
Nintendo comments on ‘Wii U’ long OS load times and system crashes

Nintendo has commented on the two problems, long OS load times and system crashes, that is currently plaguing the launch of their Nintendo Wii U system

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Wizziokid4187d ago

"We are aware that users are experiencing load times when they launch or switch between applications. We are exploring ways to enhance features for consumers’ overall experience."

Good to see a fast response and clarification that they are working on fixing things.

caseh4187d ago

Shame their response is faster than switching between apps. :)

reynod4187d ago

They should have just given an Android phone complementary, that would have switched apps faster :P not to mention better browser lol.

decrypt4187d ago (Edited 4187d ago )

Long OS load times.. few solutions:

1. Hibernate or sleep instead of shutdown
2. Uninstall unneeded apps
3. Get an SSD

oh shit where are my manners, its a console... hahaha.

gaffyh4187d ago

I don't even understand how the lag is possible. It has 1GB of system RAM for God's sake!!!!

DeadlyFire4187d ago

Should have thrown a small ARM chip in there and a custom ARM OS. I know Microsoft has ARM in next Xbox. Windows RT(ARM edition) proves it to me.

extermin8or4187d ago

lol can't believe I thought that then, decided it was too corny and to post and then saw you'd already beaten me too it :p

Kennytaur4187d ago


Those are all possible and have a helping effect on consoles too. At least you tried....

SilentNegotiator4187d ago

An entire GB of memory for the OS and it loads slowly? Hmmm, maybe the RAM really is as slow as has been said.

sjaakiejj4187d ago

Lol I love how people ignorantly claim that ARM is the end-all be-all for console processors. They're pretty rubbish for anything but mobile systems since focus is on battery life, not performance.

nukeitall4187d ago


"I don't even understand how the lag is possible. It has 1GB of system RAM for God's sake!!!!"

It's easy! It's a company that has little experience writing operating systems. Nintendo has never been stellar at making cutting edge software, and the OS is one of the most advanced pieces of software ever made.

Nintendo is really an entertainment company that dabbles in technology and not the opposite.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4187d ago
lashes2ashes4187d ago

I agree. Now they need to explains the wii games upscaling lol. I'm playing xenoblade and my tv is on 1080p right now and it looks a lot better. So is it the wii u or my tv that is upscaling the game. I have seen other people talking about this so it's not just me.

reynod4187d ago (Edited 4187d ago )

Get a dolphin emulator, it will look even better in native 1080p :P

PS: try using something asides your grammas laptop.

DivineHand1254187d ago (Edited 4187d ago )

Its good that the wiiU can upscale games to 1080p so no need for remaster like on ps3. Can it play and upscale gamecube games too?

@reynod stop trying to down play the wiiU. Dolphin does not run the games in 1080p native since the original files were set to run in sd not sure if its 480p or lower so it must be upscaled aswell.

T9004187d ago (Edited 4187d ago )


Dolphin infact renders Wii games at 1080p, hence in any case the results will be better than Wii U upscales.

I have personally seen Dolphin running Wii games vs a Wii running the game. The difference is night and day. Dolphin almost makes Wii games look like PS3 or 360 games.

Qrphe4187d ago (Edited 4187d ago )

According to DivineHand, this isn't 1080p natively.


This level of ignorance can be anything but blissful.

Edit: Wii games look better on the Wii U only due to the HDMI cable used instead of a component one. Everyone here makes it seem like upscaling is something more advanced than simple image-stretching.

dirthurts4187d ago

The Wii U isn't upscaling. It's the TV set. It's taking the digital signal and upscaling that.
Your set probably doesn't upscale well with an analogue signal (usually the case)like the original Wii used, which is why you didn't get the effect before the new system.

wampdog294187d ago

It's your television and something I have been telling all the Wii SD graphics haters for the last 6 years. Obviously, the Wii output was analog so you needed to buy a receiver capable of upconverting analog input to a digital, upscaled signal.

Monstar4187d ago

It's the Wii U, they upscale Wii games to HD.

Deku-Johnny4187d ago

@reynod, it's not native 1080p if you're having to use an emulator that's the whole point in the word 'native'.

fr0sty4186d ago (Edited 4186d ago )

When an emulator runs a game, it actually takes the polygon meshes and renders them at whatever resolution it is set to run at. This is a native render. So, if your emulator is set to output at 1080p, you are getting a native 1080p render AT THE POLYGON LEVEL. However, when you add textures to those polygons, unless new high resolution textures are added (like many of the Ps3 re-releases of PS2 games), you are still getting the exact same texture resolution. So, you'll have nice sharp 1080p polygons with blurry textures that were made for 480p (and due to Wii's tiny RAM, sometimes even at that res they were blurry). That said, emulators can also run filters on the textures to improve them some, but as they say, you can't polish a turd.

