
Need For Speed Most Wanted U "by far the best looking version", features true Miiverse integration

Criterion Games impress with what is "by far the best looking version" being the first third party game to integrate Miiverse in-game.

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very good, now let the negative post come in. any minute now....

Nicolee4105d ago

Wii U is first next gen console ! ' grab popcorn '

decrypt4105d ago

"by far the best looking version"

Only if you decide to pretend a PC version doesnt exist.

Muerte24944105d ago (Edited 4105d ago )

if you actually read the article, Criterion is actually using the PC textures on the Wii U version. Lighting, textures, effects.... are all coming from the PC version. If you include the excellent Miiverse integration, then,yes, it's probably the best version.

reynod4105d ago

They may use the Textures etc from the PC version. However the PC version runs at higher resolution aka 1080p and can use much higher AA and still manage above 60fps.

Hence PC version will still be superior.

Apex134105d ago

I think he actually meant it's the best looking version out of the consoles so calm down you none pc owner.

Highlife4105d ago

But not for long

SilentNegotiator4105d ago

Whoopie! Wii U has some better multiplats....for a couple more months.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4105d ago
GribbleGrunger4105d ago

Very slick, clean visuals with a steady frame rate. Certainly better looking than the 360 and PS3. Now just get out there and buy it folks! Keep supporting those 3rd parties and they'll keep supporting you.

4104d ago
wiium644105d ago

of coarse it's the best looking version, the wii is next gen, and ps 3 and 360 are not. just because the haters say it's not next gen, does not make it so, i can say ps4 and 720 are not next gen, but just because i say they are not next gen does not make it so. but what ever helps the haters sleep well at night.

Jobesy4105d ago

Wiiu is not "next gen" it's already out, that makes it "current gen". Wii is last gen, Wiiu is current gen, Nintendo's future console is next gen. Ps3 and 360 are current gen as well.

4105d ago
Campy da Camper4105d ago

I am your father's brother's former roommate's cousin.

Lord Helmet

MNGamer-N4105d ago

This gen, that gen, your gen, last gen, who cares. Wii U is going to have good looking games. Don't be mad. So will PS4. Am I mad? No, I am happy.

PopRocks3594105d ago

You can't say the Wii U is current gen if you're listing the PS3/360 as current gen as well. Those are last gen if we are now calling the Wii U next gen.

Realplaya4105d ago

Nope wii,ps3, and xbox 360 are all last gen no matter how you add it divide it and multiply it wii u is next gen. When 720, and ps4 come out they'll be next gen.

MaxXAttaxX4105d ago (Edited 4105d ago )

You would not consider that next-gen. And the Wii was a GameCube with motion controls and also played GameCube and PS2 games, the same way the Wii U is playing PS3 and 360 games. So how was that next-gen?

Is, it the next generation of Nintendo hardware and successor to the Wii? Yes. But it's not next-gen tech (not sure how many times devs have to repeat themselves).
It plays the same games with similar quality. It all comes down to the games.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4105d ago
herbs4105d ago

It's awesome when devs put in the time and actually take advantage off additional assets. Great job Criterion :)

Apex134105d ago

Ok I take it we are talking about gens? Just a guess lol

Starfox174105d ago

Wow WiiU version is AMAZING love these features best NFS ever.

DOMination-4105d ago

The game sucks imo. There is no narrative when it comes to the top 15 most wanted like in the original. The city is lifeless and uninteresting. The races repeat very quickly and there were huge technical problems on the 360 (May be fixed on WiiU?)

And the soundtrack is unusually poor for a Criterion game. I thought the reviews for the game were way too high.

deafdani4105d ago

The gameplay video looks great, but I really am not liking this co-driver powers stuff. Turning off traffic, changing the time of day... really? Wouldn't this mechanic make the game way too easy if you played with another player?


