
Why Did Xbox 360 Fail in Japan?

The Xbox 360 has been a failure in Japan, which is strange when you consider how much it dominates the North American market, as well as parts of Europe. The console is unlikely to cross the two million sold mark in Japan (which is how much the original Xbox sold there), and has been soundly outsold by its competitors in the form of Nintendo’s Wii and Sony’s PlayStation 3. It continues to see terrible sales, and many stores in Japan carry neither the console or games for the console today in 2013.

iGAM3R-VIII4190d ago

simply because Sony and Nintendo got in their way, you can't handle the top consoles

iGAM3R-VIII4190d ago (Edited 4190d ago )

especially since they are sold in their own territory

Insomnia_844190d ago

Because japanese people are not dumb and like good quality products. That simple.

ShinMaster4190d ago (Edited 4190d ago )

And not everyone cares enough about Halo, Gears or having to pay to play online.

Sometimes it's just not worth the extra purchase when most of your gaming needs are already met with a PlayStation and Nintendo system.

Gaming1014189d ago

It isn't "strange that Xbox was successful on NA but not Japan", not if you understand world cultures and how they differ. The PS3's messaging was much strong in Japan and Europe, however the UK and US were extremely put off by some of the messaging which didn't translate properly from Japanese with the translators, and of course they sought out to destroy Sony at every turn upon release of the PS3.

The 360, on the other hand, had nothing Japanese people were interested in, and much of Europe found the overly testosterone fueled target market to be off-putting, so of course the 360 didn't fare as well. It's all about your messaging and your target markets. It's extremely difficult to be all things to all people, especially when you have fierce competition, and it's what has plagued both the PS3 and 360 this generation.

DatNJDom814189d ago Show
nukeitall4189d ago

Keiji put it right on the spot, nationalism!

Does american cars sell well in Japan? Short answer, NO!

How does american cars sell in China? Yes, very well! That is because the chinese are still upset at the japanese occupation.

Simply put, if there is no competitor then the Japanese will pick american product, see Windows and iPhone. If there are, then they will generally choose their own stuff, unless it has significant brand name value attach to it i.e. prestigious.

Apple iPhones are like that, they commend a certain oh, ah and cost a bundle.

Yes, Japanese people are shallow too and do buy overpriced, low quality products as well as long as it has a brand name on it.

They often flood the US, mostly the factory outlets scouring for deals on brand name emblazoned products too.

See, we humans aren't that different in different parts of the world!

darthv724189d ago

it sold more than the 1st xbox so does that still count as a fail?

Whatever the speculative reason may be, the overall growth of the xbox brand is significant. Before xbox, I would always see PS referenced in movies and tv but then again, those shoes/movies were most likely produced by sony pictures. Nothing wrong with a little free advertising.

But since xbox and most importantly, the 360, I have been seeing the 360 in tv shows and movies. Could it be MS paid the studios to use their product or could it just be a sign of the times in popular culture? I mean that is what "popular" culture is about. What is popular at the time.

One thing is certain though, from a collectors POV the obscurity of JP only titles for the 360 make them more $$ and sought after. I just recently picked up DoDonPachi Resurrection for the 360. That game was never released domestically in the US but it was in EU and JP and it is a very good game that plays on US systems. I recommend it for any serious SHMUP fan.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4189d ago
Dir_en_grey4190d ago (Edited 4190d ago )

Here's the same report on a Japanese game site which people can use google translate if they want to read what real Japanese gamers have to say in the comment section below the report:

Basically disagreeing with Inafune on the patriotic claim, and listed why they just simply didn't buy a worse product.

Most of them listed things such as:

Issue of trust due to Microsoft's lack of and how fast it stopped support for Japan on the original Xbox;
Failure rate, RROD added to the untrustworthiness of the already bad Xbox brand;
360 was also known for scratching up disks and bad support;
Having to constantly pay for online for something that is free on PS3, yet support on content is lacking compared to the west;
Constantly paying for online does not suit the majority of the gaming audience in Japan ie students;
Having to over pay for expensive proprietary add-ons like harddrives and HD-DVD drive;
Lack of games of interest;
A few RPG's were good but the support soon stopped just like the original Xbox, as predicted;
Bonus of Blu-ray and future proofing;
All the exclusives eventually went to PS3 and had more content;
Kinect doesn't work in 90% of Japanese homes;
Don't blame this on patriotism at a country full of iphones and foreign products, you simply made a worse product;


Over 300 comments there and going

iGAM3R-VIII4190d ago

"360 was also known for scratching up disks"

LOOL I remember I was in GameStop and this guy in line in front of me had his COD MW3 disc and the was a hugely engraved ring around the disc, and I laughed :P

dcbronco4190d ago

Having to pay for expensive proprietary add-ons like harddrives.