So, technically an emulator does run at native 1080p, but that doesn't mean it'll upscale an old game to look as good as a new one. In no way can upscaling ANY wii game come out looking as good as what we consider a good looking PS3 or 360 game.

As for Wii U, I'm not sure if it's set to emulate Wii games at native 1080p or if it's rendering at 480p then upscaling (stretching) to 1080p. If it's emulating, I don't see why it couldn't render native 1080p.

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donman14187d ago

Very good that they are working on correcting that problem. It is not acceptable for a new console with 1GB of memory dedicated to the OS to have up to 11sec or more when going from game back to the main menu. I hope they get this fixed by the end of Dec.

DragoonsScaleLegends4187d ago

Ram is not everything you need to get faster os load speeds. The processor is a big factor in these types of things and apparently the wii u does not have too great of a processor.

3GenGames4187d ago

Writing optimized code is much much much more important than anything over all. With C that's kinda hard to do, but if they know how a C compiler optimizes, they can help it along a decent amount.

andyboy1574187d ago

I'm amazed that they only gave the system 1gb of ram. You can buy 8gb of pc ram (not some no name brand either) for as low as $20 now. That's $20 at a retail level.

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4187d ago (Edited 4187d ago )

This could be the worse online of all consoles. Nintendo's first time in HD gaming, Tv, true online. They have to learn what MS and Sony already have experience in for the past 6-7 years. They will get it right with wiiU2.

Just saying they are noobs to this stuff.

deafdani4187d ago

That comment just shows you don't have a Wii U. The online infrastructure in the Wii U is leagues beyond what PS3 and Xbox 360 offer, with an impressive social network built into it.

The problem here isn't the online. The problem is that, as of now, the Wii U is painfully slow for switching and loading applications. Once they're loaded, they actually run pretty fast.

And I know it's better because I own all the consoles, no fanboy speak here. If Nintendo solves this issue with an update (they shpuld, there's always room for optimization), this console will be absolutely amazing, as far as OS and online, that is.

The games is still a wait and see scenario, but it's already off to a pretty strong start.

1upgamer994187d ago

The Wii U is far better Than PS3 is now online. Nintendo is not new at the online stuff, they just never put much into it until now. Nintendo Wii U has a far superior, seamless online experience. If I am playing a game I can browse the net just by hitting home and instantly go right back to my game. If you have not used the Wii U online save your comments. Nintendo also did away with the pain in the rear friend code crap.

Monstar4187d ago

Not NOOBS, just stubborn and want things their way.

GraveLord4187d ago

"We are aware that users are experiencing load times when they launch or switch between applications. We are exploring ways to enhance features for consumers’ overall experience."

Someone needs to tell Nintendo they can't patch in faster RAM lmfao.

deafdani4186d ago

But they can optimize the apps and the OS so everything works better with the hardware at hand.

pixelsword4187d ago (Edited 4187d ago )

"Good to see a fast response and clarification that they are working on fixing things."

True, but a faster one would have been to eliminate the problems before launching, even if it meant delaying the launch.

If Nintendo is confident that they can fix the problems, give them that chance to do so.

V0LT4187d ago (Edited 4187d ago )

I like the response but however you have had 6 years maybe longer of testing and building this stuff... No excuses.... I own one and love it but sometimes I don't understand how this stuff happens when it is the obvious...

showtimefolks4187d ago (Edited 4187d ago )

It's a new system launch so we have to expect some bumps along with way early on

Hopefully Nintendo can resolve/improve hese issues


I agree with you when ps4 and xbox360 come out I will wat about an year before buying because we will get most of the games on newer systems but I believe there will be ports for xbox360 and ps3 just because graphics difference won't be as big as ps2 to ps3 and install base for current systems will be quite high to ignore

So for first few ears expect almost every major release to be on ps3.ps4,xbox360 and 720 along with wiiu

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4186d ago
tehpees34187d ago ShowReplies(1)
WiiUalpha4187d ago

Maybe I'm just lucky but havent had a single issue.My update took less than an hour and everything has been running great. Havent really noticed any long load times for anything. If anything the system starts pretty quick imo but it does take longer for the TV to show whats going on then the game pad when first started up but that might be my tv. Loving it so far. It's not perfect of course nothing is but I'm enjoying the console and even Nintendoland and Miiverse.

