
Why the Wii U is Powerful Enough

Still doubting the power of the Wii U?

It’s no secret that the Wii U and Nintendo have been consistently under-fire regarding the power of the system. I have seen countless and countless of ridiculous statements such as “It’s the Wii all over again” and “the Wii U is a last-generation system”. These notions, along with many others, were always silly to begin with and stemmed from nothing more than inflammatory fanboy logic, but after E3 2013 and seeing what Nintendo has to offer, now they are blatantly illogical.

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PopRocks3593964d ago

The resolutions speak for themselves. A significant number of the Wii U games coming out toward the end of the year are confirmed to be running in full HD at 60fps. That's more than can be said for the 360/PS3 and much of their library.

Obviously the Wii U won't necessarily match up to the PS4/Xbox One. But if developers actually take advantage of the hardware the games can still look pretty nice and be rendered well. Mario Kart 8 and Sonic Lost World are no InFamous Second Son or Quantum Break, but they still look pretty damn good to me and they are rendered in full.

LOL_WUT3964d ago

That's all that was needed to be said IMO.

Hopefully all 3 consoles get pushed to their limits and none of this gimping stuff just to accommodate one another. ;)

PopRocks3593964d ago (Edited 3964d ago )

No it isn't, you insufferable troll.

The 3DS clearly doesn't match the Vita in graphical prowess and yet remains a primary contender in game sales while the Vita remains at Wii U sales numbers in all but a few weeks in Japan. And mind you, the 3DS has some pretty good looking games as well.

The point I'm making here is that the Wii U is capable of making good looking games WITHOUT being on par with its upcoming competition. The games coming out between this year's end and next year are enough to prove that.

mikeslemonade3964d ago

If your serious about your games then WiiU is not powerful enough.

extermin8or3964d ago

In fairness PopRocks359: that is the handheld market and doesn't work the same way as the main console market. The vita deserves to do so much better than it's doing, though it really is worth its price point... and if more people bought it the games would just get better and better :(

Prime_283964d ago

If all you care about is power then you're not a gamer, sorry. ;)

SilentNegotiator3964d ago (Edited 3964d ago )

What games are going to be full HD at 60fps, poprocks? Include reliable sources, too, please. (no ports or 2D/2.5D games)

Megaton3964d ago

You can't point to the handheld market, PopRocks. Nintendo has owned it for decades. Sony has been their only real challenger, and a lackluster one at that. Nintendo runs the handheld game.

_QQ_3964d ago

@mikeslemonade "If your serious about your games then WiiU is not powerful enough." In that case neither is PS4/Xboxone since they are Desperately,Severely, even disgustingly underpowerd compared to PC.By your logic if you are serious about your games only High end PCs are enough. don't give me the $$$$ excuse because if you are serious about your games you should have money for it.

Ju3963d ago

Then why even bother? Keep the Wii, or the PS3 for that matter, right?

dantesparda3963d ago

Oh man, Wii U fanboys are just the most pathetic bunch of them all, sad really.

SilentNegotiator3963d ago

Lots of disagrees, no reliable sources. Go figure, that's because you guys are assuming that sites like WiiUDaily are reliable sources, even though they've already been caught lying about ZombiU's "1080p" resolution.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3963d ago
dedicatedtogamers3964d ago

Agreed. The Wii U has the power ("enough power" is completely subjective anyway)

My personal (albeit shared by many people I can imagine) opinion is that Nintendo is doing the Wii U a disservice by not pushing the Wii-U's power.

They've failed to highlight why the tablet is a must-have control option (and no, Nintendo Land tech demos don't cut it).

And they've failed to really show off the power of the system. Project X is the only game shown for Wii-U that makes me honestly say "okay, not only does that look amazing, but it looks like something that's a bit too much for the PS3 or 360 to pull off".

PopRocks3593964d ago

Not to mention the ramifications that have come from their damn insistence on NOT pushing for online multiplayer or really any sort of online advantages the Wii U has over the previous Wii.

