
How Sony could blow us away if they show Killzone 4 running on PS4 in 4K glory

InfoBarrel writes:

"I think it’s about time we start talking about the next-gen games that will raise the standard and set the bar so high it becomes a topic of discussion all across the internet like the way Killzone 2 pre-rendered video did way back in 2005. As a lover of everything 3D graphics and computer animation I was never so excited about anything that had to do with video games as much as I did when I saw that video on the web. Some of the things that I really liked in that video was the facial animation of the characters, their body movement, the way the enemy AIs reacted when they are shot and when there was an explosion and the Physics of debris scattering all over the place when there was an explosion. All that and a whole lot of other things happening on the screen at the same time blew me away."

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remanutd554148d ago

Who the check is Gorilla Games? Lol.

SamPao4148d ago

Am I the only one that thinks the actual Killzone2 looks WAY better than that rendered-shit?

Outside_ofthe_Box4148d ago (Edited 4148d ago )

KZ4 running in 4K isn't going to blow KZ fans away at all. Great graphics is expected when it come to KILLZONE. So I don't get why you made this article. What will really blow people away is a multiplayer that goes back to the roots of KILLZONE 2. This is what Guerrilla Games should really strive for in my opinion.

Gazondaily4148d ago (Edited 4148d ago )

They better show off actual gameplay this time round though otherwise it's just a complete p*ss take like last time.

To be honest, Killzone doesn't need 4k to blow people away. As far as visuals are concerned, Killzone has always been visually stunning and we can only imagine what the developers can achieve in the graphics department (amongst others) with a next gen Killzone title.

One question intrigues me however; how will the next Killzone title compare to the CGI trailer shown for Killzone 2? I'm not talking about how the game looks like generally because, Killzone 2 did a decent job matching the general look and feel of the CGI trailer. I'm talking more specifically, the visual fidelity and detail.

[Edit] Some people on here are claiming that Killzone 2 actually looked better than the CGI trailer released. If that's the case then forget 4k resolution because I doubt the latter feature's inclusion will make any difference to those who are clearly visually impaired. Get real

Ezz20134148d ago (Edited 4148d ago )

i'm one of those who think KZ2 look the same as the CG trailer and KZ3 top both

last time i remember KZ2 won alot of gfx awards and 10/10 in gfx from all sites
uncharted 2 was the reason why it didn't won all the best gfx awards in 2009

Eyeco4148d ago

Ok I'm gonna end this debate

Killzone 2 technically DOES and I mean Does look better than the trailer which as of right now looks kinda murkey with pretty blunt lighting ,

HOWEVER the game doesn't play as fluid or as cinematic as what was presented all those years ago if you know what I mean ? The fluid movement of the action gives the impression that it looks better, as it would on any trailer but in all honest KZ2 DOES look better , the game may not move as fluid or as cibematic as the trailer but then again find me one game that does , but it does in.deed look better from a technical stand point it DOES look better

MikeMyers4148d ago

Sony should really get away from using their game console to sell other hardware. Especially if that added cost is transferred to the consumer. The original Playstation and Playstation 2 had CD and then DVD playback. It really helped Sony sell those formats. Difference is those consoles both cost $299 U.S. at launch. That's where the PS3 stumbled. They wanted to sell bluray but those costs were added to the consumer. That is one of the reasons why Sony lost a portion of their fanbase.

4K TV's are not even in stores yet, let alone being anywhere near affordable by next year (if that is when the PS4 comes out). Sony showcased the PS3 as being truly next gen even though the games mostly played at 30fps and in 720p. If 4K support can be added for cheap then by all means do it. But if it just adds extra cost then what's the point? I would be happy if all PS4 games ran at 60fps and were in true 1080p.

Ezz20134148d ago (Edited 4148d ago )

***, the game may not move as fluid or as cibematic as the trailer but then again find me one game that does , ****

maybe the last of us ...might be wrong though

sniperxx4148d ago

Im not sure what everyone is smoking... I am pretty certain that unless Sony (or Microsoft for that matter) are able to create a 'current' gen PC and sell it for 300-400 dollars - there is no way the 'next gen' consoles will even handle 1080p and 60fps let alone 4k. And it will still be MANY years before the 4K TV is even affordable.

The cheapest right now is what? 10grand? not even LCD/Plasmas (at respectable sizes) were that much during their infancy.

I'll be honest, I am growing tired of N4G - they just link to these stupid articles that are designed to start flame wars.

Freak of Nature4148d ago


I agree with you, well put. I think that this next KZ will be the best looking, that's a no brainer, but I am hoping for that real smooth animation, those little effects like debris and environment effects that go with the big more obvious things. Animation like Ico or the upcoming Last of us would be ideal. Plus art direction is vital, choice of design style and color palette will be really important.

SilentNegotiator4148d ago

Fix the part with the unrealistic expectations, too. You know...the entire article.

