
Earthbound coming to Wii U?

Luke Halliday writes:

"The lights are on bright tonight for Nintendo’s Wii U Direct conference where they promise to announce new Wii U titles along with provide details on previously announced titles. As is usually the case with such conferences, hype is already building across the gaming community with speculation reaching boiling point. Following the hype and clues left behind by developers can be somewhat eye-opening.

One developer, Monolith Soft have been burning a quiet revolution by giving away hint after hint at a potential Wii U title and all signs point to Earthbound"

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futurefrog4259d ago

Please please please please pleasee let this be true!!

3-4-54259d ago (Edited 4259d ago )

System seller for sure if true. Imagine all 3 games.

Akuma-4259d ago Show
NukaCola4259d ago

This is a win if they do this. I love the original Earthbound and for ages wish they would bring a truly amazing RPG to the console. Please be true. This would be a savior of the JRPG alongside Ni No Kuni and a reason I will get a Wii U.

4259d ago
Neonridr4258d ago

Akuma- have you been reading all the other posts in here? How many people want this game or would buy a Wii U for it. Regardless if they are NES fanatics or not, that is a bunch of extra sales that will only help Nintendo.

I, for one, welcome this game with open arms. Earthbound on the SNES was such an amazing game, I had no clue what I was getting into when I first started it up. I thought it was going to be some kids game, but boy I was wrong. It was not the first time, I might add, as I laughed at Super Mario RPG before I actually gave it a go.

Mounce4258d ago (Edited 4258d ago )

It'd not be a system seller except in Japan, unless that's what you meant...

No one needs to kid themselves if they know the Mother Series history with Nintendo of America, the sales were bad, are bad(In NA) and Nintendos marketing for Earthbound was horrible. Reggie and the NA team just barely care for it so there'd be no hope for us overseas unless they have it with English and we can import the game from Japan orrrr....idunno.... either way, Mother series as a whole, is one of the best RPG's ever made to date, but they just aren't the type to sell well except in Japan-standards. (Exception being Pokemon which sells over 9000 Billion copies worldwide)

Just, Mother series doesn't have a solid fanbase in NA. It has a massive cult following, but it'd not be anything over 200K in NA sales unless the game(s) were massively marketed.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4258d ago
RmanX10004259d ago


futurefrog4259d ago

So will I! This is a system seller for sure!

EddieNX 4259d ago (Edited 4259d ago )

Wait........ You mean God was listening ?

Even if it isn't Earthbound , After Xenoblade chronicles , it's hard to imagine what Monolith Soft could do with the wiiu hardware....

LinkageAX4259d ago ShowReplies(1)
ManDemon4259d ago

I missed being able to check out the original game, if this does turn out true, I'd definitely want to see what I've missed.

discordman4259d ago

It's quite a journey, hopefully more details will surface.

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Earthbound Creator Says Nintendo Considered Mother 3 Translation, But It Was Complicated

IGN writes: Mother 3 is one of the most hotly-desired RPGs ever, having never received an official translation in North America despite the cult popularity of its predecessor, Earthbound. But over all these years, series creator Shigesato Itoi has never weighed in on the discussion - at least until now."

Zenzuu293d ago

They should remake Earthbound, and bring it to modern platforms.

meganick293d ago

A translated version of this game on Switch Online would be nice, and it would add a lot value to the Expansion Pak service.

jznrpg292d ago

Bring it already. Nintendo is frustrating at times

jjb1981292d ago

I would love to see an Earthbound game just redone with 3D-ish models and characters. Just having a remaster for Switch Online would be awesome!

FinalFantasyFanatic292d ago

Did you ever see the Earthbound 64 concept/materials? That actually looked really good, but I'd also take a HD-2D remake as well.

FinalFantasyFanatic292d ago

Nintendo seems very whimsical about what they give they're fans, sometimes they'll give them a bone (e.g. Mario RPG, Thousand Year Door for the Switch), and other times, they just give them little to nothing (agh, the Zelda anniversary).

Agent75292d ago

When you consider the cost of gaming back then and even now, no excuses when costs are involved.


EarthBound Documentary Is Out Now For Digital Rental or Blu-Ray preorder

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EarthBound is bona fide classic and part of gaming royalty that somehow still feels like a hidden gem.

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