
Iwata discusses Wii U’s poor momentum

The Wii U has not been able to maintain any momentum. This is most apparent in the marketplace, where the console has struggled to sell worldwide.

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4030d ago Replies(2)
zeal0us4030d ago (Edited 4030d ago )

Me personally I don't think they should have reveal the WiiU in 2011. They should have just reveal features and upcoming games for their next gen title without revealing the actual console(basically what Sony did in February). When 2012 came around then they should have reveal the actual console and showed what it can do. This would've help with momentum.

Not only that but they should've threw away the tablet idea away. Also kept the motion gaming focus. Possibly doing something similar to the Kinect(controller-less gameplay) for their casual gamers and families. This would got rid of any confusion about rather it or not its addon or a new console.

For their core audience they could've strengthen the system so that its more future-poof(console wise). Far as Nintendo franchise titles go, make them controller-only, no motion gaming functions. This overall would've offer more possibilities for some Nintedo titles(imagine a Zelda game on par with or even stronger than that trailer they showed during E3), lured more third party developers and increase the console life and kept the core audience happy.

TLDR; Nintendo should've waited till 2012 to reveal the console. Got rid of the tablet controller idea. Made the system more future-proof/increasing the system overall specs. Evolve the motion gaming to something similar to the Kinect to get the keep the casual and family gamers happy. Made the core titles/Nintendo franchise titles controller-only (no motion gaming functions) to keep its core gamers happy.

jcnba284029d ago

Nintendo aren't forcing you to use motion controls. Ever hear of the Wii U pro controller?

zeal0us4029d ago (Edited 4029d ago )

Don't recall ever saying they were. The things I said in my previous is just thing I thought Nintendo should have done.

I said "Made the core titles/Nintendo franchise titles controller-only (no motion gaming functions) to keep its core gamers happy." because some to most core gamers on any platform don't care for motion gaming/kinect/move functionality in their core titles.

Even though core gamers don't care for it some developers still want to include that functionality to their gamers.

Sure they aren't forcing you to use the functionality but why make it in the first place when a small margin only going to use. Rather wasting time implementing such functionality they could put more time in the overall game.

baldulf4029d ago (Edited 4029d ago )

Can you use the Pro controller on DKC Returns, on Zelda Wind Waker or Super Mario Galaxy?

Same story on the Wii U than on the Wii. The good games dont allow the pro controller option.

GodsPerfectK7ng4029d ago

Game companies want more ddram and faster processers and bigger hard drives what did you give them a new remote!!! How about we bring back playstation 1 Nintendo or super Nintendo that is the games I need to be playing in (2013) so bad!!!!

Nevers0ft4029d ago

*checks Wii U specs* It does have more ram and a faster processor than the last generation :/

Would you be happier if all three console manufacturers just released consoles with the same basic specs with nothing to differentiate them? All three consoles will have their up and down sides, the console that is all things to all people doesn't exist.

GodsPerfectK7ng4029d ago (Edited 4029d ago )

its 2013 bro how long can Nintendo recycle the same system before people get tired it!!! I am trying to look out for the peoples interests here and my interests that is why I will support Play Station 4 and Xbox 720!!!!

Nevers0ft4029d ago

I didn't realise you were some sort of social crusader fighting for my rights... Thank you?

I'm not sure what interests you're fighting for but sounds like "Less risks and more polygons". The market needs a powerhouse console, I don't dispute that but we also need a varied console market. If all three consoles looked and acted the same, where's the excitement and innovation? Take the Occulus Rift for example - low resolution graphics but innovative and something that I'll almost certainly buy when the retail version is available.

What did Nintendo re-cycle... The name and the PPC-based CPU? Sticking with the same family of CPUs (albeit significantly faster versions) is a wise choice if you want to maintain backwards compatibility without half-assing it.

deafdani4029d ago

I love how you bring up the Playstation 1 for comparison when talking about more ddram and faster processors... the PS1 was roughly HALF the power of the N64, still it mopped the floor with it.