Starfox174105d ago

Why its just an option called co driver you don't have to play this way ??? do u even listen.

deafdani4105d ago

Did you read what I said? It's right there. In my post. In the last sentence.

"Wouldn't this mechanic make the game way too easy if you played with another player?"

^ That means that, yes, I understand it's a coop feature. It doesn't necessarily justify it. I was making a genuine question. Up your reading comprehension skills, please.

Maybe there's a justification for this feature, maybe there's a mechanic to counterbalance it, preventing it from making the game too easy or something. I don't know. This is why I made this question. I expected someone to maybe give me some insight to this matter.

But no. You only had to mindlessly get on "defense mode", instead of activating a few brain cells and try to engage in a intereting discussion. Hell, you could've even told me to just wait until the game release to see how it pans out in the end, that maybe I'm judging too soon, and I would've conceded your point.

What did your answer to me bring to the table, except a pathetic attempt to attack me, without bringing up any actual argument or reply to my question? Ugh.

It really doesn't surprise me at all that so many people on this site have such a poor image of Nintendo fans. At least here in N4G, the vast majority of them are embarrassing to read.

I'm still open to a nice discussion, if you want to have it. It's up to you to change your attitude and tone down the "defensive fanboy mode" a bit. I promise it will do wonders for you and everyone involved around you.

LiViNgLeGaCY4105d ago

He would but he's out of bubbles. =p

Deku-Johnny4105d ago

No, my friend's are dicks and would turn off traffic until I was use to not having traffic and then turn it up to full so I lose.

exfatal4105d ago

not all nintendofans are like starfoxs and behalf of him i do apologizes for his rudeness. To answer your question though, i believe its an extra mode to play around in, with a friend not necessarily to complete the game if you are looking for a challenge. Also i might be mistaken but i think god mode only works in open city driving perhaps, so when you are in an actually racing event it some function are shut off?

also I'm hoping maybe there is just a normal co op mode where second player uses game pad as screen and first player uses the tv. like in call of duty or sonic racing.

live2play4105d ago

they call it "father-son" mode
specifically making it easy on purpose for people new to this fast series

you saying it might make it too easy is exactly what this mode is trying to do

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4105d ago
wiium644105d ago

and if you watch the video the developer says the wii u uses the pc versions textures, the 360 and ps3 versions do not, why? because the wii u is next gen, sorry haters deal with it.

chukamachine4105d ago

ahh so textures make it next gen. Nope.

The wii u has more ram - ram = textures.

wiium644105d ago

no it uses pc textures, textures from the pc, using pc textures helps make you next gen.

SkullBlade1694105d ago (Edited 4105d ago )

Last I checked, PC textures exist right now, and have done at this quality for a long time.

That's hardly "Next gen", better looking PC games already exist.

Nintendo simply caught up with modern hardware, that's all. The PS3 and 360 are using 7 year old hardware, it's nothing to write about just because it looks closer to the PC version than the others.

N4GDgAPc4105d ago

Actually chukamachine is correct. Reason why it can do pc textures is because of more ram. The cpu is what ruins the Wii u's potential. Most Wii u games will look the same or worse compared to ps3 and 360 if they just port it over.

To take advantage of Wii u they need to make it the main port which right now is just stupid. Wii u exclusives will look amazing because all there focus will just be the Wii u.

Deku-Johnny4105d ago

@SkullBlade169, the oldest tech in the Wii U is about 2 years old. The oldest tech in the PS3/360 is probably about 8 or 9 years old. Just because you have some unreasonable hatred towards Nintendo doesn't mean the Wii U isn't the most powerful console available for the next year or so.

4105d ago
4105d ago
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shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4105d ago (Edited 4105d ago )

Yes but can it play farcry 3 or bioshock infinte or the last of us? say yes and I will buy a wiiU now.

Can't remember the last NFS game that I liked.