Have you seen the add-ons for Vita?

That reason is a joke.

The reality is that the Japanese people are supportive of Sony because of the support Sony gave the nation after WWII. It's wasn't selling long before Kinect. It had a bunch of JRPGs. And the PS3 was not future proof. Future proof, one of the dumbest notions ever applied to a consoles. That's why there won't be a PS4 right?

LordHiggens4190d ago

You are right on all those merits, the Japanese tend to buy the superior product...

...I'm still confused why they went with the 3DS but that's another point.

Also, love your name, Dir en Grey is amazing...Vulgar is a great album.

Anon19744190d ago (Edited 4190d ago )

I think the fallout from rrod really hurt the 360's reputation in Europe and Japan, and rightly so. It still amazes me that the unit sold as well as it did in the US despite the high failure rates. Whatever happened to all those lawsuits over rrod? When people sued Sony for removing Linux support, that was all over the news. I remember there were a number of lawsuits worldwide regarding rrod and disk scratching issues, but I have no idea if these were settled, tossed out or still ongoing. Anyone know?

rainslacker4190d ago


As I recall the Vita didn't have great sales in Japan until the recent price cut, which bundled a memory card into the package. So yeah, that excuse is perfectly valid, and one used here in the states as well for the Vita and Xbox, at least when the Xbox first released it was a big deal, no one mentions it anymore though.

Tito084190d ago (Edited 4190d ago )

I agree with all points except with the first because the original Xbox made it only a little more than half a million. 360 passed it, but only reached less than 2 million after all this years.

Well, I believe Microsoft did the right thing in stopping Japanese support, because Japan wasn't buying their consoles, very few games sold well, but still didn't help them to keep up, even Kinect flopped there. So they focused all their marketing muscle on the U.S. & EU, and succeeded.

I believe the problem has nothing to do with them being an American company by looking at the success Apple achieve there. I think it has more to do with Microsoft as a whole, could be wrong, who knows, just my 2 cents.

AWBrawler4189d ago

I agree. Japan has no interest in xbox for the same reasons i barely have interest in them. And those are the reasons

ShinMaster4189d ago

Actually, Xbox 360 did ok in the beginning because of JRPGs and whatnot, but support was quickly dropped.
And not everyone cares enough about Halo, Gears or paying for online to buy an extra systems when all, if not most, of your gaming needs are already met with a PlayStation and Nintendo system.

PS3 was future proof because it received and continues to receive support throughout. Blu-ray also helped.

dcbronco4189d ago


Future proof implies that it will always be on the leading edge. It was behind PCs a year later just like the 360. Unless you have a case that will be upgradable, it isn't future proof. If formats come out that it can't play, it's not future proof. No technology is future proof. The PS3 can't play 8k video. There's another thing that makes it not future proof.

ShinMaster4187d ago

In comparison with the Xbox 360 ya moron. Not PC.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4187d ago
xHeavYx4190d ago

Because they are smarter than most Americans? Lol

showtimefolks4190d ago

japan is a home market for other 2
they are big into handheld
they are still big into arcades

they don't like to buy products that have issues like xbox360 had for first few years with RROD

paying for online

same 3-4 game franchises as exclusives throughout the console cycle

AngelicIceDiamond4190d ago (Edited 4190d ago )

Because The Xbox 360, its games, and its tastes, are simply built around American culture.

Hicken4189d ago

Which is odd, because as American as I am, the 360 is actually last on my list of consoles.

Given how Sony and Nintendo have had amazingly strong showings in prior generations- despite not being very "American"- I'd say that has very little to do with it.

Instead, it's build quality, game variety, and support factor that determined why the other consoles were so successful elsewhere, and why the 360 WASN'T. To be honest, I'm amazed and rather saddened by just how willing my fellow Americans are/were to eat up the 360. They didn't put up much of a fight when it came to holding Microsoft accountable.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4187d ago
Godmars2904190d ago

It didn't address the market. MS put out piles of cash to lure JP devs to the system, tried to get them to make games for it, but they didn't actually do anything to identify the brand towards the Japanese gamer.

