
Can Nintendo Save the Wii U?

1985FM takes a look at the Wii U's chances of success in light of Nintendo's recent announcements.

animegamingnerd4126d ago

okay can we stop these wii u doom articles i have never taken them seriously since the system is only two months old honestly they are just for hits now and troll bait

Root4126d ago

No offence but compare these articles to the constant negative, doom and gloom PSV, PS3, Sony ones and you'll see Nintendo haven't got it all bad

TruthbeTold4126d ago

What does that have to do with people being sick of this in particular? Are you saying that because it happens to your favorite company, when it happens to Nintendo people should just deal with it? Screw that. With as many Wii U articles you are on with these kind of comments, I think you just enjoy the Wii U bashing. Doom and gloom articles suck. No matter what company they target. Don't validate them all by supporting the ones that bash a company you don't like/don't care for. Makes no sense...

Root4126d ago (Edited 4126d ago )

Lol many Wii U articles, maybe 3 or 4 but dont exaggerate it.

Sony isn't my favorite company, no one is but I can see when a company is hated on most of the time for nothing. Oh and my kind of comments you mean the ones which look a head long term for Nintendo and question what are they are going to do once the Nextbox and PS4 get going. Im not going to pretend everything is all dandy when there not

All im saying is compared to some of the hate on here other companies get, this is nothing compared to them. When its done to Nintendo the odd few times its a massive thing when it happens to Sony for example, ever since the bloody thing launched no one seems to give a crap. You act like it happens to Nintendo all the time, we should all count ourselfs lucky this doesn't happen more.

Its not the end of the world you know

PopRocks3594125d ago

No, when it happens to Sony it's bull as well. The hack attack for instance was a joke. I've stated before that the doom and gloom articles about the Vita are just as ridiculous as the ones for the Wii U and for Nintendo in general.

I think it's a double standard to validate one but not the other. Financial losses are reported for both companies a year ago.

-Nintendo reported a loss of about half a billion dollars down and everyone predicts their imminent demise.

-Sony on the other hand reports a loss of well over 5.5 billion dollars and a lot of the general feedback was "Oh it's okay, they'll bounce back."

Really? Come on, dude. I don't see how you can defend that without seeming delusional.

ShinMaster4125d ago

This is were you people would normally come in and say:
""Well if you actually read the article and not just the headline, it actually makes sense"", but I guess only if it's not about Nintendo.

morganfell4125d ago (Edited 4125d ago )

Well Shinmaster I didn't read the article and I have nothing to say about it other than "Welcome to the club Nintendo." /s

But the truth is if an article you define as making sense is going to use a flamebait title built upon poor supposition (2 months), designed to generate hits, then the article deserves to be treated as trash.

There was an article the other day that was killed as quick as possible. It discussed if gaming journalism was dead. Well, this article is a reinforcement of the comments I and a good many other persons made concerning that piece.

Veni Vidi Vici4125d ago

PC has been dealing with these articles for probably close to 10 years now. It gets old, doesn't it?

MikeMyers4125d ago

"I think it's a double standard to validate one but not the other."

You're right. We are only a few months into the Wii U and we are already seeing a few of these articles. So if people don't like it when it happens with Sony (especially Vita) then they certainly shouldn't like these topics either.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4125d ago
zerocrossing4125d ago

I didn't realise the Wii U even needed saving, you know with all the Wii U consoles selling out and Nintendo direct boosting peoples interest, led me to believe it was doing well.

xursz4125d ago

It's not selling out, sadly. Ps3/X360 are both currently trampling it in sales and who knows how it will do against the next systems.

joeorc4125d ago

"okay can we stop these wii u doom articles i have never taken them seriously since the system is only two months old honestly they are just for hits now and troll bait"

I would 100% agree with you , but sadly it's not going to be in the cards.

I for one have seen many for the 3ds, PSVita, the PS3 etc. in recent year's, even a Microsoft one a few days ago about Microsoft going out of this market. it seem's to be the trend now to direct Hit traffic, for web sites because their is so many web sites now trying to get money. I wonder if someone made a thread:

can web hit traffic save "1985fm.com " or insert any web site name.

see what i mean?

