
Sony’s Shuhei Yoshida Shares Relevant Details on PlayStation Plus Requirement for Multiplayer on PS4

A lot of questions are being asked by the fans on the caveats of the PlayStation Plus requirements for multiplayer with the upcoming PS4, and Sony Worldwide Studio President Shuhei Yoshida provided some straight answers.

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xhi43988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

Wow I'm seriously loving Sony's new attitude. This is what makes companies so successful.

Great to hear that there will still be a ton you can do for those that can't afford the $49 a year PS Plus like play Driveclub online, MMOs and free to plays like Planetside 2, Warframe and DC Universe.

He's right, Sony is a company and for them to be sustainable (especially with their current financial predicament) and how they're providing all the new services like Gaikai, sharing video streams live, watching what your friends are doing online etc. that's got to cost an absolute enormous amount.

This is the only business model that for consumers is still a bargain but can still allow Sony to invest heavily into the future of their online infrastructure and features.

EDIT: I'm seriously still excited about the day when Gaikai launches through PS Plus the entire PS1, PS2 & PS3 backlog. That will be EPIC! Smart move purchasing Gaikai.

Abriael3988d ago

Also, this allows them to sell the console cheaper, giving a lower entry point for those that don't care to play online. Options to pay only for what you actually want are always paramount IMHO.

AngryTypingGuy3988d ago

Sony is being straightforward, humble and honest, and it is paying off.

irepbtown3988d ago

PS+ is already great, imagine what's in store for us next Gen!!!!

I've never been a fan of paying to play online, however being able to play used games, no DRM (first party games), no need to be connected to the internet all the time etc... I can live with £40 a year for PS+. Sony will return the £40 in the form of games, DLCs, themes, and so on.

I 100% agree with you Abriael, choice is what matters. If you don't give consumers choice, you're doomed.

Ritsujun3988d ago

PS+, at the moment, offers 5 to 6 free games per month. That's 60+ free games per year.
Lots of discounts.
1GB cloud storage for PS3, 1GB cloud storage for PSVITA.
Auto firmware/gamepatch update. Auto gamesave upload.
Free themes, free avatars.
Access to closed betas and early demos.
Full game trials.

It seems that PS+ will be offering 3 PS4 games for free (Driveclub's one of them) on PS+ at PS4 launch.
I'm expecting 7 to 8 free games per month after the launch of PS+ on PS4.

C4BL33988d ago

this is exactly what my thoughts were when I read his comments. Really want to go get a PS3 now. I am totally done with M$ and the xbox. Now what to do with my 360..??



If you're really done with 360 (and the same apply for any other current gen system) I advise you to sell it while the value is good, maybe put it torwards pre-order for next gen if you had already made your decision. Once those new consoles are out lots of people will trade in PS3 and 360 and value in bound to decrease... But remember you'll be consoleless 'till next gen releases, so I would only do that if I had another gaming machine (gaming PC, handheld console or another main console), I can't really imagine not gaming for months anymore.

Dee_913988d ago

Do we have to have ps+ on all accounts or just one?

Oner3988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

@Dmarc ~ Sony has already said you only need 1 PS+ account on your PS4 and ALL other accounts on that system will be able to play online multiplayer for free on top of being able to use that PS+ on/with your PS3 & PSVita. Additionally you DO NOT need PS+ on your PS4 to be able to use things like Netflix, Hulu+, Facebook etc. as it is currently on PS3/PSV.

guitarded773988d ago

@ Dmarc

Technically, it's just one profile tied to the PS+ account, but with the current set-up on PS3, all accounts on the console can access the PS+ free games.

I assume this will be the same with PS4. As long as the PS+ account is tied to the console, all users on that console should be able to access online and free PS+ games. I'm just speculating, but that's how it works right now.

BattleAxe3987d ago

Sony makes perfect sense here. I like how you can not only still use web applications like Netflix and Youtube without the use of PS+, but you can also play Free 2 Play games like Planetside 2, DC Universe online and Dust 514 without PS+, otherwise I guess they wouldn't technically be Free 2 Play. I'm ok with this :)

Ausbo3987d ago

i dont know why people have and issue with paying $5 dollars a month on online. Its not really a big deal. Sony is doing the right thing.

Although I don't like all the hypocrisy the psfanboys are showing. The same people who ripped xbox last week for paying to play online.

insomnium23987d ago (Edited 3987d ago )


Well people are not paying to play online with PS+. It's not the same as xblg has been for years. Do you even know how many games Sony gives us with plus? I am and would continue being a plus member with or without online play included in the pricetag. It's THAT good.

Once you dl the free games they are your forever as long as your membership is paid for. My backlog of games exploded after joining PS+. The games keep piling up and I have no way of playing all of the games I'm interested in (damn you real life). PS+ is just ridiculous in that aspect.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3987d ago
dedicatedtogamers3988d ago

Planetside and DCU are NOT behind the paywall? Yet another megaton, considering that all f2p games on Xbox One require a paid Gold account.

M-M3988d ago

That got me as well, I thought you would have to be apart of PS+ since he said multiplayer required it. Big win for Sony.

AmkOwns3988d ago

I'm wondering how many system's can be shared with my account

P_Bomb3988d ago

You can't even play the free-to-play Doritos Crash Course 2 on an account that doesn't have Gold. Found out yesterday when my daughter was playing on my wife's gamertag and got denied, even though I have Gold on my side and have played the game before.

Just reaffirmed how broken and dated XBL has become when even F2P Doritos shovelware has these paywalls. Disgusting, considering all I need is one PS Plus sub' and every account gets access to every game I download.

Dannycr3988d ago

You do have to play PS + to be able to play Planetside and DCU. It's the same as Xbox Liv Gold. The difference is that DCU and Planetside 2 don't charge any monthly/yearly fee like WOW.

