
Sorry To Say It, But Keyboard And Mouse Are Losing The FPS Market

Arstechnica- Considering that the PC is the platform that birthed both the first-person shooter and the MMO, many PC game fans are a bit perturbed that Activision and Bungie have yet to confirm a PC version of its recently unveiled FPS-meets-MMO Destiny. Bungie co-founder Jason Jones threw a bit more fuel on the fire of perceived PC gaming disrespect, though, by telling Destructoid that, in essence, Halo made keyboard and mouse controls obsolete.

Taken literally, this statement is inaccurate on its face. There are obviously still millions of people playing first-person shooters on their PCs with a mouse and keyboard (and more than a few games that don't have recharging health, automatic saves, and the like). But Jones' general point is clear: keyboard-and-mouse players are getting less and less important, from a business perspective, in the console-dominated first-person shooter market that Halo spawned. On this point, it's really hard to argue with Jones.

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GribbleGrunger4093d ago

I still can't believe that people still want to use letters and the space bar for playing games. It's damned near prehistoric.

Pandamobile4093d ago

How is that different from using skittles and geometric shapes?

Jamaicangmr4093d ago (Edited 4093d ago )

Ok im primarily a console gamer (Geometric shapes) but that was the comeback of the century right there.

Bubbles for you both. Lol!

ZoyosJD4093d ago (Edited 4093d ago )

Analog sticks bro, 360 degrees of variation with variable speed, not just four keys allowing for 8 directions.

I love using a mouse, but having fine tuned character control while keeping your sights on target is key.

A combination of both is ideal for FPS, but I have yet to find a one analog stick attachment that is comfortable and supported in games.

Analog triggers/sticks can be advantageous in racing as well for those that don't want to buy a wheel and pedals.

SolidStoner4093d ago

who cares about the keyboard, everyone played on one before console gaming... Its just buttons (same like on dualshock), the important part is "mouse"... its very useful in shooters and I can understand PC gamers, still I prefer analog stick in shooters (only because I play on PS3 nowdays and its same for everyone...), but I would love to see some sort of "mouse" like controller thing on consoles and PC, made 100% for gaming (shooters mostly)... everything else have it's own steering wheels, pads, touchscreens, joysticks, all kinds of stick controller thingies etc..... :)

steve30x4093d ago

@ Tvensky : There is a mouse controller called the FragFX for consoles. I am waiting to see if it works on the next consoles and if it does Ill be playing a lot more console gaming.


DragonKnight4093d ago

Depends on what you're playing for. Are you playing for the speed and precision to get a headshot before your enemy, or are you playing for the immersion. You will never get the immersion from a Keyboard and Mouse, that's undeniable. You CAN compete against a K&M user with a controller even if you likely won't be as fast or precise as a simple point and click.

Lior4093d ago Show
Pandamobile4093d ago

Lol, I don't know where you guys are getting this whole "controller is immersive" thing from.

"You will never get the immersion from a Keyboard and Mouse, that's undeniable."

I'm denying that right now, and every PC gamer on this website will say the exact same thing as me. That point right there is COMPLETELY subjective.

Ducky4093d ago (Edited 4093d ago )

"You will never get the immersion from a Keyboard and Mouse, that's undeniable."

No, that's arguable.
I've played shooters with a kb+m and controller, and after the first few minutes, the difference with either is unnoticeable.

You might think the controller is more immersive if you're uncomfortable with the keyboard... but once you're used to both, your focus goes straight to the game rather than the controls.

That being said, I usually play single-player FPS games with a controller.

"You CAN compete against a K&M user with a controller"

Depends on the game. For a faster-paced competitive shooter like quake or unreal, the controller doesn't stand much of a chance.

For the more recent 'slower' games, a controller can be effective, but you'll hit a skill limit rather quickly, and might have to stick to more supportive roles to get consistent success.

NCAzrael4093d ago

"You CAN compete against a K&M user with a controller even if you likely won't be as fast or precise as a simple point and click."

Yeah, and you CAN compete against a Lamborghini with a Volkswagon. Doesn't mean you're going to win.

