
Why The Xbox ONE's Success Could Kill Gaming

CenturyGaming UK writes:
"Microsoft's newly revealed media centre, the XBOX One hasn't seen a positive response from the media thanks to an abundance of anti-consumer practices adopted by the new technology. Upon first glance these minor inconveniences are acceptable, however, upon deeper analysis the implications of such destructive methods may have a serious impact upon console gaming if the console proves to be successful."

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FrigidDARKNESS4004d ago

Christ sake how do people think these days.
Faboy article and troll thread.

icecoldfire4004d ago ShowReplies(8)
fermcr4004d ago (Edited 4004d ago )

I agree. Another Trolling article.

If the X1 is a success IT WILL NOT KILL GAMING. To who ever writes these kind of stupid articles, Stop being a dramatic Queen.

Personally I think the X1 will fail in sales, but who knows, might be wrong.

GribbleGrunger4004d ago (Edited 4004d ago )

We all know that Kinect has a library of words it can respond to, but how do we know it hasn't got a library of words it DOESN'T respond to, like 'Cocaine' or 'bomb' or 'gun'? These trigger words would then be monitored for a defined set of time and if you said them a lot, that information would be sent to the authorities. It's not that far fetched, you know. If I can say 'XBOX ON' then clearly the mike was never off.

You really have to be careful what you invite into your home.

Even if MS decide against some of these measures because of the public outcry, they'll just slowly introduce them over time.

Enemy4004d ago

@ MariaHelFutura: That just means Germany are trolls too!

Idiots aren't realizing that these problems are bigger than N4G, as seen by not only stock drops for Microsoft but, as you posted, Germany making such claims about the Xbox One being a "surveillance device."

Idiots, again, think no one outside of here is taking notice, but the truth is, people who are on the defensive about the whole thing are contributing to the demise of the Xbox brand. I can't say I care, gamers who actually want games won't miss Microsoft. Sony/Nintendo will be around for us.

Belking4004d ago

what do you expect from N4G....lol It's what they do best here.

JokesOnYou4004d ago (Edited 4004d ago )

Checkout these latest headlines, and worst the articles are filled with pure fanboy flamebait, basicly its glowing reviews of all things playstation and all negative for xbox:

Why The Xbox ONEs Success Could Result In The Death of Gaming
"No more is the Xbox a gaming machine."

A Growing Trend: PS4 Trumps XBOX ONE In Gamespot Poll
"Ever since the console was revealed (and an outburst of negativity crushed Microsoft), Microsoft have been drip-feeding upset fans tidbits of information (such as the ability to take over a friend's console to help them) in order to soften the blow and attempt to rebuild their diminishing fanbase."

Passing Time! Ps Mobile Review
"Despite these flaws, Passing Time! certainly deserves a place on your Playstation Vita's memory stick!"

Next Call Of Duty Teased; March 21 Reveal?
"Personally, I am not very hyped for this game unless it will make the franchise's debut on the Playstation 4. In any other case I will avoid this game and opt for the less restricting upcoming Battlefield game, Battlefield 4."

Why The Playstation Vita Has Already Succeeded
"Although promised with the PS3 (and still not done), the PS4 was supposedly built from the ground-up with Vita to PS4 compatibility in mind."
"Long Live Play."

Is The Wii:U On The Brink Of Collapse?
"PS3 seems to be alot more focused on what it's supposed to be."

5 Reasons Why You Should Buy A Ps Vita
"Vita is the best at what it does so shouldn't be shunned by the haters."

MariaHelFutura4004d ago (Edited 4004d ago )

"glowing reviews of all things playstation and all negative for xbox"

That how it been, thats not N4Gs fault.

You guys are hilarious, you blame everyone but Microsoft like Microsoft. It's Me, N4G, Mods, Gamers, Fanboys, Sony and the Media. Everyone but yourselves and Microsoft.

JokesOnYou4004d ago (Edited 4004d ago )

I didn't just blindly "blame" anyone...I posted proof this is just basicly a playstation loyal fansite. Don't trust me anyone can willingly go to their site briefly read the content and decide for themselves.