Mrmagnumman3574147d ago (Edited 4147d ago )

@ Septic, you are getting downvoted for telling the truth, isn't that great!? To everyone, if you knew what was running behind the KZ2 CGI video, you would know it greatly surpasses KZ2 and every console game this gen. The particle effects and texture quality are far better then the actual KZ2, just watch this(2:44)- http://www.youtube.com/watc...

That doesn't mean KZ2 isn't impressive, if anything it's the opposite. The KZ2 CGI trailer's art style makes it look worse then the real KZ2 at times, partially because KZ2 had a great art style.

MAJ0R4147d ago

Excuse me for crashing the party, but who actually believes a console could run anything but a movie at 4k resolution when they struggle to run sub-HD games? Even mid-high grade PC's struggle to run 4k resolution.

Eyefinity and NVIDIA Surround are examples of 4k resolution (sometimes higher) and you need a pretty good PC with lots of video memory to run it. I doubt next-gen consoles will have more than 1GB of memory. If that's the case, 4k resolution will not be possible on consoles without it being a slideshow.

MikeMyers4147d ago

That's probably why it will be limited to streaming 4K and maybe be something linked to their acquisition of Gaikai.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 4147d ago
LocutusEstBorg4148d ago

Get real. The PS4 is already 2 generations behind a current gen PC and even a GTX 690 can't run anything at 4k. Console = piss poor rendering quality and textures regardless of what resolution it runs at.

MmaFan-Qc4148d ago (Edited 4148d ago )

i have a top notch gaming pc....but guess what?

im getting the ps4 on day one, u mad bro?

why would i volontary avoid sony exclusives only because there's two msi 580 lightning in sli on my pc?

a real gamer will play games no matter on what platform it is..... and last thing, Okami and Journey showed us that high res textures doesnt necessarily make a game look better.

zebramocha4148d ago

I don't think we can include pc's as an example because their was a point where ps3 exclusive were being compared,I doubt we'll see 4k games like killzone but if 4k tvs come down in price significantly maybe psn titles will be in 4k.

Detoxx4148d ago

Take a look at some exclusives, you won't regret it..

ABizzel14148d ago Show
onandonandon4148d ago

Where did u see the PS4? Got any pictures?

Qrphe4148d ago

"even a GTX 690 can't run anything at 4k"

U sure?

Nah u ain't, not at all

4148d ago
kneon4148d ago

I think there is also a decent chance you'll see some racing games at 4K. In general racing games can produce better graphics than most other types of games because what needs to be shown on screen is more limited, more predictable and there is usually not as much going on at once on the screen.

ABizzel14148d ago (Edited 4148d ago )


If you're comment was directed towards me, then I saw it a couple a years ago on PC.


If you're comment was directed towards me, then I was simply here to educated the ignorant (in this case a vast majority of the people on n4g) about PC hardware, which "your" PS4 will be using.

You can talk about PC all you want, but the fact of the matter is consoles, are becoming more and more like PC's, except limited in functionality and locked to whatever the console maker wants.

BitbyDeath4148d ago

There is a chance PS4 games will be in 4K as Sony have already demoed one.


shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4148d ago (Edited 4148d ago )

"PC and even a GTX 690 can't run anything at 4k."
cuz you need a gtx 680 for that?

I have a great pc but still get a ps4 dude. I like both platforms. And why not appreciate great games more than textures? PS4 won't have 4k games but who actually cares??

This is about gaming no?
I can't wait for amnesia on pc and there is no way I will miss the last of us on ps3!

ps4 is a day pre order!!

Ps4 will be powerful enough for a console or they will have to change the name(which I don't think they will do).
"We named it PlayStation, the power of a workstation for play. That is our mantra seventeen years later." - Jack Tretton

modesign4148d ago

bubble down kurianoftrollborg

bucky19654148d ago

I see the 72 plus (and counting) people who dissagree do not have much tech knowledge.

sniperxx4148d ago

@kurianofborg - exactly right - of course we may all get the PS4 for games, but this comment is about the article, and making up stories that the PS4 will be more powerful then it is is crazy.

@MmaFan-qc - try quad 680 SLI - what console can take that on? The next PS4/xbox will have a video card somewhat like the Wii U - cheap, slow, 2 generations old - that is the model they use so they can at least break even on a console with a low price point.

Consoles = casual gaming
PC = hardcore gamers

SilentNegotiator4148d ago

Well....the part where you said "Even a GTX 690 can't run anything at 4K" was true....

Conzul4147d ago

And yet, it only took 3 daisychained PS3's to do a Gran Turismo demo in 4k. That means the PS4 need only be more than 3X as powerful as the PS3 to get at least some stuff into 4k.

You're the one who needs to get real.

mewhy324147d ago

What if we are blown away? What hell difference would it make? I mean, it's a 4k tv for cryin out loud. Sony is trying to push yet another niche to try and sell their tv's. How soon we forget the 3d fiasco that they tried to get the brainwashed legions to buy in to. This is just another marketing ploy to try and generate sales for a dying console.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 4147d ago
showtimefolks4148d ago

We dnt have long to wait by GDP 2013 Sony will talk about ps4.

