
A.I, camera, graphics and gameplay issues revealed for ‘Assassin’s Creed 3’

CD-Action, a Polish gaming magazine that played through Assassin’s Creed 3, has revealed some A.I, camera, graphics and gameplay issues that is plaguing the game.

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Muffins12234217d ago

Looks like its a bit to ambitious for current gen consoles...

DigitalAnalog4217d ago

Agreed. But from the looks of it, the game may actually deliver. This should be commended as opposed to the cookie-cutter nonsense we've been fed this gen.

Hopefully, this is just a bunch of minor issues that doesn't detriment the gameplay in any major way since open world titles are bound to have problems like these.

Nimblest-Assassin4217d ago (Edited 4217d ago )

I hear that ubi is launching a day 1 patch for Ac3... it would suck if the game doesn't turn out well

Especially considering the fact that this game brings so many changes to Ac... I hope the game does well... sales wise, yeah I don't care, but I hope it meets the standards of the people

NeotheGamer4217d ago Show
SnotyTheRocket4217d ago

I got the game a little early (mail) the only issue i really have with game is the draw distance in the city and shadows, other than that, the game is freakin' amazing. its the feeling you got when you got into AC2 for the first time.

MaxXAttaxX4217d ago

That stupid 1 year cycle.

Awesome_Gamer4217d ago

A simple Day 1 Patch will fix those issues, i know it's annoying that most games this gen ship broken and then get fixed later, but what can we do? :/

DragonKnight4217d ago

@NathanExplosion: The game was in development for 3 years, not 1.

Cam9774216d ago

I have to agree. Just like Frostbite 2, it's far too advanced to run on current consoles nicely.

ZombieNinjaPanda4216d ago


What can we do? Well first of all gamers can stop bending over, close their wallets and tell companies and developers that we won't stand for this anymore.

Day 1 patch, how pathetic. A supposedly Triple A game like this and it's not even out yet and already needs a patch? The games industry will only get worse with each new generation, because to them it's instant gratification instead of getting what we paid for, a non broken full product.

starchild4216d ago

It looks amazing. I'll be buying the PC version, so hopefully many of these issues won't be present.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4216d ago
A2X_4217d ago

Too ambitious for current consoles? look at Red Dead Redemption.

If the camera is not working correctly, then Ubisoft needs to fix it. Along with the bugs (at least some) mentioned in the article.

"There are issues with the camera, sometimes it positions itself very poorly and sometimes even stops working (as in you can't move it with the right stick)"

No excuses.

Nimblest-Assassin4217d ago

This isn't a fanboy statement, but there is more going on in Ac3 than there is in red dead

More than 1000 characters on screen at one time
Ocean waves
Weather actually effects mobility
Trees and rocks are scalable

and a lot more

I love red dead, but Ac3 does have a lot more going on in it... I really hope its not plauged with problems

MostJadedGamer4217d ago

No what they needed to do was delay it until the game is ready. Ubisoft simply refuses to delay AC games after AC1.

DigitalAnalog4217d ago

Not to put down RDR, but most of the tech ends up trying to "simulate" aspects of the old west. Gameplay on the other hand is just GTA 1890. Nothing truly worth noting about other than the atmosphere.

A2X_4217d ago


I agree with the fact that AC3 is trying a lot of new things & I could overlook most bugs as long as they're not game breaking.

But not being able to move the camera could be a pain in the a** & needs to get fixed. I waited so long for this game, I want it to be as polished as possible.

Nimblest-Assassin4217d ago

The camera lock, as the article says only occurs while tree jumping... so when you are jumping from tree to tree, I can see this being frustrating as you would need to adjust the camera to see where you are going

Its no secret I've been anticipating this game, ever since the details were announced... and It really would suck if these problems persist

bunfighterii4217d ago

Red Dead was full of bugs- but none of them were so incredibly jarring that they ruined the game. I think we need to all be a lot more forgiving of bugs, they are a part of gaming and always have been. The difference between now and 10 years ago is back then you'd laugh at a glitch and keep playing, now people go psycho on forums blasting developers.

jeromeface4217d ago

AC games are only delayed on pc due to publishers being scared of ppl pirating it instead of being force to buy it on consoles. With how much 360 pirating that goes on its dumb that they still continue this practice but open your eyes, piracy is why its not launched alongside its console counterparts.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4217d ago
RyuX194217d ago

Or maybe they just didn't bug test the game properly? I'm getting real sick and tired of people making excuses for these developers. Things like this should have been fixed during the debugging phase.

KwietStorm_BLM4217d ago

You can't fix a bug you didn't find.

MostJadedGamer4217d ago

Nothing unusual about Ubisoft rushing out a buggy, unfinished AC game. AC2 was released with sequence 12, and 13 missing, and with the absolute worst AI of any game this entire generation.

Brotherhood was released with a game breaking endless loop bug in the tunnels(if you were unlucky enough to get caught in this you had no choice but to start a brand new game.

So its not suprising at all that AC3 is rushed out to meet a release date.

Since AC2 Ubisoft has shown that they will NOT delay a AC game even if its unifnished, and buggy. They would rather just release it in whatever condition its in.