As a fan, it's all nothing short of frustrating.

Prime_283964d ago

Dude the console is only 7 months old and this is Nintendo's first time developing for a hd system. We all know it takes at least a year into a console's lifecycle to really see what it's capable of i.e. Gears of War/MGS4.

brich2333964d ago

I think the real problem with the Wii U is, that it would cost developers more to try and find ways to optimize games for 1080p 60Fps.

ColinZeal3964d ago

Please tread lightly, these lands are full of Nintendobots...

PopRocks3593964d ago

Please tread lightly, these lands are full of strawman arguments...

deadeyes3964d ago

One good thing is that since the 360 is supposed to hang another 5 years will hopefully allow us some good ports if developers are too lazy. l wish more developers where like Ubisoft. We are getting the ps4/xbox1 version of Watchdogs, not the 360/ps3 version !

_QQ_3964d ago (Edited 3964d ago )

Really? please tell me why, Mr.tech expert tell me how that works, please don't leave out any details.

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showtimefolks3964d ago


easy for you to say, for those publishers spending the money on wiiu and using it to its max well the end result usually means 3rd party games sell poorly on nintendo home consoles

Nintendo fans have no issue buying next zelda,mario ssb etc, but for 3rd party games most if not all nintendo fans own a 2nd console

no matter the spin nintendo it its core fans put on wiiu end of the day its a system you want to buy to play 1st-2nd party titles, not many will buy it to play 3rd party games

also that doesn't mean wiiu won't or cant be successful, its just means nintendo should expect it to outsell xboxone or ps4

Movieworld3964d ago

most if not all nintendo fans own a 2nd console?

Nonsense. I am a Nintendo fan and I never owned a Playstation or Xbox in my life. On the Wii U I have purchased Resident Evil Revelations, Call Of Duty Black Ops 2, Assasins Creed 3, Injustice Gods among us, Mass Effect 3, Need For Speed Most Wanted U and FIFA 13. Hell i'm even top of the online seasons league! Wii U so far has been a system i've got to play all those cool 3rd party games on and great first party titles too like New Super Mario Bros U.

Zebaz083964d ago

@Movieworld, top of the online seasons league? How big is the wiiu online community for those games? 1000 people? xD

Gameratheart3963d ago

What 3rd party has spent money developing a wiiu game? None. Not even need for speed, and that's the most effort I've seen. Not one game has been an exclusive, high budget game... Except for zombie, which is as low budget as it gets, every game released for the wiiu was an old game. Releasing an old game on wiiu is the same thing as re releasing an old game on the ps360... No one will get it... No one buys the wiiu 3rd party games, for two reasons. 1: why would I buy a game on wiiu for $60 when I can most likely get it for $20-$30 on the ps360??? 2: releasing an inferior version of a game, like madden, and call it new... Look, wiiu owners aren't stupid. That's why we aren't buying those stripped, overpriced, old games.... Games that are made with actual effort, and are good, sell. End of story.

3964d ago Replies(1)
PrimeGrime3964d ago (Edited 3964d ago )

To be fair the Wii U obviously has a newer video card. So why even compare its full HD games to older games on PS3 and Xbox 360? There is a reason most games ran at 720p simply because the graphics chips weren't as good as they are now. Most those games were still more graphically demanding as to why they probably did also.

Before people think I am downplaying the Wii U please read all of my comment first.

My thing is why keep comparing it to such old consoles. They are truly old now, doesn't seem to do much in sake of point making per say.

Also no offense but it seems the most graphically demanding games the Wii U has coming are Beyonetta 2 and X which aren't confirmed yet to be running in 1080p/60fps. Need For Speed would be another but we know for a fact it runs at 720p.

Knowing the rest of the games on Wii U it isn't surprising at all that most the games on it are running at 1080p. I know people will take that negatively but it really isn't meant to be negative.