Furthermore I'm not blaming "everyone" in fact its apparent that most of the major/popular/more reputable sites have in fact been critical of X1 but they have also been positive about other aspects....its by and large the no name websites that basicly are blogs from n4g members who hate xbox that have headlines like "Why The Xbox ONEs Success Could Result In The Death of Gaming" which is fine cause no one except sonyfanboys takes them seriously, I mean it would be easier to buy a Toyota from a Honda dealer than to get the writer of this site to acknowledge that although he doesn't like it a lot of gamers will enjoy the X1.

Just do some research checkout these top sites:
http://www.ebizmba.com/arti... lets just for example start with the top 3 by popularity.

-You see the difference, the video is fair and balance analysis

-Again fair and balanced, no fanboy quotes trying to sway opinion, just creditable info

-Yep, you see the trend, you can be critical while also not being a fanboy, that's the difference between fanboys and fans.

These are just some examples, like I said nothing wrong with criticism but when your ONLY goal is to sway uninformed gamers to do what YOU WANT then all creditability is lost and that's why it doesn't matter what sites like this say.

nosferatuzodd4004d ago

Danny Spore_777 Mexen26 May 2013 08:10

Very valid points, especially since, if casuals should get this, then MS might give us, gamers, the proverbial middle finger. That scares me.
I want traditional gaming with very, very few enhancements that serve the gaming well.

This is why, I will buy a PS4 and a Wii U. I doubt I will ever, ever own an XBOX One

Zodd and i agree 100 percent

-Superman-4004d ago

DRM, Always online, Camera on, used game are blocked.
This really could kill gaming. Reminds me ACTA!

RenegadeRocks4004d ago

What MS did wrong with XBOXONE was it diluted the console hardware industry. Now every console will need to also mess with TV. And instead of giving maximum powerful machines for games , hardware resources will have to be alloted to making extra features work. Either this will lead to weaker gaming machines or costlier gaming machines. I don't want any of that trend as it hampers gaming, no one else.

If MS had launched a separate product called Xbox Magic Tv and made it the water cooler it wants to I wouldn't mind at all. But making a GAME console diverge and do all this jist makes for bad trend that has started and cannot be stopped now !

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4004d ago
ltachiUchiha4004d ago

If microsoft doesnt debunk all the negative things they added to the xbox one & if not, I hope they fail miserably.


it's not even just a case of debunking... whatever they have done with with the hardware and software they will need to change as well.

the thing is there was a lot of feedback regarding even before the announcement. when a lot of this was just rumor.

Excalibur4004d ago (Edited 4004d ago )

@DARK WITNESS, agreed 100%

I will not buy a system that has a video camera attachment that has to stay on and connected to the internet to work.

I will not buy a system that requires me to install everything I BUY and then goes out to authenticate my honesty.
Who is the thief here? You are the one stealing my privacy.

That said I don't care if it's Sony, Microsoft, Apple or Joe's used appliances I will not buy it.

BTW here is the patent for M$ to watch you watching TV.



totally agree.

some people are looking at this like it's just fanboys attacking MS etc...

honestly if Sony tried to pull off the same crap I would feel just the same. If Nintendo tried the same crap I would feel the same and I will not support anyone trying it.

If that means I say bye bye to gaming then so be it. this gen would be my last and I will just keep playing old games.

I just hope and pray that sony are seeing this and don't make the same mistake. This gen alone has been bad enough with season passes and all that but i could just about put up with it. I know i am just one person and it does seem like most gamers don't care so eventually all this crap will be the norm, but if i have a choice to support one company that still putting the gamer first, I will do it !

ltachiUchiha4004d ago

Hopefully the hardware wasnt built with these features where its just an optional thing for microsoft to make a decision to do so or not. I just dont want them to sugar coat it.

Conzul4004d ago

It's too late for Micro$oft.
They have demonstrated that they have the technology and the intentions to use it.

Even if they "turned it off" or promised not to use it, no one worth their gamerscore would believe them.