It did seem odd to go to the eshop and see AC3,NSMBU and other HD retail games for sale on a Nintendo console. I like how they let devs set their own pricing for games. Taking more of a Steam approach instead ofwhat current consoles are doing.

givemeshelter4187d ago

Never be an early adopter...There is always pain involved.

Neonridr4187d ago

but I would rather be in on that, then missing out.

I haven't had any issues yet. Sure the inital update took a little while, but go do something for an hour and then come back. Take a day to get everything set up just how you want it, then you are good to go from there. No different that installing a home theatre system and then having to tweak it afterwards to your liking.

I haven't had too much time to fiddle around with it, only set it up yesterday evening and then updated it last night. So tonight hopefully I will be able to dive into the guts of the thing, transfer over my Wii data and VC games to the Wii U.

givemeshelter4187d ago

I got burned with the PS2...I got burned with the the Xbox360...Never again. I will wait a year until everything is ironed out then buy the new system.

MasterCornholio4187d ago (Edited 4187d ago )

At the moment im not missing out on anything because there are no games on the Wii U that interest me. However that could change in the future.

P.S Dont recommend me Nintendo games because i am not a fan of Mario, Zelda, Metroid etc.

P.S.S Batman would interest me but i already have the game on my PS3 and the Wii U version seems like the same thing except for a few gimmicks and extra content.

P.S.S.S Now Mass effect does seem like a nice game but so far i dont see the point in getting a Wii U just for one game.

P.S.S.S.S I will shut up now


s45gr324187d ago

Nintendo is lazy should of come with no 5gb patch. Its tv video services installed and ready plus faster loading times. Is a mess is better to wait than being an early adopter just to skip pulling some hair out and being frustrated.

fossilfern4187d ago

I still want a WiiU but im kind of glad I canceled my pre order... Ill pick up one when Bayonetta 2 comes out.

iHeartHelloKitty4187d ago

A Nintendo platform has problems...this is the first I heard of it. Is Nintendo slipping?

meowthemouse4187d ago

What about 3DS? The quality was beyond horrible.

LKHGFDSA4187d ago (Edited 4187d ago )

lol and Virtual Boy for that matter. (I know, I know, it doesn't count.)

meowthemouse4186d ago

My Virtual boy actually still works perfectly.

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Zelda Replay: Majora's Mask

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Crows909d ago

Pure unadulterated fun. They don't make them like this anymore...especially not the triple A industry.

FinalFantasyFanatic8d ago

Back when video rental was a thing, I rented out Majoria's Mask, I never finished it though. I did buy the 3DS version before the eshop shutdown, so maybe one day I'll finally play through the whole thing, it's amazing how well these games hold up though. I briefly played Ocarina of Time for a while and it was really fun.


Wii U games that still haven't been ported to Switch

The Nintendo Switch is potentially nearing its lifespan, and several Wii U games haven't found their way over as ports yet.

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Vits16d ago

I think it's better to leave games like AC: Amiibo Festival and Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash forgotten on the Wii U. Best case, they are mediocre games; worse case, they are very bad. It was a dark time for the Wii U, and the first only exists to sell Amiibo cards, whereas the second was put together in a couple of months with a shoestring budget, and it shows.

The rest of the list does have some really cool games, though. I would love to see a remake of Star Fox Zero with decent controls, and Xenoblade X doesn't require that much modification to work.

Z50116d ago

How would XCX work without dual screens functionality?

Cacabunga16d ago

Same as Paper Mario color splash. One of the best wiiu games and getting even better with dual screen. Same reason why i prefer Splatoon 1

Profchaos16d ago

This article leaves out Nintendo's most controversial game to date devils Third.
I personally found the cover system really fun in that one compared to at the time most fps games completely lacking one.

Stevonidas16d ago

Devil's Third is HIGHLY underrated.

repsahj16d ago

They should remake Starfox to the switch 2. Very beautiful game during gamecube days.

Chocoburger16d ago

Kirby is always ignored or forgotten by people, so good to see it mentioned here.
Play Kirby Canvas Curse on DS, and then play Rainbow Curse on Wii U, they're really fun and unique 'platformers' without any actual jumping.

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