Mustang300C20124190d ago

Japanese simply don't care for an American console and it isn't like the PS3 did better. It is clear the Japanese as a whole have transitioned to handheld games so I don't expect any console that isn't a 3DS to do well

sinncross4190d ago

People need to seriously get over this notion that Japan hates 'american item'.

Japanese people love American things, especially when American clothing companies open up (and iPods/ iPhones are really popular here too).

MS just failed to aggressively address the market with expectations high for both Sony and Nintendo.

knifefight4190d ago

Adding to your examples, whenever I ask any of my students (I'm a teacher in Japan) to name their favorite restaurant, McDonald's is far and away the most common answer.

The American flag and British Union Jack are huge fashion points over here. You'll see them on shirts, hats, handbags...it's as if you were in the US or Europe.

Every country has a touch of xenophobia and nationalism here and there, but really, this notion that Japan stays away from foreign products is simply not true.

Aceman184189d ago

i come to expect that way of thinking from most of my fellow americans, and that's really sad imo. majority of us just need to get over ourselves.

japan didnt buy 360 because it have interesting games that were gear towards their market. did microsoft really think shooters were going to be real big in japan?

what happened to support it with rpgs they like, after LO i really can't think of one other rpg after FF13 that was released on the console over there.

Aceman184189d ago (Edited 4189d ago )


since you live and teach there, get to witness first hand how the culture is what do you make of majority of these comments here mostly from our American fellows stating otherwise?

the way the keep spouting incorrect facts is simply mind boggling. its pretty clear that Microsoft hasn't done the right things to actually do better in Japan.

if Japanese people only buy Japanese products why didn't they buy the Vita from the off? did people believe they would simply buy it because its from Sony?

Mustang300C20124190d ago

I said an American console not American products. MS did provide games that cator to the market it just didn't penetrate the first time because of alot of issues. The machine was too big for the first Xbox in small homes. The second was the controller itself was too big and then they came out with the S controller. Hell MS has a Japan devision that is run by a Japanese CEO for that devision and the games that are their are the same ones released for the PS3. They simply choose the Wii and PS3 over the 360 as they chose the PS2 and Gamecube over the Xbox.

Still Japan is not as big as it was years ago for consoles and proof is how the industry in that country has moved on to handhelds to where even the native consoles are struggling which we see on a weekly basis. So arguing over the weakness of Japan for Xbox really doesn't change the fact that this company saw success with those Japan studios outside the country so it was still important to get relations with developers established.

Tito084190d ago

I think it has nothing to do with it being an American product, since Apple is doing very good in the country. I think it has to do with Microsoft as a whole. The weak sales of the Surface, & both failed attempts with both game consoles, Kinect & Zune is pretty evident the Japanese doesn't like Microsoft.

They proved with the 360 they can be successful outside of Japan, but problem is Japan is a market that it's too hard to ignore despite having a small population compared to Europe & America, time will tell thought, but I'm not expecting Microsoft to support Japan much after 2 failed attempts in the gaming business.

neoandrew4190d ago

It is simple, ps3 is better.

mandf4190d ago

lack of Japanese style games.

from the beach4189d ago

Xbox 360 utterly dominated the STG and RPG genres this gen, as well as having loads of Japanese exclusives - so no.

CGI-Quality4189d ago

You're saying it had more than PS3.....in Japan?

from the beach4189d ago

I didn't say that, however it could well be the case - would be interesting to see a study produced.

Inception4189d ago

X360 dominated RPG genre this gen and having loads of japanese exclusive? Really?
Than why it doesn't have Disgaea, Valkyria Chronicles, Tales of Graces & Xillia, Persona, Kingdom Hearts, Yakuza, Ni no Kuni, or Atelier series?

Even some 360 exclusive such as Tales of Vesperia, Star Ocean 4, or Steins;Gate are not exclusive anymore.

from the beach4189d ago

Yup, there's a list for Xbox 360 too, as I'm sure you well know.

Are you saying it didn't have loads of Japanese exclusives? I mentioned STGs as well. Fighting games.. action games.. got lists?

Inception4189d ago

If you asking me about the list, i already provide them in my 1st post. Butttt, i DON'T see your exclusive list to proved your post that "360 utterly dominated RPG genre this gen, as well as having load of japanese exclusive".

And i donno about exclusive action games for 360 in japan. But if fighting games, 360 sure don't get Jojo's Bizzare Adventure All Star and BlazBlue Chrono Phantasma in japan (and US).