You are right, they look great no doubt for what they are not saying that but realistically would you expect otherwise this late in the game? If it couldn't that would be more surprising to me if it couldn't run games like Mario Kart or Super Smash Bros in 1080p by now. I am not downlplaying the quality of Wii u games but graphically most those old games are pushing it much more.

Not to say Wii U isn't getting some heavy hitters but those are most likely running at 720p also just like on old systems. I can't say that the PS4 and Xbox One will run every game in 1080p either so again it isn't meant as some insult to the Wii U.

I guess I just look at both sides. I am not one to ever see a glass half empty or half full. I just see a glass.

I mean I hope games like Bayonetta 2 and X would be 1080p but if Need For Speed on Wii U can only run at 720p. I highly doubt that they will, not being negative, just being realistic.

Concertoine3964d ago

Bayonetta 2 is confirmed to run at 1080p, and considering all platinum's games are 60fps and its an action game, its probably 60fps.

WhiskyWhiskers3964d ago

AC3 runs at 720p also on Wii U.

PrimeGrime3964d ago (Edited 3964d ago )


Sorry meant to put 1080p/60fps on that part. I couldn't go back and edit cause my editing time had ran out but I was going to edit that part at the bottom there.

You are right though, so sorry for the confusion.

LonDonE3964d ago

EXACTLY!! agreed 100%
people don't realise that running in 1080p is not the same as rendered in native 1080p!!!
allot of xbox 360 games run in 1080p, but that is up-scaled, and not native, and so until they confirm all these games are native rendered in 1080p it pointless to speculate!

The thing is, to be honest with you, like the guy above said, Nintendo games like mario kart,or 3d mario,or smash bros are never technically very demanding, they don't have insane polly counts etc, they do still look AWESOME! but a different kind of awesome, like say look at the last of us, that game is a technical marvel, and to think it looks and plays that well while running on a 7 yr old console, and with half the amount of ram of the wii u, that my friends is impressive!

Dont get me wrong, bayonetta 2 LOOKS INCREDIBLE! i doubt PS3 could have ran it at 60fps 1080p, and obviously a console which only came out last year, that's to be expected!
And so does X, to me that game is going to be most likely the best looking open world rpg we have all ever seen on console so far!

Take mod nation racers, or little big planet karting, these games compared to mario kart on wii u, are only 30fps, mario kart on wii u is 1080p at 6ofps so obviously wii u is more powerful, in came out only last year, and so has newer tech in it, sheesh!
The games Nintendo showed at E3 2013 were technically impressive, but they were not the most graphically demanding games ever made, although gorgeous in their own way.

I am happy people are finally realising that wii u is more then capable enough!
And 1080p at 60fps first party Nintendo games, is more then a good enough reason to go out and buy a wii u!! people have to also bear in mind this is Nintendo's first hd console, and so its a learning process for them! they will get even more better at it, just imagine their games are already running at 1080p 60fps, granted we don't know if its native or up-scaled, but regardless that's impressive in its own right!

Imagine in year 3, 4 or 5? wii u should have some astonishing games!!! just look at what the PS3 achieved with the last of us, and imagine what could be possible on wii u, with a more powerful gpgpu and double the ram!

WiiUsauce3964d ago

Bayonetta 2 has already been confirmed to have been running in full 1080p, and 60fps. The game looks better than anything on PS360, the Wii U is powerful enough.

Zebaz083964d ago

@WIIUsauce, Uncharted, GOW,TLOU ad many others say hello

SilentNegotiator3964d ago

Can someone provide a *reliable* (AKA Not NintendoLife or WiiUDaily, regularly lying about games being 1080p, like ZombieU) that says Bayonetta 2 is 1080p. I can't find anything.

LOL_WUT3964d ago

@SilentNegotiator The reason why Pops or anyone hasn't posted a link to back up their claims is because no such game exists for the Wii U. ;)

paulcek3963d ago (Edited 3963d ago )

@LOL_WUT & @SilentNegotiator
Here's a link for the list of next-gen games confirmed to run at 1080p and 60fps. The news was from GamingBolt, not a Nintendo website.