I'll agree that an analog stick for movement gives a better control over the precision of movement, but a mouse will always be more accurate for aiming. A mouse requires you to move the crosshairs to where you're aiming and stop. An analog stick requires you to move and then center your analog stick to stop moving. Doesn't matter if you let it go to snap back to center, there's still that little bit of movement left. That's why console games give you a larger hit box and a small amount of auto-aim. With a mouse you move to where you want to aim and that's it, just like aiming an actual gun.

TheGamerDood4093d ago (Edited 4093d ago )

For FPS, there is nothing better than a KB/MO...nothing! Also, what's this I hear about devices like the Eagle Eye converter and similar devices becoming popular on consoles...huh? Yeah, thought so. -_-

Outside_ofthe_Box4093d ago (Edited 4093d ago )

Keyboard and mouse was never meant for gaming. The only people that prefer keyboard and mouse for FPSs are people that don't care about skill.

Keyboard and mouse provide unrealistic precision, might as well be auto aim which is kind of funny because PC gamers are suppose to be hardcore. Controllers require more skill to use. Using the the sticks to aim provide a sense of a immersion as well. We as humans aren't born with crazy reflexes and super sharp vision in order to be getting headshots left and right as easy as it is to do with a mouse.

Those that prefer keyboard and mouse are people that are far too poor in skill in using two sticks to control the x and y axis into one focal point in order to take out the enemy. It's as simple as that.

If you are gonna disagree please leave a counter argument as I am interested in reading your responses.

Edit: @below I'll take it that you can't refute anything I said then.

Pandamobile4093d ago (Edited 4093d ago )

Do you actually believe the drivel that you spread on this website, or are you just a troll?

"Edit: @below I'll take it that you can't refute anything I said then"

Troll it is, but just for fun, I'll dignify you with a response:

"Keyboard and mouse was never meant for gaming."

Yet they've remained the default method of input for computers for like 30 years. Don't fix what ain't broke.

"The only people that prefer keyboard and mouse for FPSs are people that don't care about skill."

Unsubstantiated and baseless claim.

"Keyboard and mouse provide unrealistic precision"

This seems to be the basis for all of your arguments, but I've never come across another individual who shares your view. You're essentially arguing that a keyboard and mouse are TOO good of an input device. And while I agree with you that the mouse and keyboard are obviously the better input device for FPS games, there is still a learning curve associated with it.

"might as well be auto aim"

At least PC games don't have auto aim... Your argument's not looking too good right now considering pretty much every console FPS of the last 10+ years has come with a built-in handicap.

"We as humans aren't born with crazy reflexes and super sharp vision in order to be getting headshots left and right as easy as it is to do with a mouse."

You seem to be forgetting that we are in fact playing games.

"Those that prefer keyboard and mouse are people that are far too poor in skill in using two sticks to control the x and y axis into one focal point in order to take out the enemy. It's as simple as that."

A mouse moves in X and Y as well, in case you were unaware. The difference lies in in the increased speed and range of motion of my wrist and forearm compared to your thumb.

papashango4093d ago

I've been fortunate enough to have used my mouse and keyboard on the the 360 with my Xim.

It wasn't pretty. In fact it wasn't even much of a challenge. ROFLstomping controller users gets boring quick.

MikeMyers4093d ago

"I still can't believe that people still want to use letters and the space bar for playing games. It's damned near prehistoric."

What would you say if someone told you you can't believe how the dualshock still has the d-pad? A keyboard can give a player many more options than what a standard controller can. A mouse is also far more accurate than controllers. Controllers also have input lag and the aim is at times assisted.

The reason why keyboard and mouse are losing is because they have managed to mainstream gaming for consoles. A game once synonymous with PC gaming, Call of Duty, has exploded on consoles. We can also see the trend of appealing to more casual gamers. Civilization is a perfect example of how it was basically dumbed down for consoles. You have far more control and the game is much deeper on the computer.

awi59514093d ago (Edited 4093d ago )

Hey console guys your not that good of a shot with a controller auto aim is always on with console games. Console sniper vs PC sniper with auto aim off trying to shoot a moving target at long range a controller doesn't have fine enough Dpi to line the shot up without auto aim before the pc guy takes your head off.