Most pundits still saying Xbox will bein 2014 like around February-march. But I personally don't see ms giving any a head start, wiiu is gonne be a forgotten device because ps4 and next Xbox will over shadow it. And it's not fair since wiiu does bring some new things to gaming

Anyway can't wait to find out more.

showtimefolks4148d ago

i will be excited for Killzne 4 anyway, but if GG can make it full 1080P while gaming running full 60FPS.

DeadlyFire4147d ago

I suspect if Sony and Microsoft truely aim for 4K and future proof their console then 1080 60 FPS on any title shouldn't be much of a problem as 4K would only run at 30fps max. Even the top cards out there run games in 4K at 20-30 fps, but a multi low power GPU solution could allow for consoles to do the same if not greater.

Oschino19074147d ago

After getting into 3d gaming all I can ask for is 1080p HD in 3d at 60fps along with full screen co-op 3d running at atleast 30fps.

tordavis4148d ago

Another garbage "wouldn't this be cool? give me hits!" article.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4147d ago
Munky4148d ago

I'm pretty sure this is a given. Another pre rendered video running off of the expected hardware for the PS4 to get the gaming community all giddy with excitement.

ProjectVulcan4148d ago

I would rather just see something actually running in realtime on similar hardware rather than something pre rendered on a 10k workstation :-/

Munky4148d ago

To be honest so would I. But a lot of E3 is more about generating excitement then anything else, the KZ2 video in 2005 blew the roof off the place. I suspect that Sony and MS are aiming for that type of reaction when unveiling the launch titles for the next gen consoles.

ProjectVulcan4148d ago (Edited 4148d ago )

What can be more exciting about showing something that can blow the roof off, only for the guy to pick up a pad and at least move the camera around to show it is being rendered in realtime! Yes peeps, this is exactly how the game could look or even better with the time left to finish the game, cos thats just how awesome our new hardware is?

That would be exciting. Pre rendered video should be banished, because it can only bring scepticism and criticism about the actual realtime game when the dust finally settles and the analysts move in.

KZ2's video only ended up biting Sony early on because the game was delayed and the gap between the video and the game was nearly 4 years. This just added to the stack of bad PR for PS3 at the start of its life. Where is this mythical KZ2, the KZ2 visual games etc etc....

Better just show something you have got, in realtime and be honest.

jimbobwahey4148d ago

I'm not fussed. I mean the Killzone 2 video was pre-rendered and everybody said "There's no way the game will look that good" and then when it actually launched it looked significantly better than the original fake video which was incredibly impressive. I even remember the screenshots comparisons showing the huge increase in texture detail, lighting effects and geometry in the finished product compared to the original trailer.

Really impressive stuff!

Tei7774148d ago

The problem with the ps3's reveal is that it was so far off from the actual systems launch, so they had nothing to show initially. If they show off ps4 at E3 and it launches in the fall, then I'd assume the launch games will be near enough finished by time of its reveal and there will be no need or excuse for those deceptive target render videos.

They couldn't pull that trick twice even if they wanted to. Both Killzone 2 and Motostorms target renders are still above anything we've seen on current systems. No one will place faith in such videos again.

IcarusOne4147d ago

I don't understand anyone who thinks KZ2 looks better than the pre-rendered target. Honestly, I don't understand the people who say it was even close. If they had pre-rendered low res textures and massive jagged aliasing, then maybe it woulda been close.

My opinion, that was one of the biggest marketing fails of the generation, and it setup one of the biggest disappointments of Sony's lineup.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4147d ago
pixelsword4148d ago

They need to fake the footage just to blow us away again. That killed all of the side-chatter and was a deal-maker for a lot of people. lol

ABizzel14148d ago (Edited 4148d ago )


Enjoy your $600 PS4. I will as well one day, but I'm not paying that much again at launch.


I seriously doubt we'll see pre-rendered video for most of the PS4 games, simply because the development teams have been working on the games for too long.

Who should be there Year 1

Polyphony last game was GT5 Nov. 2010 (2+ year ago by E3, 3 year by launch)
Guerrilla Games last game was Killzone 3 Feb. 2011 (2+ years ago by E3)
Evolution last game was Motorstorm Apoc. Mar. 2011 (2+ years ago by E3)
Sucker Punch last game was inFamous 2 June 2011 (2+ years ago by E3)
Sony San Diego are likely working on MLB for PS4

So as you can see, these developers have probably been working on their next gen titles for over 2 years, so they should be at a point where they're playable, even if they don't make it in the launch window.

My guess for launch titles are (MLB 14: PS4, Wipeout / Motorstorm / New racing IP PS4 (Evolution), GT6 Prologue, and a New Action-Adventure IP from Sucker Punch, and a New FPS from Guerrilla Games)

After that we should see something from Naughty Dog Team 1 (Uncharted 4 / New IP more likely), Sony London (PS4 Move something), and possibly some insight into FF13 versus, Agent, and Last Guardian at E3 2014 (If we don't see them then consider them cancelled, since 2014 should be Sony's off year since 2013 will be packed with devs. cranking out games on PS3, PSVita, and PS4).