This is the problem with having annual releases.

maddfoxx4217d ago

And lets not forget how broken the first AC was. I love the series, but I can't understand how the first game got such high reviews.

Nimblest-Assassin4217d ago (Edited 4217d ago )

They have been working on Ac3 for 3 years now. Seriously, watch the AC3 IGN documentary.

ACB and ACR were started on in the midlife of Ac2 and ACB respectively.

AC2 had the worst Ai of this generation? Thats a strech... a real strech to say that.

Oh, and I got the tunnel glitch, and I fixed it by going to DNA and changing the sequence, and the game worked fine.

And don't delay games? Hello? Every PC version of AC has been delayed.

Seriously, most of your complaints are fluff... go play War Heroes Patton, the game you were blaming journalists for not writing about, even though journalists need information to write about...you know a studio must first convey info to the press inorder for the press to convey it to the public


High reviews? Out of the main games, AC1 is the most panned

BlaqMagiq244217d ago

Three years is rushed? LOL! Almost every game released this gen has had bugs in it. Just because a game has bugs in it doesn't make it a rushed game. By your definition, Skyrim was a rushed game too and that was worked on for FIVE YEARS and had the most bugs I've ever seen in a game.

AC2 had the worst A.I.? I think you're referring to the first game. They were definitely competent and challenging enough in AC2 and was made better in Brotherhood and Revelations. Oh and as for Sequence 12 and 13 being cut out, they had nothing to do with the main story which is why they were cut out.

Seriously you're trying to make Ubisoft look bad here when you're only making yourself look bad.

MattyG4217d ago

@maddfoxx It wasn't really broken, just repetitive and tedious. And review scores were mixed if I recall.

rpd1234217d ago

The sequence 12 and 13 has nothing at all to do with bugs, that was so they could sell you DLC. Not saying it's any better but still. They've also been developing it for 3 years, only ACB and ACR were made in a year. Never had the tunnel thing happen to me in Brotherhood.


The reason it got such high reviews is because it was such an incredibly fresh game. Innovative storyline, unique gameplay, and great visuals are what got it such high reviews. And even then it's still not as good as the reviews the rest of the games got (except Rev, I think that may have done worse than AC1).

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4217d ago
GraveLord4217d ago

New engine = New Bugs
Hell even games running on older engines still get their fair share of bugs.(Call of Duty, I'm looking at you)

We are in serious need of new consoles. I hope Wii U sells really well so Microsoft and Sony hurry up and announce theirs.

wastedcells4217d ago

Most open world games have their issues but its usually pretty acceptable considering the amount of things going on at any givin time. They will patch it anyway. Maybe even day one.

showtimefolks4217d ago

I hope these issues are fixed soon hopefully on release but one thing I hate about this gen is that we have become the testers for these developers. They release a game it has bg than gets fixed how quit fixing the bg before hand? And please no excuses fom AC3 about 3 years development, I am not talking about UBI but gaming in general

Amiroo4217d ago (Edited 4217d ago )

the graphics looks cool, i like assassin's creed series but man there are lot's of bugs even with day 1 patch.

i remember when the game asked me to press LB to assassinate target, when i pressed it guess what's happed ? they jumped out of roof and assassinate the dog under them, lol. and target sees them and star firing at them. too bad you can not switch targets manually but i'm pretty sure the red coat man was selected and dogs can not highlighted as a target

Blacktric4216d ago

"There are visible clipping issues, for example the lockpicks sometimes don't fit in the keyholes, enemies' bodies and weapons sometimes float in the air, and carts sometimes ignore horses "parked" on streets, "ghosting" through them, braids and ponytails also clip through faces"

Yep. This definitely shows that the game is a bit "ambitious" for current gen consoles and not how incompetent developers are. You AC fans and your biased BS never ceases to amaze me.

BrianC62344216d ago

It looks like the current gen consoles can't handle the game based on one review that wasn't even written in English? I wouldn't trust a review from Poland. Wait for the real reviews. I never trust anything that was translated. There's always too many errors in the translations. Is that even a good magazine or site? I never heard of it.

Buff10444216d ago

To those complaining about the one year cycle, this game has in development much longer, so calm down.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 4216d ago
mafiahajeri4217d ago

Who is this "Kon" I keep hearing about? Sounds like a trouble maker...

xYLeinen4216d ago

Probably a reference to the teddy bear named "Kon" in Bleach.

MidnytRain4216d ago

He was permabanned off the front page. You can find him lurking in the forums...

WetN00dle694217d ago

Hey man, dont you be messing with Kon! Or he will send Chappy after you!

IWentBrokeForGaming4217d ago

I didn't realise how many AC games they've pumped out this gen... it's definatley up there high as far as milked games! maybe the quality would be better if they weren't pushed to make so many!

lashes2ashes4217d ago

You do know ac3 has been in development for over 3 years right. There is like ten deferent teams of devs working on all ac games.

Braid4216d ago

Please don't use COD and AC in the same sentence. AC games have some of the greatest characters, astonishing atmosphere and design based on actual historical places, and one of the best game stories ever told with an intellectual and philosophical basis. I'd buy AC every year with pleasure. And Brotherhood, which was completed in one year, is still the best AC game so your argument is already invalid.

