
Gaymercon: A forum of separation

Discussing Gaymercon's necessity and the potential precedent it can set to segregate and separate the gaming community into different groups.

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ritsuka6664268d ago

Great article...I don't see why people have a problem with people who are similar gathering in an inviting place to enjoy a hobby they all share. If you are homophobe YOU DON'T HAVE TO GO. If you're actively angry about it then you're probably an entitled dick though...

DragonKnight4268d ago (Edited 4268d ago )

It isn't that people are gathering in an inviting place to enjoy a hobby. It's the fact that the place is an active forum of separation where none is needed. As one of my gay colleagues put it, there is a difference between ""i am a gay gamer, and this is why I like this convention and why it is needed" and "I AM HERE AND F****** FABULOUS AND HERE IS MY CON."

Not to mention, who speaks for the gay gamers who don't agree with this convention and who think it is unnecessary?

Homophobes and other hate filled people just need to be ignored, but the necessity of this convention should still be discussed as the future could lead to all kinds of conventions catered to different special interest groups or races. I don't want a Beastialcon thanks.

PopRocks3594268d ago

Gaymercon openly invites straight gamers as well.

DragonKnight4268d ago

And? There's still an active separation of groups there. It's not Unicon (damn that's a cool name, someone should do that), it's Gaymercon.

Shadowstar4268d ago (Edited 4268d ago )

I don't want a Bestialcon either-- but the comparison to Gaymercon is kind of insulting.

DragonKnight4268d ago

@Shadowstar: It's a harmless example, don't allow yourself to become insulted by something that has no impact on anything. I could have just as easily said Tentaclecon for people who love that style of anime, or Grassanimationcon for people who fixate on grass animation graphics. Relax.

Shadowstar4268d ago (Edited 4268d ago )

Look, it's not a harmless example when people in real life use it as a "good" reason for why gay marriage-- heck, homosexuality in general-- shouldn't be allowed (why not allow sex with a dog, or a child, ask some of the homophobic groups).

DragonKnight4268d ago (Edited 4268d ago )

It is a harmless example. I'm not responsible for how other people use words and I'm not going to take responsibility for it either. Like I said, I could have used any example and many would be far worse. If you choose to be insulted by it that's up to you, but there was no malicious intent in my comment and you know it. I'm not going to be the type of person who goes around deliberately insulting people, but I'm also not going to be afraid of using words either.

@telekineticmantis: firstly, your name is needlessly complicated. lol. secondly, who said anything about any of what you said? i said that there is no qualifications in being a gamer except that you game. in that, gaming is natively all inclusive. if you can prove to me that a person's race, sexual orientation, or creed has any bearing on their ability to game then I'm willing to listen.

@Shadowstar 2: *facepalm* I just chose an example that popped into my mind as the kind of thing that is unnecessary. I wasn't comparing Gaymercon to it in any other way. But fine, I apologize for insulting people with the example. Geez, people are too edgy these days.

telekineticmantis4268d ago

that the gaming community, is a fair, balanced and unbiased gathering, lied to you.

People can keep pretending as if these sub-cultures, and sub-groups are the antagonists and the causes for division, if it makes them feel better, but in reality, the division is caused by supremacists, who feel, who feel they can speak to anyone, who is not like them how they want.

If they want a place to celebrate being a gamer in peace, that's no t their fault.

Shadowstar4268d ago (Edited 4268d ago )

Yeah. I know you weren't trying to be insulting. That's why I'm telling you it came across that way.

If I'd thought you were just a homophobic jerk, I wouldn't have bothered telling you that what you were saying was insulting, because you'd already know, and that would be why you chose the words you did. If I thought you were trying to insult people, I'd have just blocked you.

It isn't harmless, and while you're not responsible for the fact that other people are assholes, you are responsible for how you use your own words. How hard is it for a reasonable, non-homophobic person who wasn't trying to insult anyone to say "gee, I never thought of it that way?" It's not

So. Just think about why Gaymercon is needed, when even people who are as open minded and non-insulting as you are can't help but compare homosexuality to bestiality.

Edit: Thank you for the apology.

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Gamerpeanuts4268d ago

Well, it's more about is this necessary. I don't see anything anti-gay about E3 and PAX, do you? Some people who aren't gay, or think it will be uncomfortable in that kind of environment...but have a game they like in their may be left out. It's like having a staightmercon...gays may feel uncomfortable and will be left out. The idea of a gaymercon is ridiculous. We are all gamers, does it really matter what gender,race,or belief you are/have? We all are gamers in the end who are spread out in huge array of different people, who go to conventions solely for the game. Personally political agendas and controversial beliefs, shouldn't be in the video game community. Conventions and games are for fun...not waving around your beliefs and trying to shove it down people's throats. I really don't care if your gay or not...i respect the game and respect you for respecting the game. The good thing about gamers is that virtually anyone is allowed in. If someone makes a black-gamercon, straight-mercon, girl-mercon,etc...your really only putting up barriers, leaving people out in the cold. The reason this is bad is because they are basically segregating themselves. Gamers/game developers frankly dont care if your gay or not! All you are doing is looking like a big a**hole. Like the guy streaking in the middle of a game. We are all gamers and thats all that matters...so we shouldn't be putting up walls preventing other gamers from coming in...thats not what the community is about. I personally hope it falls...and it falls hard...only to prove my point, WE DONT CARE! NO ONE CARES! THIS ISN'T WHAT GAMING IS ABOUT! GAMING IS ABOUT PEOPLE FROM ALL OVER COMING TOGETHER TO PLAY, WITHOUT CARING ABOUT ANYONE ELSE'S AGENDAS! Keep gay out of gaming.because we are all gamers...do we really need to single ourselves out? No...we are all gamers and thats ALL that will EVER matter.

