
Microsoft’s recent handover to CIA a worry for Xbox and Xbox One Owners

Gadget Mill: You may have heard about or came across the news regarding whistle blower Edward Snowden, who recently leaked the fact that the US government has been spying and collecting data on pretty much everyone and still continue to do so. It was also claimed by Edward Snowden that the intelligence community is entirely focused on getting intelligence wherever possible and by any means necessary. This in fact is pretty much evident by the recent news stating how Microsoft literally handed the U.S, NSA, FBI and CIA access to encrypted user videos, audio and text communications. Which sounds like Microsoft have been giving access to services such as MSN, Windows Live Messenger, Skype and Telecommunications.

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DaThreats3937d ago Show
B1663r3937d ago

Yes, but the x1 has more ram for games!

Insomnia_843937d ago (Edited 3937d ago )



1. Not true
2. Off topic?

The Xbros having their little moment with a rumor and assuming 5gbs of ddr3 for games is better than 5.5gb...no, wait, let me lower that and still not better than PS4... 4.5gbs of GDDR5 for GAMES according to the RUMOR. As a reference, 1GB of DDR3 (XB1) = 512MBs of GDDR5 (PS4) for games. So do the math and PS4 still comes on top if the RUMOR was true.

Sad pathetic blindfolded Xbox fanboys.Just look at that comment from corvusmd down there. What is Microsoft doing to this people's brains?

b00mFargl33937d ago

I believe he was just starting a fire. Not being serious. Flamebait to start a fanboy fight.

Bluepowerzz3937d ago


YNWA963937d ago

Very good comment imsomnia. PS4 is better spec'd, so was PS3. Sony do make some fine blu ray players. Thank goodness they have some fine 1st party studios or I would never play any games on it. Blind folded to me is someone who will not play great games because its on another system. Who cares who makes it. Does Sony suck you dry? Just play the games! I get the best of both worlds... I am not stupid, nor pathetic.

tuglu_pati3937d ago (Edited 3937d ago )

I'll leave this right here for the those of you paranoiac ones


deadlydragon1213937d ago

So the US government isn't spying on us and Edward Snowden is fake? Get over yourself.

blackmanone3937d ago

Tuglu, you understand that other companies use underhanded techniques to steal out information, an instead of vote with your wallet on underhanded tactics, you've thrown your hands into the air and said, "well if you can't be them, join them."

You have every right to do that. I'm not going to help them by introducing a camera in my living room.

tuglu_pati3937d ago (Edited 3937d ago )


Why so angry?

Im not saying they arent spying us. I just saying if they want to spy they'll do it, even if you don't own a X1. So I guess you should be the one getting over yourself.


You don't have to, you already have one on your phone and probably on your computer also.

GrandTheftZamboni3937d ago

Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they are not watching.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3937d ago
fsydow13937d ago

Idiot,your brain needs more ram,lol.

PlayStation_43937d ago

You do realise that NO game within the first few years will require over 5.5 GB of RAM?
Sony doesn't need to give the extra RAM to devs, it would be pointless, so they are reserving 1.5GB of RAM for later use. If they find no use for it, it will go to the devs.

Also bare in mind that the PS4's OS footprint will continue to drop throughout its lifecycle.

PS3's OS footprint in 2007: 120 MB
PS3's OS footprint in 2012: 50 MB

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3937d ago
OC_MurphysLaw3937d ago

Not a worry for me at all. I am not a terrorist..therefore...I am not worried. :)

zerocrossing3937d ago (Edited 3937d ago )

So you don't mind your personal information being exploited for corporate gain?

I'm sorry but I really think people should be more concerned about this :/


Of course I know my personal information is being collected elsewhere, it doesn't mean I have to like it. The difference with MS is that you'll be openly inviting these companies to collect information on you from directly within your home.

You want a spybox in your home while companies exploit you personal information, fine be my guest.