Working on games now for 2013 - Q1 2014

Naughty Dog Team 2, is working on The Last of Us (PS3)
Sony Santa Monica is working on God of War ascension (PS3)
Sony Japan is working on Last Guardian (PS3 / PS4)

Media Molecule is working on Tearaway for the Vita (PSV)
Big Big Studios is a handheld (Vita) developer (PSV something)
Sony Bend is "rumored to be working on a Vita game" (Uncharted / Splinter Cell)
Sony Cambridge is working on Killzone Mercenaries (PSV)
Sony Japan is "rumored to be working on Gravity Rush 2" (PSV)

Qrphe4148d ago

Idk, I'd say they did an awesome job with the actual game, I even prefer it the actual game to that CG.


+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4147d ago
OneAboveAll4148d ago

Irrelevant until 4K TV's are cheap enough for the common consumer. Guess what? They won't be for a while.

iamnsuperman4148d ago

4K tvs are irrelevant anyway (not just talking about price). To noticeably see a difference between 1080p and 4K the TV needs to be around 80inch or above. Now Big TVs are good but this is where it gets excessive and no sane family (or enough of them) is going to put that in there living room. 4K is perfect for the cinemas and outdoor arenas. It isn't for the general consumer.

Eyesoftheraven4148d ago (Edited 4148d ago )

@Iamnsuperman You should probably look into pixel density per square inch.

Hell, watch The Dark Knight rises on Blu-ray using a high end calibrated monitor in ideal viewing conditions. It was filmed mostly in about 4k digital resolution and about an hour is 65mm iMax film telecined to digital which is equal to about 8k video, yes 8k. That's why iMax looks so amazing and costs so much more. It makes a very noticeable difference on any sized screen even if it's native 1080p and that's using film with all its imperfections in-between. Video games are rendered real time free of any imperfections from the chemicals used in film and then displayed pixel for pixel. 4k will make a dramatic difference from 1080p, no questions there. My point is that 1080p to 4k will be even more noticeable in games than in movies even at home on a 30-50" TV.

rainslacker4148d ago


While it's true that the source material plays a major role in picture quality, the fact remains that the difference is negligible in a standard viewing environment. 4K TV's are going to have a much harder time gaining market acceptance. Just looking at the shift to HDTV a lot of people still couldn't see the difference, and early on there wasn't a whole lot of HDTV sources to be had.

A 30" screen is about a quarter of the surface area of a 60" screen, and 4K would be completely wasted on it. There may be slight differences in the 45-60" realm, but not enough for most people to upgrade, especially since there are very few media sources that will support it. There is a difference when going above 60", but as superman said, most families wouldn't have such a large TV in their living rooms.

As far as games are concerned, there are so many filters and sharers put into modern games that having more pixels to push could actually cause the image quality to decrease, as you are not simply pushing out a flat image pixel, but one that has various effects related to dithering and occlusion. Faults in those sharers would stand out much more, and be jarring to the viewer.

Eyesoftheraven4148d ago (Edited 4148d ago )

I totally agree 4k won't take off for a very good while, but everything about screen size, resolution and the noticeable difference is not true at all. A 50" at 1920x1080 has 47.89 pixels per inch. A 50" at 3840x2860 has 104.9 pixels per inch. More than twice the amount of pixels in the same area. I'd bet anyone who isn't blind as a bat could tell that difference—-especially with real time games.

It's all relative though. So of course an 80" at 4k is going to look far superior than an 80" at 1080p over a 30" because with smaller screens and higher resolution, it's pixel density that makes the difference. Imagine smart phones with 1080p. a 4" iPhone at 1080p would be 550.73 pixels per inch. There's a difference you'd be hard pressed to find since 300PPI is supposedly as high as the human eye can distinguish.

nunley334148d ago (Edited 4148d ago )

If PS4 has 4k, it will be there for displaying 3D in 1080P more than anything else besides video and pictures. This is likely to happen with the 3D games the PS4 will see, but Uncharted 4 in 4k is unlikely but that would be drool inducing. Uncharted 4 in 3D 1080p could happen and would be a real showpiece in demonstrating that new standard.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4148d ago
LocutusEstBorg4148d ago (Edited 4148d ago )

Irrelevant because it's impossible. Even a PC can't run that resolution and a modern PC is atleast 20x a powerful as a PS4.

iamnsuperman4148d ago (Edited 4148d ago )

I am just going to call out the obvious here but how can a modern gaming PC be 20 times more powerful than a PS4 (a console yet to release). A more sensible (you should try it sometime) suggestion would to say the PS4 could possibly and is most likely to release as a mid high- to high end modern gaming PC

seanpitt234148d ago

If your right I don't think Sony would sell any ps4 but iam guessing your wrong

Eyesoftheraven4148d ago (Edited 4148d ago )

Modern high end GPUs can certainly handle 4k gaming at playable frame rates. Though for 60fps+ with demanding games, you'll need multiple high end GPUs and to lower some graphical settings.

