
“Strings Attached” To Xbox One Self Publishing

It turns out yesterday’s announcement of the Xbox One allowing indie developers isn’t quite as good as it seems according to Retro City Rampage developer Brian Provinciano.

According to Provinciano, Microsoft’s self-publishing announcement is “another example of them changing policy, but it sounding better than it is when the whole story is revealed.”

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allformats3946d ago (Edited 3946d ago )

Hmm, many developers are skeptics of MS's self-publishing announcement. Let's just hope they come through with their promises!

NewMonday3946d ago

what is it with MS, can't they just do something good without a catch for once?

iamnsuperman3946d ago (Edited 3946d ago )

It is all about history though. They may have turned over a new leaf but it would be stupid to forget the past and clearly a lot happened last generation that has made people/ indie developers uneasy about Microsoft. You have to prove yourself before you gain people's trust/respect.

Hatsune-Miku3946d ago (Edited 3946d ago )

"Hmm, many developers are skeptics of MS's self-publishing announcement. Let's just hope they come through with their promises!"

@ allformats

hope is unnecessary when it comes to microsoft because they always find a way to do silly things.

there is a better company out there named sony that is actively doing amazing things to appeal to gamers. its nice to hope for things but because these consoles arent necessary to sustain life gamers should support the better console.

people are hoping xbox one doesnt have bad hardware reliable issues, people are hoping it is supported a lot, that the cloud will aid its meager hardware power, that the system will get a lot of first party exclusives, and all sorts. sony is doing a lot of things right with ps4 that naming them all will making my mobile phone run out of ink. i always see people hoping for common sense ideas for the xbox one but are disappointed a lot or they try to explain things away.

the ps4 is better than the xbox one in everyway when it comes to video game so kneeling and holding hands in a circle chanting the things you would like from microsoft that ps4 is doing is silly. im getting a ps4 first day.

DragonKnight3946d ago (Edited 3946d ago )

Am I the only one that thinks that everything Microsoft says should directly be followed by Dr. Evil Air Quotation gestures?


Blachek3946d ago

Hope is a necessity, especially given my pre-disposition not to like Sony, based on my preference of "because".

Sony is not doing everything better. I want a media hub in my living room, XB1 will do that for me. To what extent exactly, I'm not sure. But I know I watch as much TV with my Wife as I do play video games alone, it's an investment for my living room and home. Sony is only good for games, the vast majority of exclusives which I have no interest.

I am going to wait to see if XB1 plays out after launch to be what I'm after, see how their marketing sells it and go from there. In all likelyhood I will end up buying 1, but I almost assuredly won't buy a PS4 unless Sony can produce an exclusive I think I need to have. I don't have the time for video games that I used to or the money to spend on consoles that only I can enjoy.

gaffyh3946d ago

@Blachek - Yes, you need to buy a $499 console to watch TV. LMAO.

PS4 will be as good a media hub, if not better than Xbone, barring the TV integration. PS3 is already a better media hub than the 360, so why won't PS4 have all the same features and more? Also, Torne.

On topic - Sounds like what Cboat was saying on Neogaf, he also said there will be a kinect-less Xbone in 2014, so yet another reason to wait a while before buying this console.

NewMonday3946d ago


you can get that new Google USB dongle, today almost any TV or device connected to a TV has a media hub, this is something standard today not revolutionary.

Mr_Nuts3946d ago

You know it's funny I mentioned a few articles ago when they announced this that there would be a catch and I got disagreed to death for it.



Why do people never learn but instead call you Sony fanboys when all your doing is using your common sense and learning from Microsofts history

HiddenMission3946d ago


Really all in one media center...really.

So all the XB1 does is replace your TV and cable remote kind of...

Truth is it has not been confirmed which providers will support it.

It doesn't replace your DVR if you have one.

So the question is what is it really doing that you can't get else where? Answer Kinect...and that's it...again kind of considering smart TV's have motion cameras and voice recognition already built in.

The only reason to buy a XB1 is for a small list of AAA exclusive titles and that is it. Most of those titles that we know of are more of the same either by existing IP's or same genre and no matter what anyone says Titanfall is nothing more than an FPS with mechs which has been done before...but now it's being done by the guys who did CoD so it must be the best thing ever...right.