Why should we be concerned when it has been going on since cell phones and the internet existed? Don't try to act as if the gov was not already spying on us. If your not doing anything wrong then you won't even notice like you haven't so far

CrossingEden3937d ago

so wait, the government has been collecting info on people for years, (any smart person would've realized this eventually cause there's obviously a lot of stuff that goes on behind the scenes at the government, CIA, NSA, FBI etc., the world would probably be a lot worse off without the government) and now that one company MAY possibly do it, when btw sony has already done it before and probably still does
http://www.geek.com/games/p... but no no, let's ignore all that and constantly complain about microsoft so that we can fit in on the internet

user55757083937d ago

yea but it doesnt mean that we need yet another way for the government to spy on us

GameCents3937d ago

CIA is hardly doing it for corporate gain now is it?
Better my info with the authorities than in the hands of some hacker.

I honestly have zero problems with the government spying on me personally. I don't do much of interest.


Well guess what? That desktop,laptop,,tablet,or phone your using to reply to me on is most likely used to spy on you right now but your still using it ain't ya? So basically your willing to be spied in your home aswell. If you think the gov hasn't been doing this for years u need to wake up. I don't like it but if it keeps Americans safe from harm and not effect a innocent person they I'm all for it. I have nothing to hide

gcolley3936d ago

@BLKxSEPTEMBER - you don't get it. The bad guys are the ones with your info. To say you have nothing to hide and nothing to worry about is just plain stupid. They are the one's you need to be concerned about, not the other way around. This is not for anti-terrorism, there is no terrorism in the US, this is to watch and control you and every other innocent person in the country.

MS and Kinect takes it a step further by you happily placing a surveillance device in the center of your living room and then defending it. Get smarter! (while it is still an option).

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3936d ago
GribbleGrunger3937d ago (Edited 3937d ago )

Of course, the only way that MS would know you are not a terrorist is if they gathered information on you. So what you are saying is 'I don't mind being spied on, I'm innocent.' Just think about that for a moment.

GameCents3937d ago

Thinking. . .still thinking. . .thinking still. . .
Nope, got no qualms with Uncle Sam or in my case, Uncles Zuma (south africa) keeping tabs on me. Why would I care?

gamesR4fun3937d ago

they define what a terrorist is and while you may not be one today tomorrow maybe anyone who like fps will be deemed a threat.
don't think so look at what they did to afganistan and Iran over 9/11 even tho they had nothing to do with it...
still they will keep getting away with it as long as people like you are in the majority.

RadioActiveTwinky3937d ago

This is just sad. To think people think like this.

This is the equivalent of a Gun nut giving up his gun rights, why because they believe in their government knows whats best for them.

With this kind of attitude this is no longer THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Its just another country giving in because they dont know how lucky we are/were to be here.

RadioActiveTwinky3937d ago (Edited 3937d ago )

If that was the case, then where were they during the Boston bombing. Especially if they have been "spying" on us for years. This is no form of safety this just a form to exploit us all.

Machiavellian3937d ago

The question would actually be, if the government spied more could they have prevented the Boston bombing. In other words, if the government monitored all cell phones, chats, social media could they have picked up on this event and prevented it. I am sure the government is thinking this exact thing and probably thinking about expanding their reach.

HiddenMission3937d ago

@dlacy13g and @BLKxSEPTEMBER

You two don't have kids do you. 1st off cell phones aren't pointed at your room...say your bedroom or even better your kids bedroom. So they can't just turn on the camera and watch what is going on. They might be able to remote on the mic but not really going to get much and the camera on a cell would be pointed either up at the ceiling or down on a surface.

With the Kinect it's a whole different story. If you don't put black tape over the lens and unplug it every time your not using it then it would be pointed at your bed or your kids bed. This means if some sick hacker or sick federal agent go the videos they could potentially watch your kids getting undressed.

So yeah you should care...!

GribbleGrunger3937d ago

I'm not one for extremes but that does make the point well.

OC_MurphysLaw3937d ago

first of all I do have a son. Secondly, xbox is in the living room..not the bedroom so not at all worried about someone watching any member of my family undress.

@RadioActiveTwinky "This is just sad. To think people think like this.

