
Activision: Microsoft has to prove Xbox One's premium price is worth it

(GI.biz) Eric Hirshberg talks to us about next-gen, how consoles will continue to be a stable market, and why ATVI is very careful with investments in mobile

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MarkM3964d ago (Edited 3964d ago )

They did in my opinion , they are giving me a console that does way more ,offers more & will do way more in the future while still allowing me to play a ton of great games.

3964d ago Replies(7)
BlackTar1873964d ago

Please elaborate. Offers more:

Will do way More:

Ron_Danger3964d ago

His head is in the clouds

MarkM3964d ago (Edited 3964d ago )

The many TV features , sports add-ons, Kinect w/ Skype, entertainment from their own studios, the ease of switching from one device to another.
These are many of the things I look forward to, also seeing as how the Company is arranging it business model to be more along the lines of hardware & services . meaning all their devices we see an increase in features, Apps & what not.

NewMonday3964d ago


and what "features" are exclusive?


Godmars2903964d ago

The chief criticism is, has been and likely will continue to be that MS puts free services behind XBL Gold to justify paying for it to its general audience.

They allowed Sony to embarrass with them Netflix, something they had as console exclusive for almost a year, and the same thing is going to happen again with all the F2P titles coming up for the PS4 - which actually wont cost people anything to play because they don't need PS+.

AngelicIceDiamond3964d ago

The question is, Was it justifiable behind the DRM always connected console?

With the likes of getting Your digital games anywhere and sharing it with up to 10 of your friends. Like I said before, It would be a potential game changer if they included all of that now DRM free and you know MS can.

Seeing how our "feedback matters" to them they would still opt to those features.

iceman063964d ago

I would agree completely. There are many ways to still prevent piracy while allowing Xbox players to share games. But, IMO, this is a "punishment" of sorts. What MS is saying is you could have had this...but now you are stuck with this...without really realizing that there is a LOT of gray area between DRM and NO sharing with friends digitally.

Genuine-User3964d ago

Even though I disagree with your choice, I am no one to complain or disagree with your decision.
I hope you enjoy the Xbox one.
Good luck with finding variety and creativity.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3964d ago
Soldierone3964d ago

Not entirely. I think MS needs to shove games out galore and hope that works.

The whole "we cost more cus its better" thing doesn't work. Look at Ps3 at launch. Had Blu-ray among all kinds of other benefits and still couldn't sell. Why? Because 360 was so much cheaper.

Godmars2903964d ago

Because it looked cheaper when it really wasn't. XBL gold says that.

loulou3964d ago

what a shame all those millions who bought 360s didn't know you godmars. you could have saved them money.

iceman063964d ago

Not ONLY gold. But, feature by feature the cost of an Xbox 360 was actually more than a 360. (i.e., HD DVD, Online adapter, HDD, etc.)

BabyTownFrolics3964d ago


"I think from a first impression standpoint the win goes to Sony, at least as it relates to pricing. Microsoft is going to have to win the hearts and minds and convince people that the higher price point is worth it, and that it provides really meaningful capabilities that will be meaningful to consumers. And it's a long game, so I am sure that's what they intend on trying to do."

interesting, price will be a determining factor for many parents this xmas. I could definitely see the ps4 taking an early lead in terms of sales next gen. The question is whether the xbox brand is strong enough to retain its users.

Allsystemgamer3964d ago

They didn't win with the original Xbox or the 360. They ain't going to win now when they have less support then they ever have

True_Samurai3964d ago (Edited 3964d ago )

Hahaha what? They took over half of Sony's user base with the 360 which caused a huge game changer for the company and caused them to succeed. Your speculation is of a child. You all claim the damage is done and no changing it? Microsoft showed they are willing to back track for the consumers and for our money. Less support? as long as there are people who want the x1 that's all the support they need. Not Lil fanboys like you who act like they know how to run a business and what's good for everyone so sitdown and be a good Lil boy/girl

Allsystemgamer3964d ago (Edited 3964d ago )

@ true ninja.

I'm no fanboy. I supported Microsoft until now. My live account is h311 rais3r and there is a big fat 7 on my gamer card. Halo is my favorite fps series and I much prefer the 360 controller opposed to the ds3.

I'm sorry your too dillusional to face the facts that Microsoft has never beaten Sony or Nintendo. When it comes to the console race it comes down to who sold more and Microsoft is at the bottom of that list.

M$ was only ahead because of a 1 year lead and a cheaper console at the start. That's it. They made a smart start but they're reversing that now with outdated hardware, policies and a ridiculous price point.

No one aside from casuals like kinect. Even casuals stopped using it. Forcing people to do things they don't want to do NEVER works.

That and the pre orders speak for themselves.

I refuse to buy a product that has outdated parts that you can throw into a PC for cheaper and make it run more efficiently. MS is trying to be apple at this point and it's not working.