Btw, what is STG? You mean Real Time Strategic game such as Starcraft or Shogun Total War?
If Yes, i've never heard that 360 got Starcraft / Shogun Total War game in japan...

from the beach4189d ago

You don't see my list because I haven't sat and compiled one! As I say, it would make an interesting study. Your RPG one looks a little strange, though. Kingdom Hearts? Persona?

It's bizarre to me that people think the Xbox 360 didn't have loads of Japanese exclusives, that's really all I can say.

STG means shootemups, by the way. Lookemup!

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4189d ago
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Microsoft Reportedly Spends $1 Billion Annually To Get Third-Party Games On Game Pass

Uncover the spending behind Xbox's Game Pass subscription. Discover how Microsoft invests a billion dollars annually in securing third-party games for the service.

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Obscure_Observer6h ago


Now that you´re releasing games and making big money from every gaming platform, you should double that amount and give us even more day one third party games!

Jin_Sakai5h ago(Edited 5h ago)

You’re delusional beyond belief. Businesses wise it doesn’t make sense and sooner or later they’ll be raising prices again to cover that billion they’re blowing every year.

purple1015h ago(Edited 5h ago)

As someone else said earlier today, they are past the growth stage, it’s been stagnent for last 3 years, they are now in the money making stage, prepare to be goosed for as many dollars as possible for the least amount of content. It may not be bad now, (actually it is) but it will be soon (even worse) this year you got hellblade and starfirld and a load of other games that could be bought in bargain bins for about $5-30 and for that you pay them monthly

To add I honestly don’t know how you put up with the barrage of Xbox negativity (which is deserved). I put it down to:

A) you are being paid
B) you may have a problem thinking clearly
C) prefer rooting for the underdog, that’s a legit thing too. English people do it by default

Profchaos40m ago(Edited 40m ago)

Yeah Aussies also love an underdog as long as that underdog isn't Xbox as they were too of the game with the 360 then lost their minds

Chevalier20m ago

3 straight years of missing Gamepass targets. Some people are just blinded by their own idiocy. Will be interesting to see if COD does anything this fall

CosmicTurtle2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

He is a troll. Designed to stoke people up on here. We know this.

It’s quite funny.

Sonic18811h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Are you insane? You want them to double the amount when the Xbox is already struggling and losing money 🤔

Hofstaderman41m ago

Correction....XBOX is already dead.

fr0sty1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

They'll do that, after creating 4 more higher-priced tiers and making the one that currently includes everything only contain games that have been on the market for 4 years.

"Gamepass Ultra to the MAX: Now only $299 per year!"

Profchaos41m ago(Edited 41m ago)

They are trying to get a return on abk and Bethesda they won't double day one we're lucky we are still getting them now that day one has been removed from base tiers

They want to make money not give it away

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 20m ago
MrDead6h ago(Edited 6h ago)

I like how they twist cannibalising game sales into "invests".

No lifetime sales with MS, they'll F-up gaming the same as streaming services have done to the movie industry and it's workforce.

Fishy Fingers3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

Out of interest do you think those 3rd parties signing the deal are unhappy with the severence and have a gun to their head?

Bro probably has a PS+ sub and has library full of Epic launcher free games.

shadowT4h agoShowReplies(2)
CrimsonGuardVII2h ago

@badz148 its not, it just straight lied.

gold_drake1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

we know this, we have known this since last year.

this is not new or news.

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Filing Lawsuit for Infringement of Patent Rights against Pocketpair, Inc.

Nintendo and Pokemon Company have filed a lawsuit against Pocketpair Inc., the creators of Palworld, in Tokyo, Japan.

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Number1TailzFan1d 19h ago

Ye, Custom Robo Arena was a lot better than Pokemon anyways, now that's a game.

Eonjay1d 15h ago

Interestingly this comes like a day after they announced they would be at the Tokyo Games Show.

Vits1d 13h ago

We should all really hope so. Otherwise, this could lead to many issues, as they hold patents on numerous game mechanics. And when I say numerous, I truly mean it. Take this one, for example:

"Abstract: In an example of a game program, a ground boarding target object or an air boarding target object is selected by a selection operation, and a player character is caused to board the selected boarding target object. If the player character aboard the air boarding target object moves toward the ground, the player character is automatically changed to the state where the player character is aboard the ground boarding target object, and brought into the state where the player character can move on the ground."

In plain English, do you guys remember that super amazing mechanic where you surf on the water with a Pokémon, and then when you hit land, it changes to you walking? Yeah, they patented that.