Deku-Johnny4105d ago

It's not whether the Wii U is capable of playing those games, it's whether the devs want to bring those games to the console. Anything PS360 can play Wii U can do without breaking a sweat.

deafdani4105d ago

Theoretically? Yes, of course it can. The Last of Us on Wii U will never happen, though, just like any Mario or Zelda game won't happen on a PS3.

delboy4105d ago (Edited 4105d ago )

Can you play Zelda on another system. Lol
And wiiu doesn't need every 3rd party game to be ported, only the best ones :-) plus N exclusives...best console ever.

Nice to see Frostbite 2 is working so great on wiiu, hopefully we will see some battlefield on wiiu, and with some good second screen implementation.
Best BF version confirmed.

BlackWolf4105d ago

Well, pretty sure it could, if the devs decide to port it.

Realplaya4105d ago

Why is that even a question?

Braid4105d ago


The game uses an updated version of Criterion's "Chameleon Engine", which was formerly used in Hot Pursuit. The NFS game which uses the Frostbite 2 engine is Need for Speed: The Run.

People seem to confuse those two, in reality Most Wanted has nothing to do with Frostbite 2.

WiiUsauce4105d ago

Asking if the Wii U can play The Last of Us is like asking if the sky is purple. We all know the Wii U will never have the Last of Us, because it is a first party Sony game. Would the Wii U be able to run the last of us hypothetically? DUH, of course it damn well could. The Wii U has a more modern feature set, and better hardware than the PS3.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4105d ago
Ippiki Okami4105d ago

WOW. Nintendo fan boys are stupid. I know you guys have never experienced "HD" games and as casual gamers you can be easily be swayed by "tech" talk lol. There is NOTHING next gen about this game. All the tools used are tools made for this gen of pc/console games. Next gen games using next gen tools are games like Starwars 1313, Watch Dogs, square enix luminous engine, etc. You are only looking like fools saying this is next gen, sorry.

broken_back-man4105d ago

thats very true and I bet all the games you just meantioned wont even show up on the wiiu because devs dont want to waste their time downgradibg from 2 real next gen systems!!

Realplaya4105d ago

watch dogs is rumored to be coming to the wiiu if it does will you come back and eat crow?

N4GDgAPc4105d ago

Well if it does come out on Wii u it will be a downgrade. Ps4 and 720 will be a lot better.

IAmTheBest354104d ago

ive experienced hd.. on my ps3 and 360. hey, you seem to know a lot about whether something is next gen or not. maybe you can answer me this question, at what point did the 360 become next gen?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4104d ago
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5 Underrated Wii U Games – WiR 12/20/14

In this special episode, Shawn Long of Nintendo Enthusiast takes a look at 5 Underrated Wii U games that he feels should be in every system owners collection.

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Angeljuice3430d ago (Edited 3430d ago )

In my opinion, the list of overrated WiiU games is far, far longer.

Metallox3430d ago

How funny. You always say you don't like Nintendo games in general, yet you come here and tell us that some of its games are overrated.

kwandar3430d ago

I know. You can always tell someone who doesn't own a Wii U by their nonsense comments about the games they've never tried.

Angeljuice3429d ago

Well you always hear Nintendo fans saying they have such great exclusives and point to metacritic as a way of proving their point. I've seen enough of Mario to know that every single game is massively overrated and the same with almost all other titles.

Then somebody provides a list of 'great' games that sounds like a kindergarten book listing which looks a little like;

Fluffy Fox's Furry Knitting: 98%
Little Ducko's Egg Collector: 93%
PickyWickyWoo: 89%
GaGaGooGoo Princess Country: 91%

Now I know that none of these are real titles, but none of them would look even slightly out of place on the WiiU game list.

Every Nintendo game I've ever played (admittedly not that many), has been overrated in my opinion, so it's easy to extrapolate that onto other titles.

I know a lot of people love Nintendo and everything they do, but they just leave me cold.

When a Nintendo title launches, most sites leave the review to the resident Ninty fan (there's always at least one), hence the overrated scores.