ABizzel14148d ago

Not to mention the fact that There are several GPU's capable of running games in 4k.

GTX 670, 680, 690
HD 7950, 7970, 7990

All 4k capable with the last of each being able to run most at 60 fps still

-Falaut-4148d ago

The brown ring on your arm much be around your armpit seeing how far you had to reach to pull that "fact" out.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4148d ago
nunley334148d ago

I seem to remember the PS3 having bluray at a time when the cheapest bluray player was a $1000 and those went down in price reasonably in a few years like HDTV did.

Brasi19894148d ago

4K is wasted on the human eye.

Eyesoftheraven4148d ago (Edited 4148d ago )

65mm iMax film is equivalent to 8k digital and it's certainly noticeable on any sized screen.

rainslacker4148d ago

It's good for larger screens (60+). The same way a 720 signal can look better on a smaller screen than a bigger screen. I personally haven't seen a noticeable difference on a 50" screen, but that may have been a sourcing issue. I notice an appreciable difference on an 72" screen, but not enough to swallow the price tag.

KillerPwned4148d ago

Gonna need a 4k TV before the quality is even relevant bud ;)

akaakaaka4148d ago (Edited 4148d ago )

I disagree ..
Uncharted or killzone 2 still look miles ahead than any ps2 games on a sd TV, yes it lose many effect and details and the resolution is not hd but I bet I will be happy playing 4k games on my 1080p tv because they still will look way better then any ps3 game plus the gameplay will be more advanced tech.. until I decide to jump over a 4ktv and they will eventually get at a reasonable price obviously.

Plus there are going to be 8ktvs by the time or after the ps4 is out (at a more affordable price) but games will go by 4k and 8k will be only for pics or movie's.

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PS5 Pro specs leak video taken down by Sony

Sony is taking actions as video by Moore’s Law is Dead, has been issued with a copyright claim.

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andy8519d ago

And people say it's all fake because Sony haven't said anything 😂 conveniently forget the PS4 Pro was only announced 2 months before release.

BeHunted19d ago

It's fake. There's no factual evidence other than his own made up specs.

Hereandthere19d ago

What were the specks Sony was afraid of showing?

Shikoku19d ago (Edited 19d ago )

Digital foundry put a video out saying what he leaked was exactly what they also knew about the PS5 PRO. So no it's not just stuff he made up

Babadook719d ago (Edited 19d ago )

If it’s fake what copyright does MLID infringe upon?


andy8519d ago

Aye because they'd go to the effort of copyright claiming it if it didn't exist 🙃😂 you'd have to be a special kind to be thinking its not a thing by now

Cacabunga19d ago

They need to reveal it with uncharted killzone or a heavy hitter like this

Ironmike19d ago (Edited 19d ago )

U mean the specs that we'll established digital foundry which said these are the actual specs published a video on 2 weeks ago I mean they are only one of most trusted sites for tech information but they just made up a video for the sake of it

Christopher19d ago

I would love for it all to be fake, but lots of people are saying they've seen/heard the same thing. But, man, we 100% don't need mid-gen upgrades when we're failing hard to optimize current hardware.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 19d ago
Seraphim18d ago (Edited 18d ago )

if I recall Sony lowered sales expectations for PS5 earlier this year. if that is the case we won't hear anything about a Pro until next year or shortly before/when it's dropping. After all, if the Pro was dropping this year/fiscal year they wouldn't have lowered expectations.

As for squashing rumors. Yeah, shit like this prevents potential buyers from adopting now, just like slim rumors in the past. It only makes sense to keep things under wraps from a business perspective. Despite living in a technological age of unfettered access to information we don't need to know whats going on behind closed doors be that at Sony, Nintendo, MS, or amongst any development studios. When the steak is done we shall feast.

JackBNimble18d ago

By the time games are actually made to take advantage of the pro spec's the ps6 will be released or close to it.

jznrpg19d ago (Edited 19d ago )

Just announce it already! I want to preorder one asap. But in reality they don’t want to lessen PS5 sales until Pro is ready to launch so I understand the business part of it. September is probably when they announce it with an early November launch like the PS4 Pro

Ironmike19d ago

Pro won't lessen sales sames ps4 pro never and the ps4 pro was more relevant at the time cos move to 4k this not needed

RaidenBlack19d ago (Edited 19d ago )

Yea, my brother got his PS4 (coz of a good deal) after the PS4 Pro's release.

darthv7219d ago

^^same here. I got a base 4 for only $100 off a guy who bought the Pro. then a few months later I found a guy on craigslist selling a pro for $100 because it was left behind by his former roommate who moved out. That was the beginning of my obsession to buy up the different variants of the PS4 that were released.

