
God of War, Twisted Metal creator, David Jaffe, doesn’t understand game journalism

GZ's Josh Wirtanen writes: "David Jaffe is a man who’s carved out a pretty important piece of video game history, having his hand in phenomenal game series like Twisted Metal and God of War. So, on some level, I respect the man, if for no other reason than that he’s kind of a big deal in the industry. But sometimes, he just flat out makes it impossible for anyone to take him seriously."

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maniacmayhem4040d ago

The guy should seriously just stop talking and maybe I don't know...produce a game.

VonBraunschweigg4040d ago

Yeah, less talk more work would be better for all of us. But this guy just loves games like we do, only difference he created God of War, we only played it. So if we can bitch about videogames 24/7, so can he.

maniacmayhem4040d ago

I understand, but his bitching and complaining is becoming whining and nauseating.
Spend this time making a killer game instead of blogging and tweeting.
This concern about game journalism I feel is so misplaced especially with the bigger problems of the video game industry like huge companies over budgets and over staffing of AAA titles that bomb.

I guess how I really feel is "Get over yourself Jaffe and bring out another hit instead of looking for hits."

VonBraunschweigg4040d ago (Edited 4040d ago )

I would like him to come up with a new killer like God of War or Twisted Metal as well. With a cool name. I mean Twisted. Metal. God of...War! Gotta hand it to him:)

But I know what you mean. I think his blogging and tweeting only takes little of his time, and that he's using the rest to come up with a new hit and that he's twisting his mind right now on that new awesome name to match the new awesome gameplay...at least I hope:)

It's just we never get to read about that. So I don't mind him tweeting & blogging, I usually like his opinion, but I agree, perhaps a bit more focused on his own work, his new game would be better. It's N4G, not housewifes.

So I hope he's quitely developing his next game, but have no clue for who or what. And if he isn't working on anything we need to take matter into our own hands. Now that we've become a PS fanboy infected stronghold over the years and a powerfull force to be reckoned with, can't we demand a budget for this guy somewhere?

I demand a budget for David!

admiralvic4040d ago

While I don't agree he has the RIGHT to complain, but his complaints are treated different than the average consumer.

Unlike most of the people that complain, he can ACTUALLY make something of a difference. He has the status and the knowledge to do so, which is something most complainers lack. So when someone like him complains, it is looked at a little harsher than some guy on Gfaqs being angry.

Enemy4040d ago

Never mind this nonsense! That's Kratos in a fedora!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4040d ago
cleft54040d ago

Tell you what, when you produce something on the level of Twisted Metal or God of War, than you can start saying that David Jaffe needs to get over himself.

maniacmayhem4040d ago

I have done my own levels of excellence and spouting BullSh** no matter what you have done or accomplished in the past doesn't give you a free pass. So I think i am more than qualified to tell him whatever.

How about he come up with another game now that is on the level or surpasses the greatness of the original God of War and Twisted Metal:Black instead of complaining on blogs.

rainslacker4039d ago (Edited 4039d ago )

I don't understand. First off, I found his idea kind of dumb, and impractical for many of the reasons stated in this article.

However, his reasons for having this idea were no different than what many people on here say every day. The tired routine of shifting through crap articles to find the good ones is a problem in the community, and by extension the industry. While we may understand why it's done, it doesn't make the routine any more tolerable.

Why is this guy not allowed to express his opinion to the community? Are we some sort of slave drivers that have a mentality that his only purpose is to create the content that we consume for our enjoyment?

I personally do care what his opinion is. He is a very influential game developer, and as such his thoughts on a topic do hold more weight to me than any random user on here. I may not agree with them, but I believe he does have the right to express them...the same way I believe anyone on here has the right to express their opinion...even if I don't agree with it.

This guy creates games. Games that we all enjoy. If he wants to take a few moments, or a few hours, or a few days to formulate an opinion and put it out there, I believe he is more than entitled to given what he has given us gamers over the years, and he should not be dismissed so readily.

sypher4040d ago

I actually think Jaffe understands journalism much more than most of these 'game journalists'. Increasingly journalism is turning into basic PR for companies. With journalists all trying to please publishers, developers and platforms in the hope of gaining 'exclusive' tidbits of info.

