
Next Generation Consoles PlayStation 4 And Xbox 720 Preview - A Look Ahead At 2013

"Will we be seeing the successors to the HD twins in 2013?"

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metroid324282d ago (Edited 4282d ago )

I think what u have to understand is Nintendo have announced that alot of 1st and 3rd party games have purposly been held bk some just sat there,some just simply are no where near finished so think E3 2013 will have these games.

New Metroid
New MarioKart/Diddy Kong
New Zelda
New Smas Bros
New F-Zero
New Mario 3D
Concept GP
Myamoto's new character/game

2nd/3rd party games will be games like.

Beyond Good And Evil 2/Michel ancel basically says it's a perfect fit for wiiu after actually developing for the wiiu he says it's suprisingly powerful it handles everything you throw at it so that game is definate let's look at some others.

Moonlith soft project
Retrostudio's projects
RetroStudio's GameEngine demo's

Lot's to look forward too.

FarCryLover1824282d ago

Those sound like some good first party games for sure...

but why is Crysis FOUR on your list???

SilentNegotiator4282d ago

lol, because Crysis 3 isn't coming to Wii U and neither is Battlefield.

Anything for a fanboy to pad out a list.

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4282d ago (Edited 4282d ago )

I swear that is what nintendo will do.
Ugh same damn franchises for the millionth time..

You just kinda put me of off wiiU a bit. Word Of MOUF thanks...

ps4 next to my pc and I am done.

Paying for multiplayer is $60 on top of buying a maybe $399 console day 1? no thanks.

Add to your list HL3..

SnotyTheRocket4282d ago

You think Half life 3 will come out in 2013?

ABizzel14282d ago


I wouldn't be surprised, and I always wouldn't be surprised if it's a timed exclusive to Steam and Steambox. Valve has a console now and they need something to push it. What better game, and what better way to make people rage.

lilbroRx4282d ago (Edited 4282d ago )

They are not the same.

Nintendo rarely ever releases things the same more than twice.

The irony of what you say it that Sony has been doing exactly what you say. 3 Killzones, 3 Uncharteds, 5 God of Wars, 3 Little Big Planets, 2 Infamouses, 3 Hyper Dimension Neptunias, 2 War Hawks and Star Hawk(which flopped), M.A.G. and Planet Scape, 3 Atelier of Arland, 3 Jak and Daxters, Ratchet and Clanks(I lost count), 3 Motorstorms, 5 Pixel Junks, 3 Resistances, 2 White Night Chronicles, 8 Yakuzas. Then the rest of their exclusives are rip offs of Nintendo games(ironyyyyyyyyy!)

Nintendo releases games that uses the same character but they constantly make "new franchises with those character". Sony release the same damn games over a and over and over ad inifinitum, and you clearly intend to keep buying them.

sonic9894282d ago

man woow just wow cant say anything more .
oh yeah and a major facepalm .

RonRico4282d ago

How many Mario games have been released that are action/adventure and 2D/3D? They've released more than major Sony and MS franchises for sure.

lilbroRx4282d ago (Edited 4282d ago )


Action-adventure is a genre, not a franchise, and no Mario game is action-adventure to my knowledge. They are mostly "platformers". Zelda is action-adventure. Its also an RPG, though people don't like to consider it that because it not like what they are used to. That's why I like Nintendo though. They keep bring new things to the table.

HD twin fanboys seem to have forgotten that the platformer genre exist, because their consoles are so devoid of varitey and saturated with only 3 genre types. Shooter(primarily first, then third person), Action and Sports.

Platformers used to be the most common genre of game their was. Now, Nintendo's console's are pretty much the only consoles where platformers can still see success.

Then you have Mario Kart(which is its own franchise), Mario Party(its own franchise), Paper Mario(its on franchise) Mario Sports etc. You

Mario is just a mascot, not a franshise.

dantesparda4282d ago

wow! libro if you believe that Sony is worst at doing that than Nintendo, then all i can say is wow! its all Nintendo does. Same franchises since the 80's

quantae064282d ago

Actually Monolith has already confirmed that a new ip is in development already on the Wii U. Their is also a rumor(maybe true or false) that another two ips is being worked on for the Wii U.