Controllers need dead zones in them to even function halfway decently. When they release a controller with 5600 DPI ill think about it.

You want to know how much better a mouse is than a controller try playing a shooter with a flight stick that's how bad it is.

SilentNegotiator4093d ago (Edited 4093d ago )

I love the mouse for aiming, but I hate using keyboards; I prefer comfortable, non-cramped button placement and more than 8 directions to walk (pressure sensitive, too, so technically no need for slow and fast movement buttons (even if so many devs do it anyway).

I'm tempted to get something like the FragFX, but I've read a lot of mixed reactions to them online.

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4092d ago (Edited 4092d ago )

Now when pc gaming has growing and keeps growing m/k is losing ground? really?

So everyone will ne need aim assist? :(

I always found controlling a virtual gun with my right hand more immersive that using my right thumb.

Who aims with a thumb??

Try to emulate the motions right now were you are and using your mouse vs thumb. The thumbing will make you feel dumb.

This is kinda like when the xbox forza guy said people don't play shooters on pc anymore.

back to planetside 2..

MmaFan-Qc4092d ago

the best fps player using a controller will never be able to be better than a mediocre player using mouse&keyboard.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 4092d ago
GribbleGrunger4093d ago (Edited 4093d ago )

But when I look at my keyboard, I think 'typing'. I have never looked at my keyboard and thought 'games'. I've always thought it was unnatural to play games by bashing on something designed for secretarial work. This qwerty keyboard I'm typing on now was never designed for playing games, but controllers are. But some people are happy playing on a keyboard, so clearly you CAN get used to it. I just never did.

edit: But when you look at oranges, do you think 'juggling!'

Pandamobile4093d ago

When I look at my keyboard I don't think anything. I just play my video games and think 'video games'.

Linsolv4093d ago

Obvious troll is obvious.

Computers were designed around the keyboard. Given that no longer are typewriters to be found, you should be looking at your keyboard and thinking 'computer,' not 'typing.' That's naive. I do much less typing than I do entering shortcuts, using media keys, pressing space to play/pause, navigating web pages...

It's a computer tool. Not a typing tool. And implementing games such that they use the optimal device for computer control (the keyboard--the mouse didn't come along until literally twenty years later) to the best use possible is not in any way 'weird'--it's weird that you would use something else.

And for all the fact that I do indeed game with my 360 controller when the mood strikes, and I have owned every major console of this generation, modern consoles are not like arcade machines, which are highly specialized devices--they are computers that lack literally the central control implement of computers.

Elwenil4093d ago

If you don't like a keyboard, then use something like a Nostromo SpeedPad. But either way, controller or keyboard, they both are just buttons. I think just about any unbiased gamer will agree that analog sticks are a poor substitute for a mouse and while the "WASD" controls may be hard for a console gamer to get used to, they are second nature to long time PC gamers. Believe me, there is nothing lost by playing on a keyboard, particularly with most PC games that need more than a dozen buttons or so for various control functions.

kneon4093d ago


While a keyboard is arguably the optimal tool for text input it is certainly not the optimal tool for most gaming, it's just that it's universally available on all PCs. Though even that is changing with touchscreen tablet/laptop hybrids.

Nothing beats a dedicated controller designed for the task. People don't drive cars or fly planes with a keyboard, they use something designed for the task.

I don't have too many issues with the mouse but I do have complaints about keyboards for most gaming. The layout is not very efficient for gaming, and that's from someone that can touch type at 90+ wpm. Also the keys are binary, either on or off. That's just silly, at the very least movement controls should be analog. This isn't 1980 anymore, I know, I was there ;)

Nafon4093d ago

That's what I thought before i got into PC gaming. Aiming is way easier on PC once you get used to it. agree or not, aiming is way more difficult on consoles (but that's why they have auto aim). I play consoles with friends and PC when I feel like trying. precise movements other than aiming are way easier on consoles but aiming is better with mice. Controllers are thousands of times more versatile than a keyboard, but keyboard and mouse are better in FPSs.