DCU is currently Free to play in PSN, meaning, ZERO charges at all and you can get it even if you dont have PS Plus

wishingW3L3988d ago

and those are not the only ones. There are many more F2P games like:


Blacksite Retribution

dedicatedtogamers3988d ago

@ Dannycr

No, you do not have to have PS+ for those. Yoshida says:

"there will be some free to play titles that you’ll be able to play without needing a PS Plus subscription, like PlanetSide 2 and DC Universe Online."

P_Bomb3988d ago


no, Planetside and DCUO will *not* require PS Plus. From the article:

[QUOTE]...there will be some free to play titles that you’ll be able to play without needing a PS Plus subscription, like PlanetSide 2 and DC Universe Online.[/QUOTE]

Dark_Eternal3988d ago

Yeah, not very "free to play" on XBL, are they?

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3988d ago
Cam9773988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

'While direct competition in real time won’t be possible [without PS Plus] for instance in the case of DriveClub, asynchronous online gameplay and receiving data from other players will still be free of charge.'

So we can still sign in and sync trophies etc...? YES! This is brilliant, at least it doesn't block us from our account when our subscription voids.

Moreover, it's brilliant that they've made it so F2P games don't need a subscription. The BONE does. Sony just keep on beating them.

HammadTheBeast3988d ago

You can do all the online challenges and races of Driveclub, the only thing locked is direct head to head MP.

yugovega3988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

wait so for years sony gamers and fans have bashed ms gamers for having to "pay to play" and using that as a reason to say the xb360 was ripping gamers off. now sony does it and it makes great business sense and the gamers praise them for it? are people serious right now?

edit: like giving away free games just like xb announced they will be doing? at least you get party chat with xb. having to pay to play multiplayer is crazy. i already pay for my internet why pay more to play a feature thats made into my game? and people complain about on disc dlc well this is just the same.

at least one company still thinks it's ok to not charge their customers to play online.

Temporary3988d ago

Do you not realize how completely different PS+ is from XBLG??

Are you just pretending to be clueless?? Because what Sony are doing is not NEARLY the same. Do research then edit your comment, you still have time.

WitWolfy3988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

I'm not really seeing PSN+ as a way to play online, but rather a way to get free games,auto updates, massive discounts and early access to betas.

So all and all to pay an admission fee to get all these benefits sure is worth it to me.

FamilyGuy3988d ago

I bet Netflicks and all the other apps are still available without PS+, unlike Xbox Live. They placed online play behind a pay wall (and only online play) but with great incentives. I knew there had to be some drawback to that share feature and all the other things they're incorporating (ex: "virtual pass the pad"). They added so much so they placed it all as PS+ features. They are all related to online gaming.

I'm already a PS+ subscriber, got mine when they were giving an extra 3 months free with the one year purchase while simultaneously giving $10 back PSN credit for ever $50 spent on the PS Store. Win. I'm still not "happy" that they did this though. It's cool that free to play games will remain free and it's publishers choice for other MMOs but I won't pretend this isn't the one negative thing about the PS4. It is.

NukaCola3988d ago

Sony releasing day one titles like Driveclub for free to PS+ members is nothing like the original 360 giving Halo 3 and AC2(2 old $10 games). On top of that this deal is just until the Xbone launches. You aren't going to get Forza 5 for free or anything less than full price and then some.

Aceman183988d ago

but with plus gamers were already getting free games per month from the off.

i know it sucks to pay now, but i think this concession seem reasonable because they could have easily went the route microsoft did and then we'd all be f**ked.

does this not seem reasonable for you it is for me even though it sucks now to pay to play?

PsnGammer213988d ago

Well here's the thing m$ is charging you extra to play FTP games even though they are free they making you pay 68 dollars or more to watch your Netflix Hulu plus ect where as Sony never has made you pay extra to use the streaming service also they give away 22 if I'm correct might be 20 but 20 games away free that's included three different systems compared to what does m$ live do for ya nothing but make u pay out the ass and not give you something in return oh also does it give you exsclusive hour long trials or discounts that range from 10% to 75% off no m$ doesn't because they Sony

(If you want to correct anything I said will glady accept the criticism.)

resi53988d ago

Party chat will be on ps4 and xbl free games like killer instinct where you get ONE character and pay for the rest or games like ac2 and halo 3 which came out YEARS ago

ShwankyShpanky3988d ago

>> like giving away free games just like xb announced they will be doing?

Free this month for XBL
Halo 3: Sept 2007
Assassin's Creed 2: Nov 2009

Free this month for PS+
XCOM Enemy Unknown: Oct 2012
Uncharted 3: Nov 2011
(that's just the full retail games. other indie games free as well)

And if I recall correctly, they said XBL will only get those two free games a month UNTIL the Xbone launch.

>>at least you get party chat with xb

PS4 will have party chat. PS3 does not, but multiplayer is still free (and will stay free).

sevilha823988d ago

I have xblive Gold for years and even i know at this point it´s miles way from plus,don´t be that troll.

yugovega3988d ago

it isn't being a troll. for people to not see a problem with them changing it up when all they talked "out games are free to play online" is crazy. it's like it's fine to pay to play as long as sony says it is. i'll go with nintendo who still thins online is in my purchase price.

hazardman3988d ago

Yeah but the thing is that even without PS+ you can still game online. Now im not bashing Xbl as i support both PSN and Xbl. I also commend MS for atleast changing things up. 2 free games a month is a start but PSN has overtaken Live with more features and not having everything behind paywall.

Pillsbury13988d ago

You are seriously delusional if you think xbl is like ps plus. I have a hard drive FULL of games because I pay 50$ a year, you get the right to play online. BIG difference there.


