandon...sorry, Biden.

...Oh, wait. That's not true. It's the other way around. How silly of me. Here's an experiment, go out into the streets and start disparaging your "Elected" Dictator and film it. Then put it on YouTube. Show us Woke Americans how your Anti-Woke liberties and rights work. Please.

7) You also allow men into women's sport... Wut? You mean trans woman? ...Wait a minute. I thought you used to be pro-Woke! Now you're just a plain 'ol bigot? Shocking...

"Like i said, this is the internet ... and words are wind. Back to the normal world."
Just remember to not say anything against the Putin while standing in front of a window on a tall building. But if you do, film it. I want to see how real Anti-Woke freedom looks like when it hits you right in the face.

Good luck.

Umb29d ago

Wow, just wow, working real hard to shove your opinion on other and slyly attacking people at the same time.

DeSantis?.. I not even from the USA, my point exactly. The little group in the western countries crying the loudest.

SimpleSlave29d ago

@Umb - I see you're still working real hard pushing that faux outrage of yours. I mean, you could've moved on, bud. Or you can grow a backbone and define your position clearly. Stop being such a coward.

"DeSantis?.. I not even from the USA, my point exactly."
Yeah... I couldn't have said it better myself.

"The little group in the western countries crying the loudest."
And you're from what big and amazingly un-Woke and free but-only-for-some country?

How about you stop hiding and come out from there? Be loud and proud, kid. You owe it to yourself.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 29d ago
+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 29d ago
isarai31d ago

When are they gonna do something else man 😒

purple10131d ago

When your on top, you don’t give up the throne that easily

isarai31d ago

Ive been here for every god of war, after nearly 20yrs i would just like to see them do something else. I get they are still great games, but it just seems like a waste of their largest studio.

Skuletor31d ago

After Ascension selling considerably less than God of War III they had to change things up. They could release a new IP, learn some new things, then release a new God of War improved by the lessons they've learned doing something different. Ascension's multiplayer was awesome btw.

purple10131d ago (Edited 31d ago )

FairPlay @isarai. I still reckon if your on a good streak, you wouldn’t get off it so easily & their next one is rumoured to be Egypt

Hopefully they have something else cooking I agree, as I’d like to see it too!

VersusDMC31d ago

They are doing something else. New IP is next. I assume it's what Cory Balrog is directing as someone else directed Ragnarok.

mkis00730d ago (Edited 30d ago )

Barlog is working on it apparently. The idea is he got the keys to the kingdom for the success of God of War 2018. He is working on his dream game? Unless I interpreted his words incorrectly.

-Foxtrot30d ago

To be fair

Just because it says knowledge about the recent God of War games does not mean it will be God of War

It might just be a direction they are going to go with in a new IP combat wise

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 30d ago
Travesty31d ago

IMO Santa Monica has produced the best ps5 game this gen so far, even though it was cross gen. Ragnarok was a fine piece. This game will probably be released at the end of the ps5 cycle.
Still no word on Naughty Dog’s next title. And Sucker Punch is rumored to be releasing Ghost of Tsushima 2 next year. I hope Sony will fill in this large void of games with some reveals in the upcoming showcase.

Crows9031d ago

I personally loved returnal more...Ragnarok was definitely great too..

Naughty dog has lost my interest for a while now....much more interested in bend studios and sucker punch

Travesty31d ago

Returnal was quite good. I did enjoy that as well. I just thought as a single player game Ragnarok nailed it and it was quite lengthy too.

Horizon had a large map to explore but I just wish there was more to do after you beat it.

Bend studios is going to be a multiplayer title, looking forward to see what that will be.

jznrpg31d ago

Both great games. Very different genres. Hard for me to pick between the 2.

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Dreams Dev Media Molecule Says Layoffs Impact Planned Community and Curation Support

IGN writes: "Media Molecule has said the layoffs at the Sony-owned studio have affected plans for ongoing community and curation support in Dreams."

Inverno49d ago

How self sustained can DREAM be when it's basically stuck on PS4? I don't think it's even gotten a PS5 upgrade. Ending support for what is essentially a game making engine is basically death. SONY did DREAMS dirty.