This is the equivalent of a Gun nut giving up his gun rights, why because they believe in their government knows whats best for them. "

Umm...dude its not even equivalent to that. I do want to see some legal parameter put on Govt. investigation but I don't on a broad stroke have an issue with it. We live in a very dangerous and evolving world where some seriously bad people are looking to do mass harm. I don't ever want a repeat of 9/11 if it can be avoided. That one day killed more people than all the Tornados in the US combined since 1980.

HiddenMission3937d ago


So your fine with it because of location but many and I do mean many uninformed consumers will buy it for their kids and put it in there room.

It just blows me away that you are okay with this. Just because with live in bad times does not mean you give up your freedom and rights just because someone might be bad.

Remember it's innocent until proven guilty and by letting the federal government and MS illegally spy says that you don't care about your rights.

I'm Jewish and I know what your kind of thinking will lead to...this isn't a rant it's called look at facts and history and only a blind person would not be able to see what will come of this.


Are you serious? "Cell phones aren't pointed at my bedroom" I don't know what kind off cheap ads cell u have but my phone has a rear and front facing cam so yes its pointed everywhere! Im 100% sure that if the gov is spying on us I didn't start with kinect. You people are delusional if you think Kinect is the only way the gov will/ has been spying on us. Like I said it doesn't bother me because first I never seen proof that the gov is keeping tabs on me and second if they are then they must be disappointed...

HiddenMission3937d ago


You must be simple...when you put your phone down the cameras are either pointed up at ceiling or down at surface. Of course when you move they will be able to see more but when was the lasr time you changed clothes with your phone in your hand...duh you simple kid.

Snowden is proof that they have been keeping tabs on people...its called google use it. Yeah because the gov is going to come up to you specifically and say yeah we have been illigally monitoring you...really just really

All your logic is broken and beyond flawed...hell look at the lawsuites filled against MS, Skype and the fed for Project Prism...its ignorant cats like you that gov preys on...

Machiavellian3937d ago

Yeah, but your cell phone keeps everything about you. Who you talk to, who your family is, chat and phone calls, social media pages favorite links and web sites you like to go. Restaurants, it has a calendar that can show where you are and where you are going. It has a GPS that find you anywhere in the world.

If you are worried about someone hacking your router then use better encryption. If some random hacker out there is specifically targeting you they would need to be in your current neighbor hood intercepting your wifi, hack through its encryption (which is no small task for any average person) then turn your Kinect and X1 on and intercept the video.

I think its more likely that someone would just sneak into your home and rob you then something like that happening.

HiddenMission3936d ago


Wow just wow. You need to do your research because MS admitted that they can remote turn on your Kinect camera and mic record you and will provide the feed to the gov. MS has been exposed by the gov and Snowden as making it easy for the gov to remote all your digital activity using there products. Its been confirmed by law suites and documents that MS has already handed over over 30 thousand different peoples video feeds to the gov. These are facts and google can be done to verify.

Ignorance is bliss and you must be very happy right. Also a hacker doesnt need to hack your router they just need to hack MS and unless you have been living under a rock goverment agencies, banks and even top software companies have been hacked so you would have to be naive to think MS cant be hacked. That would giv hackers direct access to watchinv you in your home. These are all facts and not a stretch of the mind...nuff said

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3936d ago
blackmanone3937d ago (Edited 3937d ago )

This mentality is what brings on a police state. You get what you deserve. Too bad people like this are going to drag us all down with them.

greenlantern28143936d ago

While I am no fan of Kinect just because I don't go in for the motion gaming gimmicks. The Kinect is actually spying on you, but only to learn how you use your Xbox1, to better market to you to know " hey Bill is in the room, he was playing forza last"
But if the FBI, NSA, CIA( which isn't suppose to operate in side the state's) or any other government agency wants your personal information you have much bigger problems to worry about.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3936d ago
corvusmd3937d ago

See, XB1 also fights crime, where as Sony and their network is a breeding ground for Chinese hackers who steal all your information

dcj05243937d ago

Lol. I suppose china is responsible for every hack considering everything can be hacked.

corvusmd3937d ago

Great point, EVERYTHING can be hacked...

deadlydragon1213937d ago

I hope that was sarcasm.. Fighting crime? Really? They are hacking themselves and stealing your information yet claim it is to fight crime. Now if China do that too that would apparently be their reasons too. The person on the same side will see it as truth, and the person on the opposing side will see it as a lie. That is just how it is.

nick3093937d ago (Edited 3937d ago )

XboxBatman (its dark and fighting crime by what he said )XD

Blumpkin3937d ago

Wow, so now XB1 fan's are ignorant with console choice AND racist. Nice.