Sorry for the rant you just seem to be very uninformed on what the consoles actually offer.

dedicatedtogamers3946d ago (Edited 3946d ago )

@ Mr_Nuts

You get massive disagrees because this site has gone full-blown Console Warzzz circa 2006, except this time around it's Xbox fans - not Sony fans - who are running around like chickens with no heads, desperately trying to defend their precious baby any way they can. What I'm wondering is where are all of the Xbox defenders from yesterday who insisted "it's over. Microsoft is gonna dominate the indie scene now" simply because XBox One supports quasi-self-publishing (and not even at launch).

I love getting called a "Sony fanboy" simply because I have stern words to say against Microsoft. Even though I play just as many games on my PC and Wii and my handheld systems. I'd be happy to be labelled as "Microsoft hater" (that's slightly closer to reality) but "Sony fanboy" reeks of paranoia.

"T-the t-the Sony f-fanboys! They're around e-every corner! Loook! There's one in this thread! L-look! There's one replying to your messages! Quick, that guy said something unkind about Mother Microsoft. He m-must be a SONY agent of disinformation!"

XboxFun3946d ago (Edited 3946d ago )

@ Mr Nuts and Dedicated

So where is the catch? The title of this article doesn't even reflect the actual story.

You guys are really trying way too hard to spin this into a negative.

The person of this article took ONE quote from one of the many developers interviewed and turned it into the title of this story.

And this was approved?

You guys get mass disapproves because(edit) you are wrong. Look at you two feeding off of the sensational headline and patting each other on the back. The headline has NOTHING to do with the story.

Mr_Nuts3946d ago (Edited 3946d ago )


True...very true

I just want to know where they all came from, as someone pointed out a few days ago, they've only recently joined since either the reveal or the E3 show...and even now more people are joining just for that purpose.

"What I'm wondering is where are all of the Xbox defenders from yesterday "

Look at that there's one of them right below you and above me

HI XBOXFUN...how are you, fish doing ok...hows you kite lessons going?

ThanatosDMC3946d ago

MS forcing Silverlight in order to use Netflix on PC. F Microsoft.

It used to work without perfectly but now it's the new and enhanced way. Lame.

I'm glad Netflix is going to drop Silverlight for something else. Too bad it wont happen anytime soon.

Same thing will happen to Xbone. MS will flip the switch somehow and screw loyal fanbase.

dedicatedtogamers3946d ago (Edited 3946d ago )

@ Mr_Nuts

"I just want to know where they all came from"

At best, they're just enthusiastic fans who are so passionate about gaming that they only just NOW made an account on the biggest aggregate gaming news site to jump in and defend Microsoft. Like our friend Mr XboxFun here, who joined 2 days ago and yet seems to know all the "big players" in the N4G community and who to "call out".

At worst, they're 100% shills who either make new accounts or drum up old accounts (seriously, I've seen members from 2006 appear after being absent for 3 years who return to post nothing but Microsoft Defense Force stuff).

Or it's people who've made alt accounts to accomplish one of the above situations.

In reality, I think it's a mix of all three. Microsoft wants to win the mindshare on the internet and they ain't gonna do it by simply letting fanboys rant and rave against them.

3946d ago
indysurfn3946d ago

See! The masses DO forget in 6 months. Remember the PS2? Yeah it announced the same thing.

Remember the xbox(original), yep. Remember the xbox360 development kits for starters? The

devil is in the detail. How much will it cost? No really, it may be free to make the game(as

if that is special). How much to get it to market place, and tested by Microsoft, or a

approved testing company? What you going to do when they ask you how many people tested your

game. Have you tested it on a server. And a million quality questions that require multiple

independent individuals? What security measures you have in place? Do you have a Kinect

version of the game. Who reviewed your game for sexual content, sensitive issues. Do you

think all those Indie devs that complained about hoops, and red-tape where just kidding? You

think they are going to treat you better than several Indie developers making a game? If so

why would you do business with a company like that?

This is just a PR stunk because they know the masses forget, which is why they brought up the

CLOUD as if it was a new gen concept.

XboxFun3946d ago (Edited 3946d ago )

So still no answers? More congratulations for each other. You two love to talk a good game and get bubbles for feeding your nonsense to other sony fans. But when presented with actual food for thought, you guys seem to clam up real quick. In fact who is to say that you two aren't the same person and just bubbling each account up? You sure defend each other so.

Where is the catch?
Why was an article approved with a title that doesn't reflect the actual story?

Or will you two just talk off topic about who is who on N4G? Isn't that better suited in a PM?


