
Dear Developers – Stop Shoving Multiplayer Down Our Throats

When single-player enthusiast Dave McConkey went hands-on with the likes of Halo 4, Crysis 3 and Aliens: Colonial Marines at this year’s Eurogamer Expo, he was left thoroughly unimpressed. Here, the disgruntled gamer explains why the dominance of FPS deathmatching – rather than campaign previews – sent him into a furious rage.

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4231d ago Replies(5)
GribbleGrunger4231d ago

I think it would be better to ask reviewers to stop putting games down that don't have multiplayer.

4231d ago
Blankman854231d ago

Not true, Batman AA and AC, ME 2, Skyrim, AC2 and a whole host of other well reviewed games say that is not the case. We just like blaming gaming media

C0MPUT3R4231d ago

It is sad. Trying to get some of that cod crowd they waste money and resourses on a tacked on MP Mode that no one plays.

cleft54231d ago

That CoD crowd is over 10 million strong. No developer in their right mind doesn't attempt to get a piece of that pie. And if there is no MP it becomes really easy to just rent the game and call it a day. Like it or not, MP is an essential component in selling a game new.

TalesFromTheBud4231d ago

Once we figured out how to have online multiplayer I never looked back.. It takes a great one player experience to make me feel like I'm not wasting my time against dumbed down AI.

IIC0mPLeXII4231d ago

Then play on a difficulty higher than casual.

TalesFromTheBud4231d ago

I play on normal or harder always. It doesn't matter to me. The AI would be perfect except they program in flaws so that it seems more human. I'd rather just player against humans although I still play a good story game. Waiting for Dishonored to get here in the mail as I type. I just like the feeling of knowing you bested the enemy because of better tactics or real human error... not simulated human error. If we eventually create actual intelligence like in sci-fi movies then why would I play multiplayer? The computer is less likely to be an assbag. lol But we're not there yet so to me multiplayer tends to be more fun.

cogniveritas4231d ago (Edited 4231d ago )

I feel like we have dumbed down A.I. because developers aren't putting resources into advancing A.I., but instead they just set up multiplayer arenas and let random people kill each other hoping nobody notices.

Somebody4231d ago


True. I read years ago about how a superior AI system would take a lot of CPU horsepower to make them act believable against human players. I was excited since I thought game makers are really giving their focus on AI since first gen multi-core CPUs from Intel and AMD were coming out. Pushing the boundaries perhaps.

Instead they focused on graphic. When current gen appear, the same thing: graphic first followed by gameplay. Sure, why not let them establish the graphical knowledge base first before they start with the AI. You wish. Once they have the graphic down, it's all about MPs.

With each passing year, AI skills almost flatlined-they don't get any smarter but not any dumber as well. Only recently we've seen some efforts of improving the AI but it's going to be a tough job in this age of F2Ps and MMOs. The Last of Us have some pretty neat AI but we'll have to see if that innovation is enough to entice everybody else to return to programming spectacular AIs.

telekineticmantis4231d ago

" I am a genuine games journalist (and not just a semi-literate man-child with a sympathetic friend who runs a website, and is happy to let me vomit out the odd article in the vain hope of someday earning some money for my efforts)."
Who was that directed to?

Anyway if I'm going to get COD, Medal of Honor, or Halo, I'm getting it for Multiplayer, Maybe Medal of Honor can tempt me on it's Single Player. To me anygame with good gameplay that can be attributed to a MP competition should experiment in some sort of MP mode.

We need Innovation and fresh experiences in MP, not just adjustments/upgrades to the same formulas we've been playing for 20 years.

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EA’s best multiplayer games have now shut down for good

Battlefield Bad Company 2, Dead Space 2, Crysis 3, and a handful other EA games have finally had their online services shut down.

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OtterX153d ago

I had no idea that Bad Company 2 was still running, and only now that I know, I want to jump on! 😥

SonyStyled153d ago

I was able to find games in the Vietnam dlc on ps3 the last week. There were articles on here about the server closure when it was announced in April

DaReapa153d ago

BF1943 is the only online MP game that I was genuinely interested in. Been playing since launch 14 years ago. Hate that I couldn't put in as much time to play as I'd hoped for during the final week.

Inverno152d ago

I got really into 43 when I bought Bf3, and preferred it. Everything that I disliked or found annoying about Bf3, wasn't an issue in 43. Too bad they never bothered releasing it on PS4 or PC.

1nsomniac152d ago (Edited 152d ago )

Dead Space 2...... I wasn't even aware that had multiplayer. Nevermind that it was apparently one of their best multiplayers!

anast152d ago

Once people stop buying micros, these companies close the doors.

Xenial152d ago

Dead Space 2 multiplayer had been hanging on for years - I'd boot my PS3 up to see some familiar names in lobbies. This will definitely be missed!


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Which Far Cry Should I Start With? - A Beginner's Guide 2023

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masterfox424d ago

Farcry 3 and literally thats it! lol

GamingSinceForever423d ago (Edited 423d ago )

I recently tried 3 for the first time but the frame rate was a turnoff.

I liked 5 and 6 though.

banger88423d ago

If you have a Series X or S, the Xbox 360 version runs at 60 fps with fps boost. It's a shame the remaster doesn't.

isarai424d ago

2 and 3, pretty much the only ones i really enjoyed. 1 was amazing for the time but aged quite poorly. 4 has the elephant gun, all i can praise from any entry after 3 lol

cooperdnizzle423d ago

Ummmm 3 than stop.

Okay maybe two as well. But yeah probably 3 and then move on.

JEECE423d ago (Edited 423d ago )

Far Cry 2. People constantly rant about games now being too easy, holding your hand, having too many unnecessary RPG-lite leveling features, etc. People specifically complain about open world games being too focused on tons of collectibles and "checkmarks" that just waste time.

Far Cry 2 is an answer to all of those complaints. It was made by Ubisoft before they fell into all the traps discussed above (and before they started inserting towers into their games to defog the map). It has respawning enemies, weapons that degrade, and the collectible diamonds are very useful in the game (which you find in a similar way to the way you find shrines in BOTW with a radar system). The map you have is an in game item you pull out while playing, not a pause menu that is unnecessarily detailed. Also the enemy AI and physics are much better than later entries in the series.

It has a mixed reputation because people at the time said it was too hard, the weapon degradation was annoying, and then respawning enemies were annoying. FC2 came out in 2008, so this was before games like Dark Souls and BOTW had come out and made it cool to like these types of features.

XbladeTeddy422d ago

Far Cry 2, the one with the AI that find you through walls and trees, can one shot you from a mile away and have 100% accuracy? That was frustrating not fun because cheap AI.

JEECE422d ago (Edited 422d ago )

Uhh, I mean, it isn't one of these games where once the enemies have detected you they will magically forget you exist because you walked behind a wall or went into a bush. And yeah the AI isn't stormtrooper level accuracy. Again, these are positives, not negatives to me.

To be fair, I'm really directing this at the people most critical of "Modern Ubisoft" or "Modern Open World" design elements. Like the type of people who fawned all over Elden Ring because it had a clean UI because they are so burnt out by the "checkbox" type of open world design.

If you like those types of games, then a later FC game like 3 and especially 4-5 would be more your style.

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