
SimCity sells 1.1 million copies, “biggest SimCity launch of all time”

GC: "EA has announced that SimCity has sold 1.1 million copies."

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majiebeast4204d ago (Edited 4204d ago )

Great i wanna thank all the people that bought this always online piece of shit. Cause guess what we are gonna get even more of that now. Cause EA knows they can screw their customers and they will happily bend over to take it.

No wonder gaming is getting worse and worse with DLC of any kind,microtransactions, and now single player games getting forced online for no reason other then to kill off piracy, by screwing over the customer.

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4204d ago (Edited 4204d ago )

"Great i wanna thank all the people that bought this always online piece of shit."

Like diablo 3.

But no one seems to complain.

And I think diablo 3 sold 10 million.

thereapersson4204d ago

But many people I know who bought DIII on launch have either quit playing already or have even uninstalled it. It's fun but it feels like a pale imitator of itself as a Diablo game.

Jobesy4204d ago Show
DeadlyFire4203d ago (Edited 4203d ago )

Diablo 3 sold 12+ million in 2012. So its higher than that now. Even so it didn't have same fun factor I believe.

Derekvinyard134204d ago

Simcity is a big series, the average joe just buys it without knowing all the spec jargon, I expected it to sell over 1 million PC gamers love the originals

HammadTheBeast4204d ago ShowReplies(1)
aCasualGamer4204d ago

I wonder how many of the Simcity owners knew about the always online connectivity before they bought it. I'm pretty certain not alot of people knew about it before buying it and can you imagine the rage that consumes them when they weren't able to play the game?

I mean, Simcity isn't your typical game, it doesn't have the same target group as other games. Those who bought the game are probably some old fashioned PC gamers who don't know that much about gaming or this industry, they just play Simcity, Civilization etc.

I'm pretty sure EA didn't market this game with a label of "oh btw you have to be online constantly, or you won't get to play!"... nope, that's not how EA rolls right?

All the managers over at EA deserve to get fired, for deceiving customers and gamers like this. If there is one company out there that deserves to get their games pirated it's EA.

IK IR Y IP T4204d ago

i did i bought it a week after launch havent had a single issue not once and i get a free game woo sim city is amazing

aCasualGamer4204d ago


Good for you. Hope you enjoyed the game. You should know though, that alot of people have been getting issues with connecting to the game.

Are there many bugs and glitches in the game? Because i've heard from many people that the game has some pretty large glitches that can hinder the gameplay.

rainslacker4204d ago

The Sim series in general sells a crap ton of copies. It's one of the most lucrative names in the industry.

For every one of us on here that may have stayed away from the game because of knowing these things would be an issue, there are 100 that have no clue about it. It's painfully obvious if you read any of the forum posts on EA's own website about it. These don't even include the average user who may not be adept at using forums, or who don't even post on forums.

While having a lucrative franchise is good, when you take the principles of why people buy it, see it sells a lot despite crappy anti-consumer practices, and then extrapolate that that is what all consumers want, it becomes a problem. If EA now goes on to say people will eat it up for every(or most) products, like they are with micro-transactions, then it can have serious long term side effects which disillusion the consumers in general.

Ubisoft was doing this same kind of thing with DRM, although don't recall always-on in the mix, and they eventually said it just isn't worth it. I hope EA comes to that conclusion a lot sooner.

Godmars2904204d ago

Not really the fault of the people who bought it. They bought the game, pre-ordered it, got b*tch slapped by DRM, and now because of that the title's fallen under additional scrutiny which has revealed that it doesn't live up to any of its claims.

This is EA going before its stockholders and proving that no matter how badly they screw up and shortchange their customers, they can make money.

Course it would be sweet if they only sold 1.1 million. Ever.

coolbeans4204d ago (Edited 4204d ago )

To be fair, the 'average' SimCity gamer who bought this game probably pre-ordered or bought Day 1 on good faith. It doesn't help matters when most game reviews posted before City's release were positive on metacritic, leaving people who could've canceled at the last second to be fooled into thinking Origin's servers were ready for them (IF they even knew about the always-on DRM).

There's also EA's angle to consider in this: blocking digital refunds can lead me to believe they did it just to keep these first week numbers as inflated as possible from this fiasco, since that's when it's most important for publishers' stockholders.

Kran4204d ago

As much as I agree with you, it's hard to agree with you when free will is apparently not allowed in the gaming world.

I'm not saying you're wrong. I hate EA for what they have done to gaming. But on the other end of it, if I want to buy a game, I expect it to be allowed without critism. Not many of us knew there was always-online DRM before the game was released.

mrkeith4204d ago

lol always online DRM is fine for me considering that my PC is online 24/7 anyways. Im not really sure why you would be turning your internet off and on on your pc?? I just hope they learn that you need "always online" servers on the company end. Thats where you get screwed at.