As of now I am really only missing the 500m one and the gold slim but otherwise I have pretty much all the other retail ones. https://consolevariations.c...

crazyCoconuts19d ago

Anyone with 4K that appreciates 60fps is gonna disagree about it not being needed.
DLSS is a god send for Nvidia, and there's been nothing like it for AMD...yet ...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 19d ago
DeadlyFire19d ago

They will announce it around E3 timeframe about May-June whenever they do a showcase for the year.

neutralgamer199219d ago

Just announce it this thing will sell well

Ironmike19d ago (Edited 19d ago )

I don't think it will pll still haven't seen the potential of ps5 yet

Cacabunga19d ago

agreed, but it might sell if they announce some 1st party games to lead the way. if people see the difference with the base version they can move on. for my sake I am still gaming mainly on PS4 (still not finished with RDR2 due to lack of gaming time). I have a huge backlog on PS5 I am hoping to get into.

mark3214uk19d ago

why? game makers havnt even come close to maxing out current spec yet, were getting al lthese new TFlops and game maker are making crappy remakes not worthy of the ps3

Minute Man 72119d ago

The guts of the 5 and X are 5 years old

fr0sty19d ago

People keep saying that, yet we still have games running at near HD resolutions, 30fps, and ray tracing features turned off.

PRIMORDUS19d ago (Edited 19d ago )

I would take that video and upload a torrent of it, fuck that copyright bullshit. If your going to do something that has a chance of being taken down, make a torrent first share it. Then Sony or any other company is helpless and you can laugh in their faces, taunting them to try to take it down 🤣

LoveSpuds19d ago

With kind of analysis and advice, you could be a lawyer for Trump!🤣

tronyx1219d ago

As much as the PS4 Pro didn't represent a major % in the playerbase, announcing a 'better' model will hinder sales from the 'base' model. They are right, business-wise.

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XDefiant misses launch window, Ubi says a new release date will be announced after stress test

XDefiant was originally supposed to be out in summer 2023, but following a seemingly-successful beta test in April of that year, it was bumped to October 2023, and then delayed again to an unspecified future date. In its February 2024 financial report, Ubisoft slated XDefiant for launch in the fourth quarter of its 2023-24 fiscal year, which ended March 31.

A week before that date arrived, rumors surfaced that the game would be delayed yet again, and a few days later Ubisoft made it official.

"The game has always been community-first, with player feedback as a top priority," the development team said in the update. "While we hoped to go live by the end of March, there are still some improvements that we need to test before that."

Ubisoft said it's "finishing preparations" for a server stress test that will run for 12 hours on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S. "After this short test, we expected to be able to lock a launch date and start sharing more about exciting content XDefiant has to offer in the future!"

just_looken34d ago (Edited 34d ago )

The previous news was from the team/rumors this is ubisoft themselves now saying the game is delayed again no new date set but they will have a stress test on a date that has not been set.

So the game is delayed to _____ TBD
Network stress test at ____ TBD

Ubisoft we make games whenever for whoever we just do not care


X-2334d ago

I'm just going to be honest here and say what people seem to not want to, XDefiant success is going to be short-lived and it's because it's a game that's going to be under Ubisoft's umbrella. The development team can be absolute rockstars, but with Ubisoft steering the ship it's not going to go anywhere.

Profchaos33d ago

It could be a truely amazing game (it won't be) but with Ubisoft it will be monitized within a inch of its life.

smolinsk33d ago

The game is dead move on. It's the same with the Finals. These short period hype games doesn't last.

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New Xbox Devkit Certified In Korea, Could Be Next-Gen Console: Rumor

A new rumor suggests the next Xbox console is currently being tested by developers in South Korea.

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Obscure_Observer48d ago (Edited 48d ago )

If true, hopefully a fully fledged next gen console and not some unnecessary mid gen refresh system.

It could be that rumored Xbox portable, who knows

porkChop48d ago

Next gen would make sense. They said they'd talk about new hardware at the end of this year, and Xbox usually starts talking about next gen systems 2 years before they release. Late 2026 would make sense for next gen. Though it also seems a bit early for next gen dev kits to be going out.

Lightning7748d ago

Next gen wouldn't make any sense right now. They still have 1st party to release in the next few years. If they announce their next console at the end of the year that would do them harm more harm for their console. The console barely sells as is anyway. People would just wait off until the NEXT console. That's right, they'll have you playing the waiting game again.

fr0sty48d ago (Edited 48d ago )

If it does have anything to do with NextGen, Sony could have forced their hand by making the ps5 pro so powerful, with it said to be at over 33 teraflops and up to 4x the ray tracing performance, along with AI-powered upscaling that works on all games without patches required, according to Moore's Law is Dead, who is a very reliable source (and he also leaked photos of the internal documents confirming this).

What doesn't make sense is South Korea, why only there?

S2Killinit48d ago

MS is talking next gen because they already released 2 different SKUs, they cannot release a 3rd SKU because the cost of optimizing every game for 3 different consoles would be prohibitively high. MS essentially will abandon current gen xbox owners because otherwise they dont have any way to respond to PS5 PRO.