T24093d ago

What I dont get is why ps3 never included k/m more ... I bought a Bluetooth rocketfish k/m works beauty but not alot to do with it :(

SilentNegotiator4093d ago (Edited 4093d ago )

Typing is no where near the complication of some of the miserable controls that PC developers employ. I've never had my three main fingers on WASD for control while holding down SHIFT/CTRL to run with my pinky and trying to activate a flashlight or something with my thumb.

Sure, you can change it 99% of the time, but that doesn't help when there are 10 more keys being employed than would be necessary if some devs weren't afraid to simplify things.

If not for gaming mice, I wouldn't be able to comfortably play a lot of games. Buttons in a comfortable, natural reach and not cramped make a world of difference.

Roccetarius4092d ago

It's fine that you can't master the controls of KB / Mouse. Not everyone is a good player, but don't come come up with any stupid claims, because you prefer controllers.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4092d ago
-Falaut-4093d ago

Wow, I've pretty much agreed with every comment you've made so far that I have read on N4G...until right now. (maybe you're being /s)

c'est la vie

GribbleGrunger4093d ago (Edited 4093d ago )

...... :) We can't always agree.

adorie4093d ago

I've played Dead Space 2 with both controller and k/b and I'm fine with either way, although k/b seems more responsive to me, I'm "adaptable" <--lol

All this talk of what's better is just subjectivity, especially with one comment pointing out how the best of both worlds can be had with a mouse controller.

nnotdead4093d ago


3rd person shooter/action game is the only time I prefer the controller.

Blastoise4093d ago (Edited 4093d ago )

I agree, I can understand the accuracy of a mouse, but I'm really not a fan of the "ASDW" set up of the keyboard. Just feels unnatural and uncomfortable to me. If I played on PC I'd probably just buy one of those 360 controllers for it lol

Hufandpuf4093d ago

It's "WASD". That shows how much you've actually played a PC game. If at all.

Blastoise4093d ago (Edited 4093d ago )


Are you serious? -_-'

karlowma4093d ago

Dude if you rest your fingers on wasd, then keep your hand in that shape and grasp your controller, you will find that it's exactly the same.

PC gamers haven't been using wasd for 20 years because it's uncomfortable...

tachy0n4093d ago (Edited 4093d ago )

gaming mouse have something called DPI and many mouse vary, the more the better!

controllers? dont have anything like that, they remain generic.

gaming mouse and keyboard are superior, even Microsoft confirmed that years ago, when they put PC gamers against console gamers, guess what? CONSOLE PLAYERS GOT SMOKED ALL THE TIME!!!!

THIS COMING FROM MICROSOFT: "The console players got destroyed every time," Sood added. "So much so that it would be embarrassing to the XBOX team in general had Microsoft launched this initiative. Is this why the project was killed Who knows, but I'd love to hear from anyone involved --- what happened?"

as you can see that is the reason why microsoft didnt put cross-play games(PC and X360)

LOOK AT THIS PROOF!!! http://www.tomshardware.com...

nnotdead4093d ago

I'll give you the uncomfortable argument. it took me a while to get used to kb/m when I first starting playing on the PC. spent most of my time playing on consoles, so the move wasn't the easiest, but I don't think its much different than getting used to a new controller. spend some time with it,and it becomes second nature.

NCAzrael4093d ago

I'd actually have to agree with Hufandpuf. The simple fact that you don't even know the proper vernacular for the control scheme suggests to me that you haven't spent much time playing games on a PC.

With the average person's hand size, it is actually fairly easy to rest your fingers on the A, W, and D keys while keeping your pinky on shift and your thumb on the space bar. I see nothing uncomfortable about this at all.

SilentNegotiator4093d ago (Edited 4093d ago )

It only proves that he doesn't hang out in forums with pathetic Elitists that consider people that don't call four keys by their "proper" name to not be "real" PC gamers.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4093d ago
TacoTaru4093d ago

May be prehistoric but the reason they can't have fps servers shared by PCs and consoles is that the folks playing on consoles will lose to the mouse and keyboard players every time.