That is PR, not journalism. You are meant to be scrutinizing all those whom 'pay' you to the nth degree. As you are meant to be the consumers (us) best friend. Our gateway of what we should be focusing on.

Instead it has turned into little more than a lapdog industry for whomever pays.

What Jaffe is offering is no different than a Pulitzer prize, except aimed just at the games industry. When the very people you are trying to scrutinize, are offering up idea's of how to improve an industry which is meant to be 'against' them you know something is wrong.

The point of would be to make 'games journalists' compete. As developers do, to become the best they can be. A competing industry creates much better content and in turn a more knowledgeable consumer base.

And don't get me wrong. This is happening to the world of journalism as a whole. It's all going down the toilet.

hardcorehippiez4040d ago

i agree , in this world nowadays people would rather discredit someone to make themselves look better rather than doing quality work of their own that builds their own rep and it is so sad. not a bit of wonder why everyone in the world hates and distrusts everyone else .

rainslacker4039d ago

I think the word your looking for is "integrity". There is an apparent lack of it today in journalism as a whole, and gaming journalism particularly.

There are good ones out there who don't play the lap dog, but how often do you see their stories up in the heated section of N4G. On top of that, how many of them would even create their work differently because of this reward? Book writers don't set out to win the Pulitzer, they create their work because it is their passion.

The truth is, the news in general, is rather boring, because in truth, life is rather boring. The need to entice a populace so hell-bent on being entertained instead of informed has allowed companies to use the press as their lap dogs. We as consumers(mostly) allowed it to happen. It's reciprocal, and while many have great disdain for these practices, the majority seem to far outweigh the sensible.

RandomDude6554040d ago

Look at dog poo....
Look at Games "journalism"...
I understand

VonBraunschweigg4040d ago

Pooch took a dump on your monitor again?

grassyknoll4040d ago

The thing is, it's rarely journalism, it's just regurgitate press releases or flamebait articles. Eurogamer & Edge are about the only websites to get interesting thought provoking pieces.

cleft54040d ago (Edited 4040d ago )

This is precisely the problem and Jim Sterling is the king of flamebait articles/reviews. The problem is that he is a respected game journalist, yet he releases reviews and articles that are primary intended to draw a bunch of attention to him and the site he works at by using the most outlandish statements.

kevnb4040d ago

the only website I actually enjoy is giant bomb. Everything else is just the same bs with a different template.

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God Of War Creator Thinks That The Character Of Kratos Took A Wrong Turn

Terri writes: "In a recent video released by the creator of the God of War series, David Jaffe, we can see that Jaffe is not fond of the direction PlayStation took regarding the franchise, and in particular, Kratos himself."

SinisterMister144d ago

Well, I personally think that Santa Monica did an absolutely phenomenal job with Kratos, showcasing insane character development in all the right ways.

Jin_Sakai144d ago

I disagree. God of War went from a brutal action game where Kratos was slaying gods to a boring father figure. God of War 3 was my favorite in the series.

Christopher144d ago

I much prefer the focused and purposeful with reason Kratos who still gets into brutal combat and still has to kill gods even though he tries not to. Past Kratos was just anger personified and did nothing but subvert any expectations of him being something else other than just rage.

darthv72144d ago

2 is still my favorite. Everything about that game is top shelf design. the scale and scope of things like fighting the colossus of rhodes to awakening the steeds of time... just epic. 3 was good, but 2 is the high point of the original trilogy (for me).

The direction santa monica took for the reboot was less GoW (god of war) and more GoW (gears of war). The whole 3rd person perspective, having a partner (even if its his son), and lack of verticality with no more jumping and creating crazy areal combos... it was difficult to come to terms with but i managed. the story was good though, but i still give the nod to greek mythology over norse (and likely egyptian if that is where they go next).

frostypants144d ago

I can see it either way. I agree that the series now has nothing in common with the original beyond superficial character appearances and general setting. They sort of used the IP to sell an entirely different style of game. That said the new games are well made in their own right.

