
77 million Xbox 360s sold

GS:Microsoft sold 1.3 million units in past three months to reach new overall life-to-date sales milestone; Xbox division sees revenue rise 56 percent to $2.53 billion.

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NYC_Gamer4173d ago

The 360 is being very successful for MS

darthv724173d ago

and no they were not RROD replacements. I like variants and each one is a different model than the other. 20gb Pro, 120gb Elite, 320gb Slim

4173d ago
4173d ago
OC_MurphysLaw4173d ago

3 here as well...but I traded each one in for an upgrade: 20GB > 120GB Elite > 250GB MW2 Special edition.

I have been very tempted to pull the trigger on a slim but ultimately new hardware on the horrizon is keeping my piggy bank safe for the time being.

My PS3 120GB slim also seems content... for now.

SITH4173d ago

I have two slims now. My first Xbox died a year after elites came out. It was a launch system. I then got rid of the elite for a halo reach slim.

whoyouwit044173d ago

I have 2, the original Xbox 360 Core console, and the 360 S 250 GB. to be honest after all the complaint about RROD I am surprise I never had to replace my original 360. guess I'm one of the lucky ones. I thought about modding it, but then I thought why ruin a good thing.

EVILDEAD3604173d ago

'the ps3 already past 77million worldwide since january'

Nope they combine sales with the PS2.


moneygun24173d ago


Source? Are you just saying that because you want it to be true. The fact is PS3 will outsell the 360 worldwide by the generations end, just as sony said. Assuming it hasn't already (it has just look at there shipped count, they don't ship with the expectation not to sell)

Counting PS2 sales? WTF. Is this the same as MS counting refurbished hardware. Because thats been proven. I don't believe sony counting 2 platforms into one sales total has.

Looking forward I hope for some IP reveals by first party MS. If its just more Halo, Fable, Forza, count me out.

AlphaJunk4172d ago

@Skarlett Wow, thanks that informative reply! It had so much to do with what darthv72 and NYC_Gamer posted. I bet you did very well in school during group discussions @_@.

omi25p4172d ago

I have 3.

One working launch Xbox, A 120gb Fat Xbox and a 250gb Slim.

Skarlett, Sony Shipped 77 million MS Sold 77 million. Big different's.

Dark_Overlord4172d ago


The only thing MS and Sony count is how many they sell to retailers, past that point they know virtually nothing. As long as a retailer keeps placing orders for more consoles, then that console is sold (you don't think they give them away do you?).

This whole shipped/sold arguement is pointless, as like I said the retailers buy them from MS and Sony, so it is still a sale.

darthv724172d ago

"The fact is PS3 will outsell the 360 worldwide by the generations end, just as sony said."

And you know what? SO the "F" what. MS can proclaim they made a huge improvement from xbox to xbox 360. sony cant say the same when comparing PS2 to PS3.

Sony's best run is the PS2. It's virtually double that of the PS3 (give or take). Just as Im sure MS's best run will be the 360. In many cases it's hard to top the 2nd system release.

Just look at every follow-up console from the likes of Sega, Atari, Nintendo to understand that popularity for a platform can reach an all time high and never get there again no matter how impressive the specs are for a follow-up.

Nintendo managed to do it again with the wii but the wii-u will never top it. Its a different time we live in now vs the 8bit and 16bit days.

Consoles are more approachable by those who dont game because of all the other things they are able to do. thats why to see numbers for these systems as compared to those of the 8bit and 16bit are so dramatically different.

AngelicIceDiamond4172d ago

Xbox is doing good for its old age. Hope the 720 is just as popular as the 360.

sikbeta4172d ago

More important thing is that X360 is about to overtake wii in America...

Kurylo3d4172d ago (Edited 4172d ago )

I love how n4g, people bicker about 77 million vs 79 million. As though one console is shit and the other is all powerful. As though one gets to run a victory lap because the sales are so far ahead. I find it funny. Really is no winner or loser between the 2 of them. But in all honesty sony took a big hit this generation going from Uncontested # 1, to a clear competitor with microsoft almost dead even in console sales.. too nintendo outselling them. Next generation should be better for sony hopefully since they decided to go with a console thats built more like a pc so developers could do more with it. Now lets hope they dont release the ps4 with a $700 price mark like they did the ps3.

EVILDEAD3604171d ago

@ Moneygun

Source? Are you just saying that because you want it to be true

Nope I'm saying it because it is 100% fact that Sony for over a year combines the PS3 + PS2 for their shipment sales.

See their own financial shipment numbers if you don't believe.