21h ago
porkChop2d ago

A patent lawsuit? What Pokémon-related patent could Palworld even be infringing that other similar games haven't? This makes no sense. Feels like Nintendo just trying to throw its weight around to bully competitors, just like they do with emulators even though they're legal.

Kaii2d ago

They can't Innovate their own IP, but when others are breaking the ceiling, they run to the courts, gtfo Nintendo/Gamefreak.

Companies' gatekeeping mechanics behind the patent system to stifle innovation, consumers will always pick the better product, it's not the consumer's fault that Gamefreak has sat on their lazy assess for years.

Kornholic1d 16h ago

"Consumers will always pick the better product"

Since when?

swedishMeatwad1d 4h ago

You can't argue with _subjective_ taste. Some people are going to like games you find crappy. I'm happy not everyone has the same taste.

Kornholic20h ago(Edited 20h ago)


PS5 Pro is obviously objectively the better product when compared to the base PS5, but the majority of consumers interested in a PS5 will not be picking Pro over base PS5.

There are countless examples like this out there.

The_Blue1d 12h ago

Rather you like it or not COD has many accessible options and customization that allows for better experience than most other FPS.

Knightofelemia2d ago

The Palworld has been out since January of 2024 and now Nintendo finally decides to do something. I fail to see how Palworld is like Pokemon besides evolving monsters. There are other games out there as well where you can capture and level up monsters. Tales of Symphonia 2 does that capture monsters and have them fight with you and they evolve when levelling up. The two games might share some similarities but what game doesn't borrow from another game. I could understand if Palworld was just a straight on copy clone of Pokemon but it's not. Nintendo is starting to become a pain in the ass. Going full gung ho with rom sites that I can see, purposely taking down pictures from a strategy guide for Mario 64 the strategy guide never came to North America and Nintendo had the pictures taken down. Where does it every stop with Nintendo?

babadivad1d 15h ago

Monsters don't evolve in Palworld

Software_Lover1d 11h ago

It's because Palworld became a worldwide viral success. Nintendo can't fathom someone else being that popular when it comes to a small monster catching game.

VersusDMC1d 11h ago

Nintendo is only acting now because they just finished a lawsuit which they won.


Atlus should get on this and sue Nintendo as SMT came out before Pokemon. If Nintendo is going to play this game.

isarai1d 16h ago (Edited 1d 16h ago )

This feels like a scare tactic more than anything else. There's nothing here dozens of other games haven't already done, they're just mad this game showed people how much the pokemon series has been slackin and are desperately trying to make an example out of them.

How's about instead of spending all that money on court fees and lawyers you invest it into making pokémon better?

Profchaos1d 15h ago

I think if it was a scare tactic it would have happened when the game came out I have a feeling they've been building a case for a while

isarai1d 15h ago (Edited 1d 15h ago )

It did happen even before the game came out, they tried several tomes before and nothing came of it

Profchaos1d 15h ago

I was pretty sure the only statement they made was they would investigate

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Report: Microsoft Cutting 650 More Jobs From Gaming Division Per Phil Spencer's Letter to Employees

Phil Spencer has sent a letter out to employees informing them that 650 jobs would be cut from Microsoft's gaming division.

VenomUK8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

‘Good guy Phil’?

The truth likely is that the decision was not his to make and is possibly a direct consequence of cutting costs following the ABK deal.

DodoDojo8d ago

Would be nice if he'd mail one of those letters to himself.

RhinoGamer888d ago

Cut costs -> no bonus, stock options, raises for Phil and his leadership team.

Lightning778d ago

"Good guy Phil" is comical. You have to bleed green to see that. I'm only a matter of time until MS, that's right MS even in ages themselves from the industry.

Sad, people and even sadder and pathetic company.

fr0sty8d ago

If they keep this up, they won't even be able to go third party anymore after they stop making Xbox hardware.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 8d ago
bionicstar8d ago

game devs aren't being let go.

“As part of aligning our post-acquisition team structure and managing our business, we have made the decision to eliminate approximately 650 roles across Microsoft Gaming—mostly corporate and supporting functions—to organize our business for long term success.”

darthv728d ago

getting rid of some suits... now this news isnt so bad. Too many suits makes all the wrong decisions, esp the top dogs.

Michiel19898d ago

@darth they arent suits, they are people that work in administration, customer support and that kinda stuff

ZacultronTheFirst8d ago

Probably people from much needed Marketing department.