Bigpappy4093d ago

Yeah, the mouse is faster, but takes away from the hold sense of shooting. It feels like I am just pointing to the location and confirming, that is where the bullet needs to go. The controller lends itself to a more immersive shooting experience, and most people I know prefer to play FPS with it, even on PC.

TacoTaru4093d ago

By that logic the move or wii remote would be the way to go because they are closer to the whole sense of shooting. The wii remote lends itself to a more immersive shooting experience. Don't like it though.

NCAzrael4093d ago

Have you ever used a gun before? You don't point the barrel of the gun where you want to shoot, and then quickly center your body in the direction you're aiming. You point, and you shoot. Pretty much the same function of aiming with a mouse. You point, and you click.

But by all means, handicap yourself into a slower reaction time with an unrealistic way of aiming, especially if you're going to be playing on a PC. Just let me know what servers you play on so I can be sure to rack up the free kills.

profgerbik4093d ago (Edited 4093d ago )

Dunno what kind of mouse and keyboard you are using but mine are both far from prehistoric.

I really don't get that, that is like me saying I can't believe people still use sticks and buttons to play video games. Really no difference except for mouse and keyboard there is, it's actually a crap load more accurate.

I beg to differ, AWSD feels much more natural, movement is much more predictable in the sense of reliability. Analog sticks and thumbs just aren't precise enough with movement, I just find it easier to do for some to use a controller versus AWSD.

Not that it is worse just requires a learning curve.

Qrphe4093d ago (Edited 4093d ago )

You could always use something like this.


The thing with PC gaming, is that you can set up any input device you wish. It's ok if you'd rather use a gamepad when playing some PC FPS and get destroyed like Blastoise or if you have mastered the trackball and have transcended with your pin-point accuracy or if you just like the traditional mouse. It's all part of the freedom of PC gaming.

SatanSki4093d ago

"It's damned near prehistoric"
And still so much better for shooters, strategies, mmorpgs etc.. Consoles and their controllers was designed for simple games with simple controlls

Lior4093d ago

Yet keyboard and mouse controls will smash anyone playing with a controller on Fps games like BF3. Consoles use autoaim which takes all the skill out of gaming. No noob on Pc using a controller will get more than 5 kills on a large BF3 map all game.

LeoDDestroyer4093d ago

I seen someone get top three on pc's bf3 using a controller so I have to disagree with that.

GraveLord4093d ago

I can't believe people are still using buttons.
Kinect is the future. All hail the master race.

paddystan4093d ago

It's not even near pre-historic. Im a console and PC gamer, keyboard and mouse if way better than a controller.

Jio4093d ago

Because keyboard and mouse are more accurate than an analogue stick.

Mounce4093d ago

As much as we'd all rather play video games with our mind, that time hasn't arrived yet.

How one can prefer an inferior piece of technology over a keyboard and mouse could frankly only derive from someone who is an envious console peasant.

Letters and words my dear boy, are weapons that cause war, they are what you used right now to type your weaponized-message....And without that keyboard you typed that message on? You'd be unarmed and useless. A keyboard in that case? A dangerous weapon if in the hands of someone skilled enough to wield it in GLORIOUS ONLINE COMBAT....

But enough talk, HAVE AT YOU!

parkerpeters4093d ago

GG, come on. It is far more accurate than analog sticks. You just aren't used to it.

BTW, this is poorjack from LBP central. How's it going!?

zeal0us4093d ago

I tried using keyboard and mouse for FPS on the pc but man does it feel weird. I have no problem using it for mostly any other genre of gaming but FPS its a pain.

I end using Xpadder or PGP or Joy2Key just so I can play some MMOFPS/FPS with no controller support.

MostJadedGamer4093d ago (Edited 4093d ago )

Agreed its time for PC gamers to grow up. All games should be played on a controller.

clarkdef4092d ago

I will say if anyone actively uses a KB&M for gaming, they should do 30 mins of shoulder/neck yoga every morning after a hot bath.