The damage is done.


ya thats the other point.

even if they switch it off now, who is to say they don't put it back on later down the line with an update once they have sold a few million units and gamers are now back in their good books?

it's making it very hard to trust them or who any good faith. at least that is how I feel.

Automatic794004d ago

It is the negativity from an articles like this that harms gaming not Microsoft. Especially, since we don't have the whole picture.

amiga-man4004d ago

I'm not sure M$ have the full picture anymore, their stupid ideas about DRM, always on kinect and and account checking every 24 hours has stirred up a hornets nest, what surprises me is why they thought gamers would accept it.

DragonKnight4004d ago

MichaelLito79: When you even have a representative of the German Federal Government against the Xbone, then it's pretty clear that we DO have the whole picture. The Xbone is indefensible.

4004d ago
DragonKnight4004d ago

Oh hey look, a troll AND a racist all in one. Awesome.

Judging by your last comment though, you won't be infecting this site much longer.

XabiDaChosenOne4004d ago (Edited 4004d ago )

@LordsithOne Are you seriously placing the past sins of a country on the shoulders of one man because of his educated opinion on your favorite console? The lengths morons like yourselfs would go to to defend a console and a coporation that is obviously trying to limit your privacy freedoms is sickening. Grow the hell up! This is not about which console is better than the other, it's about a corporation that is trying to metaphorically enslave it's consumers!

You Diehard Microsoft occultist disgust me!

claterz4004d ago (Edited 4004d ago )

If all of the negative info surrounding the Xbox One were false then Microsoft would come out and say it. When the rumours of an always online console were going around the net before the reveal, Microsoft kept quiet about it, and what happened at the reveal? They came out and said the Xbox One requires an internet verification every 24 hours to play games.

The reason we dont have the "whole picture" is because Microsoft are too afraid to admit it. If all of the info was false they would have come out and said it by now.

All they keep saying is how their policies are being misinterpreted and yet when asked to explain them in more detail they just say they're waiting until the right time.

GamingWorldPeace4004d ago (Edited 4004d ago )

How is always online the same as a 24 hour verification? They already said you don't require to be online to play games, movies, Bly Ray and etc. The 24 hour spot check is to verify license for used game trade-ins at store and is yet to be determined if the 24 hour is the final time interval for the check. I am going to keep an open mind and see the complete details in a few weeks to see factual evidence before jumping to conclusion. We still don't know what Sony's plans are, it might be similar. Dawg, I surely hope not but I just don't know at this point.

claterz4004d ago (Edited 4004d ago )

Well if you dont have access to the internet for longer than 24 hours then you cant play games. How can anyone defend that? Ive had a PS3 and 360 since release and there have been loads of time where I didnt have access to the internet. What if your provider has an outage, or if your moving house or visiting a relative without internet; you wont be able to play SINGLE PLAYER GAMES. How anyone can defend this policy is really shocking to me.

Im keeping an open mind but Microsofts attitude with this whole thing just makes me think of the worst that could happen.

DigitalRaptor4004d ago

Very, very true. The fact that Microsoft reps are tip-toeing around the facts, is because they know the facts are not what consumers want to hear.

It's damage control in its purest form.

MS only deserve all this negativity surrounding them. And they have the audacity to blame the media for the lack of coherence in their policies, rather than themselves for not telling the truth when it's asked of them.

4Sh0w4004d ago

"Well if you dont have access to the internet for longer than 24 hours then you cant play games. How can anyone defend that?"

"In related news, Microsoft has confirmed they are experimenting with offering codes for people in Internet-free situations, like soldiers on active duty, to let them play offline."

claterz and DigitalRaptor Microsoft seems to be working on different ways to accommodate everyone, I mean I know its a broken record but this is exactly why we need to wait for further clarification because its clear Microsoft are working still working on this strategy internally so therefore you can not make any definitive statements about what that structure is since they themselves haven't finalized anything yet.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4004d ago
JokesOnYou4004d ago

MichaelLito79 Don't worry this site has no creditability with anyone other than sonyfanboys I mean the writer actually said this about the next COD reveal:

"Personally, I am not very hyped for this game unless it will make the franchise's debut on the Playstation 4."

