
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance: 5 Reasons The Story Sucks

"Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (MGRR) was Hideo Kojima’s, famed director behind the Metal Gear series, first foray into the hack and slash territory with a Metal Gear game. " | Explosion.com

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Nyxus4208d ago

I don't see how the villains (and thereby the child soldier plot element) were humanized and justified. Weren't they all just evil and 'bat shit insane'? Compared to other MGS characters they were pretty straightforward in their wickedness.

zAlchemist4208d ago

this game is a knock off Devil May Cry

x5exotic4208d ago

New DmC is possibly the worst game I've ever played, so don't even try to glorify it.

Inb4 succubus rage

zAlchemist4208d ago

its better than metal gear revengeance it sucks everything about it is garbage. DMC is good and looks good

valormeer4208d ago

Your troll was bad and you should feel bad.

zAlchemist4208d ago

How was that trolling? its an opinion.

1nsaint4208d ago

Why? Because it's an hack and slash?

Then dante's inferno, bayonetta and ninja gaiden are also DMC rip-offs in your eyes.

Compared to most of that genre games the gameplay is more original then most hack and slash games, with the whole cutting objects in half thing.

Heisenburger4208d ago

"...an hack and slash?"


1nsaint4208d ago

@heisenburger lol i've always thought games where you walk around in 3rd person making combo's and countering where called hack and slash.

Hmm i'll call it 3rd person action adventure platformers from now on then :P

rdgneoz34208d ago

@1nsaint I think the giggle was over your grammar. "A hack and slash", not "AN hack and slash."

1nsaint4208d ago

@rdgneoz3 ah ok, maybe the people that disagreed forgive me if i tell im dutch :p
My english grammar isn't perfect, i dont even know the difference between a and an xD

braydox214204d ago

OMG we've got the same avater albeit yours looks to be at a higher quality.... :)

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wanieldiik4208d ago

the whole game was a disappointment. I really hope platinum games doesn't get the chance to do a metal gear game ever again.

betan214208d ago

Yep i was only into the gameplay other than that i was like WHAT???

baldulf4208d ago

Terrible final boss? This guy is clueless.

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Konami "sorry for getting people's hopes up" as PC version of Revengeance still not available Japan

"Firstly, we owe all our Japanese fans of MGR: Revengeance a big apology for that," said Jiro Oishi, Metal Gear series producer.

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Gamehard3d ago

Wish they'd do a current gen console release of this. Hopefully on MGS Master Collection Vol. 2!

Venoxn4g3d ago

Revengeance should come to Master Collection


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