Just my opinion of course, but that's how I see it.

kwandar3429d ago


First, I don't generally care what a title is called if it is getting Metacritic scores in that range. Why do you care? Because you're afraid of appearing childish in your peer group.

You've admitted you haven't played many Nintendo games - so you're a troll. I already knew that too, from your comments.

I actually feel a bit sorry for you. You need to come here and troll, comment on things you've never even tried - all because you're immature and insecure. You'll eventually grow out of that.

Nathan1703429d ago

I bet you dont have a wii u and you also had a bad day,and because of that you wanted others to waste their time replying to you...

Angeljuice3429d ago

I don't have a WiiU, but does that mean I can't have an opinion on it?

Metallox3429d ago

You don't like Nintendo games, that's it.

But it's a bit ironic having you here and saying that Wii U games are overrated, because, again, you don't like Nintendo games in general, so isn't funny to you all this situation? Of course you should seem odd that people like Nintendo titles.

marloc_x3429d ago (Edited 3429d ago )

On the underrated side , I would add ZombiU. Loved the sound design and music,(and really, a zombie apocalypse would be rather "unbalanced", no? Lol..)

Also, I really enjoy 007 Legends, gamepad integration is very well done!

ChickeyCantor3429d ago

"Then somebody provides a list of 'great' games that sounds like a kindergarten book listing which looks a little like; "

Condescending much?
For any game that was trash on the WiiU, it got a low score. To your logic Sonic Boom should be an 8+/10. It's been blasted to below 5/10.

How insecure are you?

deafdani3429d ago

You're just mad because Fluffy Fox's Furry Knitting is much better than Bloody Gritty Pew Pew Pew.


+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3429d ago
Nathan1703429d ago

How can you have an opinion of something you never played?


Need for Speed: Most Wanted U Review | Mii-gamer

Mike from mii-gamer:

Need for Speed: Most Wanted U is a superb game; one that is thoroughly addictive and superbly crafted. As it currently stand, Most Wanted U is the best racing game on the Wii U and an outright amazing game, not to the credit of the console, but to the talent of the developer, Criterion.

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Wii U Weekly Deals: Wii U Basic 8GB $280, Rayman Legends $46, NFS:MW / ME3 / Fifa 13 $17 each & more

Wii U weekly deals and sales from eShop, Amazon, BestBuy, Frys, Gamefly, Newegg, Bullmoose and Cowboom.

edgarohickman3891d ago

Anyone played Rayman Legends?
Should I buy this game on Wii U or PS3?

rambi803891d ago

well its cheaper on the wiiu, and uses the gamepad.

i have to get this for vita, Origins was awesome as well

gamer423891d ago

Consumer beware the vita version doesn't have all the content the console version has.

Th4Freak3891d ago

@gamer42 Ubisoft said they're going to release a free DLC with the missing content.

Williamson3891d ago

Even if the vita version wasn't going to get patch it still a great version since its basically the same as consoles but with portability.

Apollo13891d ago

Wii U since you can use the Gamepad.

andrewsimons3891d ago

I played the game on both, and it is better on Wii U.

DoggyBiscuit3891d ago

Legends for Wii U is the definite version

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3891d ago
timothyckeegan3891d ago

Wii U for sure, you can use the Gamepad touchscreen to control Murphy.

Wescyde3891d ago

I would get it on Wii U, Technically it was an exclusive for the Wii U so thats the system that has the best version because of the gamepad.

iplay1up23891d ago

The disagrees on the Wii U version being better are fanboys, and that's fine. All versions are great BUT the Wii U is better because of the gamepad. Common the entire game was initially designed with the gamepad in mind. Delustional fanboys. Why can't you just let a couple of games be better on Wii U.

IPLAY23891d ago

Why buy a basic? Price cut this week $299 Deluxe w WW...Hello!

Qrphe3891d ago

Exactly, that price is definitely not a good deal

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