
Playstation 4 and next-gens in danger of being final consoles, says game devs

The free-to-play model has developed into one of the most dominant demographics in gaming, and it may be powerful enough to swallow the console industry whole if they do not change.

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dedicatedtogamers4195d ago

"The free-to-play model has developed into one of the most dominant demographics in gaming..."

LOLOLOLOLOL Oh Examiner! Where's the money to be made in free-to-play? In microtransactions? In advertisement?

Free-to-play doesn't even dominate on PC gaming (where it originated), so why in the would would it be essential for console gaming?

wishingW3L4195d ago (Edited 4195d ago )

free to play is like the worst model because you only get like half the game and then you need to keep paying monthly fees which ends up being more expensive than a full retail game.

ChronoJoe4195d ago

League of Legends is one of the most dominant, if not the most Dominant PC game right now - it uses a free to play model.

And no, you don't have to pay anything monthly. That's kind of the point of free to play... o_O

MikeMyers4195d ago

There have been more issues among the free-to-play model than the author wants to acknowledge. Some games work but a lot of them don't.

knowyourstuff4195d ago

Some give you a fraction of the game and charge for the rest, others have microtransactions, others have an eventual monthly charge, others use ads, others have a combination of the above. It's great because it allows you to try out a game before buying. It also means if someone robs your house they can't take any of your stuff since it's in a cloud. It also means if your system breaks down and you're only allowed to have your games registered on so many consoles, you lose everything and have to buy everything all over again - that's if you can't unregister an old console. They really need to fix that on PS3 as you can only have 2 consoles registered to the same user ID, and thus the same games. Could you imagine with the rate of certain console hardware failures how many people would be losing everything?

HappyGaming4195d ago

So now the rich will be able to beat the poor in the virtual online world too?

I am sorry but I do not see how it is fun to pay $5 for a sword that overpowers anything you can earn through your actual accomplishments in the game!

Wintersun6164194d ago


Oh, the irony of your nickname is cracking me up.

"It also means if your system breaks down and you're only allowed to have your games registered on so many consoles, you lose everything and have to buy everything all over again - that's if you can't unregister an old console. They really need to fix that on PS3 as you can only have 2 consoles registered to the same user ID, and thus the same games."

FYI, you can deactivate all your PS3, PSP and PSV systems online from your PC regardless of whether the systems work anymore or not.

Once you deactivate your console, the downloaded games won't work on that one anymore. To get them working on another console, sign in on your account and activate the new console. Done.

Source: http://community.us.playsta...

ATi_Elite4194d ago (Edited 4194d ago )

BOTTOM LINE:many consolers (not all of them) know ZERO or are such stubborn fanboys that they refuse to listen to LOGIC!

F2P is whats coming to console Next Gen for SOME games NOT ALL and I wish I could save all these post to throw back in your faces Next console Gen when your playing MMO'S and F2P games on your X720 or PS4!

Yes retail games will still be sold but Sony and MS want more cash so F2P and Digital Distribution will allow them to make more money like how the PC does!

.Dust514 is already F2P on the PS3
.Xbox and PSN arcade are here because of PC Digital Distribution.
.Every other Console game is a FPS because of the High success of FPS on the PC.
.Call of Duty was a PC Exclusive and now it's the most successful game on the consoles EVER!
.Online MUltiplayer came about because of PC Gaming

PC sets the trends that consoles copy. It's not a matter of what's better it's a matter of Business and how it's always been!

and so many Consolers talking about the F2P business model when most of you have NEVER played a F2P game!

I never talk about stuff i dont know about so why do "SOME" consolers without gaming PC make up lies and false facts about F2P gaming when they can't even run Team Fortress 2 let alone Crysis PC?

Stop making up lies about stuff you don't even play!