-I mean OK if you're not a COD fan so be it, but if its just based on which console it debuts for then that screams fanboyism.

DigitalRaptor4004d ago (Edited 4004d ago )

Sure man, definitely. This article screams BS when it's what most logical people expect from the outcome of such blatant anti-consumerism, and overwhelming focus on the non-gaming elements of a gaming console. /s

Cam9774004d ago

Broken link. You do know this so called 'ms hate' isn't exclusive to N4G? Why do you think MS removed the comments on Youtube?

JokesOnYou4004d ago (Edited 4004d ago )

lol, n4g member blog confirmed, even he couldn't defend such ridiculous comments so he pulled the page. -Come on is that you morgan, you writing blogs now bro?, good for you.

morganfell4004d ago

Am I weighing so heavily on your mind Jokes that you snatch me out of thin air in order to lay blame?

And are you so unobservant that you cannot detect a writing style wholly different from my own? Seriously, who uses a comma between dissimilar adjectives? Were I to write, and I currently do not, I would do so as myself.

I looked at a few of your other posts after spotting this and I can see your growing frustration with Microsoft. A most deserved frustration they have earned. I have this odd feeling that were you to simply let that frustration fly openly you and I might get along in a grand manner.

Remember...gamers first.

rainslacker4004d ago (Edited 4004d ago )

Yeah neoGaf, Gamasutra, IGN, and every other major game site and forum on the internet has no credit with anyone other than sony fan boys as well. No need to worry. /s

If what you assert is true, then it would seem to me that the SDF is growing in numbers exponentially every day. Hooray for us I guess. again /s

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Foxgod4004d ago

If the games on the Xb1 sell well, then it wont kill gaming.
So it all depends on the game sales.

Foxgod4004d ago

SO i didn't use it as a metaphor?

MariaHelFutura4004d ago

No you didn't. If you did. Please explain how.

GreenRanger4004d ago

Is the camera optional on the PS4?
I hope so, otherwise i'll have no next-gen console to buy.

JBSleek4004d ago

And that's the thing. Doesn't the PS camera have to be on for the light-bar on the controller to work? That needs to be clarified at E3.

Since every PS4 will have the camera it doesn't seem like a optional thing. But once again we don't have the complete picture yet.

If so then wouldn't they both, that being PS4 and Xbox One, have to have their cameras on for you to game.

Mr_Nuts4004d ago

I don't think it responds to the light bar unless you want it to.

Plus they haven't decided whether or not to include it in every PS4 and if they are debating whether or not to include it then why would you need to plug it in to get your PS4 to work. Surely if you needed it they wouldn't even "debate" about including it in the system they would just put it in since you need it

Rusty5154004d ago

It probably will be required. But I imagine it'll be like the wii censor bar. You know, it'll actually turn off when the console is off so it's not stalking you.

hardcorehippiez4004d ago

yes it does youre quite right about that but you can go offline and it wont be an intrusion into your privacy. simple really and it doesnt need to be connected to the internet every 24 hours for verification

BitbyDeath4004d ago

That was clarified -

'The light-bar doesn’t require the camera to function. It’s just a different way of identifying the player.'


+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4004d ago
MariaHelFutura4004d ago (Edited 4004d ago )


"Are all of those things optional, though? For people who have broadband data limits, for example? They can customise everything?

"Oh yes, yes, you can go offline totally. Social is big for us, but we understand there are some people who are anti-social! So if you don't want to connect to anyone else, you can do that."

If the PS4 can go entirely offline, they can't watch you or block used games.

GamingWorldPeace4004d ago

What does your article about online connection have to do with the question pertaining to if the PS eye camera is going to be included with the system or not?

MariaHelFutura4004d ago

It doesn't matter (when it comes to privacy) if it's entirely offline.

LeCreuset4004d ago

Optional as in an accessory you buy separately, or optional as in always on?

GreenRanger4004d ago (Edited 4004d ago )

@ LeCreuset
Both, really.
I would prefer not to have or need it at all.

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