The 3 Wii U games on the list were Wind Waker HD, Bayonetta 2, and Smash Bros

SilentNegotiator3963d ago (Edited 3963d ago )

*RELIABLE* source.

GamingBolt is not reliable and they don't give any evidence or official quotes.

Now when a source like Eurogamer says that SSB is 60fps (as they have), I don't need evidence or an official quote; they're reliable with their reporting and have a substantial history.

Qrphe3963d ago

If Nintendo PURPOSELY didn't talk about the resolution of a game, it's probably because it's not worth to talk about (we DID get 720p screenshots full of aliasing after all). 1080p is a selling point that should definitely be talked about (like they have with Smash and WWHD).

Don't you all remember how Wii U launch games were 1080p?

Keep on believing rumors, you'll only get disappointment in the end.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3963d ago
Legend_Killer3964d ago

Gamecube vs PS2 = specs dont matter, Sony sells more
N64 vs PS1 = specs dont matter, Sony sells more
Wii vs PS3 = specs matter, even tho Nintendo sells more
Wii U vs PS4 = everybody emphasizes on specs cos they cant underestimate Nintendo's power to push a console when they're ready (from DS and 3DS)

they'll always look for Nintendo's weakness and press on it. and Sony and Microsoft go free even if they're in the same boat. GTFO!!! fanboys

ape0073964d ago (Edited 3964d ago )

tell i did not just see that?

comparing wii to ps2 ? srsly

1-ps2 was a complete nextgen experience, mgs2 nuff said

2- ps2 has tons of games, wii can't even come close to the collection of games on the ps2

SilentNegotiator3964d ago

"Gamecube vs PS2"
Small spec difference.

"N64 vs PS1"
Small spec difference and CD was very important to Ps1's victory because it made it a lot more popular to develop for.

"Wii vs PS3"
Not even chasing the same audience.

"Wii U vs PS4"
Large spec difference and Nintendo isn't chasing the casual audience anymore.

ChickeyCantor3964d ago (Edited 3964d ago )

@ SilentNegotiator

"Small spec difference. "

Eh, Gamecube could actually push more polygons and process textures higher than 8-bit. It also supported multi textured materials. Which was hardly used by developers. The CPU/GPU were also clocked higher. Not to mention the high speed ram bandwidth at the time.

"Small spec difference and CD was very important to Ps1's victory because it made it a lot more popular to develop for. "

Again small spec difference?

CPU : 93.75 MHz
Graphics card : 62.5 MHz

CPU : 33.8688 MHz
Mind you 3D calculations were also done on the CPU. ( floating point operations were pretty garbage, hence the shaky graphics )

Tell me, how is this a small difference back in the 90's?
( yes the CD format did have the upper hand but the specs were by no means small. )

"Large spec difference and Nintendo isn't chasing the casual audience anymore."

They always will chase the casual audience. Their first console was called Famicom.

Triforce0793964d ago

The reality is no 1 except devs on big projects like X and Baayonetta2 ect will have an idea on how powerful the wiiu gpu is because its a memory intensive design something unique and new only time will show the real power no 1 can say wiiu gpgpu is less powerful than ps4's it's not viable we have to wait and see basically,with ps4 and xbox1 you can say how powerful they are because their basically stock chips but wiiu is unique in that its got cutting edge cache and memory in edram ect.

wishingW3L3964d ago (Edited 3964d ago )

"no 1 can say wiiu gpgpu is less powerful than ps4's".

Get real dude. PS4's GPU has 1152 cores while the Wii U's has less than 400 (1.84TFLOPS vs 350GFLOPS). On top of it the architecture of the PS4's GPU is much more modern and efficient because it uses GCN 2.0. XD

And GPGPU is not a "thing" is just a form of programming the GPU. Real GPGPUs like the Larrabee don't exist.

Hicken3964d ago

LOL_WUT is right, though.

It's not as big a deal that the Wii U outperforms the current gen's consoles. What IS a big deal is that the Wii U will be drastically outperformed by its same-generation competitors.