Eyeco4281d ago (Edited 4281d ago )

Its easy to say that, but when you look at it how many of those franchises progresses to the next gen of consoles ? 3 Uncharted games this gen I highly doubt we'll see an Uncharted next gen, same with Jak , same with games like Syphon Filter.

Nintendo however has used the same franchises for over 20 years , not like theres anything wrong with because Nintendo's first party is phenomenal , but its failed to attract new fans hence why Nintendo had to tap into an entirely different demographic of gamers via motion control.

That said Pokemon alone renders your argument mute what is it like 16 games in 18 years and hardly anything has changed since, thats the definition of milking.

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360ICE4282d ago (Edited 4282d ago )

Most obscure list ever. Let's talk when they're announced, not when they're mentioned.

Only two of the PixelJunk games are actually similar. You wouldn't count Mario Kart and Mario Party together, would you?
Another reason they have franchises with more games is because of focus on continued narratives. And they do actually have bigger variation in terms of franchise. Which does say something. You do mention that Nintendo varies the concept, but uses the same franchises. Well Sony canges the characters too, pretty much every time the change the concept (Crash Bandicoot, LittleBigPlanet, Pixeljunk, Jak and Daxter and Ratchet and Clank actually have games with radically different game mechanics. Maybe mention that).

How many major brand new franchises does Nintendo 1st party have this gen? The Wii franchise I guess.

And what about 9 Mario Kart games, 12 Mario Party games (only three generations, plus the fairly similar Wii party), 6 Donkey Kong rythm games! (don't get me started on the other ones), 4 animal crossing games, 5 Mario Party Tennis Games, 3 Mario Golf games, 3 Mario and Sonic Olympic Games, 4 paper mario, 4 Dr. Mario, and all the other Mario franchises and sports games, 2 Wii Sports games, 2 Wii Play, 2 Wii Fit, 2 SMG games (and a pretty big Super Mario 3D and 2D line-up)

So yeah. Don't give PlayStation too much crap it doesn't deserve. Everyone make use of their brands.

lilbroRx4282d ago (Edited 4282d ago )

I wasn't comparing numbers.

I was pointing out the differences and hypocrisy in how incorrect his assumption of Nintendo's releases was.

Almost every game Nintendo releases, even in the same franchise, is completely different than the previous one.

The most you will see them make of a game with the exact same formula is two. Ocarina of Time and Majora's mask then they completely changed the formula. Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 then they completely changed the formula.

I'm surprised by New Super Mario Bros, because its the first time they haven't made a HUGE radical change to a franchise after two iterations.

If Nintendo actually did release nothing but the same thing repeatedly, I wouldn't buy anything from them anymore. Releasing the same thing over and over again is why I don't buy game on the PS3 or 360. Most of the changes to their games are just aesthetic.

I get a PS3 game once a year when its something truly unique like Dragon's Dogma, but games like that are few and very far between. I quit buying anything Microsoft after my second 360 red ringed.

Resistance is still running and gun. Halo is still running and gunning. Gears of War is still ducking and gunning. Uncharted is still climbing, ducking and gunning. All of them still do what they do in the same way. They don't change.

There is a difference between releasing games under the same name(same franchise) and releasing the same games.

360ICE4281d ago

I know. I was comparing numbers to reject your position that every game Nintendo releases are completely different from the previous one. They are not. The diference between Majora's Mask and Ocarina of Time is pretty big, but so is the difference between Uncharted 1 and 2. Ultimately it's the same concept.

The new super Mario Bros is NOT the first time, not even close, they haven't made radical differences. It's not even the first Super Mario Bros without radical differences. 360 and PS3 don't release the same things over and over again. Sure, they have their FIFAs, CoDs and Maddens, but so does Wii.