MS plans really backfired on them this gen.

StormSnooper48d ago

Next gen this early? People just bought their consoles. What about people with the current gen consoles? Will MS support the series S? Or just abandon them?

porkChop48d ago


What do you mean "this early"? They're just talking about the hardware at the end of the year, not releasing it. It wouldn't come out until holiday 2026. Personally I'd prefer waiting until holiday 2027 as we've barely had any games that really take advantage of the current consoles. But 6 years is pretty standard for a generation.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 48d ago
48d ago Replies(4)
Profchaos48d ago

That's the million dollar question Microsoft seem to indicate they want to start the next generation off early while PS is seemingly going for a refresh and next gen system in 2028.

However if they start the generation off say next year while only having the xsx on the market for 5 years consumers will start to question the lack of dedication to the systems.

A 5 year console cycle hasn't been relevant since the PS1 era and we've barely seen any convincing software that really shows the need for the current generation as is.

I feel like they need to wait until 2028 at least abs take PS on head on again

PassNextquestion19d ago

I believe the Wii U had 5 year life span till its successor arrive.

andy8548d ago

What would a fully fledged next gen console be though. The power creep is only high enough in 2024 to make a 'pro' type increase unless they make it super expensive. And given not as many are interested in the full powered Series X as it is. Who's buying it?

porkChop48d ago

It wouldn't be releasing in 2024. This is just a dev kit, they're always different from the final hardware.

andy8547d ago

Yeah but the thing would be being designed now is my point

porkChop47d ago

Designed now, yes, but the final hardware isn't available now. They'd have a general idea of what they're targeting but they'd still be working with AMD to build custom chips using upcoming architecture, not currently available chips. This is how every generation works.

S2Killinit48d ago

MS already abandoning the generation. That is how bad they are doing.

Obscure_Observer48d ago (Edited 48d ago )

"MS already abandoning the generation. That is how bad they are doing."

The only one "abandoning" the generation is Sony which barely scratched the surface with the PS5. So far there´s not a single first party game that pushed the hardware closer to its limits with true next gen games.

All its have to show from first party so far, is remakes, remasters, re-releases and cross-generation games.

The worst part of it all is that apparently, even the PS5 Pro will be released without a single first party game to show why that thing is needed in the first place.

That´s why I´m happy Xbox ditched the idea of another mid gen refresh Xbox, and will continue to focus on both SX and SS for the foreseeable future.

S2Killinit48d ago (Edited 48d ago )

Hah that is a hilarious response.

Look at MS leaving the generation halfway in the middle. At least in prior generations they would just give up, now they are abandoning their consumers too! like “sorry you bought what we sold you, but we gotta move on now, byyyeee”

47d ago
smashman9848d ago

While I can understand the annoyance with a mid gen refresh considering the severe lack of first party support on this console gen I'd argue it's very necessary considering most games still don't hit native 4k 60 on console.

Obscure_Observer48d ago

The PS5 Pro won´t achieve native 4k 60fps for most games either!

That´s why it´s pointless.

attilayavuzer48d ago

Same CPU in Pro, so the expectation is that it'll just be a res boost unfortunately.

S2Killinit48d ago (Edited 48d ago )

According to Obscure, a mid-upgrade is “unnecessary” but a whole new generation is just dandy. My question is, why is that? I mean at least with a mid-gen upgrade gamers aren’t being left behind. If its too early for a mid-gen, then why is it not too early for a new gen? lol sorry I have to laugh.

Markusb3348d ago

another console for no one to buy, the series is tracking lower than the xbox one, buy your games and support them

S2Killinit48d ago (Edited 48d ago )

Sooo a mid-gen upgrade is too early and “unnecessary”, but a whole new gen that leaves gamers behind is good?

porkChop47d ago

A mid gen console releasing this year using the same CPU, vs a next gen console with all new hardware launching more than two years from now. Mid gen is pointless because without a significant CPU upgrade games will still struggle with performance. A CPU overclock isn't remotely enough.

The biggest obstacle regarding performance this gen is the CPU, this is what causes so many games to have hitching, stuttering, sudden fps drops, 30fps, etc. A faster GPU cannot alleviate these issues, games won't just magically be 4K60fps with raytracing. That's not how it works.

Each frame has to be processed by the CPU before being handed off to the GPU. So a game can ultimately only perform as fast as the CPU can feed the GPU. This is why consoles focusing so heavily on GPU power is a problem, after the first couple years when you start really pushing the GPU the CPU becomes a bottleneck. We need more balanced consoles next gen.

FGHFGHFGH47d ago (Edited 47d ago )

fps, raytracing, etc is all gpu stuff. So when they do gpu tests, they use the exact system but use different gpus, the results are huge if you look at the top vs bottom. CPU will give you a higher ceiling but all graphics stuff is gpu work. FPS is gpu.(you plug gfx card into monitor)
"All games and cards are tested with the drivers listed above—no performance results were recycled between test systems. Only this exact system with exactly the same configuration is used for all results in this review."
Thats from rtx470 super ex review, rx5700xt does 44% compared to rtx470super ex 100% at 2560x1440 resolution. For games gpu is the best upgrade.