Shadonic4217d ago

The main AC team ( peeps who personally worked on as 1 and 2 have been working on this right after 2 ended) other sub team style workers have been working on the spin offs not really for money but for keeping it current and possibly to experiment with diffrent features that could be implemented into AC3 like multiplayer.

mafiahajeri4217d ago (Edited 4217d ago )

Thanks for reminding me about that FFed up movie Bronson... xD

Speaking about the brits they seem to be getting killed everywhere even in this thumbnail pic...

taquito4217d ago (Edited 4217d ago )

pc version should be amazing, the last few have looked beyond incredible on a gaming rig, and even the console versions look quite incredible for being on 8 year old hardware, granted, nothing close to the pc version, but impressive nontheless.

Dovahkiin4217d ago

I really hope the PC version will have good textures. And graphics generally, looking forward to it.

Conzul4217d ago

PC versions will have flawless fidelity, like usual :/
Assuming PC gamers spent over $1000 on their machines.

jmc88884217d ago

The previous versions were already good, great really. These ones should be incredibly great and with DX11 effects on a brand new engine.

Of course, we'll see, but what they always show in the commercials are the PC version.

Patches will address some of this, and a decent amount of them might just be issues with the low end textures the consoles use.

But overall, the good news is, he didn't find anything really serious.

Still hard to believe that only ~79,000 copies on the PC have been preordered versus ~565,000 for 360 and ~359,000 for PS3. Just amazing that 90 percent chose the weaker versions. (of course they'll still be good, not saying that, just saying there's a better option out there to play it, and many people no doubt have built decent rigs in the last 5 or so years that can display better graphics than the 360/ps3)....and the game is cheaper too!

CrustifiedDibbs4217d ago (Edited 4217d ago )

yep. just started playing revelations a couple of days ago. it looks amazing.

pr0digyZA4217d ago (Edited 4217d ago )

Don't worry its gonna be good, they said it uses DX11 and some PC only effects, better textures etc...

Heres a tweet from Ubisoft


I think the delay has a part in it, I have had to use a lot of willpower to choose to wait when I could easily pick it up now.

Eyesoftheraven4217d ago (Edited 4217d ago )

More breaking news by way of N4G.

"Here! Here! Latest and greatest multi-million dollar video game has bugs and glitches."

"In other news, the vast majority of Playstation 3's are black."

Hufandpuf4217d ago

Just because white PS3s are the minority doesn't mean they don't have rights!

kesvalk4217d ago

don't forget the blue ones!

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Games with the dumbest NPCs

Non-playable characters in certain games are meme material, thanks to their foolish behavior. These are the big-budget games with the dumbest NPCs.

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closed_account284d ago (Edited 284d ago )

Bethesda makes the most consistently stupid NPCs, like really bad... yet I still can't help but love playing their games. Guilty pleasure, I guess. *sigh* 😩

Flawlessmic283d ago

How did redfall not make the cut.

anast283d ago (Edited 283d ago )

Every Bethesda game and Every Halo game. This list needed to have Cyberpunk somewhere.


10 Most Peaceful Areas in Games

Here are the most peaceful areas in games that are otherwise quite violent, offering players respite from chaos in the game world.

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Babadook7289d ago

My first thought was the safe rooms in the resident evil series. When you hear that enchanting music you know you’re safe.

Killer2020UK289d ago

I literally just came here to post this. That music in the Resi 1 safe rooms is playing in my head.

Rimeskeem288d ago

I was thinking TLOU work benches. Although I remember one time where it was a false security.

closed_account288d ago

Perfect. 👌👌

I'd add the top of my highrise apartment in GTA Online. That calm, quiet peace, just knowing as soon as I step out that door I will be bombarded by 8 and 12 year olds calling each other n**** and f****, trolled by combat jets and rocket launchers.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 288d ago
henbayward288d ago

The entire map of SotC is peaceful as hell. Used to just ride around exploring it.

mastershredder289d ago (Edited 289d ago )

Afterlife in Cyberpunk 2077 is a peaceful area? Erm, hands down and very hard to miss, Misty Olszewski's Esoterica is the absolute epitome of peaceful areas in that game.

raiden_188288d ago

The "last of us" deer location i found to be a welcoming respite. It was nice to not have someone trying to eat me.

RPGer288d ago

Kingdom Hearts tend to present half peaceful areas and most of them are amazing.

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'Assassin’s Creed III': Ten Years Later

With the recent reveal of Assassin’s Creed Mirage and the promise that the series will return to its roots, there hasn’t been a better time to get stuck into Assassin’s Creed’s back catalog, whether it’s replaying an old favorite or getting lost in previously looked-over classic.

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SinisterMister563d ago

Ten years later, we miss the old you, Assassin's Creed.

Popsicle563d ago (Edited 563d ago )

I really enjoyed Assassins Creed 3. My only complaint was that I didn’t enjoy when I had to switch from Connor to Desmond. It’s a personal preference, but Connor’s story was just more fun for me.

On a side note, Black flag was the most enjoyable of the AC games I played.