Dragon's Dogma isn't all that unique. If that's your standard for unique, you should really check out some other games.

Resistance are still about shooting yes. But then again Mario is still about platforming. Look at the other changes to the formula. My bet is that you're not as used to shooters, and don't considers differences as big as someone who knows more about the genre. The difference between Resistance 1 and 2 is like day and night.

And that leads me to my last point. inFamous is a new franchise this gen. So is Gears of War, Uncharted, Resistance, Motorstorm, LittleBigPlanet, and many others.
These are new concepts with new settings, characters and identities. Instead of just new concepts within the margins of the same franchises, which you seem to applaud.

And you completed avoided things like 12 Mario Party games, a franchise that has barely changed at all, over only three console generations. As many of nine of them are in the main series! That's as many as Call of Duty! One of the most notoriously milked franchises. So don't be a hypocrite, and realise that Sony, MS and Nintendo all bring new things to the table, but in different packaging. Nintendo apparently in the same packaging each time, according to yourself.

animegamingnerd4282d ago

i bet we can all agree that when it comes to exclusives both sony and nintendo rape M$ in that matter

Tctczach4281d ago

Hahahaha Star Wars 1313. You most be concussed at the moment.

1upgamer994281d ago

I agree with you on most of this, accept crysis4, you should not have put that without backing it up. One thing you did not add is that Shigeru Miyamoto himself IS creating a new IP. Since he is the best there is creator of the best selling,fun, creative games of all time, that is big news. I heard it a few months ago. This is not the link I was looking for but here is a link anyway. http://www.nintendo-gamer.n...

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4281d ago
4282d ago Replies(2)
EliteDave934282d ago (Edited 4282d ago )

To be honest, 2013 still feels a bit to early. Id say 2014 or maybe even 2015.

EDIT: What i mean is that with all the epic games coming out in 2013 it feels stupid to release a new console the same year.

JohnnyAkiba4282d ago

Early? Xbox360 is 7 years old.

cervantes994282d ago

Early - no freakin way! I want new, more capable console hardware now!!! It's been 7+ years of the current gen.

bobshi4282d ago

They are mostly slated for the first half of the year, though.

The biggest giveaway was Activision, or EA - I can't remember who said it - they said they expect there will be at least one new console in 2013.

Now think of this. Infinity Ward is working on a next-gen FPS. Their job postings say as much.

What game does Infinity Ward make? Call of Duty.

When has Call of Duty released since forever? November.

COD studios take turns in developing the game, and whose turn is it for 2013? Infinity Ward.

So, on that basis, I can see it very extremely likely we will see a new console for the holiday period of 2013 with a COD launch title.

If it was for a 2014 title then they would have had a lot more job postings to create a brand new team so that one team can release a COD this year, and have another team working concurrently on the next-gen 2014 title.

Y_51504282d ago

No now is the time, accept it or be behind with the dust buddy! :P

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tigertron4282d ago

My body is ready for next-gen.

I'm certain they'll be announced at E3, but I would like an announcement before hand.

koston36474282d ago

When's GDC 2013? info always leaks from that conference

bobshi4282d ago


But it probably won't because Michael Pachter said that he expects we will know about the PS4 at least by GDC, and we all know what he is like at predictions.

jyang4282d ago

Not to be a picky Patty, but the 360 and the PS3 are the seventh generation.

Angrymorgan4282d ago

Picky patty lol...never heard that one before

MRMagoo1234282d ago

sounds like something the cast of seventh heaven would say or the flanders lol

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TheNamelessOne4d ago

Another possible title - Slow News Day.

darthv723d ago

force unleashed is a great game. Thankfully the 360 version is bc on the XBO/Series. It looks and plays even better than on original hardware.

ZoboomafooFan3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

A true classic. Recently I was experimenting with injecting ray tracing into this game using nvidia’s SSRTGI. The results were pretty slick!

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rlow12d ago

Microsoft are just batting a hundred. Can they screw up anymore? Wait, don’t answer that.