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Knight_Crawler4173d ago (Edited 4173d ago )

Well deserved sales if you ask me.

So much memories this gen with Halo, Gears of War, Alan Wake, Bioshock 1, Mass Effect 1, Saints Row, Dead Raising, Left for Dead and Lost Odyssey.

Here is hoping that the 720 delivers just like the 360 and more.

kreate4173d ago

My moments were ace combat, bioshock 1, mass effect 1+2, alan wake.

No gold for me back in those days. Beated gears single player campaign.

Disappointed w onechanbara and blue dragon.

_-EDMIX-_4172d ago

OMG I KNOW RIGHT! And I enjoyed "Gears of War, Alan Wake, Bioshock 1, Mass Effect 1, Saints Row, Dead Raising, Left for Dead" all on PC.......

So that leaves Halo or Lost Odyssey to get me to own a 360....err no...just no. I'm not buying a system for 2 to 3 games. Mind you I'm not a huge fan of Halo as it is.

Veneno4172d ago

Call me crazy but some of the most fun I had playing 360 was with the launch, cross-gen title, GUN lol.

Zeusprototype4172d ago

@edmix what a pointless comment, you sir are a moron.

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GamersRulz4173d ago

good for MS but I expected more tbh.

this number confirmed IDC numbers in Dec where it said that 360 is at 76m and PS3 at 77m

waiting for Sony numbers at E3

Blaze9294172d ago

sony doesnt give numbers out anymore lol

Transporter474173d ago

Well lucky you, i went through 8 360s all RROD, no joke or troll, im serious, when i called for the 7th they gave me Perfect Dark for free because the lady on the phone felt sorry for me and told me you have really bad luck so i'm going to give you a free game.

Transporter474173d ago

I get disagrees because i got very unlucky, and i was one of those people outside bestbuy waiting to buy a launch Xbox360. Guess my statement is wrong or something, wait this is N4G what did i expect.

Grap4172d ago (Edited 4172d ago )

well if u have at least little Dignity u wouldn't ask for third xbox. u should be asking fot ur money and buy ps3 or wii, but anyway that's if were ur story is true which i doubt.

Veneno4172d ago

I believe you. There really isn't a point to lie about rrod anymore. It happened to everyone and its not an issue anymore.

BlackTar1874172d ago

God look at all his disagrees NxboxG.com

LOL jk you see how stupid is looks

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4172d ago
moneygun24173d ago (Edited 4173d ago )

N4G is N4G

lilbrat234172d ago

Many were bought due to the RROD and others were bought for the piracy and about 1% for collector edition purposes. Which is why I am wondering if this is another reason the new xbox might be online only, to prevent piracy.

AngelicIceDiamond4172d ago

That's a stupid argument people have been using for years. since the beginning of the gen fanboys blame prod for sales.

If that was the case then why is 360 selling way more now than it has at the beginning of the gen with PROD? Despite PROD being virtually solved, you would think people would stop buying 360's by now right?

Why did the 360 overtake the wii in UK? why is it no.1 sold in US still. Sure sells are down but that's to be highly expected. Enough of this PROD excuse the argument is tired, dead and irrelevant.

Anybody else have anymore excuses? Anyway grats to 360, I hope 720 is just as successful if not more.

wishingW3L4172d ago

the RRoD argument is real. I have friends with 4-5 freaking broken Xbox for god's sake... I even have one friend that bought another one last month despite my attempts to convince him to buy a PS3. I told him about the exclusives, the free online and stuff and he was like: "yeah yeah, the PS3 sucks". He's been brainwashed and all to play COD and multiplats that are on the PS3 too. -__-

lilbrat234172d ago

@ AngelicIceDiamond

Enlighten me as to why the 360 sold so well? Games? Please Halo and Gears are nothing but please enlighten me.

MYSTERIO3604172d ago

I really don't care about sells to be honest, what should matter are the great games on a system.

Godz Kastro4172d ago (Edited 4172d ago )

This is one of the biggest points people miss. PS2 sold 150+ million units. PS3 sold half of that. That other half went to MS so they took away 50% of their base. The same way people are saying the Wiiu will be a failure because it wont come close to its previous consoles units sold.

That is a huge advancement for MS. I like it this way. Let them share the market so competition remains fierce.

DragonKnight4172d ago

Umm, no. You're forgetting the 90+ million Wiis that are out there. You're also forgetting the 26 million Xboxes. 77 - 26 = 51 million assuming that every Xbox owner then moved on to a 360. That means there would still be 99 million PS2 gamers to attract. Since the PS3 is at 79 million, that means approx. 20 million went to the Wii. And that's only assuming one console gamers. The 360 did not gain 50% market share.

calis4172d ago

" PS2 sold 150+ million units. PS3 sold half of that. That other half went to MS so they took away 50% of their base"

wow...just wow. You are not very bright at all.