Why? Not because of power, dude, but games. GAMES.

Which is exactly what the Wii U is lacking right now, and which is exactly what it needs to gain momentum. It wouldn't matter if the Wii U was actually more powerful than the PS4 and next Xbox will be, if it doesn't have the games to back it up.

GodsPerfectK7ng4029d ago

Developer support is needed for all those games for the wii u to be made and when I saw the Nintendo wii u the fist time I laughed because that new controller was a joke to me like that is the innovation you brought for a brand new console and is next generation gaming in 2012, a new wii same graphics card and add a u to the end to make it sound like its next generation gaming without pc specs. More like lets go back to when the wii was released because it sold 100 million consoles and see if we can sell another 100 million wii u's!!!! NEXT!!!!

Brucis4029d ago

It sold like crazy when it released.

dark-kyon4029d ago

every consola is sold out when is released.

Brucis4029d ago


Not the point. The point was that the Wii U had momentum but lost it.

rezzah4029d ago

lol, not sure if that was a joke but it was funny.

Knushwood Butt4029d ago

Yeah, remember, Nintendo told us it was like sold out...

4029d ago Replies(1)
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Zelda Replay: Majora's Mask

VGChartz's Evan Norris: "Is Ocarina of Time as legendary as I remembered it? For the most part, yes. In spite of a handful of missteps — a few obtuse puzzles, some tedious backtracking, and a clunky stealth sequence — I don't believe the last 23 years have been unkind to it. Ocarina remains a brilliant example of the medium, a landmark game that shaped the future of its own franchise and 3D gaming in general. After more than two decades it retains its inventive dungeon design, challenging puzzles, dynamic combat, wistful storyline, unforgettable music, and empowering open-air freedom. I feel confident calling it one of the greatest games of the fifth generation, even if I'm no longer prepared to list it among the five best games ever made."

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Crows908d ago

Pure unadulterated fun. They don't make them like this anymore...especially not the triple A industry.

FinalFantasyFanatic7d ago

Back when video rental was a thing, I rented out Majoria's Mask, I never finished it though. I did buy the 3DS version before the eshop shutdown, so maybe one day I'll finally play through the whole thing, it's amazing how well these games hold up though. I briefly played Ocarina of Time for a while and it was really fun.


Wii U games that still haven't been ported to Switch

The Nintendo Switch is potentially nearing its lifespan, and several Wii U games haven't found their way over as ports yet.

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Vits16d ago

I think it's better to leave games like AC: Amiibo Festival and Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash forgotten on the Wii U. Best case, they are mediocre games; worse case, they are very bad. It was a dark time for the Wii U, and the first only exists to sell Amiibo cards, whereas the second was put together in a couple of months with a shoestring budget, and it shows.

The rest of the list does have some really cool games, though. I would love to see a remake of Star Fox Zero with decent controls, and Xenoblade X doesn't require that much modification to work.

Z50115d ago

How would XCX work without dual screens functionality?

Cacabunga15d ago

Same as Paper Mario color splash. One of the best wiiu games and getting even better with dual screen. Same reason why i prefer Splatoon 1

Profchaos15d ago

This article leaves out Nintendo's most controversial game to date devils Third.
I personally found the cover system really fun in that one compared to at the time most fps games completely lacking one.

Stevonidas15d ago

Devil's Third is HIGHLY underrated.

repsahj15d ago

They should remake Starfox to the switch 2. Very beautiful game during gamecube days.

Chocoburger15d ago

Kirby is always ignored or forgotten by people, so good to see it mentioned here.
Play Kirby Canvas Curse on DS, and then play Rainbow Curse on Wii U, they're really fun and unique 'platformers' without any actual jumping.

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Nintendo's Massacre Of The 3DS And Wii U Is Finally Complete, Regrettably

Hanzala from eXputer: "The cruel hammer of Nintendo has fallen. Farewell, 3DS and Wii U, you surely brightened my life and many others; you won't be forgotten."