VivaLaManual144d ago

Yes. The game grew and stopped being one dimensional. What a shame....

DarXyde144d ago

I don't even think Jaffe really understood Kratos, despite creating him. Or rather, he doesn't seem to understand how he created the fertile ground for this kind of character development arc.

He was always a warrior, but he had a very human element since day one. He had a chance to protect his family again in God of War I and Ares took them away... Again. He knows he can't get them back and moved forward as the new God of War. Fast forward, the Gods betrayed him (though he was still sympathetic to Athena at the time). Eventually, he waged war with Olympus.

He was part of the pantheon and that would've been the entirety of his story arc where he oversaw war for all time.

But the truth this, Kratos has changed, but he largely remained the same. His two constants were always pride in his family and revenge against those who have wronged him. You take those two together (a threat to his family and Gods looking to kill him) and the direction he's taken is pretty congruent with who Kratos always has been. I guess you can say Kratos would just be a merciless monster for the sake of it, but the old games never explore present aspects of the character (e.g., what kind of father Kratos was). We got a look at that, and with a boy, no less.

I find the franchise did well to age with the audience. I was an angry teen when the original came out. Now I'm kinda mellowed out with a family and I just get it.

I think it did an excellent job of connecting with the audience as we grew up. It's a bit like Toy Story in that regard.

Monstieur144d ago (Edited 144d ago )

Agree. I liked GoW 3 the best as well. There weren't enough unique boss fights in the reboot.

Crows90144d ago (Edited 144d ago )

Well he aged considerably. Define boring father figure exactly? Maybe your father was boring but don't put that blame on others.

As far as slaying gods ...you're right ...he went from god slaying to....hmmm god slaying.

The newer Kratos matured with the audience. They could have just kept doing the same game over and over but they saw it getting stale so they had to switch the formula...they did so incredibly well.

SinisterMister143d ago

While God of War 3 is undoubtedly excellent in its own manner, the "boring father figure" part is something I don't agree with. For starters, if the situation calls for it, the old Kratos is back on camera, like when he fights against a particular Aesir god in Ragnarok.

tombfan143d ago

He achieved his goal... he actually got the revenge he was so desperately needing and in the end what? It'd be terrible character development if he would just go to another mythology to kill more gods just for the sake of they being gods. They actually gave them a meaning in life, and even better, they got an amazing idea of how to create a new game with actual bealavility and a plot, not just merciless kill.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 143d ago
savedsynner144d ago

Agree 100% Kratos had about an inch of depth before the norse version. Now he feels like a real character, a real dad, with real reactions based on his experiences.

gold_drake144d ago

i think they did a fantastic job with Kratos.

Snookies12144d ago

Wasn't Jaffe the one who got stuck on something easy in Metroid Dread and started bashing the game because of it? From what I played of GoW 2018, they actually gave Kratos some much-needed depth. I definitely plan to finally go through the newer entries once my PS5 comes in.

tombfan143d ago

Jaffe got stuck with his young mind thinking and it really showed with his latest attempt in gaming "Drawn to Death" it was like a teenage dream that became true and also, sucked.

Christopher144d ago

This whole video was essentially him finding comments to back up his own opinion. "It looks like a lot of people think..."

Yeah, well what do the review scores, sales, user scores, and completion rates on the last two say? Anything on that?

Reaper22_143d ago

Nothing wrong with his opinion. He created it so he's earned the right to criticize. Review scores and sales have nothing to do with it. It's success was never in question.

Christopher143d ago

You should probably read the first part of my comment. He's cherry picking opinions to support his but ignoring the plethora of other opinions.

Yeah, he's allowed his opinion, but his arguing method is to act like people just agree with him and not the diverse opinions out there on the subject.