The PS2 sold 150million over 13 years.
The PS3 has sold 77million over 7 years and still selling. It's still going and will probably hit 100 million lifetime.

Anyone who thinks because the PS3 sold less is a downfall is beyond dumb. That is almost like saying an NFL team who goes 16 - 0 is horrible because they go 13 - 3 the next year.

As for Microsoft, never mind the fact their numbers are skewed due to RROD, one of the worst hardware malfunctions in the history of gaming, they were not even close to taking 50% of console sales from Sony.

BlackTar1874172d ago

I think you missed math class

chrismichaels044172d ago

77 million sales in 8 years is pretty good. Kudos to Microsoft. I just don't understand how so many xbox gamers (even on this comment thread) admit to owning multiple xbox consoles, regardless if it was due to RROD or just multiple upgrades, and yet.....they act like all of these multi sales don't add up to and help boost the overall sales total. The only thing these sales charts prove is how loyal Xbox gamers are, not how popular the Xbox consoles is.

MoreRPG4172d ago

Every device has its loyals followers

MoreRPG4172d ago

Could've been more if it wasnt for RROD. Hope they bring quality hardware this time.

chrismichaels044172d ago

I'm confused. Are you saying Microsoft could have sold more consoles if it wasn't for RROD? Please explain that statement. If anything, years of RROD and replacement sales helped boost xboxs total sales this past gen. Let's be honest, without RROD replacement sales, Xbox would not have reached 77 million sales right now.

MoreRPG4172d ago (Edited 4172d ago )

@chrismichaels04 does three years of warranty counts as a sale?
Would you as a xbox 360 owner buy a new one having knowledge of the high failure rate it had?

BlackTar1874172d ago

I went thru 2 xbox 1 before warranty and the 2nd not covered by warranty. RROD may have been covered but that is definatley not the only failures the systems had with launch systems. BTW i did not turn in my RROD when it happen it was before the warranty and i just went and bought a new one like i did when it stopped reading my disk .

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oof464173d ago ShowReplies(13)
4173d ago Replies(7)
josephayal4173d ago

77M omg, one of the best selling consoles ive ever seen

LordHiggens4173d ago (Edited 4173d ago )

Really because there are plenty of other consoles that have outsold it...like easily outsold it. One of em' almost two times over.

LaChance4173d ago

Plenty like ? Da f outta here.

LordHiggens4173d ago

How about take the PS2 and the Wii just for starters and stop sounding like a dumbass.

Prophet-Gamer4173d ago (Edited 4173d ago )

@La chance

The PS1, the PS2, the Wii, and if you're counting handhelds, the DS (it even outsold the PS2 irrc). The PS3 is also probably ahead by now. So there, that's plenty is it now?

Still, great achievement for MS, let's see how they do the third time around.

Utalkin2me4172d ago

I see people are creating multiple accounts. Considering Darth has that many bubbles we know something is fishy.

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e-p-ayeaH4173d ago

im buying a 4GB slim tomorrow the old one really sucks it got rrod twice.

Avernus4173d ago

I own both consoles. If either one of them failed twice, I won't buy another one...regardless if i can afford it or not.

But, to each their own I guess.

e-p-ayeaH4173d ago (Edited 4173d ago )

i buying it because my old 360 games need something to be played on.

Im paying about 100€ (new) for it i don't think its a bad deal.

Prophet-Gamer4173d ago

So you'd just let your whole collection go to waste?

Skate-AK4173d ago

I would be careful about getting a 4gb. Some games won't play or have features limited because it's only a 4gb. I would say save for a week or two more and get the next HDD size up.

Urusernamesucks4172d ago

instead of blowing your money for a 3rd risk,Just wait till the next one to come and hope its bc.

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TheNamelessOne4d ago

Another possible title - Slow News Day.

darthv723d ago

force unleashed is a great game. Thankfully the 360 version is bc on the XBO/Series. It looks and plays even better than on original hardware.

ZoboomafooFan3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

A true classic. Recently I was experimenting with injecting ray tracing into this game using nvidia’s SSRTGI. The results were pretty slick!

2d ago

I played the Halo Mega Bloks game, and it was truly Killtacular

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rlow12d ago

Microsoft are just batting a hundred. Can they screw up anymore? Wait, don’t answer that.