HiddenMission3937d ago

Don't know about racist but it's sure seems to me that XB1 fans are not ignorant but very naive to believe in what MS is doing even though documents and law suites have proven that they are doing illegal activity and so is the federal government. This is why they want Snowden back because he is airing out the dirty laundry on these cats...

Nuff said

blackmanone3937d ago

You're surprised? This is the COD generation. At least maybe this time they'll all adopt the same console.

supraking9513937d ago

LOL MS dropping the ball again, pretty soon everything will be revealed and MS is gonna have to answer for all there sins. A 180 wont work here people :P

CrossingEden3937d ago

microsoft is not the only one "spying" on their fans -_-

3937d ago
ShwankyShpanky3937d ago

Looks like someone needs a dictionary.

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Microsoft Survey Asks About Handheld

A new survey from Microsoft has further hinted at the possibility of an Xbox handheld being in development.

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EasilyTheBest6d ago

This is definitely happening, I just hope they have 2 versions one with a much bigger screen.

GamerRN6d ago

I'll be happy with this, and a PC console hybrid that rivals anything we have power wise

Number1TailzFan6d ago

The problem with bigger devices is playing them on your side in bed, Vita and before that was fine. Since the Switch you gotta have a gooseneck holder & controllers detached so you can lie down holding them, or your arm will quickly get tired.

1Victor5d ago

@thesofware: “A much bigger screen than what?”
A gaming laptop 🤷🏿🤣

Kosic5d ago

Than the screen originally planned...duh... :D

darthv725d ago

it kinda already did... https://www.xbox.com/en-US/...

They are just gauging interest in one of their own.

crazyCoconuts5d ago

A Xbox version of Logitech G-Cloud?
I mean, why bother? Not like the G cloud is flying off shelves and what would Xbox add to make it better?
They're surely not going to create bespoke architecture here and there are already a few Windows handhelds out there. I have little confidence in their ability to put together an attractive UI in the way Steam did. So I doubt anything will come from this.

KicksnSnares6d ago

Day One buy for me if they'll make a dedicated handheld device.

darthv726d ago

i have that logitech g-cloud. Its a sweet little piece of kit. I like that it can also install games from the play store unlike the other android based handheld.

mudakoshaka6d ago

It sure is! Don't understand why you get the down-votes. Whoever does not like the G Cloud must have been dropped down a well, head first, when they were of a younger age.

PassNextquestion6d ago

I wonder if Microsoft will perform better in Japan if they do actually make a handheld since everyone says handheld and mobile are king over there.

TiredGamer6d ago

This looks like the future of the game industry... all three platforms with a handheld option.

I wonder if the Playstation Portal is a technology test-bed/prototype for a future Playstation handheld?

rlow16d ago (Edited 6d ago )

It’s a possibility but I can’t help but think would that be the best way to go about it? Though it would give you data on how much it is used and game type. It’s still not a true portable device and so people approach it differently. I think that data on phones, tablets, and of course the competition would give a better indication.

But I really think if Sony is considering a new PSP that could play ps5 games, now would be the time to dive in. Honestly, if they do this, it would be huge.

Traecy6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

Doubt if Sony PS wants to support a new handheld with first party games. Something they lacked with the Vita. What they should do is have a handheld that is like the PS Portal which can play all games but play those games on the go as well as at home. Something like that is a better investment.

TiredGamer6d ago

Agreed that you will probably never see a separate line of games specifically for the handheld (a la PSP or PSVita). The modern economics and expectations of game development make that cost prohibitive. What makes more sense is if the full-fat game on PS5 or PS6 has a special "handheld" profile that is automatically optimized for the lower spec handheld. There would be some significant compromises compared to the bigger console variant, but it would be the same game overall and would only require a single purchase.... somewhat what the Switch does with a lower resolution when playing handheld versus docked.

