
The Best, And Worst, Of Sony’s Big PlayStation 4 Reveal

Kotaku - Sony's PlayStation 4 reveal earlier this evening was one of the stranger console announcements I can remember.

We heard from a ton of developers, but some big ones didn't have anything concrete to show or talk about. We saw a lot of games, but many were games we already knew about. And we heard all about the PlayStation 4 without ever once actually seeing what the PlayStation 4 looked like.

To that end, I'm going to sort through the good and the bad, the highs and lows, and see what we can make of the whole thing.

4100d ago Replies(3)
Gimmemorebubblez4100d ago

Saving the Knock-out-punch for E3.

DivineAssault 4100d ago (Edited 4100d ago )

YES! Thats what ive been saying.. They arent going to show all their cards right now... I think they already knocked out everyone with this teaser showing.. That system is greatness! i just finished putting my name/# on the waitlist..

Who gives a damn what the shell looks like?? It can look like that toaster for all i care, if it does all that, im in ALL THE WAY!

Ripsta7th4100d ago

I want my PS4 to look sexy, Not like a toaster.

bayport4100d ago (Edited 4100d ago )

I wonder if it is going to adopt more of a PC tower style?

That's a whole lot of power to cram into laptop-esque design. I'd imagine that they would burn out pretty quickly if they don't do a better job of creating a cooling system than they did with their 60GB PS3's. Those things had crappy thermal paste though too.

I'd imagine that some consumers would get pissed if the design wasn't something compact that they could through on to a shelf in an entertainment system though.

Oh well, I guess we will see what Sony decides to do.

HITANDRUN4100d ago

Maybe, the only good looking console made by sony was the first PS1, the rest were awfull looking and remote never developed, not even on ps4, ugh.. time stand still with sonys remote.

showtimefolks4100d ago

for me personally there was no bad, few times during the conference i laughed knowing how awesome this machine could be

i think E3 sony is gonna own the conference, they have yet to release full detailed 100% info and how the system looks

new game from santa monica
GT6 possibly
new FF game
something from kojima
ND's next game from 2nd team
last guardain coming to ps4444444444 ossibly?

also what about the new IP

Insomniac still has a tethat works on playstation so are they doing something new or Ratchet and clank?

w game from david jaffe possibly?

These 3 are my personal wish list

reboot for getaway series
eight days?
sypho Filter

_-EDMIX-_4100d ago

GT6 will be on PS3. Sony has always released 2 GT's per PS system.

LOL! Why would TLG be on PS4? I mean...have you know heard? The PS4 is a completely a different architecture, it would take more time putting it on PS4 then finishing it on PS3. Another thing to note....why would they even waste the time? Sony is trying to make a return on this game buddy. So.....no.

The Getaway and Eight Days (thats a hugh maybe, they did say they where on hold)

Now Syphon Filter. Thats really out of left field. It would make for a huge surprised. I think Sony Bend still exist.

showtimefolks4099d ago


I think GT6 will be on ps4 and ps3

the last guardian development was having a lot of tech issues so who knows maybe they will move the development completely to ps4.

I don't see TLG coming to ps3, i do see it coming out on ps4 and i do think it will launch day one with PS4.

there were enough Syphon Filter rumors so i think sooner or later we will see another SP game

getaway if done right could be a Huge IP for sony, I would love to see what a development team like ND can do with getaway 3. I know they haven't done a lot of open world games but Jak 2-3 were kind of open world games

but that's more of a wishful thinking

Wizziokid4100d ago

People keep talking about how they didn't show the console? i'm confused as to why it matters, if it's pumping out the service they showed I don't care what the console looks like

WarThunder4100d ago (Edited 4100d ago )

I think not showing it is quite smart, actually. It builds up excitement and keeps people wondering. E3 is right around the corner.

Kotaku sux anyway... We saw the conference, we liked it, we don't care about Kotaku's "expert" opinion...

GiggMan4100d ago (Edited 4100d ago )

I'm with you. I for one was expecting to see the console and no games. As a gamer I'm glad it was the other way around. Plus Sony threw out cold hard specs to boot.

This conference was for the gamers. Save the hardware unveiling for the flashiness of E3. Nice strategy Sony.

UnholyLight4100d ago

No doubt, keeps us salivating in the meantime on the details we did manage to get from them in the mean time.