Don't bother trying, their all hypocrites...

cell9893988d ago

Yeah after 8 fucking years they decide to start giving free games. I'm sick and tired of "but it has cross game chat" is that really worth $60 a year? Cross game chat, Netflix permission and online play for fucking $60 a year GTFO. + gives you so much more freebies and all kinds of discounts for less than that

Yodagamer3988d ago

There is still a huge value difference with psn plus with psn right now if you pay 60$ you instantly can get 190$ worth of content on the ps3 alone, if you have the vita (another 180$ worth of content) or ps4 it's even more.

ufo8mycat3987d ago

yuogovega. GOLD is pretty much the same service that PSN is, except you pay for it.

Paying for PS+ for PS4 is much different because its actually WORTH the $$$$.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 3987d ago
NateCole3988d ago

This is the best way to entice People to go for subscription. Make it the best deal that gamers can't refuse lol!

Tdmd3988d ago

I'm still confused. He says you have to pay for multiplayer, but don't have to play for DCU? How does that makes any sense, isn't DCU multiplayer only? And what about FFXIV, which is a mmo like DCU? You'll have to pay to play this one, so what is the criteria being used here?
I'm among the minority who never got plus (even after being with ps3 since the begining of the generation), but I guess I'll have to sign up on ps4 for FFXIV alone, since I very seldomly touch multiplayer.

That sucks for me, but all in all, I'm still very happy and excited about the ps4!

rdgneoz33988d ago

With FFXIV, the devs have been saying they're gonna be in talks with Sony once they get home from E3 to discuss things. Seeing as the game will have a monthly fee, they might try to get it to go the path of Warframe(F2P) and DCUO (F2P with optional subs) - no PS+ requirement needed to play online.

If they can, it'll be nice for gamers so you're not having to pay 2 fees to play online. Also the fact that you're suppose to be able to transition from the PS3 version to the PS4 version when it releases, so why need to have PS+ to play online for something you didn't need to months before.

Tdmd3988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )


Wow, that'd be pretty great if true! I'd hate to have to pay two seperate fees just for one game (and I think it'd hurt it's debut on ps4) but if FFXIV is just as good as I think it'll be, I'd end up doing it anyway. At least for a while...

Kaneda3988d ago

DCU is Free to play MMO. As you play you pay for items or upgrades within the game.

But if you buy BF4 or COD for $60, you will have to pay $5 dollars a month to play online version of it.

DVAcme3988d ago

I understand that you might have apprehension on having to pay for multiplayer, that is honestly inevitable. But it's also inevitable that Sony adopt this model, since they need to be able to get some stable revenue to be able to offer such great value for your money. Charging for multiplayer is a way for them to compensate the low price of the system and the revenue needed to maintain the online infrastructure, and it's the option that offers the best balance between a good revenue for Sony and good value for your money.

I'm amazed you've been with Sony since the beginning and not have PS+, though, since it really does reward subscribers for their loyalty. While the free games rotate per month and eventually become unavailable, as long as you "buy" them(i.e. you check them for download, securing them on your account), they're available permanently for download even if you erase them from your HDD. If you had been with PS+ from the beginning, you'd have DOZENS of games by now, both for PS3 and Vita. Even if you don't play multiplayer, PS+ is an amazing service.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3988d ago
gintoki7773988d ago

I know for alot of people (not me) who play COD online who want to switch to Ps4 are concerned with whether or not the quality of the online play will be comparable. So I wonder if Sony is using this subscription money to improve quality of service.

WeedyOne3988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

The quality of online play (as in the connection) on the ps3 has been the same or better than 360's for a while, the only real difference has been that you get cross game chat with xbox live and a lot of free games with ps+.

Virtual_Reality3988d ago

That comes more from 3rd Party Devs servers.

P2P servers always have issues in all platforms, including PC.

joeorc3988d ago

You will need it to enjoy online multiplayer.
This will also depend on the judgement by the publishers, and there will be some free to play titles that you’ll be able to play without needing a PS Plus subscription, like PlanetSide 2 and DC Universe Online.

see that , right there even with a payway, you can still play Multi-player for free, without playstation Plus required. That is why i am glad Atleast not all gaming online will cost the consumer...this is a big + for me, i love DCUniverse, and that my fried is exactly why i will be still purchase the PS4. Force paying for playstation Plus is not outright forced for me because if its free to play , than there is a good chance no PSN+ will be required.

Jazz41083988d ago

Also both ms and sony have said that drm is up to the publishers. You will have no pr problem trading in ps games or xb games as long as they are first partys. Ms and sony are sure given then publishers alot of control ovrr there systems. I also full expext gold as ms has said to be completley revamped and the free games to continue. Now if only ms would get rid of the online check ins and giving games to friends more then one time everyone would be happy. Nahh they still will find something to knock there non system of choice.

CGI-Quality3988d ago

VERY well put, my friend! Much respect. :)

UnHoly_One3988d ago

I'm not trying to start an argument here, but I am shocked by how many people just love everything that Sony does no matter what it is.

You can't read one story on this webpage without somebody making of Xbox charging for online multiplayer, but as soon as Sony does it, it's allright?

I just don't get this mindset of blind loyalty to Sony.

Before you blindly attack me and give me 40 disagrees, at least reply to me and tell me why, because I'm honestly confused.

Also, just FYI, I have both consoles now, I'll be buying both new consoles, and I already pay for both subscription services, so I'm about as impartial as they come, my only real big "preference" between the two is that I like one controller better than the other.

McScroggz3988d ago

Well what exactly are we supposed to reply to you about? Blind Sony fans? Sure. And there are blind Xbox fans as well as blind Nintendo fans. And even if we agreed that before E3 there were more blind Sony fans, what we are seeing now is an out pour of gratitude for not participating in anti consumer acts and a focus on gamers.