LMAO they are more worried about saving their own bacon in the www than about any product really. look at how much competition they get! LMAO

they have to do something to survive.

metroid324125d ago (Edited 4125d ago )

Save a console that's doing twice as good sales wise as the only 2 previous HD consoles we know of the ps3 and the 360 ??? WiiU is doing fine major 3rd party games are in develoment as we speak as well as huge 1st party games the question is can SONY AND MICROSOFT SURVIVE when WiiU has

Mario Galaxy 3
Pikimin 3
Yoshi's yarn
Wind waker HD
Xenoblade 2
Beyonetta 2
Smash bros 4

and with lots more surprises at E3 can Sony and Microsoft survive a console with a solid line up of games like that ? and an established fanbase ? i dont know..... prob about 20 million wiiu gamers by that time.

thezeldadoth4125d ago

i didn't know it was doomed. Its felt pretty alive to me while enjoying Mario Wii-U. For anyone that saw nintendo direct the other day, not even an e3 event, will know that it feels pretty alive.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4125d ago
chadboban4126d ago

Wow, Wii U and Vita just can't seem to catch a break these days. I wouldn't exactly call it a troll article, it's more of an analysis. However, I do think the title "Can Nintendo SAVE the Wii U" is kind of clamoring for hits seeing that the thing is a mere two months old.

I'll just give you guys the last words of the article and you can judge whether you want to read it for yourselves or not.

"Nintendo is an old company, and is desperately clamoring to reinvent itself in an era that has largely passed them by. But if there’s anyone that possesses the resilience to prove time a feckless construct, it’s the father of modern gaming itself. "

metroid324125d ago

Vita is doing rubbish it deserves bashing WiiU is a success compared to previous HD consoles.

FlyingFoxy4125d ago (Edited 4125d ago )

Vita has a handful of great games, it has hardware a fair bit more powerful than 3DS, is more comfortable, can play youtube videos.

to say it's doing rubbish is a fanboys words only, Uncharted is an awesome game on it and only idiots say otherwise.

it just needs more games, it certainly has more potential than 3DS, i admit 3DS has good games too but the slidepad on it is bad. Dpad is badly placed and the square sides make it harder to hold for a long time.

and you can't complain about Vita cost, 3DS cost more than Vita when it came out.. for Vita though the extra cost over 3DS is justified in it's hardware specs and visual output.

Knushwood Butt4125d ago

In fact, global weekly hardware and software sales show that there isn't much in it between the Wii U and the Vita.

AdvanceWarsSgt4125d ago

0/10. Try harder next time if you're going to troll.

PopRocks3594126d ago (Edited 4126d ago )

Someone should save this article from its moronic headline. Seriously, the doom articles need to stop for both the Wii U and the Vita. This isn't journalism, this is a bunch of click grabbing buffoons.

LOL_WUT4125d ago (Edited 4125d ago )

So much anger in your post. ;) If you're not in a good mood then why even bother to come on N4G with that negative attitude?

Why don't you just down vote the site and move on? Simple no?

TruthbeTold4125d ago (Edited 4125d ago )

One of the worst things about it, is that the good articles with decent, non-flame headlines just languish and rot away here at N4G, waiting forever to be approved. And if/when they are approved, no one cares because there's no controversy, so they fade into the background as though they never existed. This place is pathetic sometimes...

Benjaminkno4126d ago (Edited 4126d ago )


... but don't you see? They post this stuff because they're scared!

I can't say I blame them, it's looking dim for some.

They want this to be a Wii Useless world!!

I think it's pretty damn funny.

Bring it!

PopRocks3594126d ago (Edited 4126d ago )

I know you're joking and all, but bear with me please, I'm just not in the greatest of moods tonight.

I just think I'm really tired of stupid articles with stupid headlines like these being consistently approved by this stupid community. Yes, I use the word stupid a lot.

Bunch of attention grabbing click grubbing BS is what it is. Don't approach things objectively, don't provide anything new or original, don't provide anything that can benefit anyone (save for the egos of disgruntled haters) and just talk about how this is doomed or that is doomed.

Seriously, I may not be willing to buy a Vita just yet, but the thing is not dead and it's going to get some cool freaking games to play on already freaking cool hardware. It's unfair to write it off after ONE YEAR when the 3DS was performing the same way in the the SAME span of time. The same thing applies to the damn Wii U. This "who needs saving" rhetoric is garbage. It's unbridled negativity and nothing more and honestly I'm annoyed and sick of it.


Sorry. Like I said, foul mood. My apologies for the vent fest.

EDIT: inb4 someone attacks me or disagrees with this comment because they think I'm just blindly defending Nintendo. *rolls eyes* Gain context please yes thank you.

nathanstandingby4126d ago

It might serve you better to not get so hung up on a title.

PopRocks3594126d ago


Well, it's not just the title really. I'm just talking about the overall attitude of the articles on N4G. Venting it out felt nice though.