Hawken, Planetside 2, Cryteks Warface, Tribes:Ascend, Blacklight:Retribution, Firefall, Team Fortress 2, Vindictus, Dragon Nest, RaiderZ, Need4Speed World, Battlefieldplay4Free, etc

just a small few F2P games, YOUTUBE them and watch at HD and be amazed how well they look and play FOR FREE!

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4194d ago
clrlite4195d ago

There are many articles spewing this nonsense. Maybe people are getting paid to say this because it sounds like nonsense.

Like when the 3DS was the hottest selling handheld ever and we were seeing articles about how such and such tablet might be a threat to handhelds.

I personally would rather pay to play than view advertisements.

....and as far as cloud goes, I like having a physical copy of any game I really cherish.

Jason1434195d ago

hehe saved me the time from saying it. High five

Thatguy-3104195d ago

If it weren't because I surf through sites like these I honestly wouldn't here about this free-to-play model. Doubt next gen consoles will be in danger. Unless our favorite franchises just vanish these consoles will pretty much stay.

BinaryMind4195d ago

Didn't bother reading the article when I heard it was the examiner. An interesting topic if these guys seem to have taken the completely wrong approach to it.

I have to say it might be the last. Launching a new console is more dangerous than ever and could squander the current console's profits. If Microsoft or Sony abandon their 360/PS3 so soon after launching their new console, their games divisions might be in hot water.

ATi_Elite4194d ago

League of Legends is F2P and has over 13 million Gamers!!!

Battlefieldplay4free and Need 4 Speed World make EA several million dollars a month and both are F2p!

World of Warcraft is now F2P up to a certain Level

F2P is the most DOMINANT way to make money in the Video Game industry right now and everyone including Consoles is adopting the format!

Perfect example: APB was Dead in the water until the Devs remade the game to take advantage of the F2P format and now APB is turning a nice profit EVERY MONTH!!

Another Example: Nexon the makers of many F2P titles like Maple Story, Dragon Nest, and Vindictus makes a Billion Dollars yearly from F2P games and the company at any time could BUY Electronic Arts!!!

So The Next and last console gen expect to see a lot of F2P games especially with the influx of MMO's that will hit the consoles Next Gen!

Remember the PC sets the trends and the consoles follow!!

Simon_Brezhnev4194d ago

Nexon is a shitty company too. I use to play some of their games but their customer service is that bad.

MaxXAttaxX4194d ago

Hahaha you're out of your mind! What if I don't want to play online-only multiplayer games.

Free-to-play doesn't work for every game.
And console gaming has been around for years before DOS and Windows.

faraany33k4194d ago (Edited 4194d ago )

@Nathan Explosion

You are forgetting something that titles like COD are primarily PC breed, FPS genre itself came from PC gaming. Multiplayer gaming, Indie gaming are all dominant on the consoles which originated on PC . Nobody plays JPRGS and 2D Platformers on consoles.

Console gaming always try to mimic PC gaming some 5 years later.

MaxXAttaxX4194d ago (Edited 4194d ago )

You talk about COD as if I cared. I can't begin to tell you just how little I care about most FPS games in general.

"Nobody plays JRPGs and platformers on consoles".... What!?
You guys gotta step out of your little world every once in a while.

And you're off topic. This is about free-to-play dominating consoles, which is not happening anytime soon. If I felt like doing that I would simply turn on my PC, but I choose not to.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4194d ago
slapedurmomsace4194d ago

There's no chance this is going to happen. Free to play is basically a scam. Unless its some type of basic flash tennis game, there is always money driven add ons. Also there's an article on cnn.com about this garbage, where they are so focused on the down slide of the market compared to last year, not that it couldn't be this generation has grown long in the tooth and we are now due for new one

DeadlyFire4194d ago (Edited 4194d ago )

There is a reason Zygna's stock crashed. Free to Play is a limited experience. Not many like being limited like that.

Its a great short term wise, but never works long term.