Kevin ButIer4100d ago (Edited 4100d ago )

Come on guys... Kotaku is serious journalism,

"Sausage Party - Over a dozen men took to the stage to represent the cream of Sony's development crop. There was not a single woman" (Kotaku expert convinced that only 3 "Worst" points weren't enough...)

Waddy1014100d ago

This is taken from a famitsu interview with Kawano.

Famitsu: What will the price be? Will it be a console price?
Kawano: What’s a console price? We’ll release the price in the future. We have yet to show the console hardware itself – something we plan to do in stages…

mandf4100d ago (Edited 4100d ago )

It's just kotaku right on time with something negative about Sony. They have posted about 10 articles with something negative about Sony. It gets old. We got specs, services and games but that's not good enough got to find something negative.

@ morganfell

Using scantily dressed women is a cheap trick and makes our hobby look childish. Same with actors, musicians and circus acts.

morganfell4100d ago

Exactly. The already threw up a piece complaining there were no women on stage. How many write for Kotaku? And even better was this series of comments quoted at GAF (not giving Kotaku a click)

"People will notice if, like today, there are no women presenters at your event."

Then this idiot says:

"I admittedly didn't even notice there weren't women presenters until someone else mentioned it..."

He stated that a single sentence apart. Desperate much?

Lvl_up_gamer4100d ago

Sony has a long history of over promising and under delivering.

Showing a console gives more credibility that the specs listed are actually in the system. It's not 100% creditable since Sony lied about some specs in the PS2 and PS3 where they actually showed the console and yet didn't show up in the final release, but seeing a console gives the consumer a better assurance that what they are seeing is what they are getting.

Not showing a console to simply tells me that they don't have one yet. It tells me that all the specs they listed is what they want in the console but most likely won't make it. 8GB of DDR5 RAM is going to be VERY expensive. Who is going to eat that cost? The consumer or Sony?

No console showing and the 8gb of DDR5 RAM makes me believe that Sony is once again shooting for the stars but will most likely end up hitting the moon. The final specs available at launch will be less then what was listed last night.

Mark my words.

WarThunder4100d ago (Edited 4100d ago )


Not marking your words, Because on E3 when they will reveal the PS4(the box) u will eat your words...

DragonKnight4100d ago

You posted the same thing in another thread and were marked for trolling because that's what you're doing Lvl_up_gamer. Your fanboyism is showing.

dredgewalker4100d ago

You bet I'm gonna mark your words and I'll be sure to remind you to eat it when the times comes for the PS4 to be officially unveiled. It's a good strategy to not reveal the whole console yet because they want to tempt MS into bringing out theirs. If I ever played poker with you I'm sure I'll be taking all your money.

kenshiro1004100d ago

Really? They over promise and under deliver? Well, I'm pretty sure they delivered entertainment for the years they've been in business. I'm sure that only people like you would automatically grasp at straws just to downplay the company.

Your fanboyism really is showing.

fsfsxii4099d ago

Again, if they showed the the console & specs, people would still bitch. ugh, this is getting old, the hate for sony.

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Rainstorm814100d ago (Edited 4100d ago )

If this was E3 then yea ok.....It's February and we just got a shyt ton of new official PS4 info dropped in our laps and its a "farce" because we didn't see the plastic box?

Come on Kotaku

So I guess save nothing for E3? One more thing for you guys to complain about...huh?

Sausage Fest!? Who cares PS4 is being unveiled!!!!

MasterCornholio4100d ago (Edited 4100d ago )

I agree with most people that the reason why Sony didnt reveal the console is to get people to talk about why they didnt. Its a great way to generate hype but in all due honesty if the console isnt gigantic then i really dont care what it looks like.



Eyeco4100d ago (Edited 4100d ago )

Certain people are trying so hard to downplay yesterdays conference like it was an E3 event. The whole point of the conference was to OFFICIALLY confirm the PS4 as an actual console, It was to convey the future of PS Brand ,they didn't have to announce a slew of launch games, price point or completely unveil the console itself the latter is completely as they announced the spec's anyway.