-Foxtrot144d ago (Edited 144d ago )

People won’t like it I know but he’s entitled to his opinion being the games creator

I totally disagree but it’s not going to ruin the game for us who do like it

purple101144d ago

Yeh I may or may not disagree but he created the original and without him we would have no god of war, (or maybe one that wasn’t as good). So he can say what he wants in my books

Last I heard of him he made a black ad white game with a weird sketch art style. Similar to Sega Madworld

Haven’t heard from him since

itBourne144d ago

Drawn to Death, yeh, played it at the Playstation experience, it was quite fun, an old school arena shooter. Then it came out, and everyone died quicker, so strafe battles gone. It essentially turned into die, insta spawn, use ult, get a kill, they insta spawn, ult you, you die, and just repeat that loop lmao, its was terrible.

Christopher144d ago

I just have a problem with him saying they shouldn't have called it God of War because his opinion doesn't align with theirs on the future of the IP. That part I felt was pointedly petty.

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God of War 2005 Was Originally Conceived For a First-Person Viewpoint According to Creator

Game director David Jaffe reveals that the original God of War 2005 was considered for a first-person viewpoint.

darthv72949d ago

Im very glad it did not end up that way. In first person you would lose the scale the game has. That is something i really appreciate about the GoW games is the immense size and scale of the environments and how the camera zooms out to show it in a much grander view.

CobraKai949d ago

Those epic set pieces would have gone unnoticed

TallDarknWavy949d ago

In GOW3 they did an homage to the fact it was supposed to be an FPS by putting you in first person right at the end, swinging your blades and bashing Zeus' face till the screen completely goes red.

roadkillers949d ago (Edited 949d ago )

One of the unlockables in the original God of War was a first person representation of God of War. A consideration for a spin-off/sequel was presented as a FPS in modern times. The military finds the dead Titan (Chronos I believe) and goes into the mountains where Kratos found Pandora's Box. Very interesting idea and gave me Clive Barker Jericho vibes.

Npugz7949d ago

Barf I wouldn’t of played it!

NotanotherReboot949d ago

would love an arena based moba FPS in the GOW universe

camel_toad949d ago (Edited 949d ago )

Don't leave out a deck-building system and Kratos' fetch quests. "Make love to 12 different harpies".

goldwyncq949d ago

Maybe the Egyptian era for the PS6 would switch to first-person just to keep things fresh

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Twisted Metal director says ‘I’d be very hurt’ if a revival rumour is true

David Jaffe says he doesn’t believe a new game is in the works; “I haven’t heard a thing".

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brewin999d ago ShowReplies(25)
porkChop999d ago

That doesn't take anything away from his accomplishments. He still created the franchise along with Scott Campbell. If a new game is made he should at least be brought on as a consultant.

UltraNova999d ago

I wouldn't be surprised if Sony has cut ties with Jaffe considering how pro-XBOX and Gamepas (bordering shill level) he has been in recent times. I mean he is known for speaking his mind (to his detriment at times) but he hasn't learned that a certain etiquette is needed in this line of business in order to keep relationships alive. That said, I don't know why he would be surprised if Sony went ahead and revived this IP without him.

porkChop999d ago


As Jaffe has said, Sony came to him and connected him with the people creating the Twisted Metal show. They obviously wanted and valued his input. It would make no sense to not seek the same if they were planning to make a game as well.

Regardless of him praising Game Pass, he still maintains good relations with Sony. When his PSN account was auto-banned Sony reached out to apologize and said it shouldn't have happened. That doesn't sound like a company that wants to cut ties.

UltraNova999d ago


For the record, I'm a fan of his work and generally his opinions, and follow him on both Twitter and youtube. Now, I'm not saying they should cut ties with him, actually, they would do well if they seek his advice if they ever decide to revive TM. What I'm saying is that I will not be surprised if they actually have, seeing how critical he has been with Sony lately. He would go on how good Phil is and praised Gamepass while taking jabs at Sony for not having something similar. He was so into it sometimes that I couldn't help but wonder what would Sony execs who came across his content would do.

The whole PSN ban thing is irrelevant to the point I'm trying to make since he was more or less treated as any other customer and helped solve that. (being a public figure with an audience obviously helped speed up the process).

fitofficial999d ago

Disagree strongly. His last attempt at a Twisted Metal game was a miserable failure and he was basically given full control.

