
First Dishonored Review Score Leaked; game finished by some people under four hours

DSOGaming writes: "We normally don't like sharing leaks about early review scores, but Dishonored is one of our most anticipated games of 2012 and we are happy to inform you that CVG's score got leaked today."

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Relientk774236d ago

I cannot wait for this game on Tuesday, it looks like like a blast. I love the environments, characters, abilities, stealth, and the freedom of the game.

XB1_PS44236d ago

Well sir, I hope you like NPCs.. Because you're in for hell if you don't.

Laxman4235d ago

"Too many NPCs" and a "Slow burner"?

The reviews 'negative' points sounds more than fine to me!

XB1_PS44235d ago

@Laxman Hell yeah, I don't even think a lot of NPCs is a bad thing. I'll probably just walk around trying to get engulfed in the world by talking to random people.

StreetsofRage4235d ago

Exactly sofresh, the more NPCs the merrier is what I say.

gaffyh4235d ago

I don't even understand how "too many NPCs" can even be a negative point. If that was the case, then Skyrim had too many NPCs, and it made absolutely no difference to the gameplay.

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wastedcells4236d ago

I second that.. Doubt this game is 4 hours long. Every time I hear a game is 4-6 hours it usually never is. I'm never in a rush to run though a good game. What would be the fun in that.

AzaziL4236d ago (Edited 4236d ago )

It's usually 4-6 hours for those that skip every cutscene, mash x to skip on dialogue boxes, and overall play to beat the game as fast as possible instead of enjoying it.

starchild4236d ago

I'm not worried about it. This has been my most anticipated game for a long time and I know that I will take my time to enjoy it.

NeXXXuS4235d ago

I'm sure they only played the main story without doing any side quests. you can beat oblivion within 4 or 5 hours by just playing the main story without doing any side quests.

MaxXAttaxX4235d ago

Length isn't everything.... unless it's an exclusive. Then it's used as hate fuel.

avengers19784235d ago

Playing the game on higher difficulty and actually enjoying the game and doing as much as possible in the game usually takes longer than the run through on the easy levels to get a review out

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guitarded774236d ago (Edited 4236d ago )

I have to wait... I am saving all my money for Black Friday. Every year past, I have bought all the games I wanted only to see them for $20 - $30 on Black Friday. This year I have waited and saved, so come Black Friday I will buy 20 - 30 games from Amazon. It's been the trial of my life passing on some great games since I am a game whore. I took all the money I would have spent on games and paid off my Wii U, games for it and accessories for it, a Pulse headset, 2nd 3D monitor and built a custom gaming cabinet... so I haven't done without. I've also been playing my huge backlog finishing up some great games. But it's still difficult not getting every game at launch.

knowyourstuff4236d ago

Really? I tend to find things like accessories like headsets, monitors and tvs, and gaming cabinets to be super cheap on black friday/boxing week. Games come with a few bucks off here and there, nothing to brag about really.

Jason_Tanner4236d ago

Great point, think I'll be doing the same. Really good call!

t0mmyb0y4236d ago

I used to be the same lol. But over time it was too expensive and half the time I wouldn't have time to play them all anyways.

guitarded774236d ago (Edited 4236d ago )

@ knowyourstuff

Well, I built the gaming cabinet myself, so I has to pay about $250 for materials, and wood prices fluctuate anyway. I got the second 3D PlayStation monitor for $160 with a pair of 3D glasses and MotorStorm Apocalypse, and I'll be selling the extra glasses and MS since I already have 2 pairs and MS. That's the cheapest I've ever seen the monitor, so waiting wouldn't help. I did spend some money on the headset, but I really wanted it and got it $20 off retail through Amazon. As for the Wii U and games and accessories for it, it's just one of those I have to have it at launch things where you know you're gonna pay an arm and a leg. I'm pretty thrifty, but still manage to get more than I need. Every year, I pay $60 for a game, then see it on amazon for $20 - $30... then I kick myself in the ass, because the game is still sitting in plastic because I haven't had time to play it. I'm not saying my plan is perfect for everyone, but I plan on sticking to it. The only exceptions are PSASBR because I get the PS3 and Vita version and all the pre-order DLC for $60, and CoD:BlOps 2 because my best friend is getting it day 1 and it's how we hang out since he's living in another state for a couple years. Everything else, I want to feel like I got a deal... maybe it's because I'm a German-Jew :D

Gaming1014235d ago

That's risky if the game had good multiplayer and a lot of multiplayer trophies... and but if it was released 10 months prior and no one is playing the game online anymore then you're screwed.
But really games are like cars, once they're used, they lose a massive chunk of their value. As time goes on you'll see it cheaper on ebay, I go on there and have never paid 60 bucks for a game since, I just wait a few weeks or months and get it for 20-40 bucks depending.

blakstarz4235d ago

Not a bad idea to wait for Black Friday since its around the corner.
But since the games is fairly new, I wonder if it will be discounted though, but it's worth a shot.

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showtimefolks4236d ago

I am thinking main story maybe 5-6 hrs than side content so as usual 15-20 hrs. Some people just play games so they can say how fast they finished it. I rather take my time and enjoy

While my friends are on level 40 or above n borderlands I am n 18 but have done every side question and opened every chest lol yes I am addicted. When I see a bos or chest I must open it lmao

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RonaldRaygun4236d ago (Edited 4236d ago )

"Surplus of NPCs mean story can lose focus"
"A slow-burner; takes a while to learn how everything works"

I see a surplus of NPCs and a long learning curve as positives. Also I'm not too worried about the length. Most open world games can be beaten quickly if you forego any sidequests and exploration. I have a feeling that the game will be long if you want it to be.

john24236d ago (Edited 4236d ago )

Same here. Guess they couldn't find anything and had to put something on the negative side. Which means that we are all in for a treat :D

Relientk774236d ago

I agree with that, I don't see problems there. Overall, it will make the game a much better experience for gamers.

wallis4236d ago

You put it in a nutshell, fair play.