E3 is a few months away, then you have PAX, TGS, that's 3 major conferences this year, never mind information that will be announced in-between this isn't the last time where gonna see the PS4 before it's launch in fall this year. Sony showed more in the confrence, than Nintendo did in the last 2 E3's with the WII-U.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4099d ago
Cocozero4100d ago (Edited 4100d ago )

I want to see price, 8gb of ram, touch pad controller, two hd cameras with 3d tracking can't come cheap. I bet its cost is higher than the ps3 was. E3 will have a lot of worst.

bicfitness4100d ago (Edited 4100d ago )

You're trying too hard to troll. There is no way that this will cost $600. I see $399-450. Sony will announce the price AFTER MS. That's how you do shrewd business. As far as the component costs, they're mostly off the shelf, so manufacturing cost with the discounts Sony gets for such large yields won't be that much.

I bet you that MS' machine will cost more, but they'll try to subsidize it with a locked in Live subscription.

Edit: And typical of Kotaku to completely gloss over the streaming capabilities. The MOST POWERFUL GAMING - David's words, not mine - network that Gaikai is building. Or the off the shelf, developer friendly nature of the hardware. Their declared "openess" to F2P and indie developers is also worth a mention.

Edit @ Oni: There is no way that the the console will be as high as you think. The GPU is nearing 2 years old (launched Q1 2012, but is still quite good and AMD delayed their 8XXX). CPU is low power, low cost, picked specifically so that the GPU can take most of the grunt. RAM will be the most expensive component and the camera is still made of standard tech, not highly specific components.

I've been building computers for years, and I know what components cost on a RETAIL or even WHOLESALE level. Manufacters pay a frigging pittance compared to what I do, even if I'm deal hunting.

All that tech in one box should cost about $350. Then you add marketing and production costs. They can sell it for $450 easy and probably still make a profit.

--Onilink--4100d ago (Edited 4100d ago )

i think you are underestimating the potential cost of all those components. DDR5 memory is definitely not cheap, especially not 8gb, the CPU/GPU are pretty good as well, it has that secondary one for background processes, Hard Drive, Disc Drive and all the extra little components needed start to add up.

And then you add the improved Playstation Eye, plus the Move tech on the DS4 AND the touchpad... if we are getting that new PS Eye on every console and you expect a $400 version i think you might be dissapointed.

The least I could see it is $450/$550 if they go the double bundle way again, though im guessing they will just do a $500 version.

As for the streaming capabilities, it sure sounds amazing, but right now its nothing but theory, until its actually working as advertised i would wait to call it THE MOST POWERFUL GAMING NETWORK...

Jek_Porkins4100d ago

If you think they are going to release those specs, probably at least a 500 gig HDD and that controller for $399, you might need to be committed.

At the very cheap end we might see a $450 price point, and at the high end I'd say $599. Some of what they have seems like overkill, but we'll see.

bicfitness4100d ago

Jek, I said $399-450. Yields increase and prices on components go down daily. If you think that components cost that much you haven't been around a computer in the last decade.

There is no way that Sony will release another $600 box. The lack of custom parts and the reliance on off the shelf components in the design can tell you that.

Information Minister4100d ago

@ Onilink:

GDDR 5 is just a version of standard DDR3 SDRAM optimized specifically for graphics calculations. Manufacturing costs are slightly higher but nothing to write home about, and probably cheaper than the XDR memory currently used in the PS3. It's actually the integration of that amount of memory on a PCB that could present the challenge.

Rumor has it that there will be 2 SKUs at launch. The cheaper one probably will not include the new camera.

The inclusion of a touchpad and an extra LED on the Dual Shock 4 shouldn't be too expensive, considering the remaining motion sensors are already a part of the Sixaxis/DS3.

You are right on the streaming capabilities, though. Those will always depend heavily on the quality of your own internet connection.

andibandit4100d ago


I dont know what kind of computers you've been building, but from your post it's pretty evident you've been smoking alot of weed too.

PurpHerbison4100d ago

Loosely throwing around the word troll is awful.

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juandren4100d ago

God bless you son :/ PS3 had then-new Blu-Ray, Cell processor, pointless card readers and PS2 hardware. Not to mention NO subscription-based online like PS+ which is fields of money for Sony. I expect a $399 release. Sony lost $200+ off every PS3 sold. If they sell PS4 for $399 they will lose $100 max, while making money from the PS3, PS+ and first-party game sales

R_aVe_N4100d ago

Worst = D3 coming to PS3/PS4 and Capcom announcing a game announcement for E3...
Best = Everything Else

cervantes994100d ago

How is any game coming to a platform a bad thing? You don't like then don't buy it.

R_aVe_N4099d ago

It was my opinion plain and simple I didn't ask you to agree with it now did I?

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