And controller users should do the same but with forearms and hands warming up using a bowl full of hot water.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 4092d ago
DigitalSmoke4093d ago (Edited 4093d ago )

The mouse is sharp and quick, and it seems like it only has plusses, untill you realize that there's no restrictions on the character models letting you turn a 180 at 34583 miles an hour.

Sticks do let you feel the weight, so it isnt as clear cut as PC gamers like to think.

profgerbik4093d ago (Edited 4093d ago )

Can spin the same way with a analog sticks on a controller.

I feel like many of you have been playing on consoles a little too much. Really no debate, keyboard and mouse is better.

Whatever you choose to use is your prerogative of course but when it comes to true speed and precision, mouse and keyboard so far has not been beat.

DigitalSmoke4093d ago

Well you didn't get the point...
There are NO restrictions with a Mouse in movement speed, ever.
So on you can do a 360 at 1000 miles an hour, with a super heavy mini gun, which is bullshit, specially when looking at a character model spinning round its axis.

Console sticks/games can be restricted from moving like your gun like its made from cardboard.

You still might not get it, but hey, some ppl think Justin Bieber is awesome as well.

NCAzrael4093d ago

So your argument is that it is perfectly fine to be handicapped in your reaction time by the limitations of an analog stick because it prevents you from doing unrealistic things like spinning a full circle in under .1 seconds? Never mind the fact that in real life I can turn a 180 and fire, hitting my target pretty much dead center, in less than a second, but it takes twice as long to turn in every console shooter. But it doesn't matter how much it hinders your ability to move as long as it keeps you from doing unrealistic stuff?

Pretty sure I get it, but it makes about as much sense as a Justin Bieber fan.

Hellsvacancy4093d ago (Edited 4093d ago )

So basically, what your saying, in theory, is that if I play BF3 using a m/k, im going to be even better than I am now?

I mean, im AWESOME on BF3, I really am, I know exactly what im doing, and most of the time what other players are doing, Im top of the scoreboard the majority of the time, not many players outgun me, im too quick, and I do all that with a PS3 controller (sensitivity is high), so if I was to use a m/k ill be EVEN better, I find that hard to believe, how can you improve upon AWESOME?

Add me on the PSN, join me for a few rounds ill prove my point (anyone)

nypifisel4093d ago

Wow, whether you can do a 180 in a certain speed is up to the games design not the input method.. A mouse and keyboard is just as immersive as a controller if not more.

There's just so many wrongs with the immersion arguments that are being thrown around here, especially that the stick would have an advantage in this field, this can't be more wrong;

I think many people in here when they're talking about this probably mean games like COD and games of that sort which aren't very immersive to begin with, so it hardly matters if you can do a 180 in light-speed or not. An immersive military shooter is for instance Arma II on PC, that game uses the KB/MO setup and are 100x more immersive than any console shooter I've ever seen, and the thing about it is that it's not even doable on a controller.

I was in the army for 2 years and it's laughable that any one of you would even talk about a console FPS like COD with a controller input as being "more immersive" due to control hindrance. When I had a firing exercise I had full control over my movements, sure they weren't instant but at least I decided where to point my gun and simulating this should be a product of game design, not clunky controls.

araman4093d ago (Edited 4093d ago )

"Sorry to say it" just screams bush league journalism. Wait, this is Ars Technica? Get your act together guys!

-Gespenst-4093d ago

A mouse is SOOO much better for aiming, but for movement the controller will always top the keyboard.

I wonder, maybe they could introduce a kind wii-mote like controller for the left hand for moving, and then you could retain the mouse in your right hand for aiming / looking...

Pillage054093d ago

Might be able to use the playstion navigation controller for the move. Wonder if that works with the ds3 driver.

kevnb4093d ago

I dont know about that. I can even tell when someone is using a controller in videos because they move so awkwardly.

-Gespenst-4093d ago

I get so cramped using keyboards to move. A controller with good grip and an analog stick is so much more intuitive and comfortable.

karlowma4093d ago


I hope this doesn't become the FotM article.

tachy0n4093d ago

put this link on the faces of any console player that dares to say controllers are better:


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