Obscure_Observer47d ago (Edited 47d ago )


"Sooo a mid-gen upgrade is too early and “unnecessary”, but a whole new gen that leaves gamers behind is good?"

Have you paid attention to what I´d actually said?

I said that I rather MS to stick with the SX and SS for the foreseeable future!

And what you mean by "leaving gamers behind"?

It´s been 4 years and so far the PS5 don´t have a single true next gen first party game which pushes the console to its limits and, yet, Sony already have a pointless mid gen refresh console ready to launch which according to DF themselves it´s nothing but a disappointment as far CPU performance is concerned.

So why in the hell would I want MS to follow the same route?!

I rather have a full next gen Xbox console released by 2026-2027 rather than a worthless Xbox Series XX to be released this year.

StormSnooper48d ago (Edited 48d ago )

A new generation this early?? How is that a good thing??.. at least give us an upgrade. Some people barely bought their current gen consoles….

romulus2347d ago

Series x only came out 3 years and four months ago, talking about a "fully fledged next gen console" is just as unnecessary right now. Better hope not, an xbox portable would fail miserably.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 19d ago
S2Killinit48d ago (Edited 48d ago )

Yeah its wayyy too early for a next gen. People were even saying its too early for a mid-gen upgrade, let alone a new generation. And what happens to all the current xbox gamers? Leave them behind?

crazyCoconuts48d ago

And would they sell enough to justify the cost

Concertoine47d ago

At one time MS said that the one x/ps4 pro model would be the standard going forward. If theyre testing something new, its safe to say its a mid-gen upgrade. They’ll probably have another “Series-letter” name too. Callin it

Lightning7748d ago (Edited 48d ago )

Could be the refresh console perhaps? I doubt it'll be the new console. Might be the portable rumored device.

Regardless the fact we're talking about new hardware already is absolutely pathetic. Barely any current gen stuff out and the stuff that is out or coming is at 30 fps or doesn't, doesn't look current gen and what have you.

All we're doing is chasing power and not creating the games to harness said power.

Worse generation so far easily.

DarXyde48d ago

I have a hypothesis about the rush to move to next gen:

They want to really bake in AI integration in some way. How exactly? No idea, but perhaps new hardware would expedite a lot of development and reduce needed labour. Something they can't do with current hardware, perhaps.

I don't really know, but I reckon we'll get a good sense of it once we learn about the actual features of a new Xbox/Playstation.

blackblades48d ago

Above you said it makes no sense but these days a lot of things make no sense to some people. Ps portal, mid gen refresh doesnt make any sense either to some. Another thing is the switch came out earlier because the wiiu flopped. Sense xbox aint doing so well dont it make sense to start fresh on the next system and get the jump like the 360. Overall we don't know nothing.

DarXyde48d ago

The reason it would be unusual is because releasing in, say, the next two years would really restrict the technology it could implement. For example, they'd maybe get Zen 4 with FSR3 instead of waiting a bit. Moreover, if they intend to live up to the claims of it having the most significant leap, they can certainly do that, but the price is likely to be harder to stomach.

Frankly, I wouldn't recommend getting the jump on the competition too early. Xbox 360 was a phenomenal console in its early years, but it was also God awful because it was absolute garbage quality.

Releasing too early relative to competition is a dangerous bet, especially for a company like Microsoft given their history.

S2Killinit48d ago (Edited 48d ago )

It WOULD help xbox’s image not to release next to PlayStation day and date. That way numbers can be played with. (i.e. “we are best selling console”)

S2Killinit48d ago (Edited 48d ago )

The only thing that makes me think this crazy news might be true is that MS already released two SKUs. If rumors are true that we will be getting a second SKU PlayStation (PS5PRO), then i dont think MS can release a third SKU as costs would be prohibitive for developing games for 3 separate SKUs that are so far apart in performance.

Solution: next gen xbox to leave some consoles out in those instances where developer can’t justify the cost.

This is bad news for xbox gamers indeed.

dumahim48d ago

"Could be the refresh console perhaps?"

The Series X one, yeah. That was my thought, but why would it need a dev kit? They're changing something. Maybe it's just some minor bump like the One S last gen.

niiopi48d ago

Lightning77 and Obscure_Observer are the same people LOL.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 48d ago
Extermin8or3_48d ago

It was reliably leaked just a month ago that MS hadn't signed contracts for next gen till literally weeks ago- the same leakers that correctly leaked that hi fi rush and pentiment and sea of thieves were going to ps5. So this is very very very unlikely- if not impossible. Also it's way too early....

jwillj2k448d ago

Tell us oh great timeline masta… what speed should a shady trillion dollar company move at to compete with their “non rival” rival?

Hofstaderman48d ago

New wi-fi standard certification?

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