SilentNegotiator4236d ago (Edited 4236d ago )

Except you haven't experienced the implementation. The reviewer has.

If the NPCs aren't characterized well or thoroughly enough, then certainly it isn't a positive.

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Perjoss4236d ago

No Problem, wasn't Heavenly Sword around 6 hours long? and that was fantastic.

The good thing about short games (short games that are GOOD) is that you are much more likely to play through them again after a while. So you are getting your moneys worth in the end. If they are not so good on the other hand...

TekoIie4236d ago

Well length of a game depends on certain things like how good the player is and what difficulty they play on.

I cant wait for this game and as usual I will go for the hard difficulty first time for the challenge. If thats not enough of a challenge I'll restart and go for VERY hard!!!

admiralvic4236d ago

Yes / No, sure you can play them more, but it's easy to feel like your money didn't go to good use. For instance Bayonetta can be completed in under 3 hours (under 2 if the person is amazing), which might be a great game, but how many times can you replay the game before it's boring? For me that happened after 3 cycles, which is still under the usual 10 hours.

MariaHelFutura4236d ago (Edited 4236d ago )

Some of the best games ever made can be completed very quickly. Ico and Shadow Of The Colossus are perfect examples. Ico can be completed in under 2 hours and Shadow Of The Colossus can be completed in 4-5 hours.

Summons754236d ago

under 4 hours? Wow, so not only dose this game not look good and looks like it wants to be bioshock but it's a short game as well....not surprised.

XB1_PS44236d ago

I doubt you really believe what you just said.

Sketchy_Galore4236d ago

The first two results for Googling 'Bioshock speedrun hours' are somebody who managed it in just over an hour and a video of somebody finishing it in well under 3 hours.

Summons754236d ago (Edited 4236d ago )

speed run.....as in SPEED meaning no enjoyment of the game. This is just a normal under 4 hour play through

Sketchy_Galore4236d ago

We don't know that. The article simply says that there are reports of 'some gamers' finishing in under four hours and reports of others finishing in 6-7 hours. There are people out there who get their enjoyment out of seeing how fast they can get through a game as soon as they get it. I've never understood it but they do exist. Of course none of us know but I would put money on an average play through of this game not being 4 hours. With the reports of some people managing it in that time. Some people taking two or three hours longer and an employee of the company claiming his regular play through took over 20 hours my money would be on a 10 hour play through being the average.

lastdual4236d ago (Edited 4236d ago )


It wasn't a normal playthrough. There were plenty of people watching the steam. I caught part of it myself, but didn't want to spoil the game so I stopped.

He was definitely playing to finish the game fast. Maybe not a pro speed run, but clearly someone who wanted to beat it as quickly as possible on the easiest setting (like reviewers tend to do when behind on their deadlines...).

lastdual4236d ago

It was actually closer to 7 hours, plus the guy played on easy, didn't explore at all and basically just charged towards the next objective marker.

I expect normal players will probably double that time at least.

Locksus4236d ago

And how do you know the under 4-hour playthrough wasn't a speedrun?

d0nni34236d ago

I think your confusing plagurism with art styles

pr0digyZA4236d ago

The 4-5 hour play-through was done on easy. No stealth just hitting anyone who got in the way. Basically going from point A to Z without checking out any other parts along the way (when the point is to explore and get absorbed in the world), I personally think he missed what the game is about. From other people who have the game they said its around 12 hours with out doing all the side quests. Then there are still the many different paths to get to an objective (also 7 endings depending on how you play).

cannon88004236d ago

@ Summons75

"under 4 hours? Wow, so not only dose this game not look good and looks like it wants to be bioshock but it's a short game as well....not surprised."

Are you purposefully ignorant?

Shadonic4235d ago

How does it look like it wants to be bioshock its totally different and if your favoring graphics over art style then our just an idiot.

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Chuk54236d ago (Edited 4236d ago )

under 4 hours? Hmm. I'm not sure how I feel about that. But then again. What is the context of those 4-hour playthroughs? Did they have a guide? what difficulty was it on? did they cut npc quests off (it is possible to miss quests altogether and I have seen that).

From what I've gathered on some forums, people were doing streams and basically speed-running it on low difficulties.

DigitalAnalog4236d ago (Edited 4236d ago )

Probably played it on the easiest difficulty setting and then sped through each level without severe penalties. Because I would REALLY love to see how can they can accomplish something that quick in higher difficulty modes because if they can - it meant the game can easily be exploited and by it's core - broken.

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The Magic of 'Dishonored’s' Blink

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MIDGETonSTILTS17449d ago

It felt kinda cheap to me… both in terms as a tactic, and game design

Abnor_Mal449d ago (Edited 449d ago )

There was a small game called Aragami that “borrowed” the blink, that was a good game.

Unfortunately I heard the sequel wasn’t good so I stayed away from trying it out.

sairenfox2099448d ago

The sequel changed some of the mechanics from the first game but it was still a very polished and enjoyable experience. You should definitely give it a shot sometime. The game's currently on sale on Steam

Abnor_Mal448d ago

Okay thanks for the heads up, will look out for it being on sale one day.

I really did like the first and played it back to back as soon as I finished the first play through.


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