The one bad thing is you have to buy PS+ to play multiplayer games. I don't like it. But PS+ is such an incredible deal, especially once the PS4 launches and we will be getting brand new or very new games. Also, at least some F2P games aren't behind the paywall and we'll get a fairly close to complete DriveClub? It's just not smart to pass over PS+ in my opinion.

It not only pays for itself, but is actively saving money constantly.

Revolver_X_3988d ago

Not saying you are, but all butthurt xbots can say is what you said about ps plus. Yea, it does suck. At least ps plus has value. All the things plus offers pays for the $50 a year. It sucks to pay to play online. What else you got? Every Sony fan should admit it sux just to stroke every xbots ego? Im sorry but a forced plus account i can live with. MS's anti consumer policies is something I cannot.

UnHoly_One3988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

No I'm not a "butthurt xbot" by any means, I'm not even criticizing Sony or anything like that.

I am glad they are doing this, quite honestly, because I hope it will result in them making more money and improving PSN.

I just don't get the flip-flop. I'm not saying that I would expect everyone to say "Pay for multiplayer? Screw Sony AND MS, I'll just stick with Nintendo".

I never expected that, but I'm shocked by the amount of excuses being given for why it's good, after all the negative stuff I've seen pointed in the Xbox direction for years now.

It's just very hypocritical, and even though I realize fanboys will be fanboys, it still has managed to shock me.

b3ast3988d ago

I Don't like I have to pay for play online but that's my only minus about the ps4 - everything else beat the xb1 IMO. and I love to play on consoles but wiiu got nothing so I will get ps4 anyway.

scheme_a3988d ago

I can only speak for myself, but I've never criticized MS for their paid multiplayer. I thought of free multiplayer for PS3 as a plus, but I didn't think MS' policy was bad considering you would get better online services.

And you can see even in this thread a few people who are not happy about this change, so it's not like everyone is suddenly being defensive.
If you read through blogs and other threads, there are many people who aren't entirely happy about it, but reluctantly accept it too.

raWfodog3988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )


I can't speak for anyone else but I'm not happy that I will have to pay for multiplayer now on PS4. However, even with paying for it now, you can still see the value in PS+ that Gold never had.

My problem with Gold was that it was necessary for EVERYTHING, even Netflix and Hulu. PS+ (on PS3) was leaps and bound ahead of Gold (on 360) in terms of value.

Now, with PS4, PS+ is still ahead on value even while being required for multiplayer (in some cases). You do not need it for Netflix, Hulu, and the FTP games like Planetside, DCUO, etc. Still gives some nice free games every month. I know MS just announced that you will only need one Gold sub to allow all the accounts on that box to play multiplayer (good move on their part) but Sony announced that straight out the gate.

Once again, I'm not happy at all that I have to pay for my multiplayer now but at least I'll still be getting tons of freebies to take away the sting of it. I've never paid for Gold because I saw no need for it. I paid for PS+ for the freebies and extra value. Now it will be required for PS4 but I will still be getting greater value over Gold.

UnHoly_One3988d ago

All good responses, I can't argue with any of that.

Thanks for everyone's honesty!

sAVAge_bEaST3988d ago

I know you are just Reputation Management for microsoft, and your just doing your job.


PS+ is a great way to play games you would never buy.. they give 2-3 games for free, plus some AAA,..Deus Ex, last week,. Uncharted 3 next week, Little Big Planet Racers, the week after. Plus the money they will make, will go back into the network.

iceman063988d ago

I think that the jagged little pill of paying for multiplayer in the new generation is smoothed somewhat by the structure of PS+. It's not just dedicated to providing "features" and locking content. It's really focused on games. I've been a member of Plus for a year and in that time I have gotten several PS3, PS one, PSN, and PS Vita games for little to absolutely nothing. It's a way to discover new little PSN titles that you might not have wanted to try AND provide some of those gems that you might have had to skip due to simultaneous launches or just skepticism.
Also, if this provides a means to make sure that pubs keep DRM away from the console and beef up the features of PSN...that's good for me.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3988d ago
nosferatuzodd3988d ago

this is why im a Sony fan period
they give us what we want, the guy even apologize to the fans for charging for ps plus Now thats respect
Well done Sony well done

strifeblade3988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

paying to play online for xbox was negative...

Paying to play online with sony= awesomeness and excitement?

No body remembers that paying to play online is not cool because we use our own connection? What im paying sony 50-60$ a year for the share button?

If memory serves correctly i was paying msoft 60$ a year for party chat?- oh wait that was a ripoff because i was using my connection and party chat sux, who needs it?

I love the double standard that exists on this site, Sony fanboys need to understand that msoft paved the way to pay to play online and sony is following suite. No body is even a little bit angry? Well congratulations sony, no we know you love gamers and you love money- but mostly u love gamers right? LMAO

a_squirrel3988d ago

You paid Xbox Live for onlnie access on ALL of their products, getting live did not remove ads, and you could also download demos.

Xbox Live will be getting two free games in november, so it'll at least be worth $10 more.
(Assassin's Creed 2 and Halo 3)

But, who doesn't have Halo 3?!

strifeblade3988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

well ok i think we generally know the comparisons- msoft just announced 2 free games a month with gold so that seewtens the deal.

But Ps+ just announced that its a necessity to pay play online- correct me if i'm wrong but things just got a little sour. But Fans are jumping up and parading? The same fans who said " i would never support a system that requires you to pay to play online" hypocrisy at its finest.

Ads dont stop you from doing everything you love on xbox- if anything it makes the dashboard more lively- ads have shown me countless movie trailers that i was actually interested in. What makes you think sony wont follow suite- i mean you are paying to play online on ps4 lol

raWfodog3988d ago

Like I said in an earlier post:

I'm not speaking for anybody else but I've never thought it was cool to pay for just multiplayer access. And I'm still not happy that I have to pay for PS4 multiplayer now. But I think even a Gold user can tell how much more value it gives over Gold and I think that is what people are praising.