More clarification and straight answers.

fr0sty3946d ago (Edited 3946d ago )

@Xbox Fun, those strings attached are limiting developers from taking full advantage of the system.

"On PS4, for example, developers can tap right into the system; use every bit of RAM and all of its power. Indies have access to everything that the AAA studios do, from platform support to development and release. The indication on Xbox One is that it's essentially XBLIG 2.0. Instead of XNA, it's Windows 8. Windows 8, which is already struggling to gain developer interest, will gain a boost from developers wishing to target the console. However, it won't be as full-fledged as published games on the system."

In other words, unpublished games on XB1 are gimped. When even published games only get to use 6 of the 8 CPU cores and 5 of the 8GBs of RAM, unpublished games are going to suffer even more.

fr0sty3946d ago

In MS' defense, they seem to be trying to clarify the mess around this. Phil Spencer recently tweeted that the goal was to not limit unpublished games' use of the system's RAM. We'll see how much their actions match their words though.

loulou3946d ago Show
rainslacker3946d ago (Edited 3946d ago )


Currently there is no catch. Or at least it's unknown. That is what the author is referring to based on the quotes from the indie developers. These indie devs don't know anything about it, and it's respectable that they at least admit they aren't too excited about it because they don't know the details. They are using their prior history with MS to remain skeptical on the idea until more is known. Something many a commenters on here would be wise to do themselves.

Everyone is assuming that this will give full dev kit functionality to the home user, or super small indie dev teams out there at a very reasonable price. I can say with 99% certainty that that will not be the case. All indications point to a run-time environment similar to XNA or PSMobile. That is a far cry from being able to code directly to the console hardware that big devs and established(or well funded) indie devs are able to do. Giving full dev kit access to everyone and their brother means the system would be hacked within a week of implementation.

Doing game programming contract work myself, I actually do like what MS is doing regardless of how they implement it. But I am not willing to scream MS praises about something that isn't going to be anywhere close to what people are making it out to be based on my own experience with how closed console dev software is. At most I will say "good for MS for doing something positive". No doubt some people who like making games, or are just hobbyist will love this feature, and no doubt some quality content will come from it.

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 3945d ago
bicfitness3946d ago

Whoever thinks that MS will allow full access to the hypervisor and all resources of the machine is delusional. Why the Hell would 3rd parties bother with licencing fees then? Will EA just release all their titles for a 70/30 profit split? You bet they will and there goes MS' income off of AAA software. The Devil is in the details, and I guarantee that there are details missing.

Plus, I don't know who would believe a word MS says after all the backpeddling we've watched them do on "principles" and "visions" in the last couple of months. They'll say whatever they can to dig themselves out of the hole. They've proven that they are the masters of obfuscation and double-speak. So let's wait until A.) more details arrive B.) the program is actually implimented in a year or whatever.

Funantic13946d ago (Edited 3946d ago )

I seriously doubt a indie developer would really need the hyper-v because they won't exceed 5 gigs of RAM. They'll require far less RAM than a triple A game.

NewMonday3946d ago (Edited 3946d ago )

it is wrong to assume Indy games are small little things, games like the Witness, Outlast and DayZ standalone,Warthunder and Warframe are not Angry Birds.

Indy just means you don't need EA or Ubisoft to sell your game.

ThanatosDMC3946d ago

Some/A lot of indie games look even better than a lot of those so-called triple A games. Only difference is they used kickstarter and took a long time to make.

torchic3946d ago

I think, fanboy or not, we should all be skepitcal of Microsoft when they make promises, it's the absolute least they deserve after their post-Kinect attitude towards the hardcore and what they initially tried to pull with the Xbox One.

self-publishing, Xbox One as a dev kit, no-DRM, TV, Games with Live etc. all those features sound great but I can almost guarantee you that there's a boat load of fine print behing every single one of them.

I don't trust Microsoft, and neither should you guys, not because of their product offering but because of their practices.

jeffgoldwin3946d ago

And least we forget in all fairness, don't fully trust Sony either because of the security breech they tried to cover up and we fined heavily because of their wrong doing.


DigitalRaptor3946d ago

"tried to cover up"

Really, jeff? Like any company who has been breached/hacked, the first thing to do is find the hole, plug it, secure your systems and THEN inform people. There was no cover up, only an idiot would claim that.

I don't fully trust any company I support, but the least of which would be a company that puts their bottom line before the best interests of a consumer/developer.