That's why you can argue that it ISN'T powerful enough. I doubt it'll be as bad, but it's almost a repeat of the current gen, with multiplats being completely different games for the Wii than the HD consoles. Will devs want to take the time- will publishers want to spend the money- making a version of the game for Wii U that doesn't translate over well to the other two- who should play well with each other- and that runs the chance of being as unsuccessful as most third party ventures are on Nintendo consoles?

They're already complaining about dev costs being too high- which is a lie- even while they come up with new ways to milk each title. If they can't expect a reasonable return, why wouldn't they continue their current trend of giving the Wii U very little support? That's less money to spend and, frankly, less risk for them to take.

Polysix3964d ago

It is NOT JUST about Frame rates and resolution!!! Yes those games are 1080p 60fps but why? cos they are SIMPLE LOOK cartoon coloured games.

If they had anything like 'the last of us' you can bet it wouldn't be at 60fps and probably not 1080p either!

Compare like for like if you are going to discuss this issue sheesh!

millzy1023964d ago

how about the fact that Mario kart 8 looks and performs better than any kart racing released, sonic allstars racing is not 1080P 60 frames, little bigbigplanet karting not 1080p 60 frames and why is ki no Kimi also a cartoonie game is not in 1080p 60 frames why because ps3 simply can't do it. are these relevant comparisons for you

R00bot3964d ago

Just because the graphics look cartoony doesn't mean they're not using much power.

Polysix3964d ago (Edited 3964d ago )

never said JUST because they look cartoony they don't use much power, but the fact is they are hardly pushing the envelope hence the fact they can easily run at 60fps 1080p! Even wipeout hd ran at 60fps/1080p on 8 year old hardware (PS3) because it was within the limits graphically.

When Nintendo release a metroid prime for Wii U that looks photo realistic we'll see if it can run at 1080p 60fps. Not that they would of course.

Just can't get through to Ninty hardcore fans at all.

@Millzy - I wasn't comparing Wii-U to PS3 specifically (or current gen kart games) obviously the Wii-u has a bit extra power, not disputing that, I'm saying that the only reason it's fast NOW is because it's effectively running 'last gen' games! Come PS4 time the Wii-U is going to look ridiculously outdated and/or slow as hell if it tries to compete graphically with PS4!

I would HOPE it does perform faster than PS3 as it's 7 years newer ffs!! :)

THEMIGHTYDOOVDE3964d ago (Edited 3964d ago )

@Polysix You're waaay overestimating the PS4/XBO graphics!

The graphical jump from 7th to 8th gen isn't going to be nearly as big as your making out. Wii U will probably struggle with new engines that come out in 3-4 years time, but for now the Wii U is able to run the engines that the PS4/XBO will be using for the next 2 years.

Yes, they'll have to be downscaled but good developers will find ways to make the most of the Wii U hardware.

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blackbirdi3964d ago

does the wii u has any game on the scale of uncharted or GOw ? for sure not ....all the game they will came out at the end of the year are not on pair with the stuff on 360 and ps3 for simple reason the wii u game have not huge levels so it s normal that they will be full HD at 60 fps ....what they have mario 3d world ? mario kart wii u ? this games have small level with less details comparing AAA titles on ps360

bass4g3964d ago

erm... x. That's bigger (especially seeing as that's all explorable not just background).

greenlantern28143964d ago

When people compare the wiiu to the ps3/ 360 you really only make the point that it is not a next gen console. And then further say it won't compete with Xbox1 or ps4 basically confirms the it is not next gen comments.
But the wiiu is a next gen system since it is the new Nintendo system since next gen is just a term that means a new system.
But there are short comings 2 gb of ram compared to 5 on Xbox1 and 7 on ps4. And 32 GB HD compared to 500 gb HD for both the other systems.
Nintendo themselves can and always take full advantage of their systems but other devs never seem to.

millzy1023964d ago

the ps4 also includes mandatory game installs (much like the ps3) the Wii u does not, so the only reason for someone to buy an external hard drive on Wii u is if there big on downloading, if your someone like me who prefers retail games instead of downloads you will probably never need more memory where as my ps4 is getting full of data just from game installations (my ps3 has filled 160GB just on game installs where my Wii u has none.