FFXI1013988d ago

Is not double standard, I believe most fans, gamers would prefer continue to play online for free, which is the case with Vita and PS3. Nothing is changed.

Lots 360 gamer always say that xbobx live is way better for online games, I used to own both consoles and I never really notice any big difference between the PSN and XBL, if anything I think some of us should be happy now that Sony starting to require People to purchase plus in order to play online, cause I'd assume by charge monthly fee they should provide an even better online Service to the consumers.

travelguy2k3988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

Think about it this way:

How many Xbox 360 owners would pay for XBLGold if it was not required for online play and only gave you party chat. I think the answer would be close to 0.

How many current PS+ subscribers are there? (really how many, couldn't find a number on a quick google search).

All i know is that even without multiplayer online play as a benefit there are millions (probably) happy to pay the fee because of all the benefits it has in it current state.

I do not believe any PlayStation user is "happy" Sony has now made PS+ a requirement* for online play, they are simply rationalizing all that you get for that subscription vs XBox Live Gold is much higher and possibly justifies the cost.

strifeblade3988d ago

Think about it this way. The psn players that that dont have psn+ enjoy playing online for free- NOW sony forces these players to pay 50$-60$ to access online "but dont worry here is plenty of free stuff to come with it." These psn players are like how is it free?- you forced me to buy psn+ to access online now and im paying 50-60$ for this free stuff i dont even want. All i want is to play online for free just like before. Sony says "too bad"

So this is the picture im staring. Xbox live gold just announced an improvement to their service at the conference and a cloud system thats supposedly unmatched by sony (we will just have to wait and see for ourselves) but if it turns out to be true- then gold just got a lot better.

Virtual_Reality3988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

The 2 games on Xbox Live only will last until November, is not a new feature added in Xbox Live Gold.

PS+ is way more valuable than Xbox Live. That is why PS Fans and PS Fanboys are not going crazy about it, PS+ gives free games, early beta access, discounts and sometimes major discounts, free trials, and other features that Xbox Live don't have.

kidalot3987d ago

I get where Sony are coming from, but I don't want any extra stuff I don't even care about share feature and the dvr stuff, i understand this is suppose to be good value for money but its not stuff I personally want.

Alll I want is bog standard online play, I will NEVER pay for this. I will be voting with my wallet and hopefully stop moaning about it, I really wsh others did the same but I guess I'm in the minority here. For me It's either continue giving £6 to charity or pay for ps plus....hmmm...?

It's the gamers, mainly Xbox gamers, who made online fees acceptable and we have the ability to change things. At least with a PC I can check out destininy and Titan fall (depending on subscription fees)

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3987d ago
Garbanjo0013988d ago

What I like most is how they treat the customers. Not to say that XB are a bunch of brigands trying to steal our wallets. . . Did I just say that?

XB presents loyalty to customers, and f**ks them when their back is turned.

Sony is upfront about the f**king, which seems to pain us less in the long run. Be honest, let us know what we are dealing with, it makes the flu-shot all better once it's over.

3988d ago
LAZL0-Panaflex3988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

They were slick. A million bux says they decided to charge for online when those xbox1 leaked documents came out revealing the drm stuff. And Sony knew there would be a lot of "upset" fans out there who are accustomed to paying for online and here's a nice new shiny console without all the unreasonable restrictions.. Sony fan boys like myself aren't thrilled with paying for online but the 12 free games a year will keep us happy.

Now hear this Sony....don't gimp out PS+, lose updates or speed them up, instant trophy syncs, and 360 like headset/controller hook up, and finally remember us the gamer because every dog has its day.


I agree with you.

Also im pretty sure this will enhance the multiplayer experience than before.

showtimefolks3988d ago

after the arrogance with ps3 launch, its just amazing how down to earth sony has been in last 3-5 years. PS4 is a day one buy for sure and can't wait to get my free copy of Drive Club

3988d ago
miDnIghtEr20C_SfF3987d ago

Of course you're loving something that used to be free. The whole Sony crowd stood up and cheered as they were told there was no DRM at the same time a picture in the background showed they were getting back doored by having to pay to play online.

Every single Sony fanboy used to give crap to MS fanboys about having to pay just to play online.

And now just like that... it's ok to pay. Sony is so great!

s45gr323987d ago

Another way to save costs would be to let consumers do a little bit of the groundwork I. e. offer something similar to green light and early beta access. I like the old model of having to play online for free with all the other stuff as gravy for a charge. Now so basically is possible to play online games for free via peer to peer servers and free to play games right. Umm I also wanted to know why not let gamers run their own servers it also saves them time and money. It has worked for PC since 1995.

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 3987d ago
majiebeast3988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

Wow Planetside 2 and DC not behind the paywall. Thats good news so those are day 1 games you can play without any subs.

"I apologize for the financial burden on our users, but on PS4 it’ll also provide early access to beta versions, free games and discounts like on PS3 and PS Vita. In addition to that PS Plus members will receive for free a special edition with slightly reduced functions of DriveClub."

He knows people dont like it so he says we apologize's for it, here is more free stuff for the same price you are already paying. For the people wondering Driveclub on PS+ will only have less tracks and cars the rest is same as retail.

Abriael3988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

IMHO that was pretty much a given and a smart business decision. It's in Sony's interest to have as many people as possible playing those, as their business model is based on selling cash shop items. The more people = the more sales.

majiebeast3988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

Yeah go tell that to Microsoft with Happy Wars and Ascend new gods. Also other F2P games like Warframe,blacklight and other seem to be able to by pass the psplus sub i think the same for XIV and elder scrolls.