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Xbox Games Showcase Followed by [REDACTED] Direct Airs June 9

- Xbox Wire - Mark your calendars! The Xbox Games Showcase followed by [REDACTED] Direct airs June 9. More info inside.

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bionicstar6d ago

Will they show Fable 4, Stalker 2, GoW 6 & Perfect Dark?

PhillyDonJawn6d ago

Crossing fingers for Fable and perfect dark. And State of Decay 3

RaidenBlack6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

And maybe Clockwork Revolution, South of Midnight, Contraband, Project 007 & OD? lol
and whatever happened to Everwild ?
+ that rumored Wu Tang RPG

Sonic18816d ago (Edited 6d ago )

Will they have official release dates and gameplay?

anast6d ago

Another game pass event with their plans to go all streaming.

6d ago
Lightning776d ago

It's an Xbox showcase that they have every year.

Make smarter comments for once.

anast6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

Tell me what a smarter comment is.

If they don't sell game pass the entire time, then I will be wrong. All of this can be proven once the show gets underway. Let's wait and see.

InUrFoxHole5d ago

Anything you didn't type. Good day sir!

6d ago
6d ago
6d ago
6d ago Replies(1)
Lightning776d ago (Edited 6d ago )

Wow too easy.

You went from MS going all streaming to selling gamepass content in which we all know they are.

Which one is it?

Pretty clear you don't know what a smart comment is at least you admit you don't know.

6d ago
anast6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

"Another game pass event with their plans to go all streaming."

It's both. I would worry about your own intelligence at this point. It seems that there is not enough to go around for you to worry about how smart other people are.

Lightning776d ago

It's just a regular event announcing games. Nice one captain obvious they're gonna mention gp stuff like they do every year what else is new.

The all streaming part is just you, being you I guess. They have streaming options but going all streaming again is just you pulling stuff outta thin air.

anast6d ago

You don't know what a smart comment is or isn't. You're welcome for the help.

Lightning776d ago

No you said something dumb then you tried to back track and mention GP.

Again make smart comments for once.

anast5d ago

And we have broken record syndrome.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5d ago
darthv726d ago

Wonder if they will address the handheld rumors....?

jimb0j0nes6d ago

For a brief moment I thought we might get a whole Direct for Gears 6 - seems like it's COD though!

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Microsoft’s Surface and Xbox hardware revenues take a big hit in Q3

Microsoft just posted the third quarter of its 2024 fiscal financial results. The software maker made $61.9 billion in revenue and a net income of $21.9 billion during Q3. Revenue is up 17 percent, and net income has increased by 20 percent.

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darthv7211d ago

Xbox content + services up 62% while hardware down 31%... seems about right with the way they tout you don't need the hardware to play. People can play on their phones or smart tv or other means. I don't hardly play on my consoles directly since getting devices like the logitech g-cloud and ps portal. Which is to also say I have been playing more digital than physical because of these devices.

solideagle10d ago

you should apply in MS PR team buddy, I think you will do a great job in my humble opinion :)

Sonic188110d ago

I thought darthv72 and Obscure_Observer already work for Microsoft 🤔

dveio10d ago

MS: "Xbox services and content without AB up 1%, with AB up 62%. Hardware down 31%. In total a loss of 350 mill."

darthv72: "Seems about right."

MS: "Excuse m ..."

darthv72: "I don't hardly play on my consoles directly."


Lightning7710d ago

What he said was facts. How he plays games is no concern of you. Don't get too mad about it.

Cacabunga10d ago

I can tell people like you are an absolute minority..