Nacho_Z8d ago

It doesn't make it any better if they aren't devs being fired.

8d ago
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 8d ago
Petebloodyonion8d ago

The original story is from IGN as they are the ones who got the memo.

Still sucks!

badboyz098d ago

The day we hear that Xbox is no more is vastly approaching.

8d ago Replies(2)
Obscure_Observer8d ago

"The day we hear that Xbox is no more is vastly approaching."

Not sure Sony is doing any better with all that money lost on GaaS and all that worldwide backlash regarding the Pro.

1Victor8d ago

@obscured: “ Not sure Sony is doing any better with all that money lost on GaaS and all that worldwide backlash regarding the Pro.”
Welcome back we missed you said no one 🤣

I don’t remember Sony cutting over 1900 employees then Less than 7 months later get a leak for another 600 to be on the chopping board but hey let’s equate that to a few people not been happy about a mid gen system refresh price 🤦🏿.

8d ago
1Victor8d ago

@obscured: “
They also casually forget that Sony have been laying off thousands of people too”
Yeeesh I got a better help discount code for you

BehindTheRows8d ago

Uh, thr Pro "backlash" is hardly something that's going to tank their business. Unless you've been living under a rock, there's no question that Xbox is in the gutter.

Quit pivoting to Sony because you don't like the subject matter. Their game division isn't in the toilet.

DodoDojo8d ago

Well Sony isn't selling more copies of their games on a rival system yet so they must be doing alright.

8d ago
Mr_cheese7d ago


Saves some straws for the rest of us will you

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 7d ago
343_Guilty_Spark7d ago

Vastly approaching is a weird phrase… vastly is typically used to convey the degree of some size or length or time.

Vastly approaching makes no sense.

You mean rapidly approaching.

MrDead8d ago

A combined $80 billion spent on consolidating a massive part of the industry, thousands fired all to line the pockets of the already wealthy and turn the gaming industry into a rental service.


crazyCoconuts8d ago

MS is a publicly traded company. If you have a 401K you yourself might own MS stocks.
I'm definitely not a MS fan, but CEOs need to keep returns high to keep their jobs if nothing else. They don't get to transfer the salaries to their accounts.
I blame MS for failed strategies, poor execution, lack of vision, etc.
These layoffs are just the result of those things.

MrDead8d ago

That's the weakest excuse for a giant monopoly I've ever seen... also companies like MS are more likely to damage people's 401k through monopolistic practices.

Obscure_Observer8d ago

"FU MS."

I love how you act all enraged and bully when it´s MS firing people.

"It´s all about the workers" at least they´re Sony´s employees, right? If they´re Sony they can go f* themselves right? It´s all justified and the blame lies elsewhere on some widespread industry problem, right? Right?

We been seeing some of Sony recent bs moves and you know what´s coming, right?

I´m expecting you to disappear the same way you do every time Sony layoff hundreds of people or get a whole studio shut down.

You´ll do anything to avoid and hold them accountable. But that's OK. You´are not biased, right?

1Victor8d ago

@obscured: “ "It´s all about the workers" at least they´re Sony´s employees, right? If they´re Sony they can go f* themselves right? It´s all justified and the blame lies elsewhere on some widespread industry problem, right? Right?”

Well Sony didn’t overreached and spend over 80 BILLION$ to acquire mayor 3rd party game developers and one MAYOR publisher the owner of the BIGGEST FPS just hoping to keeping it exclusive to their system and now having to fire thousands of employees to valance their books one more quarter.
Now Microsoft is beginning and going to kiss Sony dark ring and publish their “first party games “ on PlayStation. Regardless of who it is it’s wrong to do an acquisition and then fire people.
I applaud Microsoft for at least giving them a severance package and assistance getting a new job 👍👍.

MrDead8d ago

Chill out kid... also why bring up Sony, have they just spent 80 billion to consolidate a massive part of the industry to the detriment of thousands of workers?

MS lines their pockets whilst firing thousands, such a shame you support this.

Chevalier8d ago

Gee someone here said Xbox would NEVER release 1st party games on Playstation or competing platforms again?! Never tired to see you eat crow again.

8d ago
OlderGamer177d ago

But but Sony bad...thats the normal damagecontroll from O_O. Dude its time to sing another song, this one is sounding like a broken record......

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 7d ago
LG_Fox_Brazil8d ago

Not sure about the rest of the world, but here in Brazil we have a say that goes like this:

'May the last one to leave please turn off the lights'

What the heck is MS even doing right now?

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