RiPPn3988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

Microsoft doesn't seem to understand that with games like Happy Wars and Tank World sitting behind the paywall.

Edit: oops beaten by majiebeast

Abriael3988d ago

@Majiebeast: I think for pay to play games like FFXIV it'll be up to the publishers to get together with Sony and strike a deal so that they can share profits somehow and have either PS plus or the game's subscription only.

MrRacketyLoki3988d ago

Can you confirm your DriveClub statement? Did the developers come out and state that? I was wondering what he meant by "slightly reduced functions". Hopefully it's not a significant change. It would be understandable though considering it's a free launch title. If it's watered down by offering less tracks and cars then i wouldn't mind, but if the graphic fidelity is hampered then...that would probably be a problem.

b3ast3988d ago

I still wish it was optional as I don't care for drive Club, I hate indie games and all the games I like which comes on ps+ I already got so I think It's wasted Money for nothing, they should make some kind of package deals if you want the games you pay that if you online want online access pay 3$ a month or something like that...

The_KELRaTH3987d ago

I'm also concerned that this is just step 1 of what will likely end up a very expensive format for the future.

The free PS+ games are nice but it's worth remembering that console gamers already pay a lot more for games than the higher quality PC alternative - so free is really more like paid for through other means.

I suspect it won't be too long before the next reveal will be the new PS+ "4" pricing!

yewles13988d ago

So from what I gather here, not all online multiplayer requires PS+. GREAT!!!

JohnS13133988d ago

But everyone should get PS Plus anyway. It's the price of one game a year and you'll get a bunch of free games.

first1NFANTRY3988d ago

I'll definitely get PS+ at some point shortly after launch but the option to do so for others is still great. Sony rules!

fredrikpedersen3988d ago

and also, significant discount on games

DVAcme3988d ago

EXACTLY, right on the money! For the price of one game you get loads of them for both PS4 and Vita, save on your future purchases through discounts and bundles, get access to a lot of DLC for free, play betas of upcoming games, 1-hour trial full games... The benefits are just so many. You really need to be severely blinded by fanboyism to not see how PS+ is superior to XBox Live in terms of sheer bang for your buck.

JohnS13133988d ago

"You really need to be severely blinded by fanboyism to not see how PS+ is superior to XBox Live in terms of sheer bang for your buck."

Is Microsoft starting to do that now though? What was that they just did with giving away some 360 games? Is that going to happen on the Xbox One too?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3988d ago
hkgamer3988d ago

pretty much every game will require PS+... probably the only games that dont need it are SOE mmo games.

Gravitic3988d ago

Things like COD, Killzone, The Division and all those type of games will require PS+. F2Ps by in large wont be behind a paywall.

N4Flamers3988d ago

Wrong. Im mostly a single player guy. You can own a ps4 and play single players games. One of the things I like about sony is that they have exclusive games with good single player. God of war, the uncharted series, the infamous series, heavy rain, andthe up coming the last of us and beyond two souls. There are more but you get the picture.

hkgamer3988d ago


I obviously meant for online games

N4Flamers3987d ago

@hkgamer you said pretty much every game, I was just reminding you that there are plenty of games that don't require online multiplayer. If thats not what you meant then your original statement is redundant.

hkgamer3987d ago


we all know every game is pushing mu;tiplayer... even tomb raider has multiplayer. so if you havent got plus then you wont have fulll access to the whole game.

I know alot of games have single player, i only play single player games and barely play online. My original statement was in reply to this statement "So from what I gather here, not all online multiplayer requires PS+. GREAT!!!" not sure if he is being sarcastic but I just mentioned that pretty much every online multiplayer game needs plus. the only ones that have been confirmed to not need it are SOE mmo games and I guess (not confirmed) pay monthly MMO like FF.

Cant really see how my first statement is redundant

N4Flamers3987d ago

sorry I didnt know you were replying to that comment, I thought because of the way your comment was positioned that you were just making a statement.

OT: I dont like paying for online either, but even games with multiplayer are enjoyable without it. I can honestly say I had the opportunity to play uncharted, the assassins creed series, bioshock2, and probably more offline. I dont feel like I missed anything.

what i meant about the redundant comment is at first it sounds like youre talking about every game, but then you say online games. Yeah why wouldnt they. Im just saying there are plenty of offline single player games, I didnt even mention the third party ones.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3987d ago
joeorc3988d ago

yupper's, i think that shows Sony did not really want to charge for it but with the extra burden, they really had no choice, free to play multi-play online games will be a god send for Sony i would imagine, because even without a sub. forced you can still play multi-player for free online with a playstation 4

McScroggz3988d ago

Well, I assume all online multiplayer games will require PS+. However, F2P games seem like they will not, at least usually. Planetside 2 and DCUO are Sony owned and published, so that might be a reason they can afford to not put the games behind a paywall.

Regardless, PS+ is such an awesome deal I'd suggest everybody who gets a PS4 subscribe even if they don't plan on playing multiplayer often.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3987d ago
zombie-fun5443988d ago

hey if ps+ give me free games i'm okay

xhi43988d ago

I know right,

And this be bad to admit as a gamer, but I wanted to play sleeping dogs, BAM i got it free on ps plus, I wanted to play hitman absolution, BAM i got to play it free on ps plus, I really really wanted to play Ico & Shadow of the Collosus, and BAM free on ps plus as well as a fair few more including some cool indie titles.

Love the service, and if they continue it and continue to expand I'm all in!

JohnS13133988d ago

I have a huge list of games I never bought and got free on PS Plus. And I still haven't played them. Right now you could buy a PS3 or Vita and have a good collection of free games. Buy the console and PS Plus and that's all.