Ace_Pheonix4268d ago

^This. Bubbles for being well spoken and using your brain.

Thatguy-3104268d ago

Who cares lol if gay people want a convention then let them. I trulydont see why people are even stressing themselves over it. It's nice I don't really mind if they want there own. Humans have a problem by labeling so many things. From my understanding that convention is open to anyone so why are people complainting. It's just another convention. Simple as that.

Lol_Lmao4268d ago Show
Ace_Pheonix4268d ago

This is literally the dumbest thing I've ever heard of. They bitch about division, and then go on to make some? If anyone created a "straight games convention", there would be blood in the streets. It's unnecessary and just plain f***ing stupid.

Shadowstar4268d ago (Edited 4268d ago )

Most mainstream conventions are for a specific target demographic-- unmarried 20-40 year old straight white males. They don't do a good job of going outside that demo, in years, in sex, or in sexuality. (I'll assume in race as well, but I haven't particularly paid attention since I'm in the target demo for race.)

I think a "straight gamer convention" wouldn't find blood on the streets, just general confusion and people making fun of you for being poor oppressed straight menz. (Not my wording, but I know of a few places that'd call anyone involved that.)

L6RD7BLU34268d ago


Fullmetalevolust4268d ago

I have to prepare myself mentally sometimes to play online because some gamers abuse anonymity and will call you and other players every name possible, and most often, it will be a homophobic slur or a racial slur.
I'd like to think that I sound like everybody else, but when a man who sounds remotely gay enters a game with a mic, or a woman even dares to speak, they soon are bombarded with colorful words, and that to me, isn't acceptable. It happens, and it's not necessarily online, I walk down the street or go to work and hear homophobic slurs. It is not "unnecessary" for some people to find refuge and to feel like they are among others of the same belief, state of mind or orientation. Gaymercon is for everyone just as much as it is for gaymers.
If there was a true sense of unity among gamers as it is said here, there wouldn't be a need for a gaymercon.
Justice and fairness isn't about treating everyone the same, it's about understanding the needs of someone and addressing them appropriately.
Those of you who don't see it as a necessity aren't the ones targeted by this convention.

Deadpool6164268d ago

"It is not "unnecessary" for some people to find refuge and to feel like they are among others of the same belief, state of mind or orientation."

Gaming should be the refuge in itself.

The convention is upfront with a belief, that creates the separation, even if the convention is open to everyone. In gaming, none of that should matter. No single belief defines a gamer except playing and enjoying games.

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cleft53949d ago

Pretty cool, I hope the convention is successful.

knifefight3949d ago

Some pretty hateful jerks disagreed with you.

cleft53949d ago

Of course they do, they are idiots. These are the sort of cowards that think they are anonymous on the internet so they say a bunch of hateful stuff.

MidnytRain3949d ago

OMG lol.

E3 not good enough? Am *I* not good enough??!

ftwrthtx3949d ago

You are totally missing the point.

TekoIie3948d ago (Edited 3948d ago )

Dunno. I dont take issue with this but imagine this for a minutre:

"Gaming convention.... For whites only".

Could you imagine the uproar?

Seriously there will be gamers in the area of this convention who would be desperate to go in and check out all the new stuff. But because of their sexuality they cant...

You dont fight discrimination by discriminating.

My_Name_BTW_Is_Dante3949d ago ShowReplies(2)
gabbboolo3949d ago

Uh you guys know you're welcome at regular conventions. Honestly I don't think this is needed. What would be the difference in a gay gamer convention?

mitchell11883949d ago

Right?? I'm pretty sure we don't have "straight" or "bisexual" conventions and if so....just stop it. Humanity creates its own segregation. I don't care what ur preference is sexually, if u like to play games what's the problem just play the dam game.

cleft53949d ago (Edited 3949d ago )

You do understand that straight people are also welcome at this convention. I don't know that an entire separate convention is necessary either, but apparently they feel it is necessary. The same way I don't think that an entire separate convention is necessary for women either.

I don't know if this sort of convention is needed, but judging from some of the hateful comments that people make maybe it is needed. Either way it's just another convention and while it does focus on LGBT issues, it doesn't exclude straight people from being allowed at the convention. If anything this will inspire the other conventions to add some focus on these topics.

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