DivineAssault 4125d ago

Why do u get so upset about people not liking nintendo? If u like it, thats all that should matter right? No1 is going to die out except microsoft.. Both nintendo & sony are the only companies that have had MEGA success with consoles.. MS had the 360 one hit wonder & people think they will overtake everything even though the 360 division isnt doing to well.. Sony hasnt had a failed console yet (vita is only a yr old) & nintendo will continue to push forward because of their 1st party success & only had one or two failed consoles out of like 6+

joeorc4125d ago

"It might serve you better to not get so hung up on a title"

that's like telling someone to ignore a person trying to manipulate them, some people or should i say very many people do not like it when people try to manipulate them. for the sake of manipulating a response. quite a number of people do not like anyone trying to do thing's to cause trouble.

Ignoring it, is one way. but the fact that many sites are doing the very same thing, is really wearing thin on some or in this case many people. and the people doing this already knows better. they are not following be prudent, they are being pretty manipulative and they know, its when there is no Accountability for such actions that is the problem.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4125d ago
jacksheen00004126d ago (Edited 4126d ago )

The fact that Nintendo is having a hard time producing hardcore games for the wii U was to be expected; because of how young Nintendo development team are compared to more experienced 3rd party dev like Sega/Namco.

Back In the 80's,I read that most gaming experts knew this change was coming in the future-the sprite era was going to be replaced by the 3d era.

With that being said,the more experienced gaming companies(Sega/namco/tecmo/etc ) who had been using 3d applications way ahead of smaller companies like Nintendo will most likely fall behind in the gaming race.

So the only way I think Nintendo can excel with the wii U is they either hiring more experienced employee or buy spend some cash and inquire a game studio. Hiring THQ employee was definitely a great opportunity for nintndo, but they didn't even brother. Maybe next time.

isntchrisl4125d ago

This is one of the most naive posts that I've ever read on N4G.

jacksheen00004124d ago (Edited 4124d ago )

How is that naive. Because you don't anything about it doesn't make it naive.

I been reading video game mags for years and have collected over a dozen of games since the 80s.

So, for your information you should do your homework before making a commit.

Ok, I know Nintendo were masters of making sprites based game during the time the NES was a success but when the 3d era began Nintendo simply fell behind because they lack the 3d experience and couldn't keep up with more experienced 3rd party dev such as namco/Sega/etc.

Nintendo then hired retro studio( the award winning animators/visual effects studio who created the famous "kiss the frog video" to teach them how to make 3 dimensional games.

In fact, I saw the very first 3d application Nintendo used for N64 at siggraph. They had a 14 year old kid sitting in the middle show floor showing off the program
Nintendo used to make Mario 64. To me, to my judgment, it was child play compared to programs(3d max/Maya) I have used in the past. Being that Im a 3d animator/artist myself ,I know when I see a Rinky Dink program as such as the one Nintendo used to make Ng4 games. To make a long story short, from what I can tell about Nintendo so far, They are learning -use of textures, 3d character model have improved, lighting and effect have also improved.

So it just a matter of time before Nintendo get good at making games on a hardcore level graphically wise.

Nuff said.

blastcorp644124d ago

You're kidding, right? Or did you just go full retard? Uh, Nintendo revolutionized 3d gaming (might have heard of Mario 64?). Before M64 3d developers were floundering with 3d development with the exception of virtual fighter and racing games (the two genre staples of video games since the 70s). And then Nintendo defined the rudiments of third person action games (in 3D!!) that are still used today with oot. Either you're writing this for laughs or you were born after 1999.

jacksheen00004124d ago (Edited 4124d ago )

Sure, Nintendo did Popularized The 3D denominational open environment game play when they added an analog stick(sounds familiar does it) but to say that Nintendo created mario64 on their own is insane. Nintendo took full credit for something they did not do by themselves. Like I said, they hired AS to teach them how to use 3d application,or mario64 would not have been successful if it wasn't for the help of angel studio.


isntchrisl4124d ago

What year are you living in, jacksheen? Have you been following Nintendo in any capacity over the last 12 years?

On the N64, Nintendo came out swinging with Mario 64. It was one of the first 3D games to be done competently. The camera worked and the game didn't run at 10 frames per second.

On both the Gamecube and Wii, Nintendo created some of the best looking games available. Super Mario Galaxy looks fantastic considering the hardware it was running on.

Fast forward to now, we've got the Wii U out. NintendoLand utilizes some great effects, lighting, textures, etc. NSMBU is crisp. The HD assets in the game stand up to any of the top modern platformers.

Nintendo isn't new to any of this jack.

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