BigPappaPump3988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

STOP IT!!! I'm so jealous of you having the two of three games I missed for being late grrrr. Fortunately I caught many sales dirt cheap. Games I wouldn't consider buying like RE6 for a little under fifteen bucks during the spring sale and I just picked up Dishonored for 21 bucks! Should I get Borderlands 2 which is 20 dollars for this week or wait for the GOTY version? I can't and won't argue with you that plus is the shit!

asmith23063988d ago

Exactly. The reason I buy PS+ is because I want to and I want to because it's an unbelievable offer for money. My 320GB HDD has ran out of space four times since I got PS+. Having it as a requirement to play online is completely transparent to me and for anyone who is not on it yet will only reap the benefits when they join. I can't understand the complaints. Clearly they don't understand just how good PS+ is.

Corpser3988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

So now people like "Free" drm games that are locked to your account and you can't trade in or lend to friends, hmm

nosferatuzodd3988d ago

CorpserSo now people like "Free" drm games that are locked to your account and you can't trade in or lend to friends, hmm

Dude its free why would you want to lend something that every one can just go to psn and get 4 free are you serious damn xbox fanboys are really catching after straws man

first1NFANTRY3988d ago

Yes!!! Planetside 2 and other MMO's will be FREE TO PLAY WITHOUT PS+. Like I needed more reason to buy this beauty. Can't wait.

joeorc3988d ago

I know, here it is right after their unvailing, and Sony A: a very important Question, and its not as bad as many thought it would be. Now we find out not all games will require ps+ for online multi-playing gaming.

Planet side 2 is a new game coming to playstation game consoles and DCUnivers also is a great game on the PS3 already, and since dust is also free to play that most likely will follow suit. the fact that not all multi-plaer online games will require playstation Plus is a very big benefit.

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Building Final Fantasy XVI with Producer Naoki Yoshida | AIAS Game Maker's Notebook Podcast

Shuhei Yoshida chats with FINAL FANTASY XVI Producer Naoki Yoshida.


PS5 Exec Doesn't Want To See Gaming's Future Dominated By Live-Service Games: "Boring"

PlayStation boss Shuehei Yoshida wants the gaming industry to continue to chase its creative dreams.

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Obscure_Observer379d ago

"Got that one right, Shu!"

Kind of ironic when Sony is focused on GaaS like never before.

Flakegriffin379d ago (Edited 379d ago )

Companies evolve overtime. Sony has implemented themselves in the single player space relatively well. Now they can expand further by doing more all while still giving us single player experiences. Obviously Shu is speaking on GaaS games being the main dominance of the gaming space and if that’s the future then that indeed sucks.

You can have that mindset all while still creating some GaaS titles.

InUrFoxHole379d ago

They have 10 in the works right now.

Crows90379d ago

Absolutely! Man all the freaking gaas games theyve been releasing...wait. Not a single one.

sinspirit379d ago

Did you read? It says "dominated". That word means something.

RedDevils379d ago

They don't want to be Blockbuster, too stubborn to adapt with time.

tagzskie379d ago

kinda ironic when it comes to xbox you xboys can even defeat einstein in explation why its good, when it comes to ps you guys became dumb and dumber..

FinalFantasyFanatic379d ago

How so? They're only after one or two good GaaS games, they're throwing crap at the wall until something sticks, alot of those games in development are going to languish and die shortly after release. They're still predominately focused on their core strategy of great single player games (look at the previous interview where they admit they cancel alot of games).

Bathyj379d ago

God why do Xbox gamers always love the thought of PlayStation being as crappy as Xbox.?

DarXyde379d ago

"Like never before" regarding GaaS is like saying "PS3 is a console that launched with HDD space like never before": it's a very low bar to clear because there isn't much precedent.

I happen to agree with Shu here. I don't think being a GaaS title is a scarlet letter, but I can't think of any live service games that have been great at launch either. Naughty Dog is looking likely break that trend. I'd say two love service titles at a time is the sweet spot. I suspect people can only deal with a limited number of live service games contemporaneously.

TheCaptainKuchiki379d ago (Edited 379d ago )

People always criticize Sony because 90% of their exclusives are single player games. People say they are too expensive because of low replay value.
And you wanna pretend like Sony is focusing on Gaas? Their biggest games aren't Gaas unlike MICROSOFT.

ModsDoBetter379d ago (Edited 379d ago )

How are Sony focused on GaaS?

They own Bungie and have Destiny but the majority of their titles are far from GaaS.

Why, if you are such a die hard Xbot, do you rush to comment on Sony related articles?

1Victor379d ago

Are you ok now we was worried about your mental health state when you disappeared for almost a week from bashing PlayStation articles.
Is the word DENIED still triggering you?

I haven’t read the article as my spam blocker always red flags that site and I don’t t want to risk it so a general comment it is 🤦🏿
We all know live services game and quality rarely goes together but some of them are fun to play

derek379d ago (Edited 379d ago )

@Obscure, Sony is starting from a place of zero which requires a big initial investment to establish themselves in the live services market.

Vengeance1138379d ago

It's very much the opposite, Shu said this damn well knowing Sony is going hard on GaaS. This is Shu confirming that Single player games won't be effected at all despite them going into Live service.

Extermin8or3_378d ago

Except they aren't really- they have what may be a live service game from Haven studios and firewalk studios, they have another from a second party dev and an fps game with multiplayer focus by deviation games, they counted Gt7 as a live service game but really it's not much different to how recent GT titles were treated, they have the last of us factions, a Horizon multiplayer game in production at guerilla alongside horizon 3, a new ip from Bungie. The rest of their studios seem to be hard at work on traditional singleplayer games that may also have a multiplayer mode or may not. So their live service titles are mostly in development from either new teams setup at existing studios or from acquisitions they have made which really just replace the capabilities they once had through Sony Online Entertainment until they sold it half a decade ago. Only I'd argue their new capabilities in this space would appear to be better and have higher quality talent than it did back then.