JsonHenry4194d ago

The OP knows nothing about the free to play model. There are more games coming out that don't require you to pay for anything other than cosmetic stuff like Dota 2 and it is already the most played game on Steam and it is in a closed beta. Crytek has stated after the next Crysis they are going all free to play with all of their future products. Also look at a whole list of games, especially MMOs, that were full priced games that flopped buy easily kept alive once they switched to F2P.

It is a lot better to get a few $$ from millions of people vs. the money they get from selling them on store shelves. And mind you, they don't get the full $50-$60 either. That is retail cost in most cases.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4194d ago
konnerbllb4195d ago

If this were the last generation it wouldn't be due to Free to play. It would be because of the high cost of AAA games and the rate of which developers and publishers are closing their doors.

oricon4195d ago

I agree this current gen game costs are already high enough plus the fact that game take alot longer compared to before thus also making games even more expensive to develop.

This gen you can already see the effect on Japanese developers because of the development cycle for games this gen like Capcom who were arguably the best 3rd party developer last gen and Square as their a lot smaller compared to western developers, most western developers are financed by major publishers like EA, Activision etc. Japan doesn't have anything like that, largest 3rd party publisher in Japan is probably square and their not as big as EA etc.

Most Japanese developers are focused on handheld games, because its cheaper to developers and much quicker compared to console, the most recent successful Japanese developer is Level 5, their success does not come from their console titles but handheld, their major last title was WKC on PS3 and that was a flop and the quality of the game doesn't match their last gen games or handheld games.

Square/ Capcom are notoriously hated for their quality of games however they still make great games but their on handheld devices like DS, PSP etc, but they don't get much attention from western gamers who are mostly focused on consoles.

iNFAMOUZ14195d ago

why would anyone want cloud gaming,????!! we work too hard to be settled with cloud merchandise we cant touch and value, ?? thats just dumb, i and the rest of the world want pysyical copies we can touch and keep for years and years, consoles will never go away, never.

smashcrashbash4195d ago

I agree. I don't want some nonsense to happen so I can lose everything i downloaded. At least if I have a hard copy I know it's still there no matter what happens to the online system.

clrlite4195d ago

I agree my friend and what if the internet goes down, etc. etc. etc. etc.

There is something special about owning a physical copy....

...or at least having tht game on YOUR harddrive :D

Imalwaysright4194d ago

Well said. Cloud gaming benefits publishers, not us consumers.

4195d ago Replies(1)
deno4195d ago

Hey, don't make to much sense now.

Anon19744195d ago

Exactly! Just like how no one watches movies or television shows they don't own - because they can't touch or put a value on them unless you own them. What's the point? I'm sure there are a handful of nutters out there that simply watch tv, or even rent movies without owning them, but the vast majority of people wouldn't ever touch a TV program or movie unless they owned them. And music, forget about it! Radio is an abomination. Who wants to listen to music without actually owning it? And don't get me started on libraries...

AIndoria4194d ago

You know how idiotic you sound? No, Sarcasm at its worst, more like.

Now, Something to keep in mind. Internet bandwidth is not as fast and widespread as you'd like to think in the world. I have a 4Mbps connection, and this is better than 93% of the rest of South Asia. (Speedtest and a few research teams would confirm that.)

Yes, cloud is inevitable, however, not till everyone and by that I mean EVERYONE gets a fair share of bandwidth.
Half of you people are living in your homes enjoying 50Mbps connection thinking everything's fine and dandy. Look outside your comfort zone for a moment.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4194d ago
violents4195d ago

I've been playing the beta for dust 514 the new FTP game on ps3. The menus and how to buy things for your epuiptment are very confusing and you have to spend real money to use voice chat. Its actually kind of annoying because you have to replenish inventory items and dropsuits and all kinds of stuff. Most can be done with in game credit but I would rather just play socom or call of duty i think.

SnotyTheRocket4195d ago

Man, i miss Socom..... Sony needs to get a Socom 2 HD game out.... They'd get soooo much of the money.

violents4194d ago

yeah original socom was the best. confrontation sucks and I didnt even waste my money on 4 because so many of my friends didn't like it.