DragonKnight3946d ago

@jeffgoldwin: See, your comment had nothing to do with fairness in any way. You were just looking to cause trouble. What torchic said were examples of things directly in Microsoft's control. Things they wanted to implement and then changed their mind when the proverbial sh*t hit the fan. The PSN hack was not in Sony's control, they did not "backpeddle" on anything, and they followed standard protocol for situations like this.

Had they immediately told the public about what was going on, it could have hampered any investigations and counter-measures. But of course let's just forget about all that and try to blame Sony "in fairness."

Hicken3946d ago

Hey, jeff. Busy being a fanboy again, I see.

So, when every other company in the world first figures out what the problem is before telling people there IS a problem, it's alright. But when Sony does it, they were trying to cover it up.

Yeah, that sounds pretty fair. I guess we should, in all fairness, not forget how breaches in Microsoft's security were blamed on the users, even though it was completely their fault. Oh, and that was after they spent months denying there even WAS a problem.

... somehow, I get the feeling you've already forgotten all that, though.

nosferatuzodd3946d ago (Edited 3946d ago )

Jeff when Microsoft found out about the red ring of death actually they know from the beginning that there was a flaw in the system
But did they address it no they were hell bent on trying to defeat Sony so bad they didn't give a damn about their loyal fan who buy their system and got the red ring i wish Microsoft love you guys the way you guys bent over backwards to defend them

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3946d ago
cleft53946d ago

It's a step in the right direction anyways. I would prefer this coming from Julie Larson. No disrespect to Marc Whitten, but Julie is the big boss and I would prefer to have her stamp of approval on something that is said to be fully implemented at a later point in time. Still it is a step in the right direction.

3945d ago
RM-TatoTiburon3946d ago (Edited 3946d ago )

i really hope there is a catch...i don't want a full open console for everyone. This is not only for indie devs it also can used by mods and hackers and i will be piss off if we start to see mods or hacks for COD or BF4 or any game that ruins the multiplayer experience.

HiddenMission3946d ago (Edited 3946d ago )

Sorry wrong person :)

avengers19783946d ago

Of course there will be strings attached, they have to look for people ripping off other licenses, they have to look for mature content, and I'm pretty sure you need to be connected to a PC to develop games, I don't think you can just do it all from the console itself, and you probably need windows 8 on your PC as well.
I wouldn't get to excited for it until everything is known, and they actually put it out there, MS doesn't always follow through with there promises... Milo anyone

rainslacker3946d ago

I think the catch most of these devs are referring to is more along this anology.

Sony allows you to develop games on the PS Vita. The catch is you have to use PSMobile to do so. PSMobile is a Mono run-time environment that allows you to use 64MB of memory(think this is right, been a while). It does not allow you direct access to the hardware like a real dev kit...hence a catch.

It's still not a bad thing, particularly for the hobbyist who likely wouldn't know how to write their own API's for direct hardware interface in the first place. For the bigger indie devs that know how to do this, it's not a reasonable alternative, as run-time environments affect performance.

showtimefolks3945d ago

its MS there always a catch

know to over promise and under deliver, for once can't MS do one good thing and stick to their words

we will give you halo 3 and Ac2 for free oh wait no we can't

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3945d ago
Tee7soo3946d ago

xbox one is just getting better and better, day one.

Ksar3946d ago

Same here. Best line-up so far.

Aghashie3946d ago

@ IcyEyes

Haha! Come on, cut the guys some slack. There is nothing wrong w them being hyped 'bout the box. I am not getting one, though. But I reckon competition is the lifeblood of every industry.

We need them as much as they need us.

Anyway... Out of sarcasm, you make me laugh w ur comment.

DragonKnight3946d ago

@Aghashie: IceEyes question is valid given the fact that the title says "strings attached to xbox one self publishing" and yet someone thought that that was a GOOD thing. Evidently indie devs are not in agreement, so someone saying "Xbox One getting better and better" is perplexing at the least.

Aghashie3946d ago

@ DragonKnight

Yep... Indie devs are not very happy w MS. I give u that... but I was thinking on something difetent w I wrote my comment.

Allow me to elaborate a little bit.

I do not care if a fan bashes another fan cause he likes another product. That does not affect me at all. I will always make my own choices no mater what.

What amazes me is the collective behavior gamers are adapting lately against other gamers. Games are meant to entertain, not to fuel up negative attitudes against others. The more I read on sites and forums, the more convinced I am that this addopted attitude is a form of racism.