Animal Mutha 764203d ago (Edited 4203d ago )

I would also like to sarcastically ( slow hand clap) thank all those who bought Aliens CM before reading a review (I'm guilty of this), and the many people who have purchased all of those rubbish COD BLOPS2 micro transactions.

I really enjoy being shot by a gun made out of bacon. I sit there and think wow your such a great gamer with big bollocks. I bow to your awsomeness. Well done for paying 160msp for a small bacon texture that's been tiled over your gun. That's money we'll spent.

The guys at Activision must literally piss themselves laughing when they get told during their Monday morning business meeting that half a million people have paid for a bacon texture. They must sit there and think - 'my god they really will buy anything'. Next week if we need another million quid or so let's just rush out a gun texture of my ass crack. Loads will buy it then we can all go buy Ferraris and drive around smoking dollar bills.

Every COD from now on will have silly micro trans for weapon skins, attachments and so on thanks to you. Cheers, thanks a fudging lot.

On topic - sales of Sim City have demonstrated to devs that they can get away with skimping on beta testing to save money as we can all be used as guinea pigs at launch to test the game with a 'we'll fix it' attitude post launch.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4203d ago
Root4204d ago

Great ¬¬

Thats all EA is going to take away from that

"You guys do realise that it was a failure at launch because of the no offline thing, got worse reviews then past titles and some fans felt it was stripped of some features which made past sim city games so good"

"...yeah but it sold a lot"


"...Money, Money, Money"

Pandamobile4204d ago

Publishers generally don't care too much about quality. If a game gets poor reception but sells a lot, that's a success in their books.

Root4204d ago

Shame because they'll never learn

Irishguy954204d ago

Hopefully the next SimCity suffers from it.

FFXIII was ****, FF13-2 sold poorly due to that.

Outside_ofthe_Box4204d ago

^^^ Yup.

I'm pretty sure most that bought SimCity were unaware of it's always online issue. The next SimCity will surely suffer due to this colossal failure. FF13 is a great example of what will happen.

rainslacker4204d ago

While I'd like to think that's true, and it surely will have some effect, the Sims games themselves often release with some major issue that causes consumer annoyance. They still sell very well on each new release. By the time the next one comes out(or any other series with a similar issue), most people will forget about those day one woes, and remember the game after it's fixed state. Even on the EA forums people are saying "it will get fixed later, just be patient", or "You should have waited since these things are common", so these kinds of practices, while controversial, don't make companies really try to do better.

There are some of us that are more pragmatic in how we decide to purchase a game...it just doesn't equate to enough sales lost to make a big difference.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4204d ago
Root4204d ago

"So what made you build the Krusty Krab 2"


"So what made you make SimCity always be online"



vega2754204d ago

Actually I'm more interested in how much of that was returned due to refunds. Probably not much since they was denying people refunds.

-Alpha4204d ago

This is not what we meant when we said "Vote with your wallets", dammit!

Though, I'm under the assumption that fans of the legacy of this franchise put faith in this one. I do not expect a sequel to do as well, as consumers would naturally be more precarious.

It's just too bad that EA gets to get away with it.

Kyosuke_Sanada4204d ago

So....uh......about them refunds?

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7 Times Games Forced Us Online (Against Our Will)

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shauzy1967d ago

i dont even know what to gain from this

meep3161967d ago

publishers gain control by forcing you online.

shauzy1966d ago

i meant what to gain from this knowledge, this list, whats the point of it why make it why should i know these games, sure yeah i do recall some games needing me to be online even to play single player but, why should i know this "seven times" thing

Xavi4K1967d ago

I don’t care I cannot recall the last time I didn’t have internet connection

PiNkFaIrYbOi1967d ago

You are either sort of young or very old and have memory issues.

Besides the internet can go down for various reasons.

Lord_Sloth1967d ago

Lookit me, I can't even type 7 paragraphs on a single page! Give me clicks!!!

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lptmg2585d ago

Need for Speed as well. Here's to hope that the new one will be a return to form for the franchise.

Gaming1012584d ago

Dead Space was the worst ruining... micro transactions in a full price game, with co op that was mandatory to get all the story and access to certain areas. Sure Rock Band was oversaturated, and Burnout was basically killed off even though it sold a ton on PS3 back in the day.

indysurfn2584d ago

Wow kudos EA! no one can kill a franchisee like you can kill a franchises.

lptmg2584d ago

Sadly, Rock Band died because of Activision shoving one Guitar Hero every 3 months

OldSchoolGamer692585d ago

Madden Football 2006-2018 2018-?

showtimefolks2585d ago

I want mercenaries 1 remaster

chrono12052585d ago

Or a reboot, with all the fun of the first one.

showtimefolks2584d ago

i agree i had a great time with the 1st game and a good time with the sequel

PhoenixUp2585d ago

Dead Space, NBA Live, & Rock Band

indysurfn2584d ago (Edited 2584d ago )

I really liked Burnout and Need for speed and thought no one will able to destroy this game.....I was WRONG!

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