Also resorting to putting words ism my mouth is extremely childish. I never said I was speaking for what people should get or what's good for people. Your just a dillusional Internet need trying to defend something that can't be defended. It's a pointless battle. They didn't steal half of Sonys fan base. I wasn't a Sony fan until MS decided to introduce horrible policies. The fact that you got so defensive and mustered speculation just shows your either

A child
Have major insecurity issues
Or sucking M$ d***

My guess is all 3

Sony has my preorder now. Not Microsoft. I had a 360 at launch and I didn't get a ps3 until halfway through its life span. Now kindly take your sorry sad excuses and enjoy being spied on by the NSA and when your mommy wants you to stop throwing a temper tantrum all she has to say is Xbox off.

True_Samurai3964d ago (Edited 3964d ago )

No temper tantrum here don't catch feelings because I got on your a$$ ^_^ I just decided to give you facts before you spew nonsense. And yet you say horrible policies? That's true but we showed them we weren't putting up with that with our WALLETS. they don't have to care for us as a person or gamer but they WILL and I say WILL care for our money. If they have to bow out because my Benjamins aren't agreeing with them then that's fine with me. Year head start? That's what they needed. Did you see what the ps2 did to og Xbox? They had to start off the HD era sooner. Along with rrod they still came out good. Now that they're getting their shit straight with DRM and Indies, not releasing final specs they're ready. $500 is not too much for what ms is offering. I'm mainly and Xbox person you may even call me a fanboy but for certain just like Sony fanboys I will defend my preferred brand. Lol you exposed yourself as a pathetic Lil person who believes in the NSA in spying through the kinect. No internet to send a signal you little tard :-D

Ron_Danger3964d ago

Am I the only one who finds it funny that Activision is wanting to see value in the price of XB1?

Why o why3964d ago

The only cod I enjoyed was the first modern warfare but those who play it get value judging by the hours I see people put it on multiplayer.. It valuable to those people. I do get your point though

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Judge Delays Ruling on FTC's Attempt to Exclude Evidence in Microsoft's Favor in Activision Case

The legal battle for the acquisition of Activision Blizzard continues, with Microsoft countering one of the FTC's latest moves and the Judge delaying a relevant ruling.

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thesoftware73076d ago

Look, to be honest the FTC should just stop.

MS has A/B and nothing has really changed yet...if you are worried about 5-10 years from now...just drop it cause the future is unpredictable.

Take this week's news, that 4 Xbox exclusive are going Multiplatform.


FTC and "Gamers' Lawsuit" Lawyers Denounce Microsoft's Layoffs in Activision Blizzard Legal Battle

The FTC and the lawyers behind the "Gamers' lawsuit" against Microsoft over the acquisition of Activision Blizzard are denouncing the recent layoffs within the respective legal battles.

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Abriael86d ago

It's like watching a bad legal drama.

XiNatsuDragnel86d ago

Best part there's no dramazation lol


Microsoft Allowed to Probe Sony and Ubisoft in Legal Battle Against FTC, but Regulator Fires Back

The legal battle between Microsoft and the FTC over the Activision Blizzard acquisition continues. The house of Xbox just scored a major point but the FTC is firing back.

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XiNatsuDragnel87d ago

Yeah man I think Microsoft here getting to probe is kinda wrong unless you only have accessed to necessary information not complete access imo.

Abriael87d ago

Obviously they aren't giving them the password to Sony's computers and telling them "help yourself."

Eonjay86d ago

"Microsoft allowed to probe Sony and Ubisoft"

Sounds hot...

ApocalypseShadow87d ago (Edited 87d ago )

Maybe Microsoft should also talk and get help from their "congressional influencers" at The Capital. They had plenty to say on the matter before the acquisition. They are mighty quiet after the purchase went through. Almost as if they had a stake in the matter.

Abriael87d ago

Could you perhaps explain how this is related? I'm honestly curious since you seem to bring it up rather often.

86d ago
S2Killinit86d ago

He is pointing out how corrupt MS is, and how money talks. I think.

KwietStorm_BLM86d ago

I would say read between the lines but it's pretty damn clear as it is.

Bathyj86d ago

You should be careful upsetting Sony too much Microsoft.
You might need them to sell your subpar games soon.

TornRaptor86d ago

The games will become the best things ever all of a sudden.

Bathyj86d ago

Yeah I really doubt that.
I'm struggling to think of one I really cared about missing.

Hofstaderman86d ago

Bwhahahaha. Ain't that the truth.

Mr_cheese86d ago

The only exclusive im personally interested in from Microsoft is Elderscrolls and that's not even got s release date.

Everything else is genuinely of none interest.

OtterX86d ago

Microsoft never waits for the probing to be consensual.

derek86d ago

This isn't a major victory. They're essentially being allowed to call witnesses in regards to agreements they reached with Sony and Ubisoft which was initially blocked because Microsoft didn't make the request through the proper channels. This case is dead, there is no way the ftc will be allowed to unwind this acquisition.

Sephiroushin86d ago

they probably know case is death but want some proof to sue them for a few millions regarding other stuff, the ftc loves to sue everyone, be sure that as soon as all this end they will just go sue MS and end in a settlement.

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