"I can't be your friend cause u like (Playstation/XBox). Jeez, bro. Yo gotta be a moron liking that s@it. You know what!? Get the f@ck out of my room - go, I meant it, go! Morons are not allowed in my room. Yeaaaa, you can take the Comic Book's you brought for me... Don't wanna read them anyway. Ha! I am gonna troll you so hard over the internet that you whish you didn't even have a computer! Everytime you post something - bang! - I am gonna be there trolling your sorry @ss. Yea, yea... I don't need friends like you... you f@cking niga."

I know my example is exaggerated. I wrote it that way in an attempt to highlight what I mean.

Some comments are inevitably funny, but still an attempt to troll someone is an attempt to troll someone.

As a say, I can't care less. I am just amazed by the stupidity on this social generation.


loulou3946d ago Show
Consoldtobots3946d ago

don't be so naive aghashie, MS started the dirty pool last gen and it only devolved into a war since then.

PFFT3946d ago

IcyEyes, do you work for $ony?

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3946d ago
nick3093946d ago (Edited 3946d ago )

Ps4 line up is mostly indies & mmos until they show new stuff at gamescom. .. Dosnet 100% bother me though as im getting all next gen consoles... I dont see why people argue which has the best line up anyway. Get both = get more exclusives.

lgn153946d ago

Nope, I think he might be getting a different console as you. Shocking I know, the almighty "dark witness" knows best he must be some kind of fool to like a different thing.


@ lgn15

lololol,, the almighty Dark Witness, that made me laugh..

I owned both systems in the past, if MS can write their wrongs in my book I may own both systems again, but it's very unlikely.

I don't have a problem with other people wanting the xbox, I use to be a big xbox fan but I never had any problem with people getting the ps3 back then.

It does make me laugh when I read why some people want one and why they defend it and I like to talk about it just like anyone else on this website and if I think someone is talking like a fool I will say so, just like you prob would..

d_dogg20073946d ago Show
I_am_Batman3946d ago (Edited 3946d ago )

To be fair they started out pretty bad. But I'm glad to see that they are making the right moves now. Better late than never.

It was pretty obvious that MS had to introduce self publishing at some point before or shortly after the launch to be competative in the indie scene. I'm surprised that you will be able to use your own X1 as a dev kit though. That sounds awesome if it's done right. I hope for more details on how this will work soon.

Consoldtobots3946d ago

making the right moves??

that makes it sound like this is all MS on their own volition when in reality they wouldn't have budged an inch if they preorders didn't start to tank and Sony's grow by leaps and bounds. It's one thing to put out a fire because you like doing the right thing and another to put one out with a gun to your head.

sonic9893946d ago

i think that comment doesnt belong to this article
" is getting better and better " line should be used if it was positive article
so your comment is generally of topic

GameCents3946d ago

Actually the article is positive. The submitter changed the headline to spin it into a negative.
Go ahead and read it and tell me what these strings are.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3946d ago
Cherchez La Ghost3946d ago

Of course you're going to have rules. Just as long MS will be fair and open-minded to gamers who want to create games.

vega2753946d ago (Edited 3946d ago )

If he's already decided not to make games for xbox one or get a xbox one. How does he know anything about how they will allow or limit self-publishing. He's said on a number of occasions tha t he's had bad blood with them. I'm pretty sure they wouldnt keep him in the loop of anything new they are doing.

Grown Folks Talk3946d ago

Exactly. They didn't even intend to release the info, yet he knows the exact details somehow. He admits bias, & based on past experiences will immediately downplay anything they do.

MonChiChi3946d ago

Haha you act as if this guy doesn't know other indie devs or something. Ppl talk if you have not realized.

Grown Folks Talk3946d ago

And why would they know full details from something that wasn't going to be announced for another month? And how come no others have said the same themselves then?

vega2753946d ago

first off if MS just anounced this yesterday and will give further details about it down the road. meaning no one outside of MS knows the full details.....including these so-called other dev's he may or may not know.

second: by his own admission in the article. he has no intention of making any games for the X1 or buying one. so i highly doubt he would care to get any details even if they did.

Brucis3946d ago

There's pretty much always 'Strings Attached' in business.

pompombrum3946d ago

Do Sony have strings attached to their self publishing service?

xReDeMpTiOnx3946d ago

No Sony allows full access the same access all the first party devs get no strings attached.

One of the indie devs states that in the article

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