SaffronCurse4195d ago

Free to play has been happening for years now. I don't see it replacing consoles.

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The Nordic Game 2024 (NG24) Spring conference is to host more than 150 speakers

"While the 20 year anniversary edition of Nordic Game, NG24 Spring's homepage on 21-24 May in Malmö, Sweden, is getting closer, the organizers announced that more than 150 speakers are now lined up for the show." - Nordic Game.


I Miss When Games Came In Full Package Rather Than Broken Mess Filled With Microtransactions

The gaming industry has drifted away from offering full-fledged games to putting unfinished titles that are jam-packed with microtransactions on the market.

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Christopher1d 6h ago

It's not the fault of the gaming industry. Gamers were told what was happening, were warned about where this would lead, did nothing, and now are acting like it's the fault of publishers that they kept buying these games and investing in MTX. If only those gamers at that time felt as strongly about these things as they do Helldivers 2.

Hugodastrevas1d 5h ago

I don't think MTX target the common gamer but instead predate on the so called "whales". It's gambling pure and simple.

Christopher1d 4h ago

Oh, so it's okay to buy MTX-laden games as long as you don't spend money on MTX, which has led to even more MTX-laden games with even more predatory practices where content that used to be unlocked is now behind paywalls?

C'mon now people. You gave the corporations and inch, and they kept taking and taking. Community members told people that investing in these things alone would only lead to more and more MTX and putting more and more behind paywalls. But it's only the fault of the corporations, not the people who kept supporting it with purchases as more and more was taken away?

Hugodastrevas1d 4h ago

@Christopher that's a straw man, I didn't say any of that I just added context.

-Foxtrot1d 1h ago

Well exactly

People stand up for something which seems small to them and they get called whiners or negative. Then years later the shit hits the fan and they all go “why is this happening?” Like they are innocent.

The issue aswell is younger gamers who grew up with all this thinking it’s normal and we all just look like old farts yelling at clouds when we’re trying to help us all, even them.

Crows907h ago

Who woulda thought that listening to your elders could be a good idea...too late now

Hofstaderman6h ago

It all started with that damn horse armour. Back then I thought nobody was stupid to buy into that crap. How wrong I was....

CrimsonWing695h ago(Edited 5h ago)

I like how people move the goal-post. First it’s, f*ck any game with MTX’s, f*ck GaaS games, f*ck this game with “optional” MTX’s (Dragon’s Dogma 2), Helldivers 2 is ok because it’s fun and even though it has Battle Passes or Season Passes and MTX’s it’s ok because… you don’t need to buy them? 🤷‍♂️

HellDivers 2 is the best selling game this year. Just think about that, games like FF7 Rebirth sold poorly, but a continuous game that lives off recurring revenue sells extraordinarily well. Then we’ll hear everyone b*tch about a GaaS future.

I really wonder what this industry would’ve been like if we never gave into this crap, and yes I’m saying “WE” since I’m guilty of it, but man it’s literally no closing the door once it’s been opened.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5h ago
Hugodastrevas1d 5h ago

This is what amazed me the most when playing hours upon hours of stellar Blade version 1.00.00 no bugs, no crashes, no sudden drops in frames, no screen tear, no falling from the world, just a complete package on a game under 50GB.
I think Korea will play a major role in gaming in the long run , because they're releasing banger after banger.

isarai1d 5h ago

Still pretty common to find if you stay away from the AAA publishers, in the last 10yrs ive probably only bought like 3 games combined from EA/ACTIVISION/UBISOFT. Even now i still buy games that work right out the box perfectly fine. Just recently got like 6hrs into Alone in the Dark, and not a single sign of any of that bs, really enjoying my time with it.

shinoff218322h ago

There's such a misconception about every game needing a patch,this and that when in reality it's not even close. You nailed it isarai

Crows907h ago

It's really only AAA devs and publishers that seem to have these constant problems

z2g8h ago(Edited 8h ago)

And we as gamers have to accept our role in that. Constantly never being satisfied. Constantly demanding more while paying less. Constantly demanding better frame rates, better graphics, more modes and faster faster faster…. Then review bombing the product when a demand isn’t met. Meanwhile those same demands are making games more difficult, complex and more expensive to create than ever before, on shrinking timelines that burn out employees and make their lives miserable.