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney3964d ago (Edited 3964d ago )

"The resolutions speak for themselves. A significant number of the Wii U games coming out toward the end of the year are confirmed to be running in full HD at 60fps. That's more than can be said for the 360/PS3 and much of their library. "

Pretty good for ports from a 7 year old console.

Can it run witcher 3 looking likr this in 1080p 60fps?
http://www.youtube.com/watc... what I want to know.

Nintnedo just need to play nintendo games. Nintendo fans have no interest in bf4 or the division it seem.

I wonder will wiiU get a 360 port of watchdogs? or a next gen port?

bass4g3964d ago

next gen port confirmed (it might be a bit downscaled but we don't know that yet).

Blacklash933963d ago

Witcher 3 is not 60FPS. It's "aiming" for 30, as the developer stated.

jcnba283964d ago

Well said, bubble for you.

I_am_Batman3964d ago

It's a Nintendo console so it's powerful enough for what it is. We reached a technical level where all games can look good. It's not like Nintendo is trying to make a photo realistic Mario game. It's more about art style than realism. However it is way less powerful than the PS4 and Xbox One so it's hard for Nintendo to attract third party devs.

NewZealander3964d ago

the wii u is doing seriously badly here in new zealand, some shops have decided to stop selling nintendo products completely, sad to say it but nintendo need to get back in the game, unless they can hang with the big boys they might not see next generation.

TechnicianTed3964d ago (Edited 3964d ago )

New Zealand has a population of around 4 and a half million people, so the market is so small I doubt they're worried too much.

Besides, they've made so much from the Wii, and the 3ds and the ds, that they will have more than enough money to keep them afloat if the Wii U isn't successful.

All these foolish doom and gloom comments about Nintendo going out of the console business is quite laughable really.

assdan3963d ago

@techniicianted. Why would it be a bad idea to get out of the console business? Have you seen 3 of their 4 past consoles? 2 sold horribly, one sold well, and the other is selling horribly right now. Maybe they should stay in hand held, but getting out of consoles might be smart. I think they might be better off if they went third party.

TechnicianTed3963d ago

So you call selling over 30 million for the n64 horribly? In business it's called 'Making a profit'. The Gamecube sold over 20 million, which also made them a healthy profit.

More importantly for myself, both the N64 and Gamecube had some classic games made for them, you might have heard of some of them as they are hailed as some of the greatest and most influential games ever made.

The first syllable of your name sums you up well.

Knushwood Butt3964d ago

Hang on, I thought graphics aren't important.

Oh, I'm thinking about Wii games, not Wii U games...

Qrphe3963d ago (Edited 3963d ago )

Only two 1st party games are confirmed to be FHD. Everything else seems to be just rumors.

PopRocks3593963d ago

Yeah, turns out you were right. I was hearing about a number of games being full HD/60 fps, but only a couple were indeed confirmed. That's my bad.

I know Mario Kart 8, Zelda Wind Waker HD and Smash Bros. are supposed to be 1080p. I've heard Bayonetta 2 is as well. Sonic Lost World I've heard is 60fps, but no idea on full HD.

assdan3963d ago

Good for the wiiu, it can outperform a 7 and 8 year old console. That's the best argument I've heard, and no one cares. That legend of zelda didn't really look amazing, have you ever played LBP?

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 3963d ago
Need4Game3964d ago

Let WII U play GTA5 to show its Power.

busytoad3964d ago

nintendo is smart they know it coming for 360 and ps3 and wii-u version will look like shit compared to them. They know how to fool theit customers ands its with their lame tablet wannabe touch pad lol.

jairusmonillas3964d ago

Wii U is weaker than PS4 and Xbox One, plus doesn't have the support of 3rd party games. It's pretty much gamecube 2 all over again for Nintendo.