If service is up means their fans and fanboys accepted this model and subscribed to it. The near future you will see a big decline because the service is saturated.

darthv7210d ago

to you it may seem like the minority... but your bubble is shrinking because more and more are following suit. convenience is a hell of a drug and its also why physical sales only amount to 30% of overall game sales. times are changing, you either get with them or you get left behind.

neutralgamer199210d ago


30% physical sales: yet Phil and xbox division are in a rush go give up on that 30%. they don't have any right to give up any piece of the pie since the control such a little of the pie to begin with

also, the market is clearly speaking that the model Xbox is pushing isn't working right now the keyword being right now. you are right about freedom to play anywhere so i hope they put their games on steam

shinoff218310d ago

But that's been ms for years. When things aren't going their way they try to change the way things are said. For instance console sales are down, they stop telling how many sold instead telling us how many hours spent in halo or headshots. So it makes sense console sales down just say people are playing on more devices then previous. What they won't say is how many xbox players jumped ship to ps5.

Cacabunga10d ago

Hardware sales are so bad that Sony and Nintendo are blowing the sales off the water with their hardware.

If Xbox are losers, others aren’t..
Xbox already tried everything with Xbox live then subscriptions went down so much that they had to find something else. Their fans subscribed then reached saturation rather quickly.

Hardware and exclusive games is where it’s at! Keep gamers excited, announce decent software and people will support you

itsmebryan10d ago

Well keep it simple Sony 's operating income is down 26% and Microsoft's is up 32%. No MS spin there, just facts. 😉

S2Killinit10d ago

MS is after diminishing consoles as a medium. They want to destroy this market because they couldnt win. MS’s vision is to dissolve console gaming.

romulus2310d ago

Odd that a company that touts you dont need the hardware to play is already touting another console in the works.

darthv7210d ago

They are not reliant on the HW but still want to maintain a presence (no matter how small) is a good thing. It shows commitment to the craft. It reminds me of SNK and how they made games for their own hardware (Neo Geo) while also making them for others because they knew there was a market to do so. They knew they would sell more to others but also sell to their own niche fan base.

TheEroica10d ago (Edited 10d ago )

Perfectly reasonable post down voted by insecure corporation friendly folk.... But not gamers. Real gamer want accessibility and ease of acquisition for all.... Company shills are the only ones still telling us that hardware locking people from games is good for us.

Chevalier10d ago


You should stop parroting metrics like an idiot without context.

"Xbox content and services revenue grew 62% in Q3 from a year earlier, “driven by 61 points of net impact” from the purchase of the third-party video game giant, Microsoft said."

61 of the 62% was from their merger so net increase is ONLY 1%


itsmebryan9d ago


It looks like made a great purchase. Much better then Sony buying Bungie. 😉

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 9d ago
purple10110d ago

Xbox hardware revenue tanks to lowest point of Xbox Series generation

Profchaos10d ago

I'm not surprised surface is struggling they aren't relevant anymore

DOMination-10d ago

In the last two years they've started exiting the consumer market altogether. All of the newest Surface products are business models only. They can't seem to work out what they want to do with it.

XBManiac10d ago

Too expensive hardware when others offer the same or more for less? Good work, Green Team.

SimpleDad10d ago (Edited 10d ago )

"Despite some early successes for Xbox games on rival platforms, Xbox hardware is down by a massive 31 percent this quarter."
"Without Activision Blizzard, Microsoft’s overall gaming revenue would have actually declined this quarter."
"Xbox content and services would have only been up a single percent without Activision Blizzard..."
"It looks like next quarter is going to be a similar story for gaming at Microsoft, too."

That is crazy... so A/B/K is carrying the whole Xbox gaming.
Oh and Microsoft will be fine. Windows, Office and Cloud are growing with each pc purchase.

purple10110d ago

Activision: "we gonna need a bigger rucksack/backpack please"

Microsoft: "why's that"

Activision: "to carry yo' weak ass'

Profchaos10d ago (Edited 10d ago )

Top brass have also wanted to start seeing returns on the 100 billion they have put into various Xbox related moves so seeing more multiplatform games is highly likely especially from abk

It's basically saying that PlayStation is the reason Xbox is afloat right now thinks to Ps5 versions of COD

Kornholic10d ago

So basically PS and PC gamers' money is keeping Xbox on life support.

MrDead10d ago

The only growth MS will get out of the console industry is if it supports it's rivals platforms. Xbox is a pointless machine now. I can see them on a big push for live next, and they won't give up on trying to buy Steam.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 10d ago
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