You wanna know why so many games get delayed? Cuz the original release dates weren’t realistic to begin with, but you can’t tell a gamer their game is further away than they want to hear. Some dev or game designer will be threatened physically. That builds even more pressure and rushing. We are officially squeezing water out of rocks and still complaining about that how hard you have to squeeze the rock be just waiting for rain. Most of the time we take it out on the developing studio, when it’s the publisher making the calls.

All you need to do is read the comments on most websites and social media to see how toxic, entitled and petty the gaming community at large is, and realize how that transforms into impossible expectations on the parts of game makers.

Crows907h ago

Nope. Some gamers are to blame. Never demanded anything you mentioned.

A fully finished and functioning product is a standard. It's not demanded. If someone sells you a tv that only works 60% of the time are you going to recommend it OR write a review calling out the obvious problem...it's not a demand...it's a standard.

A standard triple A publishers can't seem to hit consistently.

thorstein5h ago

You've never heard of planned obsolescence.

HankHill2h ago

I take it you like microtransactions? 🤣

Kinza550128h ago(Edited 8h ago)

This is one battle that gamers have never won, hahaha. They were parading recently for their "win" against Sony. Where's the energy for this one, guys? LMAO!

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Nintendo says Switch 2 will be officially announced before the end of March 2025

This is Furukawa, President of Nintendo. We will make an announcement about the successor to Nintendo Switch within this fiscal year. It will have been over nine years since we announced the existence of Nintendo Switch back in March 2015. We will be holding a Nintendo Direct this June regarding the Nintendo Switch software lineup for the latter half of 2024, but please be aware that there will be no mention of the Nintendo Switch successor during that presentation.

Profchaos13h ago(Edited 13h ago)

I'm excited for a switch 2 however I don't feel it will be coming this year as per the tweet in they are commuting to a reveal in this Japanese financial year in 2025.

Realistically we will get one last holiday season to focus on the switch because it would be madness for Nintendo to go into the holidays where the switch always performs well when they have announced a switch 2.

I'm thinking we see a announcement late Jan 25 personally with a release between March and June depending on when the software is ready and how strong the holday sales were if they need to boost those figures for the next earnings call or not

gold_drake12h ago

yea agreed. they'll probably match it with the new pkmn game they announced

VenomUK12h ago

So it begins!

Where one contender pulls out of the game, another comes back bigger and stronger.

Nintendo Switch 2 - let the games begin.

Cacabunga1h ago

A new Splatoon launch title for sure.. hoping they change the recipe and make it open world.

I think it’ll come out Q1 25. Let’s wait and see

H97h ago

There's a event in June for games on the switch and they said there won't be a switch 2 announcement so no way they will announce the console after june and still release it in the same year

Eonjay7h ago

So, I think they will shoot for another FYQ4 release (like with the first Switch) but I am confused by the headline:

'[...] Switch 2 will be officially ANNOUNCED before the end of March 2025' This implies that the Switch 2 isn't coming out till maybe holiday 2025 or maybe even 2026. I think they will be better served by NOT releasing when GTA 6 launches (unless there is some shocking reveal that it will run on Switch 2). Release early 2025.

Neonridr9h ago

I'd say it'll be released before March 2025 tbh.

notachance8h ago

Holiday announcement with summer launch

thesoftware7308h ago

It should be an interesting year; Sony, Nintendo, and MS all have new Hardware to show.

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