TripC503964d ago

I've seen you before... In the Patcher says Nintendo is in trouble article.

You don't like Nintendo do you... were you beat up by italian kids in overalls as a child?

Stop hating on Nintendo because of your past friend. I can work through this with you.. I was beat up by a drunk plumber and his pet gorilla one time... Those rolling barrels still haunt my dreams.

ape0073964d ago (Edited 3964d ago )

but the 1st party lineup is something no proud gamer can miss

Concertoine3964d ago

the gamecube was a powerful system, no one could call the gamecube underpowered. maybe compared to an xbox, but it was a leap beyond the ps2.

Triforce0793964d ago

Its weaker in raw power ghz and MHz,it's not less capable basically look at all the E3 games did one console stand out in graphics ?? the short answer is no,were ps4 games 1080p/60fps short answer no,all i'm saying is if ps4 is more powerful so be it,it's not more capable I much prefer a game like watchdogs on wiiu running on 2 screens glorious.....and next gen,ps4 same game running on tv with a souped up ps3 controller ?? Hmmmmmmm very much the same experience you get on ps3 and ps2 and ps1.......in the end with adverts on real games ect wiiu will sell bucket loads.

DarkHeroZX3963d ago

Watch dogs on PS4 and X1 support smart glass.

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worldwidegaming3964d ago

lets just play who tool is bigger.
it sounds stupid but you know its not how big it is
but how you use it! look down the next time when you start
spouting nonsense*(unless your Mr ed then sorry!)
Its weaker but you know I am enjoying my PS3 right now and that's weaker too. Last time I checked "the last of us" was made for the PS3.
lets grow up and answer the real questions.
Where are the games? what features and exclusives does Nintendo bring to the table besides the usual IPs?

TripC503964d ago (Edited 3964d ago )

I like you. Not because of the Mr. Ed comment but because you seem like a true gamer. And I'm in a loving mood. Lets be bubble buddies.

CrimsonStar3964d ago

Who cares about power , I'm a gamer I only care about games . And by the way pikmin 3 looks freakn awesome .

TripC503964d ago

I like you too. Almost everybody on in this article comment section has at least one endearing quality to them.

paulcek3963d ago

Thank you for saying that! :D Graphics never sell a console, games do.

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Pure unadulterated fun. They don't make them like this anymore...especially not the triple A industry.

FinalFantasyFanatic12d ago

Back when video rental was a thing, I rented out Majoria's Mask, I never finished it though. I did buy the 3DS version before the eshop shutdown, so maybe one day I'll finally play through the whole thing, it's amazing how well these games hold up though. I briefly played Ocarina of Time for a while and it was really fun.


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Vits20d ago

I think it's better to leave games like AC: Amiibo Festival and Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash forgotten on the Wii U. Best case, they are mediocre games; worse case, they are very bad. It was a dark time for the Wii U, and the first only exists to sell Amiibo cards, whereas the second was put together in a couple of months with a shoestring budget, and it shows.

The rest of the list does have some really cool games, though. I would love to see a remake of Star Fox Zero with decent controls, and Xenoblade X doesn't require that much modification to work.

Z50120d ago

How would XCX work without dual screens functionality?

Cacabunga20d ago

Same as Paper Mario color splash. One of the best wiiu games and getting even better with dual screen. Same reason why i prefer Splatoon 1

Profchaos20d ago

This article leaves out Nintendo's most controversial game to date devils Third.
I personally found the cover system really fun in that one compared to at the time most fps games completely lacking one.

Stevonidas19d ago

Devil's Third is HIGHLY underrated.

repsahj19d ago

They should remake Starfox to the switch 2. Very beautiful game during gamecube days.

Chocoburger19d ago

Kirby is always ignored or forgotten by people, so good to see it mentioned here.
Play Kirby Canvas Curse on DS, and then play Rainbow Curse on Wii U, they're really fun and unique 'platformers' without any actual jumping.

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