Sonic1881377d ago

And what is Xbox focused on? Redfall is so bad, it's worse than Forspoken 😂😂😂

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 377d ago
S2Killinit379d ago

Thank god for actual gamers in the industry.

neutralgamer1992379d ago

Shu I agree but right now Sony themselves are working on more than 5 live service games

Redemption-64379d ago

He never said they were not working on any. He said, he doesn't want to see Gaming's Future dominated by live-Service Games. Sony currently has 25 games in development. 10 being live service games, with the other mostly likely being single player games and that is honestly a very good balance

neutralgamer1992379d ago

I agree I just hope their live service games are not simple money grabs and try to do some good interesting things

-Foxtrot379d ago

"and that is honestly a very good balance"

The issue is, whether people want to admit it or not because it's Sony, but once a company gets a taste of that money GaaS games make the chances of them going money crazy becomes super higher

I know what you'll probably say

"bu bu but Sony wouldn't do that"

NO COMPANY is immune, even the best can fall and I really don't want to see that happen here.

The fact people will completely blow that off and pretend it's not even a possibility is worrying to me because that's how we end up shits creek.

They might be fine...they might go too far but at the moment I don't think it's a bad thing at all to be sceptical with the shit this industry has gone through in the past 10 years alone.

FinalFantasyFanatic379d ago (Edited 379d ago )

The thing is most of those 10 games won't even be viable, out of the 10 that actually get released, probably only 1 or 2 will make the big bucks worth continuing support. I think Sony even knows that, look at all the other GaaS games that release and die shortly after. Personally I'm okay with that because I don't want the market dominated with these games.

I'd actually rather the resources go on to making some more top-tier JRPGs, I feel like we don't get enough of those in the last couple of gens.

neutralgamer1992379d ago

Final Fantasy

But keep in mind when those games fail many of the studios are shut and there are layoffs

NotoriousWhiz379d ago

I don't want a Gaas game. I just want a new socom. A strong multi-player title with no purchases beyond the initial purchase.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 379d ago
-Foxtrot379d ago

Yeah exactly what I was thinking

Not 1

Not a cheeky 2

But freaking 5

Like it’s not even a “we’ll try doing one and see how it goes”

__SteakDeck__379d ago

@-Foxtrot What do you have against live service games. I’m not a fan of live service games, but multiplayer games can be done right just look at Titanfall before EA killed it. As long as PS’s core studios keep making single player games, everything should be fine.

Redemption-64379d ago

Sony said they have 25 games in development. 10 being live service games, with the other mostly likely being single player games. They have more single player games in development

-Foxtrot379d ago


Urm....that they are a cancer in this industry

That the majority of them fail and the developers have then wasted years on them rather than other things.

They turn developers and publishers into thirsty little money grabbers where that big money is still not enough for them.

I could go on, defending GaaS games is not a hill to die on man, it's really not

"done right just look at Titanfall before EA killed it"

Titanfall 2 was not really a GaaS type of game compared to what we are getting now so that's a really bad example.

__SteakDeck__379d ago

@-Foxtrot Yeah it seems like you just have a hatred for multiplayer games. I’m not the biggest fan of multiplayer games, but like I said they can be done well. Also Titanfall 1 had no single player it was multiplayer only and it’s now a dead game, but it was still good. So yes that is a good example.

FinalFantasyFanatic379d ago

I'm still salty about Titanfall 2, it was one of the only multi-player games I actually liked.

NotoriousWhiz379d ago

Multi-player games don't have to be Gaas games. Look at Mario Kart, Splatoon. Nintendo's games most likely don't have Gaas because they're behind the times, but this is one area where it's better to be behind the times.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 379d ago
blackblades379d ago

And? They still have single player games. Domination would completely ruled with live services which Sony should know to still do single player. On a side note they should also do a few 1st party smaller games like indie or AA. By the way is indie a single A game.

Philaroni379d ago (Edited 379d ago )

To be fair, so has many other companies aka Ubisoft for example and many of them they decided to end development on. Just because something is in the works does not mean it will release if they do not feel it will pan out. ATM all of the GaaS we know of from Sony are The Last of Us Factions, and some kind of Horizon (Monster Hunter like) game. Also keep in mind, they do own Bungie, and Destiny and there new project be it Destiny 3 and there new IP will likely be that. So just that on its own is near half of what we can best assume.

Main issue with GaaS now days is that its very over saturated. Keep in mind as well Battel Royal games are GaaS by nature also, hell CoD is GaaS. Halo Infinity, ditto. Really now days unless something is an honest to god single player game only the GaaS term gets over used.

Not sure if many played it (I loved it) Gun's Up was a GaaS for a long while, it was going to shut down till some youtubers gave it a bit of new life for another half of year. We know Sony Mobile is working on things and it not shock me if some of this stuff is targeted to the mobile market.

Right now Sony's biggest weakness I'd say is MP games. With that Firewalk studio from lots of vets they just acquired its quite likely there game will have GaaS stuff as part of it, that is still years down the line. I think everyone needs to chill out some and just wait and see what comes. We have not really got a real honest GaaS from Sony before this or even last gen really... At least as we know them now days. Such a broad term now.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 379d ago
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The face of PlayStation: Shuhei Yoshida on the joy and future of video games

He’s been at PlayStation since the beginning, and seen the games industry transform beyond recognition. He talks unlikely successes, AI, and gaming’s future.

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Workshyskiver385d ago

A titan and a legend of the industry.

autoglope385d ago (Edited 385d ago )

Shue is great. .. He even mentioned Miazaki and Ueda,..

victorMaje385d ago

What a Legend. I salute you.

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