Jaffe has been overrated for a long, long time. He never grew.

Unknown_Gamer5794998d ago

The thing is, when a product is developed for a company, that company owns that product, regardless of who created it. If the individual who created said product is no longer part of the team, they no longer have any more to do with any future products created under that IP than anyone else who's no longer part of the team.

There is prestige in being the creator of a popular franchise, but that really only amounts to people knowing that individual created that franchise. Sure, Sony could look Jaffe up if they really wanted him back, but they're well within their right to not do so, and one of their studios could create a new Twisted Metal regardless.

porkChop998d ago


No one said a new studio can't make the game though. I think people are misunderstanding what Jaffe is saying. He'd just like to know a new game is in the works and consult/talk with the devs about the new game and their direction.

It's no different than the new God of War. Kratos moving to norse mythology wasn't Cory Barlog's idea. That was Jaffe's. Jaffe talked about it during God of War - Game Directors Live back in 2011. Jaffe consulted with Barlog on the new game, they bounced ideas back and forth, and it led to an incredible game.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 998d ago
Bobertt999d ago

He has worked on the majority of the Twisted Metal games and made the last one in 2012 and is consulting on the TV show. The article doesn't mention it but in the video he says he thinks if there is a game they didn't tell him about it's most likely a mobile or short game related to the tv show and not a full fledged Twisted Metal game. He has said in previous videos about a Twisted Metal sequel that he doesn't think Sony will make it because they wouldn't make enough money for the cost of a next gen AAA game. The only way it would work was if it's full of micro transactions and online only and the fans wouldn't want that type of Twisted Metal.

BLAKHOODe999d ago

IF a new game is in the works (I hope so), I don't care if Jaffe is part of it or not. There are a lot of talented game directors out there. Twisted Metal might be his baby, but Jaffe isn't a guarantee lock in developing the best version.

brewin999d ago (Edited 999d ago )

Id take remakes of the first two games at this point. PS5 needs games. Twisted metal was always one of my favorite franchises. They just focus on these big story heavy single player games, its so limiting. They need to spread it out make some smaller games why not remake the classics like twisted metal 2?

13sentinel999d ago (Edited 999d ago )

Ps5 has more Exclusives compared to its Immediate competition. If you are complaining about lack of games then you need to keep the same energy. The pandemic has also clearly affected the gaming industry and games in their early to mid development have been severely disrupted. This isn't only a 'Sony' thing. I know it's frustrating with Sony not having a ps5 future showcase event, but the silence doesn't mean they are in trouble or dont have any games in development. You'd be lying if you say there aren't any, Herman Hulst has already made it clear on the number in the works.

It's almost as if people forget about Sony's output in 2020, which was phenomenal:

Final fantasy remake
Tlou 2
Ghost of tsushima
Miles morales
Astro bot
Demons Souls
13 Sentinels

Then 2021

Ratchet and clank rift apart
Ghost dlc

I dont think they could've done a better job with game releases thus far, especially for the ps5.

SpeedDemon999d ago

The system has been out for 9 months and a pandemic has slowed development of games, you can't expect them to have a bunch of new games just yet.

roadkillers999d ago

Honestly, he paid for the system, he can expect whatever he wants. The only reason I'm content with Microsoft is Gamepass has been phenominal. Without Gamepass, I'd feel like I wasted my money.

deleted999d ago

Exactly - most everyone has applauded the torch exchange from Jaffe to Barlog with the God of War franchise. The originals still hold strong as pillars of gaming history, but Barlog has advanced the series forward with new breath and vision after its stagnation. I'd be absolutely fine with Twisted Metal given new vision IF handed to the right talent.

sourOG999d ago (Edited 999d ago )

Jaffe is all over the place now. Whenever he gets brought up it’s on some weird shit. I wouldn’t blame Sony for leaving him out of the mix even though I still respect his older works.

fitofficial999d ago

Well his "revival" of the franchise sucked out loud, so not sure what he expects.

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